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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Spilt Milk in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Spilt Milk
Spilt Milk
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>Spilt Milk</i> is the second historical novel by Amanda Hodgkinson, award-winning British author of <i>22 Britannia Road</i>. Split into two parts it follows the lives of two sisters over several decades during the first half of the twentieth century. Set in Britain, this is a novel about relationships, family, secrets… and illegitimate pregnancies. Lots of illegitimate pregnancies.

The first part spans from 1913 until 1917 thus covering the First World War period. The second part picks up the storyline in 1939 and continues until the novel’s final pages set in 1965. So yet another world war is included, although it has little impact on the plot. The first chapter is almost like the calm before the storm. Everything appears peaceful and happy until everything spirals out of control. Vivian and Nellie Marsh (aged twenty three and twenty two) have been raised by their older sister Rose in a small farmhouse since the death of their parents when Nellie was a baby. We first meet Nellie rinsing chamber pots outside where she has a feeling that something is going to happen; something good, she hopes. Alas, it turns out it was a bad feeling after all as floodwaters rise and Rose dies. The only apparent good thing is the arrival of a hired farm hand, Joe Ferier. But no, that is also a bad occurrence that leaves one sister pregnant and the other temporarily homeless.

Over the years we see how the sisters deal with the way in which their lives have drastically changed up until Nellie has a child with her husbands brother. Luckily her husband is willing to pass the child off as his own, and so Nellie, unlike the other secret pregnancies in this story, actually gets to keep her love child.

At the start of part two, Nellie’s daughter Bertha (commonly known as Birdie) is eighteen years old and finds herself – can you guess? – pregnant after a one night stand. So that it can remain secret she goes to live with her Aunt Vivian until the baby is born and adopted. Vivian ends up housing many girls including a couple of minor characters who have got themselves in a similar way. I did say there were a lot of illegitimate pregnancies! It also comes to light that supposedly innocent, spinster Rose had not one but two babies during her teenage years.

The remainder of the novel shows us how the girls: Nellie, Vivian and Birdie; get on with their lives under the burden of their personal secrets and emotions. It is Birdie who struggles the most with the knowledge that her daughter is growing up without her but to talk to anyone about it would have deep consequences.

The size of the time period means that the reader can become attached to certain key characters and feel their pain as they struggle with their emotional afflictions, however each scene passes quickly as time goes on which means we do not really get to appreciate the minor characters.

Overall it is a good, reasonably quick read which many women would enjoy, particularly those who appreciate historical fiction and may have sisters of their own and therefore understand what the power of keeping secrets can result in.
Hustlers (2019)
Hustlers (2019)
2019 | Drama
A movie that succeeds with great pacing.
In Hustlers, a group of strippers hatch a Robin Hood-esque scheme to rob the rich and make more money than they ever could have imagined. I loved this movie and not for the visuals. In fact, the visuals could have used a bit more direction. I loved this movie because it’s just plain awesome.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
Here’s what I appreciated the most about the characters that make up Hustlers: While they are all united under the same goal (make as much money as possible) each character is fueled by a different motivation and each character has a unique personality that impacts the outcome of each scenario as the movie plays out. You have one character who needs to take care of her sick grandmother while another would do anything to put a smile on her daughter’s face. Characters clash as some want to take the moral high road while others think the people they are cheating are getting what they deserved. As they all clash, I was clashing on the inside at who was right and who was wrong.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 6
I think the choice of narrative impacted the intensity of conflict. While the story has a number of highly intense moments, you ultimately realize you know the outcome because of the way the story is told. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely fun to watch things play out, but it falls just short when you realize things can only go but so far.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10
No dull spots, not even for a moment. Even the slower moments help piece together the story as a whole. At one point, I thought: “Holy crap, how far is this going to go?” Definitely a rollercoaster of a movie.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
While I assumed the worst for an ending, Hustlers came to a fitting conclusion. When it was all said and done, I appreciated that you leave not having a definitive answer as to who was right or wrong, rather the movie made you decide for yourself. It’s less of a Good Vs. Evil and more of a What Would You Do?

Overall: 92
Hustlers is easily one of the year’s best. Its style is unique and it commands your attention from beginning to end. If you haven’t seen it, give it a shot. It’s more than what you think.
We Are All the Same in the Dark
We Are All the Same in the Dark
Julia Heaberlin | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stunning, shocking thriller filled with dark twists
Ten years ago, Trumanell Branson disappeared, along with her no-good daddy. But it's beautiful Trumanell her Texas town remembers and mourns. And, despite no arrests, they blame her brother, Wyatt, who lives alone on the old Branson homestead, hated by the entire town. When Wyatt, a trucker, finds a girl in a field of dandelions, he thinks it's a sign. As for the town cop, Odette--who has a long history with Wyatt--she fears the discovery of this girl will only turn the town against Wyatt fully and permanently. But when she goes to retrieve her, she feels drawn to the girl. Odette is haunted by Trumanell's disappearance, and now, the arrival of this mystery girl. As she digs into the past and the present, she uncovers shocking secrets about her town and the night that forever changed it.

"She has a bad, bad mystery to her. I can feel it deep in the hollow of my spook bone, the one my dad broke when I was a kid. My arm is never wrong."

This is an amazing, absorbing thriller that draws you in from the first page. Heaberlin writes so beautifully and lyrically--all these dark and horrific moments unfold in such beautiful prose. Her words astound me.

"There's no chatter about why I'm alone, scared, speeding on a prairie road with trees scattered like sailboats, thinking how my daddy, the town's late great top cop, told me to never come back to this little Texas hellhole unless it was to bury his ashes. Don't try to find the truth about Trumanell. Some answers are left to the by and by."

The characters here are beautiful--flawed, damaged, tender, and painted with a depth that will astound you. Troubled Odette, lost Wyatt, and Angel, the girl found in the field. They form a trio that one is unlikely to forget for quite some time.

This is a dark read--atmospheric and sad, and not always easy to read. Bad things happen in this town. Heaberlin's twists are true stunners. It's rare when a thriller takes me by surprise, but wow, I found myself shocked several times, and even better, unaware of the true culprit. How nice to read a mystery without guessing the ultimate ending.

Overall, this is a superb tale of a town held captive by its own secrets and tragedy. The characters come to life before your eyes through Heaberlin's elegant writing. It's shocking and twisted and one that shouldn't be missed. 4.5 stars.
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
2014 | Role-Playing
Amazing character development (3 more)
Great story
Emotional and incredible acting
It's fun
Some frame rate issues (3 more)
No difficulty options
Illusion of choice
Can't skip boring scenes after multiple playthroughs
I love you Clem!!
First off I want to say it's an incredible game and that's a thanks to some great story, incredible acting and amazing character development. I think we all thinking about lee and Clem! Lol

This is your typical telltale game. Point and click with QTE which is fun but the framerate issues can make those frustrating and there is an illusion of choice that don't really matter in the end.

I do find the game a bit easy at times which would make it more fun, especially on a repeat playthrough. Take heavy rain as an example. Higher difficulty they give more and quicker symbols to press during QTE.

Like I said the characters and acting are incredible. You will cry, I don't doubt that. They show so much growth through the series and if your going to get stuck in then you better prepare because it's coming into its fourth and final season so you got a long road ahead.

There is way too much zombies out there in video games, movies and TV but I do love this game and I have played multiple playthroughs but after a while it can get annoying when you can't skip the boring scenes.

Leigh J (71 KP) rated The loved ones (2009) in Movies

Nov 8, 2019 (Updated Nov 8, 2019)  
The loved ones (2009)
The loved ones (2009)
2009 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everything! (0 more)
Nothing! (0 more)
Put my faith back in Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
For a period of time the other year, I had truly lost faith in Horror. Every Movie I was watching was like another nail in the Horror Coffin and I had got to the point where I didn't even want to watch Horror anymore. I. Was. Done. But one day whilst in a store, a Movie I had been meaning to check out was there (and reasonably priced!) I picked it up, flopped pessimisticly onto my Sofa and got ready to watch... The Loved Ones was the Movie, and it blew me away. It was the spark that reignited my Horror love, and it injected something fresh back into a Genre that I felt was getting tired.
So, The Loved Ones is about a young guy called Brent who is in a downward spiral due to the untimely death of his Father. An accident that Brent, himself, was involved in and feels guilty about as he was driving the Car and swerved at the last minute to avoid a dazed and injured boy in the Road. At School he is asked to Prom by a seemingly innocent looking girl called Lola, who he turns down as he already has a Girlfriend. Lola does not take this well (especially when she finds Brent in a steamy tangle with his Girlfriend in a car) and enlists the help of her equally psychotic Dad to kidnap Brent for a Prom Night that he'll never forget...
I really, really enjoyed The Loved Ones, and each time I watch it is a pleasure. It had some great creepy details (SPOILERS: such as the very unsettling relationship between Lola and her Dad, Lola's jealousy and pettiness towards her "Mum"; who has pretty much been lobotomized, the "others" twist that you never see coming) and it all ties together in a neat, possibly Pink, definitely Bloodstained Bow! It's a Movie that definitely deserves a watch, and even merits a few watches to pick up on all the awesome details. Amazing.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Faster (2010) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Faster (2010)
Faster (2010)
2010 | Action, Crime
6.8 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've always wanted to like Dwayne Johnson as an actor. He was so entertaining when he was The Rock, why can't his movies be just as entertaining? Unfortunately his best received films are the more family oriented ones and watching an ex-wrestler who used to talk about his love for pie and "laying the smackdown on all your candy asses" seems a bit bittersweet. Films like Faster are what Johnson should be sticking to, but it doesn't live up to its potential and results in another flat action film.

Wasted potential is the perfect way to describe Faster. Dwayne Johnson spends more time walking around looking pissed off than he does killing anyone or actually saying anything at all. Billy Bob Thornton doesn't do much of anything either as his character struggles between being a drug addict who doesn't amount to anything to a police officer who's about to retire and get full benefits who is also trying to get his family back together again. He spends most of his screen time drowning in his pathetic life. Then there's Dexter's Jennifer Carpenter who seems to be brought into the film to do nothing more than show up, cry a little, and say stupid things. Nothing the actors did really helped drive the story forward.

The cinematography fluctuated between being interesting and being incredibly annoying. Right when something like the way the camera was placed while the driver was driving or something as simple as reloading a gun was done in a way that seemed original to catch your attention, the film would turn around and throw shaky camera techniques at you for no reason or the scenes that caught your eye would be too brief to really make up for the mediocrity of the rest of the film. The most interesting aspect lies within the final minutes and relates to the hired killer going after the driver. That concept alone that's about the length of a one minute conversation is better than Faster as a whole.

Dwayne Johnson seems to have better luck with family films, but I think his fans would rather see him in R-rated action films since his physique and film presence fit that genre best. If he could find a film that was like Faster with a meatier role that gave him more lines and had better writing, it'd probably be a lot more satisfying. The kills in Faster should have been the highlight since the film revolved around the driver gaining revenge for his brother, but they fell short. Everything about Faster did. I was completely expecting Johnson to either turn himself over to the authorities or kill himself to be with his brother at the end of the film. The driver received the revenge he so desperately seeked and did it in a nonchalant, hot-shot vigilante kind of way to let everyone know it was him doing it. Yet police can't seem to keep up with him and he just kind of drives off into the sunset at the end. It felt like Faster was left open ended for nothing more than sequel purposes alone, which is the weakest form of a cop out for a movie ending. Coincidentally, a film called Faster managed to feel twice as long as its 98 minute duration.

In the end, Faster contains elements from both Gone in Sixty Seconds and Taxi Driver, which should result in an excellent film. Instead we're left with an action film that uses these elements at face value; it contains the fast cars and intense chases of Gone in Sixty Seconds with the uneasy and unpredictable shootouts that are reminiscent of Taxi Driver but Faster lacks the depth, star power, enjoyment factor, strong cast, or lasting value these two films still have today. If you plan on seeing this film, you better be sure because that's a long dark road you're headed down (sorry, couldn't resist) and that road is nothing more than a pointless detour from greater things.
Betwixt (Betwixt and Between #1)
Betwixt (Betwixt and Between #1)
Darynda Jones | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
14 of 250
Betwixt (Bitwixt&Between book 1)
By Darynda Jones

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Divorced, desperate, and destitute, former restaurateur Defiance Dayne finds out she has been bequeathed a house by a complete stranger. She is surprised, to say the least, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She leaves her beloved Phoenix and heads to one of the most infamous towns in America: Salem, Massachusetts.

She’s only there to find out why a woman she’s never met would leave her a house. A veritable castle that has seen better days. She couldn’t possibly accept it, but the lawyer assigned to the case practically begs her to take it off her hands, mostly because she’s scared of it. The house. The inanimate structure that, as far as Dephne can tell, has never hurt a fly.

Though it does come with some baggage. A pesky neighbor who wants her gone. A scruffy cat who’s a bit of a jerk. And a handyman bathed in ink who could moonlight as a supermodel for GQ.

She decides to give it three days, and not because of the model. She feels at home in Salem. Safe. But even that comes to a screeching halt when people begin knocking on her door day and night, begging for her help to locate their lost objects.

Come to find out, they think she’s a witch. And after a few mysterious mishaps, Dephne is beginning to wonder if they’re right.

It wasn’t a bad book it was very middle of the road compared to her other books. It’s got a decent story some good characters hoping we see the ex get his comeuppance a little more! I do love her little quotes at the start of each chapter it wouldn’t be a Darynda book without them!
Don&#039;t Fail Me Now
Don't Fail Me Now
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Michelle Devereaux in a police department with her younger siblings Cass and Denny waiting with a social worker for their aunt to pick them up. Their mother has been arrested. Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has happened. Her mother has been in jail several times and she hasn't seen her father in several years. When Michelle finds out that her father is dying in California and may have something for her, she sets out on a journey that will hopefully end in a windfall for her and her siblings.

This was a great YA Novel. A book about love, family and adventure. Michelle and her siblings are black kids from Baltimore, Maryland. Michelle knows that she and Cass have a half-sister, Leah, that is white, and that is about all the know about her. Until she shows up with her step-brother at Michelle's job with information about their father. With this new information and the current state of affairs, Michelle decides now is a good a time as any to drive across the country to see her father before he is no longer there.

Five kids, in an old station wagon are heading across the country without any of their parents being aware. They have very little money and barely more than the clothes on their back, but they are determined to find Buck Devereaux and collect whatever it is he has for them.

Their adventure is not without some complications. Will they make the journey successfully? Will these siblings, Michelle, Cass, and Leah be able to build a relationship? Will they reunite with the father they barely know? How will this trip change their lives for the future?

One of the things that drew me to this book where the characters. They were characters I could relate to, when I was that age and the kids are all from Maryland where I live. Plus, who doesn't love a good road trip. All of these factors made this an excellent book and something I would recommend to young adults from mixed racial backgrounds and diverse family dynamics.
The Sight (Premonitions, #1-2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I requested this novel from goodsreads bookwasp, I actually did not have high hopes for it. After reading the first page, I cringed at having picked up another angst filled young adult novel where the lead is so antisocial and broken that all they have is contempt for the world around them. That lasted about three pages before the writing was dominate by plot and character development. I was so surprised by the change, I almost had whiplash.

If I ever rate a young adult novel more than three stars, you know it is worth a look. I was so pleasantly surprised at the interesting plot, realistic characters, and intriguing writing that I could not put the book down. Instead of being confronted by an young teen bitter from not having a father and recently losing her mother in a car accident on top of having interrupting visions, I was dealt Gracie, a sixteen year old struggling with the changes in her life and confusing emotions. She is jealous of her aunt and cousin who have a close relationship she can longer have with her mother. She is constantly annoyed by Emily, a classmate who Gracie never wanted to be friends with but ends up risking her life to save. She is attracted to the aloof and old Zed who she cannot seem to act normal around.

Of course there were bitter and jaded comments about the world around her, but, more than anything, Gracie is determined to find a place she belongs, a home. Not surprising since Gracie was uprooted from the only home and family she has ever known and dropped onto an island with relatives she cannot seem to find common ground with a town that does not seem to accept her. That is the least of her worries because her ability to pick up visions is forcing her into action.

Two stories in one, both deal with Gracie trying to use her ability the best she can to save those around her. The only things I did not like about this book is that Blundell seemed to leave some loose ends such as the road Gracie’s father decides to take, which the reader can guess, and Gracie and Zed’s relationship . I would have liked some closure on those subjects.

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Long Shot (2019) in Movies

May 4, 2019 (Updated May 4, 2019)  
Long Shot (2019)
Long Shot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Surprisingly Strong Chemistry Between The Leads
Quite a few people that I have spoken with don't like either Charlize Theron or Seth Rogan as performers, so the idea of a pairing of the straight-laced, uptight politician played by Theron and the shlubby, weed-smoking slacker played by Rogan was like "nails on a chalkboard" to them.

And these people would be wrong, for LONG SHOT is a very entertaining, heartfelt romantic comedy that has one big surprise - the strong chemistry between the two leads.

Kind of the "anti-AMERICAN PRESIDENT" (the 1995 Michael Douglas/Annette Benning RomCom written by Aaron Sorkin), LONG SHOT tells the tale of Secretary of State, Charlotte Field (Theron) who embarks on a Presidential bid. When she polls low in "sense of humor" she decides to add a comedy writer to her staff to punch up her speeches. A chance encounter with her childhood next door neighbor leads Field to hire Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogan). Will sparks fly? Can Fred remind Charlotte of why she chose politics in the first place?

What do you think? It's a RomCom afterall, but it's the journey and not the destination that is important.

And...his is a fun journey...mostly because of the performances of Theron and Rogan. Over the years, I have grown to really appreciate Theron - from dramas like NORTH COUNTRY and her Oscar-winning turn in MONSTER, to action flicks like MAD MAX:FURY ROAD and FATE OF THE FURIOUS, to comedies like A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST and this film - there is nothing (apparently) that she can't do. She is really good in all of these - even if the material is not the greatest.

The surprise to me here was the performance of Rogan - it was "wacky", "stoner-ish" and "out there", but toned down and tempered - probably the sign of a good, strong Director at the helm. I bought Flarsky's journey in this story and the relationship between these two characters was believable because Rogan was able to match Theron's energy and show real chemistry between the two.

Other fine turns are given by O'Shea Jackson, Jr (STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON), as Rogan's buddy, Ravi Patel (TV's MASTER OF NONE) as one of Theron's support staff and (especially) June Diane Rapheal (TV's GRACE AND FRANKIE) who really shines in the unenviable role of the Theron's Chief of Staff who doesn't approve of putting Rogan's character on the team, but she plays the role with layers - not one-note - and so we get a real person, with conflicted feelings at time, and she rises above the typical type of character in this type of role.

The only disappointment for me was Bob Odenkirk's President (who is stepping down for - he hopes - a much bigger job, MOVIE STAR) and not because of Odenkirk's performance, he was fine with what he was given, but there wasn't much nuance written in this part and (compared to the layers shown/written by others) the one-note-ness of Odenkirk's character was noticeable. As was Andy Serkis as a heavily-made up, older media mogul who is trying to use his wealth to manipulate the events from behind the scene - this character (and make-up) was a "swing and a miss" for me. But, fortunately, neither Serkis nor Odenkirk have much screen time, so it was more of a "distraction" than an "annoyance" for me.

I mention the Director - so I better give credit to Jonathan Levine (the awful SNATCHED with Amy Shumer and Goldie Hawn) - I have not really enjoyed anything else he has Directed, but I have to give him credit for this one - he brings "the funny and the crude" without going overboard, driving the story efficiently while putting in enough yuks and (surprisingly) heart in this movie along the way.

Now...don't be fooled here...there is quite a bit of "crude, lewd and rude" behavior and jokes (a crucial plot point hangs on a "sex act"), so don't expect a gentile, Cary Grant/Katherine Hepburn battle of the sexes. Expect a funny (crude), sexy (lewd) and opinionated (rude) take on the modern political system and how a person can lose their soul if they choose to play the game.

With a large amount of heart - and strong performances/chemistry between the two leads - I was pleasantly surprised by LONG SHOT - and, if you can handle the crude, lude and rude, then you will have a good time at this film.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)