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Bass Culture: When Reggae Was King
Bass Culture: When Reggae Was King
Lloyd Bradley | 2001 | History & Politics, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This is such a great history of reggae music and the influences it has on other genres. Some awesome artists are covered here, many who kept their creative integrity and resolve in spite of huge and powerful odds…. lessons we should all respect."


Kate (355 KP) rated Queen of the Desert (2015) in Movies

Mar 1, 2019 (Updated Mar 2, 2019)  
Queen of the Desert (2015)
Queen of the Desert (2015)
2015 | Drama, Documentary
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Have you heard of Gertrude Bell, no neither had I. Another bit of unknown history that nobody really knows. The film is a bit ploddy and seams to drag in places but the scenery and music is quite atmospheric and if you watch this film, watch it for that. Quite interesting though and makes you wish that this was taught in history in schools otherwise it will soon be forgotten.
The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
Alex Ross | 2013 | Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"On this desert island I’m guessing there isn’t a boom box, so I’d take this book about the history of 20th century music in which Satie and Wagner are so beautifully described and placed in their own time, it’s as if you hear it playing."


David McK (3222 KP) rated Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) in Movies

Mar 22, 2022 (Updated Apr 13, 2023)  
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
1989 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Light-hearted slacker romp through history, starring a very-young Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter as the eponymous duo Bill & Ted (respectively, Winters and Reeves) who are in danger of failing their high school history assignment and so being split up forever.

Which is obviously NOT what the future society wants, based - as it is - on their music, and so sends Rufus back in time via a time travelling phone box (shades of the TARDIS, anyone?), to help them pass said history course.

Silly? Absolutely?

Fun? Yep.

Remember, folks, in their immortal words: "Be Excellent to each other"
Happy Endings by Old Dominion
Happy Endings by Old Dominion
2017 | Country
It has a pleasant digital sheen, filled with little percolating details -- but the songcraft of this writing collective is so strong, it's not hard to imagine the individual tunes appearing at other points in Music City history
Critic- AllMusic
Original Score: 4 out of 5

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Maxien Gorry (74 KP) rated Youtube in Apps

Jan 4, 2020  
Photo & Video
8.7 (47 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy to navigate (4 more)
Option to stream to tv
Option to stream to Xbox
Fast forward by tapping screen
Too many ads (1 more)
Cost of YouTube Music
One stop shop for videos
I use YouTube every day for music, TV shows and tutorials. Mostly for tutorials and music.
Its simple to use and navigate and I especially like the 'history' option for when I want to view an already watched video.
Being able to fast forward and rewind quickly just by dou ke tapping either side of the screen is a great feature for the tutorials I watch and the su titles help for tutorials that aren't in English or if I need to watch with the sound muted.

I feel YouTube Music is expensive for what it is, there are other more competitive apps out there that are far better.
Greek Music From The Underground by Various
Greek Music From The Underground by Various
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There are many compilations of Greek Rembetiko music, but I chose this one because it has some classics on it that I’ve been aware of for a long time. In the early 20th-century, after the First World War after Kemal Atatürk came to power in Turkey, there was an exchange – to put it politely – an exchange of population between Greece and Turkey and was extremely unpleasant at the time for both countries. At that time, a lot of Greeks who had lived in what’s now Turkey for a really long time, moved over and came to Piraeus as refuges and brought this music with them which was a mixture of Greek central European and Asian or western Asian sort of music and it evolved into this form of street music played by these guys called Mangas – the wide boy, gangsters, hoodlums of Piraeus in the 20s. It’s funny in Greece still today; some people don’t like to be reminded of that side of Greek history. It’s seen as anti-bourgeois – it’s the only way I can put it. The songs were about whores, smoking dope, stabbing your mates or being done over or sticking up for your mates – these classic themes – but because they were sung not only in Greek but in an impenetrable dialect that most modern Greeks would find hard to get their head around, though it didn’t really get that far past Greece itself. The history is fascinating but the music is like nothing else that I know. Also, even though I grew up in Scotland, I still feel this strong connection to the Greek side of my background, and when I listen to this music I feel I can connect with this history that I know preceded me and I don’t have a direct contact with myself, it’s a way I can understand a little bit of where I came from."


Tracey Thorn recommended Lady Sings The Blues in Books (curated)

Lady Sings The Blues
Lady Sings The Blues
Billie Holiday | 2021 | Biography, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I read this at the same time as I discovered her music. It’s very shocking, full of sexual abuse, drug addiction, violence, and racism, and opened my eyes to a lot of things I hadn’t known about or understood. It made me realize where songs like Strange Fruit had come from. The rawness of those songs had their roots in a devastating history of life experience."


Milla Jovovich recommended Blade Runner (1982) in Movies (curated)

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s such a modern film and it was really just taking all these risks and pushing the boundaries. When you know the history about it, it’s so interesting because it bankrupted the people that made it. I don’t even think it was that successful when it first came out. It just kind of built up this audience over years and years. It’s so beautifully shot and the music, everything just came together, and Sean Young. That was a defining moment in her career. Perfect."


Baxter Dury recommended First Take by Roberta Flack in Music (curated)

First Take by Roberta Flack
First Take by Roberta Flack
1969 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I just love this album and I love the history behind it. I don’t think it’s cheesy, I think it’s muso and I really like muso music. The origins of it, the way they found Roberta when she was young and naïve, and they realised that the only way to really capture her was to create an environment that she was used to, so they recorded it all in a church, to give her a sense of the places that she sang in when she was young. And you get that on this album, it’s fucking amazing. There’s some unbelievable songwriting. I might have first heard it when I was really young, there was always this estuary of weird and exciting people coming through this house, playing different music."
