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Boy Band Builder: The Card Game
Boy Band Builder: The Card Game
2021 | Card Game, Party Game
When researching and requesting games to review and preview, I sometimes need to clarify my stance on certain things. Perhaps my thoughts on climate change, or my interest in European door decorations, or, in this case, my preferences on the era of boy bands past which we recently (and thankfully) have evolved. I was assured that my distaste for the music genre would not negatively influence my enjoyment of this game. After my plays, I must agree.

Boy Band Builder (BBB from here out) is a card drafting and band-building game for two to four players. In it, players are band managers tasked with creating the next big group of talented and attractive boys, with the winner of the game being they who earn the most money from assembling the best band and playing the most lucrative gigs.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, separate the cards by type and shuffle each stack independently. The Gigs deck is placed on the table with four Gigs displayed from the top of the deck. The Artists and Star decks are placed on the table and each player is dealt three Star cards to start the game. It is now setup and managers are ready to build bands… of boys!
BBB is played over a series of rounds, where each player will take two actions each turn. These actions are Audition, Draw Star Cards, Play a Star Card, and Do a Gig. When a manager Auditions boys for the band, they draw the top three Artist cards, choose one to add to their band, and then discard the rest to the bottom of the deck. The cost to add the boy to the band is shown in the upper right hand corner and represents the number of Star cards to be discarded from hand. Artists are added to band (tableau) and ready to begin rehearsing. At least, I hope they are rehearsing.

Additionally, the active manager may Draw Star Cards to increase their hand. Simply draw two Star cards from the top of the deck. Alternatively, the manager may choose to Play a Star Card for its stats by slipping the card under a boy to increase his level of Pipes, Moves, Heat, or Cool stats (check out the photo below where I went hard on buffing Old Frank).

Finally, if the boy band members currently possess the appropriate amount of stats, the manager may choose to Do a Gig. They choose one of the face-up Gigs cards, take it to their score pile (assuming they possess the correct type and number of stats), and then do a little dance to celebrate a completed Gig. To signify the end of their turn, the active manager draws a Star card and passes to the next player. The game ends once the appropriate number of Gigs have been completed by a manager, as detailed in the rules per number of players. The manager with the highest total of money earned from Gigs cards is the winner, and receives all the Grammy nominations afforded to them.
Components. This is a bunch of cards in a tuckbox. The cards are all fine, but the true hero here is the artwork. I cannot express how much I appreciate the decision to keep the art style modern, and the faces blank. I believe it is mostly due to the fact that all of us who were not in boy bands were all a bit jealous of those who were, but I will publicly state that my official opinion is because these boys don’t really need faces. Body language speaks volumes, and the art style reflects that extremely well. Mad props from me on the artwork.

The gameplay here is very intuitive, even though I had a couple questions that were not made clear in the rulebook. You need Star cards in order to buff Boys so they can do Gigs, and making sure that your band has all the right stats to complete the more profitable Gigs. I believe the game lasts an appropriate amount of time; it does NOT overstay its welcome, which is a huge thing for a filler game such as this. I do wish there were more off-the-wall characters like Old Frank and Lil’Hop, and I also wish the Star cards’ backgrounds were a little more interesting to look at, but the game ultimately looks good and plays well too. There are a few extra surprises to be found in the game that I will let our readers discover, including some Take That card that can hinder opponents.

Boy Band Builder can be super quick and competitive, or can be more leisurely and relaxed. This is a great thing for a cute little card game, and though the theme is something with which I am not at all enamored, a love for boy bands is not required to enjoy Boy Band Builder. I can see myself breaking this out with the right people, but I don’t necessarily foresee having this on stand-by for every game night. If you are in the market for a uniquely-themed card game you can chair dance while playing, then check out Boy Band Builder. It can be found on the Amazon store by clicking this link. Enjoy!
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
The Visuals (0 more)
Some big differences to the book (0 more)
A dazzling, geeky feast for the eyes!
I don't really do books. In the last twenty years or so, I've probably only read one book from start to finish, and that book was Ready Player One. And I absolutely loved it, reading it pretty much non stop until I'd completed it. As anyone else who has read the book knows, there's a hell of a lot in there for someone to try and incorporate into any movie adaptation that gets undertaken, not to mention all the rights needing to be obtained for the vast wealth of famous characters, movies and video games that it features and recreates in such intricate geeky detail. Steven Spielberg is probably about a good a choice as any for tackling something like this though, and to say I was excited heading in to the preview screening of this would be a serious understatement.

The movie covers a lot of detail up front in a fairly brisk, but very effective introduction in order to set the scene. It's 2045, and our hero is Wade Watts, living high up in 'The Stacks', towers of trailers crudely stacked and held up together by metal beams in a densely populated urban area of Columbus. As Wade descends from his home, he passes his neighbours, many of whom are wearing some kind of VR headsets, involved in different kinds of online activity that we can't see. Wade tells us that at some point in the past people just stopped trying to fix lifes problems and learnt to just live with them instead. And to make things easier, they have the OASIS. The virtual world that his neighbours, and billions of people around the world, all connect to in order to escape the daily grind of the real world. In the OASIS you can be anyone you want to be, do anything you want to do. There are different worlds you can visit, and coins to be earned in order to upgrade your experience. Wade has all his equipment for connecting to the OASIS hidden away among the nearby piles of scrap cars, and when he puts on his headset, we are introduced to his online avatar, Parzival. He tells us about James Halliday, creator of the OASIS, who died five years ago. He left behind a message, informing the world that within the OASIS he'd hidden an Easter egg. Anyone who could find the three keys needed to unlock the door to that Easter egg, would inherit his entire fortune, and gain complete control of the OASIS. Since then, nobody has even got their hands on the first key. Nobody has their name up on the high score board. So... Ready Player One...

And so it kicks off, in dazzlingly glorious fashion, with a crazy multi-vehicle race through New York city in order to get to the finish line and grab the first key. It's like Mario Kart on steroids, with jumps and hazards throughout. Wrecking balls smashing the road, a T-Rex causing havoc and Kong jumping from building to building, smashing things up and taking players out of the game. But nobody can make it to the finish line. It's a fantastic, dizzy assault on the senses, and the first of many scenes where you find yourself frantically scouring the screen to see how many famous cars and characters you can spot. Parzival himself is driving a DeLorean, obviously. We're also introduced to fellow racer, and legend within the OASIS, Art3mis, who after being rescued by Parzival, becomes a close friend. Along with Art3mis, Parzival has a number of other close friends within the OASIS - Aech, Daito and Shoto, none of whom he has met in real life. As Parzival finds the first key, and begins sharing that knowledge with his friends in order to work together for the rest of the keys, they become known as the High Five, in recognition of their names being top of the scoreboard.

The bad guy of the movie is Nolan Sorrento, who used to work for Halliday. He, along with his army of employees, are out to try and take over the OASIS for monetary gain and will do whatever it takes in order to make that happen. When Sorrento discovers the real world identity of Parzival, things begin to get very difficult for the High Five who now have to struggle to not only find the keys first, but also evade capture in the real world.

I don't remember all of the details from the book, so I can't comment too much on what's been missed. But I do know that the puzzles surrounding the keys differ in the movie from those in the book. There are also some pretty big elements which don't feature in the book at all, but the main thing for me was that the overall spirit of the book definitely carries over to the movie. There is some occasional second half drag, but that's inevitable when there are so many prolonged moments of eye-popping visuals on display in-between. One thing I do remember well from the book is the final act, where Wade calls upon an army of OASIS users to help him and the high five fight Sorrento and his army in order to gain access to the final key. It's something I always imagined while reading as being absolutely epic if it were ever to be recreated on screen. Luckily, it is. Wow, just wow!! And once again, like with much of this movie overall, I sat there, wide eyed and with a big gormless geeky grin on my face.

Tim Booth recommended Horses by Patti Smith in Music (curated)

Horses by Patti Smith
Horses by Patti Smith
1975 | Rock
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

""This is by far the most important record for me. I heard it when I was 16. I was in a boarding school for boys, which was like a Victorian prison. One evening, I was told by the housemaster – who hated me – to take a phone call. It was my mum, who tells me that my dad was on the verge of dying and was having an operation that night. The operation may save him, but he is old and he might not wake up from the anaesthetic. I am told that I couldn't go home and that I just have to wait it out. At ten o'clock, the boarding school have 'lights out'. I am lying on my bed, in a state. I'm not going to be able to sleep, so I sneak through the corridors, down through the study to the one thing that redeems my life, which is the stereo system. Horses is there and I have no idea why I put it on. The first track I play ['Birdland'] is about a father dying, and a long, black funeral car and a boy standing watching. It is a nine-minute improvisational piece about Wilhelm Reich dying and his son, Peter, helping his father through the death process. This song shook me to the core, partly because it was improvised – it has no structure of verses or a chorus – and is just this rambling poem of desperation and longing. I think, from that moment on, I subconsciously knew I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to be somebody who could write a song that a boy or girl 5,000 miles away could hear and be moved so much that it would change his or her life. Therefore Horses became my template, probably by chance, because something so powerful happened to me on the night I first heard it. I then bought tickets to see her play and my parents banned me from going. I had to run away from home to go and see her show, and I was quite a good boy, so it was an unusual act for me. I had a couple of amazing things happen later in my life. Lenny Kaye, who had been a guitar player in her band, became the godfather to my eldest son. He also produced James' first record [Stutter]. Then, after Patti had been retired for a while, Lenny rang me from Detroit and told me that Patti was going to do her first gig in 15 years. He said that she might play for ten minutes or two hours. It was a wake as her husband and brother had just died. I flew to Detroit and I sat in front of her with about 150 people in a church, while she sang and read poetry, whilst crying, for three hours. It was her first gig in 15 years and afterwards I carried her guitar to the car and sat next to her and we talked. After that concert, I needed nothing more from Patti Smith. It had come the full circle of the apprentice sitting with his teacher. In fact, I did get more from her. She curated the Meltdown festival. She invited me to sing one night – it was a night of singing songs about lost children. I was the only man singing on that night. I sang with Tilda Swinton, Kristin Hersh of Throwing Muses, Tori Amos, Sinéad O'Connor, Yoko Ono, Marianne Faithfull and Patti Smith. It was one of the most incredible musical nights of my life. I got to play with the great icons of the last 20 years – the women who have changed what it is like to be a woman in rock & roll on every level. It was a great honour and quite awe-inspiring. It completed the completion. No other album comes close to Horses. I became a singer three years later because of Horses. It is why I write songs that are naked and that wish to reach out and change people's lives, rather than any of the other million reasons people become singers."

Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys #1)
Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys #1)
G.R. Lyons | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys #1) by G.R. Lyons
Ice on Fire is the first book in the new series, Treble and the Lost Boys. Set in the same world as the Shifting Isles series, it can nevertheless be read without any prior knowledge of that series.

Zac is leading a double life - he is the violinist in Treble, and the guitar player in Inferno. He can't tell his longtime friend in Inferno that he plays violing as they will see it as 'gay'. So he definitely can't tell them that he is, in fact, gay too. So he pretends, and hates every minute of it. His family life is a good one, but he is worried about telling them he is gay as well. So, all in all, Zac is firmly in the closet. The only bright spot, which he keeps to himself, is seeing the mysterious Mr Shadow when he plays with Treble. This unknown man is the root of all his fantasies.

Adrian is also leading a double life, but although it looks like he has it all, he is actually more trapped than Zac. Suffering with acute anxiety, he has to toe the line his strict father lays down, or he will be kicked out with no money to his name. He manages to go to the club every time Treble are playing though. There is no way he would miss out on seeing the vibrant and passionate violinist.

These two definitely have a bumpy road, and both of them annoyed me at times. It was heartbreaking to see their relationship splinter under the pressure of studies and exhaustion. With high expectations, and only manageable reality, we see them fall apart and can only hope for a HEA, or at least a HFN!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and can't wait to continue with this series. A brilliant start to the series, and I am waiting patiently for Rylie's story! Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<u>I Feel Like Going On</u> tells the story of Ray Lewis's life through his point of view. From his early childhood to the man he is today. I learned quite a bit about Ray Lewis that I didn't know and found very interesting. A religious and family man with seven children, he is a very different person than the man who used to be on the football field.

Growing up in Maryland, I only root for two teams, the Washington Redskins and whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. When I was a kid, the Baltimore team had been long, so the Redskins were who I went for. I respect, Ray Lewis as an amazing defensive player in the NFL. Occasionally, I would cheer for Baltimore especially when they were in the Super Bowl. It was interesting to find out that the Redskins were Ray's favorite as well. He has a very religious side to him that you don't get to see on the field. He is also very family oriented, always there for his kids as well as his mother and brothers and sisters. There are a lot of things I learned from this book about Ray Lewis and about life in general. The best part of the book came at the end when Ray talks about what his mother taught him.

"Be an example. Be a force for good. And know that every one with a great name has been through something. A great deal of something. It's not about doing what everybody else is doing. It's just about being true to yourself whatever the majority of people are doing, go ahead and do the opposite--if you know what you're doing to be right and good and true. Live your legacy. Do your thing. Walk in a certain light."

This book is an inspiration to anyone who is struggling through life and may be unsure how they are going to make it through the storm. Ray Lewis made it through a single mom household, losing friends and coaches, and being accused of the most terrible things. He made it through alive andd on top.
The Blue Zone
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the outside, the Rabb family looks like the perfect family. They live in an amazing house, drive nice cars, their oldest daughter is a research assistant at the local University, their son get great grades, and the youngest is a ranked squash player. Benjamin Rabb is a gold dealer, and for the past twenty years has been doing very well for his family. When Benjamin Rabb is investigated by the FBI for money laundering, fraud, and conspiracy with known drug dealers, his family is placed in the Witness Protection Program. All, except Kate, who is old enough to do her own thing. When Kate makes some interesting discoveries and strange things start to happen, she may find that her perfect family may not be just so.

This is the first solo authored book I have read by Andrew Gross. I am pleased to say that this book had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning to the very end. So many different surprises and twists in this book. The book centers around Kate rabb and her life after her father has testified in court against the Mercado Family and her family has been in Witness Protection for more than a year. The thing I really like about this book is that I never knew what was going to happen next or who I could trust. Everytime you turn around, another something falls in your face that makes you yell expletives at the book. Not knowing who to believe and where to turn for help, makes a person feel lost. Kate's determination to find the truth and get her family back together, has her in the fight of her life, in more ways than one.

I listened to the audio of this book and it was read by Ilyana Kadushin. She gave an excellent performance and made me feel as if I was a part of the action. I could see the action as it played out. I can't wait to read other solo authored books by Andrew Gross. Another great author to add to my every growing list of favorites.

Villainous Vee (53 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Overwatch Origins Edition in Video Games

Mar 11, 2018  
Overwatch Origins Edition
Overwatch Origins Edition
2016 | Shooter
Many hero's to choose from (2 more)
Many modes to select from
Earn loot boxes to change your characters looks
Playing by yourself can get very frustrating (0 more)
Fun and exciting, never gets old!!
I put off purchasing this game for quite a while because what I first understood from reading about it there didn't seem to be a lot of variety in the game play, I just believed you would either be capturing and zone or moving a pay load from point A to point B.
My friend finally talked me into purchasing it as it was on a special deal and I have not looked back and I rarely play much else anymore because I am LOVING this game.
There are so many different modes to choose from and those that are in the arcade change weekly and sometimes daily. Or if you fancy something completely different you can always look in the game browser where players set up their own games.
You might to start with think that you just pick a character and go but each has their benefits and their weaknesses and so you have to work with the other player in your team to choose a suitable line up in order to win.
Game modes rotate between attack and defense and so your character selection is very much dependant on what your are doing.
Playing solo and not in a team can get a bit frustrating, especially when players are not really thinking about what it is the team objective is and they just go for a character they play regularly rather than one that would benefit the team. Quite often I end up as Mercy or Moira (support hero's) in order to have a healer on the team as everyone selects quickly without working it out.
Competitive play for points (which runs in seasons) is also quite frustrating for the sakme reason... Especially as a loss means you drop down the rankings and your points at end of the season suffer because of it.
However I adore this game and if I ever fancy just relaxing and having a bit of fun this is always the game I go to first and so I would highly recommend it.
The Right Fit
The Right Fit
Daphne Dubois | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Sport & Leisure
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a nice easy read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I have a particular hatred of using the word NICE to describe a book. But sometimes, it's the only word my brain will use for a book and I can't spit any other word out.

So, this is a NICE book. A GOOD book.

Maxine sees Anthony when she's waiting for a blind date, who turns up but pretends he's not her date. They *literally* dump into each at a night club, when Maxine was dragged out by her sisters for some rebound sex. Anthony is a professional ice hockey player but Maxine doesn't have a clue who he is, so when she assumes he's a mechanic, he runs with it. When She finds out the truth, ALL the truth, can Maxine forgive him? Can she really allow herself to be happy??

This is, from what I can see, the first book by Dubois I've read; indeed, I *think* this is her first novel. And for the most part, I did enjoy it. And I'm stuck with that N word a the back of my throat!

I don't mean this in a negative way, not at all, it's just I can't find any other word that projects my feelings bout this book and you all know, I'm all about sharing my book feelings!

I liked the way the story flowed. We don't get all of Anthony's history in one go, you get hints and clues, and I put them altogether so wrong. You don't get all of Maxine's pain at her break up, the whole story comes in snippets along the way.

Some of the dialogue is amusing, with Anthony's English not quite up to speed yet, but I liked that he flipped between English and French, and his English is portrayed in a way I remember the French students from school speaking.

So, for the most part, I DID enjoy it, but I can't get past the *Nice Book* title.

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for the blog

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Haunting of Sharon Tate (2019)
The Haunting of Sharon Tate (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
With it being 50 years since the tragic Manson murders in California we have a year of Manson movies. We have the independent film Charlie Says which explores Manson and his cult in sensitive detail before the tragic night. We have Tarantino’s Once Up A Time In Hollywood which has been given the go-ahead from Sharon Tate’s sister to be made. Then we have this. The Haunting of Sharon Tate. An overly exploitative piece that twists truths to create a narrative and completely trashes the legacy of the late actress.

August 8, 1969, the night that Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski, Abigail Folger and Steven Parent were brutally murdered. The film focuses on the days before the tragic event. The movie dramatizes the slayings and plays on the notion that Sharon Tate predicted her own death in the days leading up to the slaughter.

Surrounded by bad acting and awful scripting it was a very poor choice to make this film in the first place. Writer-director Daniel Farrands has created an offensive and frankly insulting ‘thriller’. Hilary Duff stars as Sharon Tate and whilst she somewhat looks the part, she doesn’t have that raw magic and flair that Sharon had. This tragic event has been turned into some stock-horror slash um up movie with a psychic paranormal twist.

At one point Manson’s song ‘Cease to Exist’ plays to Sharon over a tape player and the Manson Family stalks Tate and her friends around her home. It really is that bad. The introduction of the movie shows real-life footage as a black and white Hilary Duff talks about her own death. The opening scene of the movie is enough to want me to turn off the film instantly.
The Haunting of Sharon Tate still
With no care or respect being paid to the real-life counterparts, the movie has very little to say other than ‘you’re going to die soon’. There’s no feeling of empathy. The Haunting of Sharon Tate is just a 90-minute exploitation of a horrific night in Hollywood’s history.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled in Video Games

Jul 9, 2019  
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
2019 | Racing
Rev Your Engines
Rev up your engines as your favorite gaming Marsupial is back with Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. The game is a remastered version of a prior release and like the amazing N Sane Trilogy; gives a new life to the game by taking advantage of the better graphics and framerates offered by the new systems.

Playing in a campaign or online mode, players can pick which character they wish to use and unlike the previous release; are not locked into completing a series with that character as they can change up as they wish.

Players must win a track in order to move on to the next track which is accessed by driving a portal located on an island which also serves as a practice area and a way to access Boss Races and other areas when key objectives have been reached.

The tracks are very detailed and great fun. From an intense sewer track to some exotic locales and temples; there are plenty of locales for everyone to enjoy.

If you have played a racing game before you will soon get the hang of the controls and mechanics of the game. Of course there are plenty of traps and obstacles for players to deal with and there are power ups with weapons and other enhancements to give player an edge which will be needed as the competition is intense; even on the lower difficulty settings.
There are also crates of fruit which can be collected and will allow players to customize their vehicles beyond cosmetic changes which will be needed as player’s progress.
The multiplayer aspects of the game were great as it was very easy to connect and play and aside from some loading screen waits, the game moves fast and looks and sounds amazing.

If you are a fan of Crash Bandicoot and love a good racing game then this is simply a must own as it is not only fun to play; but is one of the most entertaining and enjoyable games in
the genre.