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Kaz (232 KP) rated 'Impression of a Dilemma' in Books

Jun 30, 2019 (Updated Jun 30, 2019)  
'Impression of a Dilemma'
'Impression of a Dilemma'
Ann Sharples | 2015 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Diverse Characters, Great Writing (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
A fun Read
'Impression of A Dillemma' at first glance, looks as if it's going to be a crime based novel. However, it's much more than that.

This is a book which revolves around several diverse, quirky, but believable characters and their take on the same, shocking event. This book really gets into the minds of these characters and is very well written. I liked the almost poetic flow of the writing and the gentle humour.

In some novels which have multiple characters, in the end, they all become indistinguishable. However with this novel, everyone is completely different.

There was one character in particular, who at first, took some time for me to connect with. In reflection, I think this was good, because not many books include characters with such a quirky way of expressing themselves. So for this reason, I wouldn't say that this was a negative, but a change from having 'conventional' characters.

The pace of the novel was very good, at no point did it drag, I wanted to know what was going to happen next.

In fact, when I reached the end of the book, although I felt that it's ending was satisfactory, I couldn't help feeling like I wanted to know more about what the characters were going to do next. I'm not sure whether there will be any more books containing these characters or whether it's a stand alone novel, but I would be quite happy to read more about them, because they are so diverse and interesting.

I would definitely recommend this novel, if you like something quirky.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Eighth Grade (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Eighth Grade (2018)
Eighth Grade (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Eighth Grade was quite difficult for me to watch. I absolutely hate watching things that are awkward, and if one word sums up this film it's "awkward". I'm throwing it in the pool with talk shows and reality TV in all their cringy glory. Between those awkward moments we do thankfully see some nicer moments.

Kayla is trying to navigate the move from eighth grade to high school, the perils of friends and enemies, and how to get noticed by the right people. Like many of us have done she tries stepping out of her comfort zone with varying degrees of success. But every one of those steps helps her learn something about herself and life, things that she hopes future Kayla will remember when life seems tough.

I'm just going to skip over the things I didn't like about the movie because honestly, it's all mainly issues to do with the awkwardness I've already mentioned.

Kayla's dad is probably my favourite character in this, he is involved in some of the scenes I didn't like but overall he brings a lot of heart to the film. When he makes his speech at Kayla towards the end it's a genuinely moving moment and it brought a tear to my eye. One of the only things that I came away wondering was where was mum, she's mentioned but I don't think anything is specifically mentioned apart from "she left". Part of me thinks it's frustrating, but there was no real way to bring it up out of context.

There's nothing particularly wrong with the film, the acting was fine and although the script was frustrating it was accurate to what was trying to be achieved. This is definitely not for me though. Partly for the awkward reason and partly because I don't entirely enjoy watching films that involve things I could, or have, done myself.

What you should do

It's not one that' I'd recommend for the obvious reason above. It does seem to be liked by lots of people though so it's probably one that's worth checking out when it goes to streaming services.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I not sure there's actually anything from this I'd like to take home with me... I don't need any more angsty teen in my life.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> at the end of November).

I came across this book on Amazon when I was adding books to my wishlist, and I thought it sounded interesting. I also had quite a few credits on Audible to use, so I thought I'd use one to purchase this book. I wasn't disappointed.

The title had me intrigued. It made me want to read the blurb.

I'm not really a big fan of the cover if I'm honest although I don't know what I'd like to see on the cover. Maybe I'd put Clay on the cover as well. I'm not really sure.

I enjoyed the world building. I find it hard to believe that no one would follow the instructions left on the tapes that Hannah made, but I suppose it could happen. The world building fits with what high school was like, at least when I was a teenager.

I found the pacing to be done well. I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen on the next tape. There were only a few times where the pacing slowed a bit, but it didn't stay slow for very long.

The plot is an interesting one. Hannah make a cassette tape for each of the thirteen people that she felt contributed to her committing suicide. Clay is trying to think of all the times he was around Hannah and wondering why he'd be on the tapes. It was interesting to find out the way certain people contributed to Hannah's depression. I also think the plot sends a great message about how we shouldn't judge anyone because we don't know what that person has gone through or is going through.

I think the characters were written fairly well. At first, I felt a bad for Hannah. However, as time went on, I felt that Hannah became too selfish, not because of her suicide, but just by what she said on the tapes. Clay came across as a nice guy (and Hannah even said he was), but I just would've liked to know more about him.

The dialogue worked for a young adult book. The characters actually sounded their age and not like an adult trying to write YA characters. The dialogue flows freely and smoothly as well. Being that this is a book about a girl's suicide, the dialogue does mention that as well as rape and another sexual situation. There is a few swear words, but the swearing is only mild.

Usually, the narrator's of audiobooks tend to annoy me, but Debra Wiseman and Joel Johnstone did an excellent job. Debra Wiseman really brings the character of Hannah alive, and Joel Johnstone does the same for Clay. I think they both portrayed emotions really well. However, I had imagined Clay to sound a bit different. Johnstone's voice sounded just a tad bit too old for Clay's age in my opinion. Other then that, Wiseman and Johnstone were superb!

Overall, Thirteen Reasons Why is a very different but interesting book. I felt that even though it deals with suicide, it does send out a positive message.

Due to the major theme and some sexual scenes, I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ who want to read something realistic.
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Vesperia
I finally got done playing Tales Of Vesperia, but I'm not completely done. There's an extra dungeon you can play through at the end of the game if you do a specific side quest during the regular game play through. I've never played a Tales Of game that I didn't like yet and this one was no exception.
 I genuinely liked the main character Yuri because he's not a perfect hero. He isn't purely good, but he's not necessarily evil either. It's a matter of he's had to make the hard decisions that others around him are not willing to make, but in the end he's always stayed true to himself and his ideals. I think a lot of the reason why that scenario worked is because of the story line with Yuri's best friend Flynn. Flynn is the other side of the coin, walking a different path, but ultimately the goal to try and make the world a better place is similar.
 The idea of blastia technology is interesting and they do explain how it came to be and what it is used for as the game and story progress. It also explains the reasons behind how the empire that controls it came to exist which I thought that the developers did a pretty good job of intertwining with the main story line.
 You meet more characters along the way on this adventure and they all have pretty decent back stories. I myself liked Raven's and Judith's in particular. There are of course, the usual skits during game play, but they never get tedious. In fact, some of them are amusing with jokes that are actually funny and add a little more depth to the story and the characters themselves. The anime cut scenes are very well done and great to watch. The musical soundtrack not only is beautiful, but fits well with the various battles and pivotal plot points throughout the story.
 There are one or two boss battles that can be a little frustrating because of certain mystic artes attacks, but once you get through them you feel a sense of accomplishment for having won. Of course, if you get too frustrated you do have the option of changing the difficulty level to easy without being penalized for it which is a nice perk. With a myriad of fun extra side quests like getting cafe costumes for all the characters or the cute disguise costumes for the female characters in your party, you get a pleasant break from level grinding and the main story. Overall, the game is a good time and fun to play. Even level grinding in this particular RPG is enjoyable because of a decent battle system, and beautifully designed scenery and enemies. Now, I'm going to get back to playing this extra dungeon I've won. As for all of you, I suggest you pick up Tales Of Vesperia for the Xbox 360 and give it a try. I am sure you will have as much fun as I did playing it.
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror
Mallory Ortberg | 2018 | Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this JUST came out. I'd had my eye on it for a few months, and put a request in as soon as my library ordered it. The author recently came out as trans, so it's also part of my effort to read more inclusively. Ortberg definitely played with gender and sexuality in several of these tales; in one of them people decided whether to be the husband or the wife, independent of their gender, in their marriage. (One party to the marriage in the story stated "I've been trained for both roles.") In another all of a man's daughters used male pronouns and that was never explored further. That was slightly odd.

These were dark, twisted versions of these stories. "Our Friend Mr. Toad," for example, involved gaslighting and psychologically torturing poor Mr. Toad. I found that one particularly disturbing. I enjoyed the title story, Ortberg's version of Beauty and the Beast, which has a very different ending from expected. I also really liked "The Daughter Cells", inspired by The Little Mermaid. I LOVED "Fear Not: An Incident Log."

I think this was a great, albeit strange, little book. It's unique, for sure, and a quick read. If you're looking for a fairy tale collection that is VERY different, try this one.

You can find all my reviews at
Heidi&#039;s Guide to Four Letter Words
Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words
Tara Sivec | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with Heidi trying to find a job and her mum and aunt going through a list of schools they think she should work at and Heidi listening miserably, knowing education isn't something she enjoyed. Instead she's applied to be in a receptionist type role at a local small business, not knowing at the time that they record erotic romances in audiobook form. Heidi is equally embarrassed and curious about what goes on at her place of work and with the help of her colleagues begins a podcast where she talks about her hot neighbour who she'd love to date and becoming more confident in saying those tricky four letter words.

I wasn't sure with this to start with. I found Heidi's almost prudishness too much at the start. I can't quite believe that she doesn't even allow herself to think swear words let alone say them. I don't know if it was her religious upbringing or her parents - who I found really annoying at times. It was nice to see her grow more confident in herself with every podcast she broadcasts and book scene she reads.

This one does have some comedy elements in it but, for me, the speech to text thing was hilarious and the funniest part. I couldn't stop laughing for quite a while with that one.

The romance in this didn't seem to take up as much of the book as I'd have liked. I think it got to around the 35% mark before the romance even started to kick in. They had talked briefly and acknowledged each other in the street but it was only after she'd done a few of her podcasts that she even had the guts to approach him for a date and then it was a slow burn into a cute romance. It was a really nice relationship they'd built up and then "the thing" that split them apart for a little while was blown out of proportion - as they do in romance books - before they sorted it out and were cuter than ever.

One thing I didn't understand was the "uff da" thing. I even had to look it up to figure out what that bit was all about. It still seemed a rather odd exclamation to me so I read it as oomph/oof noise.

If you like romantic comedies then you should give this a go.
The Revealed
The Revealed
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I just love the cover of this! Don’t you agree it just grabs the attention?

I’m a big fan of dystopia stories and this sounded different, so I thought, “Why not?”

The USA has been mostly destroyed with only a few states remaining. Lily is the daughter of a politician running for President, along with another man, Roderick Westerfield, who Lily’s family used to be close to. Roderick has a son, Kai, a year older than Lily and someone she used to be close to until the politics got in the way.

Lily has been marked to be taken by the Revealed–a group of people with abilities–since her 18th birthday and like every other 18 year old in the city is being kept at home until they reach their 19th and are safe from being taken. Truly believing they’ll come for her despite all the precautions she just wants to live life to the fullest until then.

I really liked the concept. It was dystopia but had a very different take on it, it wasn’t all deserted and “every man for themselves” or strict dictatorship, it was…like now, only with billions less people populating the planet and with a need to bring the world back into some semblance of working order.

Now to the characters. Lily is our main character and we see her struggle to do what she wants while being a member of such an influential family and the effect her actions have on them. Then there’s Kai. I wasn’t sure about him to start with but he grew on me a lot. Then Rory, Lily’s best friend, she’s pretty awesome.

The story was pretty much continuous action, there was always something happening–which stops boredom from creeping in–and it kept me reading, and wanting to read it when I was busy. It was politics and supernatural and romance. I can’t really say much else without spoiling the plot but it was right up my street and I really enjoyed it!

If you’re looking for something dystopian and a little different then you should try this. If you’re looking for a new name to read, then this is a good story.

I’d definitely recommend this book/series! It’s a great start.
Catch and Kill : Shadow Operatives Thriller 2
Catch and Kill : Shadow Operatives Thriller 2
J. D. Lasica | 2019 | History & Politics, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was that the plot line was well thought out. The plans of Incognito and Lucid were explained in a way that made them completely believable. (0 more)
Naturally, I did not like the idea of Lucid and Incognito being missing at the end. However, with this being only the second book in the series I have faith that they will be found (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Catch and Kill – Shadow Operatives Thriller 2 by J. D. Lasica came recommended to me because of people comparing it to works by Michael Crichton. I am pleased to confirm that all the people comparing the two authors were correct. J. D. Lasica also informed me that I did not need to read the first book to understand this one and that turned out to be true as well. There are not many books that are part of a series that can also be read as a stand-alone. On that same note, this book was so good that I want to go back and read the first book as well.

Action packed right from the start, A woman by the name of Kaden is attacked in an attempted kidnapping at a celebration where she was originally a person of honor. After returning home and finding that it has also been broken into Kaden receives messages from a mysterious man called Bo. Bo wants her help in investigating The Disappearance, and reluctantly Kaden agrees. At the same time on Samana City, a place called Fantasy Live is doing its soft open, and Alex, a reporter for the Axom is doing an undercover story on it.

Fantasy Live uses augmented reality to bring the patron’s deepest fantasies to life, within reason. Alex finds out some disturbing information about Samana City and Fantasy Live and sends word back to Axom. As it turns out Kaden and Bo’s investigation is already leading them to Fantasy Live and they team up with some other Axom employees to infiltrate the island. Things do not go very smooth for them on Samana City. Kaden must trust in her teammates, both familiar and new if they hope to escape. In the process, they are going to try to bring the girls from The Disappearance home and save the world from a surprise bio-warfare that no one is prepared for, but the creator of Fantasy Live is ready to kill to make sure no one interferes.

What I liked best was that the plot line was well thought out. The plans of Incognito and Lucid were explained in a way that made them completely believable. While it does take place in the future the technology used is not that far from what we use every day now. Naturally, I did not like the idea of Lucid and Incognito being missing at the end. However, with this being only the second book in the series I have faith that they will be found. I still do not completely understand how The Disappearance was able to happen without anyone noticing something before it was too late.

Target readers for this book are adults. This is due to the content and topics surrounding sex, forced surrogacy, and human trafficking. People who enjoy action-packed thrillers in a slightly futuristic setting will enjoy this book. I rate this book a 4 out of 4 because I got exactly what I was promised with this book. Each character clearly has their own personality that plays into how they respond to the situations presented. Everything was so believable that it was almost scary to think about how these events could actually happen.
Alice (The Chronicles of Alice #1)
Alice (The Chronicles of Alice #1)
Christina Henry | 2016 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
'Alice' is a dark and twisted reimagining of Lewis Carrol's classic children's story 'Alice in Wonderland' in which Alice (after escaping from the asylum she has been imprisoned in for ten years) has to navigate to Old City with her friend Hatch to slay the Jabberwock. Now, I am a lover of all things dark and creepy in a book, and I have to say that Christina Henry's retelling did not disappoint! The tie-ins and references to the original story were very, very clever and I'm sure that I could have spotted more if I had read or been a fan of the classic.

The main protagonists, Alice and Hatcher, are so well developed (and I'm sure will only get more so in the sequel). Both have compelling backstories and challenges to overcome as the story unfolds and the information is leaked in small, tiny fragments as their memories resurface. I also really enjoyed the comments in italics which were not explicitly attributed to Alice's thoughts as it made her madness (whether real or perceived) to be even more present as part of her character. If you love a good villain as I do then, boy, is this book for you! Sinister antagonists and 'bosses' lurk around every corner to delight and terrify you. I have to say that Cheshire and the Catapiller were my favourite characters - I just loved how smug and manipulative they were. However, I do have to mention that after all the build-up that Henry gives the Walrus and the Rabbit, when we meet them it is, very sadly, a bit of an anti-climax and the Jabberwock (who was supposed to be the Big Bad in the novel), it seemed was defeated too quickly and simplistically. I didn't especially buy it and would have liked a full chapter of it as I thought that the Jabberwock was excellent when we did meet him, so I just wanted a bit more time between him and Alice.

The atmosphere and overall writing-style in the book were both strong. As mentioned previously, everything was dark and strange (and strangeness is something that you would expect in a retelling of 'Alice in Wonderland'). I think the chapters in the Butterfly were well described and felt very real. Those chapters and the chapters in Cheshire's office were my favourites.

Regarding enjoyment and intrigue, there's nothing much to add apart from how much I utterly loved it and was gripped by the adventures. Every single chapter ended with a very Dicken's style cliffhanger, making the book almost impossible to put down and break away from the world that Henry creates. I finished it in pretty much one day, only stopping two chapters before the end because it was 1 am, and I had to be awake for work at 7 am so needed to get some sleep. Every chapter left me with the same thought - "f*** me, this book is good", and that is not a feeling that I've had while reading a book for a very, very long time. For all the lovers of dark tales out there, this is the book for you.

Characters: 8/10
Atmosphere: 9/10
Writing Style: 10/10
Plot: 7/10
Intrigue: 10/10
Logic: 7/10
Enjoyment: 10/10
They Almost Always Come Home
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti
Genre: Christian Fiction
ISBN: 9781426702389
Rating: DNF, 3

Greg goes on a trip into the Canadian wilderness—and never comes home. But Libby was thinking about leaving him anyway… so should she care that he's missing? Should she find him? Libby sets off with her best friend and her step-dad on a journey to find Greg. But for Libby, the journey is more than to find her husband. It's a journey of faith.

They Almost Always Come Home had potential to be amazing. Maybe the ending was amazing… but I didn't get that far. The plot was great—there were a lot of different things woven together to make it complex. It was more than "husband is gone, wife isn't sure if she wants him back but she goes to find him anyway." There is a lot of complexity to the situation, and a lot of background to see how Libby got to where she is now. It was good, and I liked it. It didn't move fast enough for me, but it was still good and I liked it.
However, other aspects of the book took away from the story line, and the main one was the writing. I feel like I have more to say about the writing than anything when it comes to They Almost Always Come Home.

This book reads rather depressing. As I read it, I can hear the voice of the character in my head, feeling tired and broken and uncaring and bitter, and it's very emotionally demanding to read. Since the character is going through so much, I can understand why that is: that's how she feels, that's how you are supposed to feel. It certainly isn't a sit-by-the-beach-with-sweet-tea kind of book.

Also, occasionally (as in the case with every Meg Cabot book I've ever read) an individual has a great original idea for a novel. What they should have done, would be to find someone who could write well and let them write the story, and co-author it. But no, they insist on writing it themselves, even though they can't write. Sadly, this is the case with They Almost Always Come Home. In some cases the mediocrity of the writing doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the book, but in this case, it got to the point where it wore me out and aggravated me, and I had to put it down. After this happened several times, I never ended up picking it back up. The writing was made up of poor sentence structure, and the sentences that were actually sentences weren't organized very well. The interior monologue of Libby's thought-life was even less organized. Yes, I understand that our thoughts are not perfectly organized like Dostoevsky's dialogue, but Libby's mind was just hard to follow.

The other thing that took away from the book was the main character, Libby. I didn't like her. Maybe if I'd gotten to the end and seen her change (because I just know she's got to change—why else would Ruchti write a story like this?) then I 'd like her. But as it were, I was rooting for Greg. Poor Greg who was stuck with her for twenty-five years, and who got out easy (at least that's the way it looked from where I stopped). I know that isn't the way I'm supposed to feel, but I kept thinking "Libby… honestly…(mutters to herself)…" how can you read a book about a character that you don't like?

Again, this book had a lot of potential. Sadly I didn't enjoy it enough to finish it. I give it three-stars for the good pacing at the beginning, and the tangible emotions of the character (who I didn't like…?).
Check out amazon (as of today, 17 five-star reviews) and goodreads for reviews of They Almost Always Come Home. You will see that I am in the minority.