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Continued Story/Hi How Are You by Daniel Johnston
Continued Story/Hi How Are You by Daniel Johnston
2006 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember seeing Kurt Cobain wearing a Daniel Johnston t-shirt when I was young and it looking so weird that I wanted to know what it was, but I only really got into him in 2007 when Gallows were playing in Austin, Texas, where they've got the big mural to him at SXSW. I saw the record in the store next door and fell in love with it. It was very pure; there was nothing to it, just great, genius songwriting that's full of emotion. Then I watched the documentary, The Devil And Daniel Johnston, and became a fan for life. The man is fairly tortured, but always undeniably himself. I just love musicians who are themselves, there's so much to be said for that. 'Outsider Music' is a tough term because it implies he's not welcome here, but those types of characters are beacons, they're the people that other musicians to go out and do what they to do. It's musicians like Daniel Johnston that inspire the Kurt Cobains of the world, who then inspire a generation of people to pick up a guitar. I think it's insider music."

Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks by Brian Eno
Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks by Brian Eno
1983 | Rock, Soundtrack
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was a big fan of Eno from day one. I brought Oblique Strategies from Rough Trade way, way back. It was a black box of cards that had different phrases on them like, ""Reverse it"" and ""Start in the middle"" – all kinds of possibilities. I loved his early stuff. The track 'Baby's on Fire' from Here Come The Warm Jets is great. Roxy were never the same without him. He was commissioned to write this music by Al Reinart who was making a documentary from footage shot of the lunar landings. It's a marvelous record. After a show or a long day's work it's the ultimate one to stick on, get in the bath, cup of tea, a stick of incense and you're laughing. It's more musical than the rest of his ambient stuff. There are bits of it that have a country and western twang."


"I was 12 when it came out. I remember it very well. It was a Saturday morning, and I went round to a friend's house and he'd been out shopping that morning and he'd bought the album. And we played the album, and it was something like you'd never heard before. We were in the middle of what I might describe as somewhat traditional rock music – you know, The Stones and Led Zeppelin were at their peaks. This thing came along and it didn't sound like anything else. The production values, the production's quite dry, and also you've got this visual of Bowie with the spiky hair, it just was something so different. You felt that music itself just got changed, and that rock music per se moved into some other place. The best way I can describe it is that rock music became modern. It became a new thing. I have no doubt in my mind that David Bowie is the greatest solo artist that Britain's ever produced. I can't think of a better solo artist. The other thing I would say is I thoroughly underestimated the brilliance, and the input made by Mick Ronson, in the period he was with the band. I had no idea Mick Ronson did all the orchestration, and did all the arrangements. So when you're listening to a track like 'Life On Mars' off Hunky Dory and, this album, 'Moonage Daydream', when you take into consideration that he did the string arrangements, that really puts him in a different sphere as well. And without Mick Ronson I don't think it would have sounded as original as it did. It made me so sad seeing this documentary about him [Beside Bowie: The Mick Ronson Story on Sky Arts], somehow the Bowie machine swept Mick Ronson under the carpet, which is incredibly unfair. It was heartbreaking, to be honest. I felt really sorry for the guy that he'd been so underestimated while he was alive. At least now we can celebrate his brilliance."


Natasha Khan recommended Bad by Michael Jackson in Music (curated)

Bad by Michael Jackson
Bad by Michael Jackson
1987 | Pop
8.9 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My first gig I ever went to, when I was nine, was at Wembley Stadium to see the Bad tour. When he died, I was in my bedroom in Brighton and I heard it on the radio and I just spontaneously absolutely burst into tears. Michael Jackson, when I was little, was just this God-like being. You know when you're little and you're singing in the car with your mum and your brother and the sister, the world is so good, there's nothing more fun and nothing better. I don't think I've ever listened to someone singing something with that much joy, he was channelling something so fucking out there and it's like he constantly had a bolt of creativity running through his body, like the way he danced and the way he moved. A consummate dancer, referencing Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and James Brown and all these people that he channelled but made completely and uniquely his own. I saw a Spike Lee documentary the other night about Bad. Someone else wrote 'Man In The Mirror' but he took and did all of his - [mimics Michael Jackson] "I'm gonna make a change" - and all of that shit. It's just like, who else would do that? Who else would wear plasters all around their jacket? Who wears white socks with loafers and manages to make it look cool? Nobody was telling him to do that. He's just this fucking eccentric one-off. When he died, I thought the climate of music will never be like that again. It was like he was a child and his brain was a playground and anything he could think of, he bloody manifested that in the world; not many people can do that. The arc of music that he lived through, his education and his training all the way through, coincided with all these revolutions in music, music videos and dance. I just think that that was a one-off thing. I'm getting philosophical now [laughs], but I was watching Brian Cox the other day and his astro-physics thing and he put 50 stones all in a row on a desert floor and he was like "each of these stones represents billions of years in the history of the universe and where it's going to go." Then he went "here's one stone" and he showed about a millimetre of that stone: "in this bit, this is where the conditions were perfectly right for mankind to exist, this is this time, we're here now". When you think about culture and popular music from the 50s through 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, it does feel like there has been a bit of a cycle, and I've been lucky that I came in at the end of that cycle. People that were born in the 50s had it amazing, because they got to see fucking David Bowie and punk music, but Michael Jackson was a guy that happened in our lifetime. I get really passionate about music, but music, for some people, it's like a religion and he was like a fucking icon."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Apollo 11 (2019) in Movies

Jul 5, 2019 (Updated Jul 5, 2019)  
Apollo 11 (2019)
Apollo 11 (2019)
2019 | Documentary
Following the slick disaster movie (1995's Apollo 13) and the oddball horror flick (2011's Apollo 18), cinema's most unpredictable franchise returns with, of all things, a prequel documentary made up almost entirely of contemporary footage of the first manned Moon landing (or possibly a bunch of Stanley Kubrick's out-takes from faking the whole thing, depending on what you personally believe).

No narration, no talking heads, almost no music or graphics: this tells the story in the most stripped-back way imaginable and as a result makes it seem remarkably fresh and engaging. One's first reaction is to wonder where they found all this incredible footage, depicting every aspect of the mission in extraordinary, pristine detail. The director wisely makes the decision to basically get out of the way and let the pictures tell the story of the human race's greatest achievement. Essential viewing for anyone interested in history, or the future.