Photo & Video and Utilities
“…there's no easier way to remove unwanted items from your images...”—The Guardian “It's...

OPlayerHD Lite - media player, video file manager
Utilities and Music
Play all your videos directly without having to convert them! OPlayer supports almost every format...

Animation Desk®
Entertainment and Education
Animation Desk is a perfect tool for animating, storyboarding, and sketching. It’s an app Loved by...

Puppies, Whopping Puppies - furry fun for kids!
Book and Entertainment
Whopping Puppies is a very simple book & game application for small kids and toddlers, containing...

Best SLR camera - Custom Exposure & Controls
Photo & Video and Utilities
If you're a photographer tired of trying to tap your way to the exposure you want, then this is the...

Huawei P9 Lite
Tech Watch
Turn the dreams of tomorrow into today’s reality with the Huawei P9 lite, successor of the P8...

Full Fitness HD for iPad
Health & Fitness and Medical
✭ 50% OFF FOR TODAY. BUY NOW! ✭ "Rated 4 out of 4 ... the best of its kind at the crowded App...