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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Moon Knight in TV

May 5, 2022  
Moon Knight
Moon Knight
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
It's bloody wonderful that we're at a point where more obscure Marvel characters such as Moon Knight are getting their own projects.
This latest limited series does a fantastic job of introducing him, and his multiple personalities, in a unique and interesting way. It's definitely something different for the MCU and it's good that Disney+ is providing a platform to explore these quirkier and darker avenues.
Oscar Isaac deserves a whole bunch of credit for his portrayal of essentially two different characters. Both Stephen Grant and Mark Spector are characters that I cared about by the time the finale rolled around.
The overall pacing is the main detriment to Moon Knight. After an intriguing start, it does hit a major lull around the midway point that flirts with boredom on occasion, but a sharp left turn plotwise and a thoroughly entertaining finale save proceedings and then some.

Another enjoyable, if not perfect, series from Marvel Studios then, and a promising set up for Moon Knight to enter the movies as they start to explore some of the darker corners of their properties.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Desperation in Books

Aug 16, 2019  
Stephen King | 1996 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (30 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rather creepy
Stephen King is known for his scary and horror filled stories, but it isnt often that I find them to be like this. Desperation however is the first story I've actually found to be rather unsettling and really quite creepy.

This is one of King's good multiple character driven books, told from the point of view of each of the well developed yet flawed characters. You can say what you like about King, but he knows how to write to keep you reading. The plot is bonkers but full of unsettling creepiness and gore that you can't help but imagine. It may be slightly too long and drawn out in parts, and I'm not a big fan of the religious aspects. However it's still a very enjoyable tale. I had worried I wouldn't like this as much having already read The Regulators, but both books have their own merits and whilst related, still stand distinctly separate. The character names might be the same, but fortunately as the personalities and appearances were changed so drastically in The Regulators, it makes it much easier for Desperation to stand apart as the original story.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
More Than Half Empty
Long-awaited sequel to Unbreakable; also not-quite-so-long-awaited sequel to Split, as M Night Shyamalan's various superheroes and villains assemble in a nuthouse: roll-call includes Bruce Willis (special power: being, um, unbreakable), James McAvoy (special power: one of his multiple personalities is a bit of an animal), and Samuel L Jackson (special power: being older than his own mum - it's true, I checked Wikipedia).

Starts off very promisingly but soon collapses into a saggy and self-indulgent mess in the traditional Shyamalan style; many long-winded scenes and much mysto-babble. Another bravura performance from McAvoy, and Jackson (when he finally turns up) carves himself a thick slice of ham, but the consequence of this is that Bruce Willis mostly vanishes into the background. The climax is remarkably portentous considering it's mostly just two guys wrestling each other fairly clumsily in a car park. Not sure three half-assed plot twists add up to a decent ending. All in all, a curious attempt to make a superhero movie in the style of a horror film, but ultimately rather disappointing given the potential and the talent involved.
The Art Fiasco (Poppy Denby Investigates #5)
The Art Fiasco (Poppy Denby Investigates #5)
Fiona Veitch Smith | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Poppy Denby, an investigative journalist from London, who is visiting her family in Newcastle and the towns around it. After a famous artist is murdered, Poppy needs to figure out who actually killed her, to protect her aunt, that is accused of it. I fell in love with Poppy instantly, she is such a cool young woman, and her interactions with other characters are very amusing to read about. The story is told from multiple perspectives, and it was a true joy to know more about the characters that sometimes get forgotten. There are quite a few characters in this book, and the author provides a very handy list of all the characters at the beginning of the book. (I did not need to use it though 🙂 ) All the characters are diverse, very charismatic, very intriguing personalities, some of them have disabilities, and I really loved the author’s choice of all the characters for this novel.

The narrative of this book was very absorbing to me. I really loved the 1920ties atmosphere and the whole setting of this novel. I liked the way the author played with the multiple timelines in this novel, there were parts from the past, as well as the present, that increased my curiosity even more. There is a lot of things happening in this novel, but the whole investigation was written superbly. I really loved how the author was trying to confuse the reader, and how all the clues were piecing the whole story beautifully. The topics discussed in this novel were paedophilia, coal miner’s lives, the art world, romance, family relationships, teenage pregnancy and many more. The author has experience in art and journalism, and I really liked that she utilised her personal experience in this novel.

I absolutely loved the writing style of this book, the whole book is masterfully plotted and kept me guessing throughout the whole book. The author provides the map of Newcastle in 1920ies, to allow the reader to follow Poppy throughout her adventure. The chapters are to the longer side, but the story really gripped me, so I just could not put it down. Even though this book is a part of a series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. The ending of this book was spectacular and I think it rounded the story very well.

So, to conclude, Poppy Denby has a new fan! I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, filled with unique and complex personalities as well as incredibly well-plotted narrative, the had me glued to this book, and always intrigued.
I felt that this story was exactly like the cover: a beautiful mess. You look at it, and, at first, it is interesting. But when you get down to it, it’s actually just messy and chaotic.

I actually had a problem with this novel for a couple reasons. The first was that there were multiple instances where something would happen, i.e. a character would say or do something, and it didn’t make sense. I did not understand why the character did/said it and the author never disclosed why either. I felt that the author may have assumed the reader would understand what was going on, but I sure didn’t. It was very confusing. At points, I felt like I was reading about people with multiple personalities because of how random and off some of their actions/words were.

The second reason is because I didn’t like any of the characters. I felt the heroine was a doormat with no personality and the hero was just a hot mess. His children were obnoxious too. I understand that children do not articulate as well as adults, but not every word they say sounds like a curse word. And that is how the children in this story were. They couldn’t say a single sentence without it sounding like they were cursing. Once may have been humorous, but repetitively just became old and annoying.

I wish I could have liked this novel. The synopsis should have tipped me off, however. It is confusing and doesn’t really say anything so I didn’t know I was getting into. Overall, I felt that nothing happened plot-wise beyond the hero being an ignorant jerk and hurting the heroine’s feelings and the heroine just let everyone walk all over her. It was a frustrating read to say the least.

The only part I did enjoy was reading the riddles strewn throughout, especially since they had the answers attached.

_ Arec
<a href="">Rainy Thursdays</a>
Reginald Bones (Reginald Bones #1)
Reginald Bones (Reginald Bones #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've always wanted to read from a character with split personalities. I have only found one series dealing with this issue, but it was from another character's point of view, so I didn't get to experience the aspect of someone with *multiple personality disorder*. It was definitely interesting and even more entertaining, as morbid as that may sound. Lucian Bane pretty much created my fantasy book. I gave Reginald Bones 3 stars, but if I'm honest, it's not a solid 3. I felt like the book was better than a 2.5, but not necessarily worthy of a 3.5, so I went with the middle rating. While the story as a whole was intruiging, there were moments when it lagged and I felt almost bored. Then there were many times when I felt confused, which makes sense, considering Bones doesn't remember certain things, but it was a confusion that went beyond Bones' lack of knowledge. Also, the intervals between the switching perspectives was hard to keep up with. One thing I didn't like was when I would be reading from Reginald's point of view, then it would quickly switch to Bones' and it took me a few sentences to realize it. I feel like if the separation of their perspectives had been a little more defined, the reading would have went much smoother. All-in-all, it was a good read and, if I'm being honest, I do look forward to reading the second installment - I'm very interested in Bones' past.
The Last Magician
The Last Magician
Lisa Maxwell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a brilliantly woven time-traveling, magical heist book and I didn't even know how much I wanted it in my life. The book is written from multiple perspectives, which took a couple of chapters to get used to (as I was listening to the audiobook and there weren't multiple narrators) but soon I recognized each character's unique voice and fell into the story. In general, the plot was not fast paced but Maxwell vibrantly painted the world our main character finds herself in.

Esta is an orphan and a thief who is tasked with going back in time to alter the events of a heist that occurred in 1904 New York City. New York City is a world of mages, people will unique affinities, like Esta's ability to manipulate the fabric of time. Esta herself is a likable main character and the lens through which we learn about the other characters. As she is also from our time period, she must occasionally readjust her worldview, actions or outward opinions to match those of the time. Despite the fact that she is a thief, we get to see her smart and sarcastic side as well as her stubborn determination.

Despite the large cast of characters, I felt that they were generally well-developed and had the time to grow. I really enjoyed getting to know Dolph as the multi-faceted head of a gang and Harte the magician that Esta has been warned against. The crew reminded me of the Dregs from Six of Crows at times, although they didn't have quite the same chemistry. It was still enjoyable to watch them, although I hope that the others in the gang are developed further because I would like to see more of their personalities or backstories.

There wasn't as much focus on the magic dynamics as I expected there to be, but I was so enamored by the characters and world-building that it wasn't noticeable. Maxwell did a fabulous job reconstructing New York City at the start of the twentieth century and I fell in love. Overall, I felt the book satisfyingly wrapped up most of the threads from the book and introduced a few more that can be explored in book two. I really enjoyed the read and cannot wait to see how it ends in the second book.
The Chosen Ones
The Chosen Ones
Howard Linskey | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Police detective Ian Bradshaw is assigned a case where it is believed, that five women are missing. He calls two journalists, Tom and Helen, to help him solve this case. I really liked that the author doesn’t leave these cases only to the police but also involves other people to help. I think, that there is no single main character in this book, Ian, Tom and Helen are equally important in this novel. I really loved that this book is told from multiple perspectives, allowing to understand the characters and to have a glimpse into different minds and lives. Even though it is told by multiple people, the mystery and suspense were very well kept throughout the book. I don’t think I could single out my favourite character, I think they all have very intriguing personalities, and I quickly warmed up to all the important characters in this book.

The narrative is very well developed in this novel. There is more than one investigation happening, and I think that made the whole book even richer and more absorbing. I really liked all the twists and turns this story had to offer, and I believe, the author really knows how to sidetrack the reader. The narrative kept changing continuously, depending on the character, that is why this book was a real page turner to me.

The writing style was very creative, but at the same time enjoyable and easy to read. The chapters are very well constructed and have a decent length, so for me, the pages just flew by. This book is fourth in the series, and it does carry quite a bit of information from the previous books, and I wish I read them before this one, however, I was able to understand of what was going on. So, you can read it as a stand alone, but I would recommend reading the previous books first. I really liked the way this book ended, it answered all my questions and gave a glimpse of what to come in the next book, which I will be looking out for.

So, to conclude, this book is dark, claustrophobic, and very gripping, filled with very well developed characters, absorbing plot and plenty of twists. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope you will give it a try and will like it as much as I did.
The Tigger Movie (2000)
The Tigger Movie (2000)
2000 | Animation, Family
8.1 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Decent Movie Carried By Characters We All Know and Love
In The Tigger Movie, the bouncing tiger Tigger is on a quest to find his family. While pretty predictable overall, it’s still endearing enough to be enjoyable.

Acting: 10
The Winnie the Pooh voiceover cast is always a treat to listen to. I’ve always loved that they really embody the personalities of their characters. You can feel how timid Piglet is while Tigger’s voice gives you the feeling that he is going to bounce straight through a wall. They are all extremely original.

Beginning: 5
A bit of a slow start. It’s almost like Disney is trying to justify why Tigger needs his own movie in the first place. The movie isn’t a long one, however, and things quickly pick up not too long after the first ten minutes.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 2

Entertainment Value: 4

Memorability: 5
It’s a cute movie with a touching message, but nothing to write home about. It’s something I would want my kids to see, but not something I would watch on my own multiple times like Up. There are some strong moments here and there like Tigger’s montage song of his family. I also like the concept of what family really means.

Pace: 10

Plot: 9
Interesting story with enough meat to carry a movie. It is pretty linear and you can see the ending coming a mile away, but it was creative enough to hold my attention. I rather enjoyed the small adventure.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 75
The Tigger Movie is decent overall with fun familiar characters and an endearing story. It’s not the best of the Disney bunch, but I would say it’s worth a watch. It’s little gems like these that make Disney+ all the more worth it.