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Small Spaces (Small Spaces #1)
Small Spaces (Small Spaces #1)
Katherine Arden | 2018 | Children, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantasy Horror Book marketed for middle school/middle grades
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Katherine Arden is best known for her adult/young adult fantasy novel, The Bear and the Nightingale. With Small Spaces, Katherine Arden ventures into writing for middle school-aged children. This creepy horror book brought me back to my childhood where I stayed up late reading Lois Duncan, Richard Peck, and Joan Lowery Nixon. Those authors, among others, wrote horror books for children that were able to scare you without being gory.

The description of Small Spaces brought to mind the movie Jeepers Creepers 2 - a school bus full of children breaks down and they are in danger of something in the night/dark. That is where the similarities end. Arden teams up 3 students who are classmates but not friends. They leave the bus for the safety of the forest...

This story is tame compared to many of the horror movies children have seen in recent years. It is the innocence of the story while being scary and suspenseful that makes it such an interesting read.

Small Spaces is the first book in her Small Spaces series. The 2nd, Dead Voices, has a release date of August 27, 2019. I preordered it and will review it as soon as possible.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/24/19.
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
Carrie Ryan | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was everything I though it would be and yet nothing like I expected.

Come on, it's a zombie movie. If you go into this novel expecting it to have a happy ending or that no one important will die, then you are going to be gravely disappointed. In fact, after reading the ending, I was such a storm of emotion that I had to go play Pokemon to make it go away. I don't know which was sadder now that I think about it.

First of all, you have to go into this novel realizing that it is in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by zombies. How many books have you read or movies have you watched about post-apocalyptic worlds overrun by zombies where everyone is happy and everything is sunshine and rainbows? That is what I thought. This book is dark and tense and filled with so many secrets that it boggles the mind. Like Mary, I felt frustrated because I knew there had to be more, there had to be something that was not being let out and I wanted to know what was really going down.

Second, do not get attached to any character. There is always a chance that they will die even if they are the main character. I should have remembered this rule, but, alas, I fell prey to people Ryan created. I should have known there would be no happy endings or fulfilled romance in this novel. But I had hope.

The only reason I am not giving this five is because I hate the way Ryan writes. I am sure the novel would not be the same if it was written differently. I just did not like. I often found myself confused as to what exactly just happened or what was happening, probably because I also often found myself skipping over sentences and paragraphs because that is how Ryan writes.

Despite this novel being dark and depressing, it is one of the greatest zombie novels I have ever read and I will definitely be reading the second two.

I mean the second one deals with an amusement park and zombies. How can I pass that up?
The Die-Fi Experiment
M.R. Tapia | 2017
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a run of several disappointing books, I decided to take a hot bath last night and delve into M. R. Tapia’s novella, The Die-Fi Experiment. Like most books I read, I set a high expectation for this one in terms of gory horror. While it isn’t quite as grotesque as I might like, I find it to be a rather amusing read. On the same page in which Tapia scribes the fears many couples face, he makes a mockery of today’s society.

As a fan of horror movies, it’s hard to find this piece of work original. Many elements within the novella are reminiscent of the Saw franchise – all the way down to the marshmallow eye scene (which you’ll encounter if you choose to read The Die-Fi Experiment). Although a few of the other scenes are cringe-worthy if you imagine yourself as the victim.

The Die-Fi Experiment goes back and forth between the not-so-distant past and present, and my largest issue therein is the fact that sometimes the tenses switch. I am aware that the present parts of the story are meant to be present tense and vice versa; however, I think it works best to choose one tense and stick with it. Otherwise things can quickly become confusing.

On Goodreads, this novella is tagged humor. Personally, I find the term “black comedy” more fitting. After all, viewers appear comically oblivious to the fact that what they watch live is truly torture (or perhaps they’re particularly disturbed individuals). For a little extra splash of humor, Tapia throws in a few hashtags that serve as a parody of the tweets and instagram posts that show up throughout the novella.

Overall, I liked The Die-Fi Experiment. I don’t find it exceptional by any means, but it serves its purpose fairly well. The ending falls a bit short of my expectations, but Tapia manages to produce a piece of work that ensnares my short attention span. In fact, I read this novella in one sitting. While I likely will not read it again, this is definitely a short book for fans of Saw and other torture films.

I would like to thank M. R. Tapia for providing me with a copy of his novella free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Wicker Man (1973) in Movies

Feb 18, 2018 (Updated Feb 18, 2018)  
The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (1973)
1973 | Horror, Mystery
British folk-horror film is part of the mini-boom in 'British civil servant travels by seaplane to sun-obsessed Christopher Lee's remote island in search of missing girl, discovers Britt Ekland waiting for him' movies that happened in 1973-4. Devout Christian copper (Woodward) visits Summerisle (off the Scottish coast) after receiving a tip-off about a vanishing schoolgirl, is appalled by what he sees as the immorality of the islanders. The lord of the place (Lee) assures him that there's nothing to be worried about, they just have different ethical standards (they're all Pagans), but Woodward is not convinced. Is something nasty lined up for May Day?

Books have been written about the tortuous distribution endured by The Wicker Man and its producers; rumours persist that the original much longer version is buried under a motorway somewhere in England. But all the available cuts are excellent, if not superb: the film is not particularly scary per se, more a queasy examination of how society, morality and religion intersect with one another; manages to make moral relativism seem more disturbing than devil-worship, somehow. Has one of the greatest non-endings in cinema history. Great performances, banging tunes, thoughtful and playful script; a film for all seasons, but goes especially well with a barbecue.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 18, 2018

Love this one!


Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Schindler's List (1993) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Schindler's List (1993)
Schindler's List (1993)
1993 | Biography, Drama, History
I've started and restarted this review about five times, I'm not sure where to begin.

It pains me to say it but I think the negatives outweigh the positives on this for me. The sets are incredible though and the fact that they managed to get hoards of people working together is no easy feat. It's certainly an epic achievement.

I have spoken to a few people since seeing it and mentioned the fact that I didn't like it filmed as black and white, I've been surprised at how many condescending responses I had. "Black and white films are difficult for some people to get used to." "They're not to everyone's tastes." For the record I love black and white movies, the issue I have with this one though is that it's so sharp that at times it looks unnatural. The joy of black and white movies is the feeling of a little age to the film. Perhaps this is just the curse of the modern age, but all the shots look amazingly crisp. I know, how often does someone moan about having filming that's too good for a film?

"Remember to take some tissues!" was the response I got when I told people I was going to see it, me being a crier I heeded the warning. I was left mostly unmoved though. The statements of fact and the scenes at Auschwitz certainly made me pause for thought and brought a tear to my eye but the dramatised sections generally didn't hold a lot of impact.

When Schindler has his departing scene it really felt that it should have been more emotional for the viewer but it came across a little hammy. Neeson's acting had been relatively understated the whole way through and they chose that moment for him to depart from that?

Some moments in history only need the facts, and while creatively this was a masterpiece (certainly the music was) I didn't feel that it was possible to get the gravity of the situation. In this instance I would personally like to know the real accounts and that would be achieved better by reading some books on the subject of watching personal recordings from survivors.

What you should do

Most of you have probably already seen Schincler's List, if you haven't then you probably should despite what I said. Without films like this some of us would probably have no knowledge at all about such important moments in history.

Whether they're entirely accurate or not they open up curiosity to learn more.
Half a War (Shattered Sea, Book 3)
Half a War (Shattered Sea, Book 3)
Joe Abercrombie | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
My poor little heart! I think this is my favourite book in the trilogy. It's going to be hard to do a spoiler-free review so just in case: Might contain LIGHT SPOILERS

Things I liked:

-In book two on of my complaints was that the base of the story plot resembled a lot the story plot of the first one. Well, this one was completely different. This one is about different kingdoms coming together to defeat the enemy.

-I loved how the characters evolve in this book, more than the previous two. I love seeing Skara turned into a powerful Queen, I love seeing other character falling from hight. And Yarvi. Although it's not one of our main POV we see a lot of him and how much he has changed since book one.

-What I like in Abercrombie writing is that he right the relationship between characters in a way that they feel true to life. If two characters are not meant to be together for X or Y reason he will not come up with a plot or excuse to pair those characters just because this is what our heart wants. And I always appreciate that no matter how much it hurts.

-Raith! I loved this character so much. I have a sweet spot for bad boys that deep down are good. Especially when we get to see this side of them come out naturally.

-I rarely cry when reading books or watching movies, and I still didn't while reading this book but it did manage to make my heart feel sad. Well done!

-Raith and Skara. Oh, my little heart. I loved those two together.

-We got to see even more magic than book two!

-They where a couple of big twists that I didn't see coming. Especially the one with the traitor. Kept me guessing throughout the book and when we learn how it was I wasn't expecting it.

Things I didn't like

It was very hard to find things that I didn't like but here some nitpicking

-So you know how I said that I loved the plot twist with the traitor. I did I'm not taking it back but... If you look closely I feel like maybe there are some tiny plothole that I can't really discuss without spoiling everything.

-The elves. Although we see way more elf-magic we still don't really get a lot of information about them. At the end of this trilogy, a still feel that I wanted to know more about them.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Scary Stories to tell in the dark is a film based on a series of children’s books famed for its terrifying art work. The film tells of what happens when a group of children discover the story book of Sarah Bellows, the town’s urban legend who is supposed to have poisoned and killed the children who heard her stories.
Scary Stories is one of those films that takes a mix of different horror elements, put’s them through a blender and sees what comes out; it is part Slasher, as a number of the children get attacked and killed in a variety of different ways, part J-Horror as the children have to find out what it will take to stop Sarah (in a similar style to the Ring or The Grudge), and part monster movie as a variety of creatures are set out after the children.
The one thing Scary Stories isn’t is a children’s film, the monsters are heavily based upon the art work from the original books and, after a slow beginning the tension and atmosphere are ramped up. There are a few jump scares but the film does not rely solely on these and the ones there are, are well crafted, you know something is going to happen but not when. Some of the children do died, although not in bloody ways.
For a film based on a series of stories ‘Scary Stories to tell in the dark’ doesn’t quite become an anthology movie which is a bit surprising, each monster has its own back story however, these back stories quickly become secondary as the hunt for the truth about Sarah takes over.
I think, at its heart, Scary Stories is mostly a classic ghost story, the book is a classic cursed item like the video tape in the ring or the mirror in mirror mirror (the horror film not the Disney one) which is fuelled by Sarah’s anger at the injustices she suffered when she was alive and which can be negated when something is put right. Of course anyone who has seen more than a few horror movies knows that a bad spirit can’t be kept down for long and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark does leave the way open for a sequel.

Autumn (430 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Jan 2, 2018 (Updated Jan 2, 2018)  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
80s references (2 more)
Immersive world building
Not just for gamers
A bit too much referencing (1 more)
Would have liked to know what the winner did with the money after the game was over
I wasn’t alive in the 80s and am not a gamer, but I still got sucked into this book. I have seen a lot of 80s movies and heard of a lot of the consoles and games mentioned, so I was able to catch/understand most of the references. A lot of world building went into this, both inside and outside the OASIS simulation, and I think it was done well. I wish it had gone into what happened after the game was over. Did the winner try to help fix this dystopian society or just buy a big mansion, live like a king and watch the rest of the world burn? I’m glad the main character was from Oklahoma, my home state, and from a city only about 2 to 3 hrs from where I live. Oklahoma isn’t usually a popular place for movies or books to take place so it was nice to see something that partly took place in my state. It was also nice that this character wasn’t portrayed as a country bumpkin being from Oklahoma. Although, his living conditions and home life are pretty standard for characters from my state. I’m excited to see how this story translates from book to movie because, if done right, I think it could be good.