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Awix (3310 KP) rated Gorgo (1961) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Gorgo (1961)
Gorgo (1961)
1961 | Adventure
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The poster tagline 'Like nothing you've ever seen before' is really pushing it a bit considering this British suitamation movie is composed almost entirely of bits from other, better-known films. Generations of British people have grown up believing they've seen a proper Godzilla film when in fact they were just exposed to this in their childhood. On the other hand, Eugene Lourie also directed The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, one of the original Godzilla's main inspirations, so you could say he's just repeating himself rather than actually being derivative.

Soundly scripted with a decent twist and pretty good performances, and the devastation of London by Gorgo's mum in the final reel is well-staged. Persistent rumour suggests that a young John Carpenter made an unofficial sequel, Gorgo Vs Godzilla, but no-one seems to know for sure if this even exists - shame, as on the strength of this outing Gorgo and his mum had potential for their own series. Only really of interest to fans of vintage monster movies, but a distinctive and rather distinguished entry to this genre.
After the Storm (KGI, #8)
After the Storm (KGI, #8)
Maya Banks | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok so I get why some people didn't like the latest adventure in the KGI series. Yes it wasn't set in so far flung place, God knows where. Killing bad guys to rescue the damsel in distress but you got to see Donovan how he really is, his passion for rescuing women and children from the clutches of evil and his longing to settle down with his own girl and play happy families just like his brothers.
Donovan for all his muscles and hardness is a pussycat really.

"Donovan wouldn't hurt a hair on your head, nor would he hurt you emotionally. He's just not wired that way"

I loved "After The Storm" it's just as good as the others in the series but just different :-)

Page 210, O.M.G that was fabulous and Rusty's story is going to be great, I can't wait for that.

For those who DNF shame on you, you missed the best bits. Oh well, your loss.

Roll on the next in the series Maya can't write fast enough for me x
The Asphyx (1972)
The Asphyx (1972)
1972 | Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Early 70s British costume-drama horror movie, so you know roughly what to expect - scientist consumed with hubris decides to play God, learns the hard way he doesn't have the full set of qualifications for the gig. But this is really a rather morbid Victorian melodrama, an impression which is only heightened by how primitive some of the special effects are (the asphyx puppet in particular is a bit of an eye-popper).

At a time when the average Hammer horror was brazenly carnal and exploitative, and Amicus' line of portmanteaus was recycling the same jokey twist endings, The Asphyx takes itself wholly seriously and is positively bleak throughout - the whole movie is about death and despair, and the effects this can have on people. (At one point the plot boils down to a race between two characters to see which one of them can commit suicide first.) The intensity of the telling (good performances from the leads) makes it somewhat mesmerising to watch, even if it's a slightly chilly and unsettling experience.
Every Last Drop: A Vampire Anthology
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A collection of short stories involving vampires. Who doesn’t love vampires. These are the legitimate kind though so no sparkles. I enjoyed the twist in history. To give a reason for blood lust.
Natural Born Predators was awesome. The Beauty and The Beast with a vampire twist. Belle is no damsel in distress. She is a hard core vampire hunter. She is lethal and hot. Frey is a god with the power to control the weather around his castle. He imprisoned Bell's father for trespassing. What he wasn’t expecting was this beauty to come and calm his world. He knows he can’t change who Bell is but can he accept the thought of her always putting her life at risk.
All the stories were really good. It would be awesome to read full length novels of Fate and Fortune and Natural Born Predators. To get more details on the love stories and how the lives of the people effected turned out. To see that not all stories have a HEA.
The Watchman
The Watchman
Robert Crais | 2007 | Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joe Pike Takes Centerstage in Fast Paced Novel
When a favor is called in, Joe Pike finds himself as the bodyguard for Larkin Conner Barkley, a spoiled rich young woman who has become a witness in a Federal investigation thanks to a traffic accident. But when people come for them twice within just a few hours, Pike must go to extreme measures to protect them both. The bigger question becomes, what is really going on?

From a mystery standpoint, this book is outstanding, which several wonderful twists and surprises. I had a hard time putting the book down. Since this book focuses on Pike, it is interesting to get some more perspective on this character, although I did feel some flashbacks slowed the book down. Don’t worry, we do get Elvis Cole as well. My biggest beef with the book was two characters who I found super annoying. We were supposed to find them comedic, but I wanted to slap both of them. Additionally, some characters can’t seem to remember when events they just lived through took place.
Fiction Can be Murder
Fiction Can be Murder
Becky Clark | 2018 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery Author Framed for Murder by Her Own Manuscript
Melinda has a reputation for taking pleasure in being mean to people. Even though Charlee Russo is an author this agent represents, she’s seen Melinda’s mean streak before. So it isn’t necessarily a surprise when Melinda winds up murdered. What is a surprise is the method – straight out of Charlee’s just submitted book. Clearly, someone in her life is trying to frame her for murder. But which of her friends could it be?

Early on, I was worried that I was about to be flooded with suspects. While there are a lot, they were presented in a way that it was easy to remember them as the book went along. It also helped that potential series regulars are also suspects and that the characters are distinct. I did feel like the plot focused on one aspect of the mystery over some of the others, but there was still a good twist or two and the ending had me turning pages as quickly as possible.
The Favorite Sister
The Favorite Sister
Jessica Knoll | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought the story in general of The Favorite Sister had lots of promise! But it was just too much all over the place. Telling us Brett was dead in the beginning did nothing for me. It would have been a better shocker at the end to know that Stephanie had died, and Brett a surprise death. It just wasn't necessary to do all the back and for now and then. It made the book confusing, it was hard to keep track of where we were in the story and also who's story we were following. I didn't know who was talking, since they were all just really vain horrible people, their voices all seemed similar. This made it difficult to relate or identify with any character, let alone like them or keep track of them! I found that even in Luckiest Girl Alive, I had trouble even liking ONE character. I liked Brett at first, but then slowly hated her towards the end. Maybe just throw in ONE likeable character in your books! Just throw us a bone!

Kristy H (1252 KP) Mar 10, 2019

Totally agree! These characters were the worst!


Bookapotamus (289 KP) Mar 10, 2019

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought so!

Please Stand By (2017)
Please Stand By (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama
Cute and touching
Maybe a cross between Rain Man and Lady Bird or Nebraska, this cute amusing film is about a girl with autism who is devoted to Star Trek (who isn't?) and has the opportunity to write a script for a contest where she could win $100,000.

The script turns out great, but now she has a problem: how to get it to Los Angeles within 3 days to beat the deadline.

I have always been a great fan of Dakota Fanning going back to I Am Sam, War of the Worlds and Man on Fire, and she is excellent and the star of the show here as well. Her portrayal of a young woman on the spectrum is truly believable, touching and sweet.

Some of the situations and people she encounters are a little too strange, unusual and/or only would happen in a movie, but overall her journey to LA is fun and you are really rooting for her to succeed.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Ocean’s 8 (2018) in Movies

Jun 26, 2018 (Updated Jun 26, 2018)  
Ocean’s 8 (2018)
Ocean’s 8 (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Crime
We seem to be at the point where Hollywood is all for giving more and better roles for women in big (ish) genre movies, but no-one seems to have much idea about how to do this beyond clumsily retooling films that would usually star men for a female cast. Hence things like this, which is basically a minimal variation on the formula from the Clooney/Pitt Ocean movies - you know it's about women, though, because they're stealing jewellery and there's a scene where they all swish about glamorously in expensive dresses.

Uninspired and unsurprising plot, distinctly mixed bag of performances, and lack of a moral compass (rather than stealing from a proper bad guy, they're basically just nicking stuff from an innocent jewellery house) mean that this was a rather unengaging experience for me (though a friend who is actually in the target demographic said she quite enjoyed it). Seriously, though, if people keep going to see this sort of thing, it's all going to end up with Sylvester Stallone finally making The Expendabelles, and who really wants that to happen?

Arlie (10 KP) rated RuPaul's Drag Race in TV

Jun 21, 2018  
RuPaul's Drag Race
RuPaul's Drag Race
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Game Show, Reality-TV
Competition, challenges, heartfelt moments, comedy (0 more)
language (0 more)
Yas Queen!
I've enjoyed watching RuPaul's Drag Race since the first episode. Each season of Drag Race has added new challenges and even more drama to the show. Personally I'm not that happy with drama on competition shows but it's difficult not to have it when it comes to any type of performer. (Speaking as an A.S. and B.A. degree holder for theatre and costume design, there's always drama in theatre. lol) The language is the only thing about the show that I really dislike, but it's not a game changer for me but it might be for others.
My favorite episode of every season is always The Snatch Game, watching the Queens pull out their celebrity impersonations, there are always a few that should have listened better to Mama Ru. Then again that's every episode when she goes around to talk to them about what they are doing for that maxi challenge.
I highly recommend this show to people who enjoy reality t.v., competition shows, and of course Drag Queens.