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A Star to Sail By
A Star to Sail By
Joy Lynn Fielding | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved being kept on my toes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Crispin wanted to be in the Navy, and now he finds himself on a pirate ship, helping them. But these pirates aren't like anything he heard about and Billy, especially, calls to him for reasons he can't figure out. Billy knows though, and it takes a storm to bring them finally to admit to each other what they could be.

What I especially liked about this, was being kept on my toes!

We are aware that something happened to Crispin to mean he is surviving on a merchant ship, and is no longer in the Royal Navy, but not WHY. We know Billy hates Naval officers, but not WHY. And we get the answers to both almost at the same time. Very different reasons, but equally devastating to them. I'm not going to go into it, for spoilers, but difficult reading, Billy's especially. Be mindful of the trigger warnings on this book.

It's not especially explicit, but I didn't mind that here. It's more about the feeling these two men have for each other, and knowing that they can be together, in this time, and be safe.

It is, however, quite violent. These pirates are their behaviours, but things happen and then Crispin and Billy are dealt a nasty blow. The level of violence is not graphic, though it does carry some detailed descriptions of punishments and the aftermath. Also, the reason Billy hates Naval officers is described in some detail.

It's not a complicated read, and I found I read it faster than I normally would for a book of this length, some 370 pages.

First I've read of this author, I like the way she spins her tales. I'll certainly read more by this author.

A very enjoyable, 4 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Hilarious (2 more)
Great Cast both old and new
New Pirate legend to give the plot a direction
Some of the comedy feels forced (0 more)
One of the better installments
The 5th film in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, certainly had a lot to live up to and some things to make up for after the previous two films didn’t do as well with the critics. With a few of the original cast returning, and some fresh new faces to join them, Salazar’s Revenge was always going to be intriguing, as the audience members such as myself, wanted to know what new fantastical story this new film would tell, what trouble had Captain Jack Sparrow gotten himself into this time, and what idiotic plan would he come up with to get himself out of it.

The new cast included the young and beautiful Kaya Scodelario (Maze Runner / Skins / Moon) as Carina Smith, alongside the also young Brenton Thwaites (Home and Away / Maleficent / Gods of Egypt) as Henry Turner, the son of Will Turner portrayed by Orlando Bloom, who returns to this instalment as only a minor character, but one that sets the film in motion. Both of these new young performers excel in their roles and deliver a performance that is reminiscent of their predecessors in the franchise. Watching these two was like watching Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly in The Curse of the Black Pearl, with moments that reminded more so of their evolved relationship in the Dead Man’s Chest. Though Carina and Henry are not (yet) together throughout the film, you can clearly see that their shared goal to reach a mysterious legend that may or may not be true, in honour of their father’s, brings them closer and closer and time goes by and events begin to unravel.

Our new villain, Captain Salazar, is portrayed by Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men / Skyfall / The Sea Inside) and brilliantly portrayed at that. He’s menacing and ruthless, and very haunting. His goal is clear and he does not rest until he finds Jack Sparrow. This film franchise has seen plenty of cursed men chasing the drunken idiot Captain all over the world, but Salazar is one thing the others were not….he is not a pirate. In fact he is the exact opposite, he was a naval captain for the Spanish and hunted pirates. This was his life, and this was his curse. His hatred of Jack Sparrow runs deeper than any villain set before him and this is what makes the film an exciting experience.

My only issue that whilst it is hilarious and I continued to laugh, this film seemed to be bursting at the seems with jokes and gags which sometimes felt forced. Trying to live up to the humour of the first film, but instead of always being perfectly timed to the right moments now and then, it seems to be in almost every conversation. This doesn't ruin the film in any aspect, just something I picked up on.

The fifth film is, in my opinion, definitely one of the better of the franchise. It excels in being a hilarious, exciting, action packed fantasy film, which is great for an audience of almost any age. Being a Disney film, it is suitable for children under parental guidance and older audiences from the teenagers to the elderly.

The effects get better with each instalment in the franchise and this film proves it with some beautiful imagery of the seas and the events that take place. The films makeup and set design are also incredible and fantastic to witness, as we see new treasures and new ships that take you to a whole new world, right there in the cinema.

If you’re going to watch this film, which I highly recommend, then do so at the cinema because like most films, your experience with the film will not be the same if you don’t watch it on the big screen. I saw this film in IMAX and it was stunning and incredible and just an absolutely thrilling experience.

Salazar’s Revenge (or Dead Men Tell No Tales, as it’s known in America) is most certainly going to be one of my favourite films of the year.
Show all 3 comments.

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) May 29, 2017

I was also cautious about it when it was advertised. I love the franchise but none of the previous 3 have managed to nail the charm of the first one.


Christina Tsitlakidou (43 KP) May 30, 2017

I'll take your word for it :) going to watch it at some point during the week

Deckscape: Crew vs Crew - The Pirate's Island
Deckscape: Crew vs Crew - The Pirate's Island
2021 | Card Game, Pirates, Puzzle, Real-time
Who out there has ever gone to an escape room and not enjoyed themselves? I know nobody (though if that’s you, it’s okay). I have only been to one in my life (eek!) and I absolutely loved it! I have watched videos of celebrities tackling escape rooms and have been riveted. I like the shows you can now find streaming of similar type activities and am always glued to the screen. Heck, I have played the EXIT and Unlock systems of board games and enjoyed them as well. So having the experience I have and having played two other Deckscape games, how did this one fare for me? Much better. Read on.

These one-shot escape room style games are difficult to explain without major spoilers, so I will try to explain what I can as best I can. Please don’t flame me for being vague. I am protecting you.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more info, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, open the box and take out the cards. Done. Read Card 1.
This one is quite a bit different from previous Deckscape games I have played in several ways. First, this is a head-to-head game where two players (or teams of players) will be taking sides of two pirate captains and attempting to figure out the answers to puzzles offered on cards in the game. Each side will have equal time and opportunity to solve the puzzles, but the first side to claim that they have solved it will be able to flip over the puzzle card to check for accurate answers. If they have succeeded, they earn the booty. If they fail, the other team has a chance to complete the puzzle successfully.

Play continues through the deck of cards with each side engaging in battles of wits until the end of the game draws near. The side with the most booty earned will be the winner and the game can then be passed along to another group of players to enjoy.
Components. This is a box of cards. The cards are all bigger than normal playing cards and feature pretty great art and vivid colors. I totally dig the pirate theme, so I was already destined to enjoy to aesthetic, but I do believe this is the better-looking game of the ones I have tried in its family.

Gameplay is also so different from the other two games in the Deckscape system and that’s a great thing. Having this head-to-head style really suited my situation when I played it: my 10-year-old niece was bored while her twin brother was at baseball practice, so I invited her to play this with me. Long story short, she ended up beating me by one point in the end, so that made her incredibly happy. I also highly enjoyed my playthrough of it, even in defeat.

I wish I could speak more on the specifics why I liked this, but again, as River Song would say, “Spoilers.” Do know that of the three Deckscape games I have played, I believe this is the best of the group. The puzzles are all fantastic, and I feel like I had a good handle on the solutions, but my niece obviously beat me to them more often than I would have liked to have admitted. That said, I can recommend this one to anyone interested in the Deckscape system with one caveat: this is head-to-head instead of the typical cooperative experience in the series. So you have been warned. It’s very good, though, so do check it out. Purple Phoenix Games (with guest score from my niece Keira) gives this one a puzzly 10 / 12, If you are wanting a little different flavor in your bottle of rum, grab a copy of this and enjoy. Just play it with someone your own age, or prepare to BE owned.
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Mackenzi Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was excellent! First, all the diversity here - between the bisexual main character, his best friend, who is biracial, has an "invisible" disability, and also likes men (or at least likes Monty!) and his seemingly asexual sister - the book covers so many facets, it's great.

Given that it's historical fiction, set in Victorian Europe, Percy's biracial heritage has him just seen as black to most people they encounter. Monty doesn't seem to understand what that means, most of the time, and is a little blinded by his rich white boy privilege. He gets talked to a couple of times about how he's being blind to the problems his friend is facing.

I liked that we got to peek under Monty's playboy facade a few times, when being punched has him flashing back to being beaten by his father for being a "disappointment." An interaction between him and a pirate captain was particularly sweet, teaching him to fight back because he's worth defending.

I LOVE Felicity, Monty's sister, and I'm really eager to read her story in the sequel to this book, The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy. She is so badass, and incredibly intelligent.

The writing was fun, the action well-paced, and the dialogue clever. I was a little put off at first by the size of the book, but I flew through it quickly. I especially liked Monty's bisexuality - how he just cheerfully perved on practically everyone his age. It definitely reminded me of a few people I know!

Something that I noted, near the end of the book, was Percy not asking Monty to stop his perving. What he said was "if you ever go behind my back..." which implies as long as Percy knows, it's not an issue. Yay for non-monogamy being present in YA! It's nice to see alternative relationship structures being presented, though I wish it had been more than just implied.

This was an excellent read for Pride Month, and I loved the amount of diversity and intersectionality present in it.

You can find all my reviews at
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
6.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“ Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle a loot. Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho. We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot drink up me ‘earties yo ho”.
Captain Jack Sparrow is at it again with a map in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other. In the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Captain Jack Sparrow teams up with an old flame Angelica (Penelope Cruz) and her father Blackbeard (Ian McShane) in the hopes of finding the Fountain of Eternal Youth. There are a group of Englishmen captained by Barbossa and a group of Spaniards who are on the quest to find the fountain as well. In order to reap the benefits of said fountain they have to find two chalices that are in the possession of Ponce de Leon and a mermaids tear. With a great storyline from Tedd Elliot and Terry Rossio the summer movie season has started off on the right foot and looks very promising.

Jerry Bruckheimer brings us Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger tides in excellent 3D. Unlike a lot of the other recent 3D movies converted into 3D, POTC is actually shot with a 3D camera providing the audience with better graphics and exciting effects. Unlike the others this new installment is based upon the book On Stranger Tides written by Tim Powers and includes but is not limited to mermaids, Zombie crewmembers, lots of rum, revenge, romance, mystery and a lot of swashbuckling excitement.

Orlando Bloom and Keira Nightly are not missed as Capt. Jack once again steels the show. The 1967 Disney attraction has changed over the years and most recently Capt Jack himself, Capt. Barbossa and coming soon they will be adding Blackbeard to the previous Davy Jones fog projection screen. The future for Jack Sparrow looks very promising as it has been rumored that Johnny Depp is already signed on for more pirate adventures. I loved this movie and is a great kick off to the summer movie season and I plan on seeing it again only this time in “4-D” at the closest D-Box(motion simulation seats) theater.
The Tempest Sea
The Tempest Sea
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I so very nearly fell out with Robin D Mahle over this book... I still might... They're so close to breaking my heart!

The Tempest Sea is the incredible second novel in The World Apart series, whisking us away from Ceithren and across the Tempest Sea to the other side of the world.

The adventure is again told from Clark and Addie’s POV but this time we are also treated to snippets from Xavier and Nell's past.
These tidbits allow the side characters to tell their story right up to the present situation, (almost) dissolving their untrustworthy nature in the readers eyes but not ruining the tension within the plot line.
I also loved how the chapters were labelled rather than named (ie Xavier is The Protector) as this really reflected how these "off screen" moments have shaped the characters and made them grow into something much more than their assumed role.

As well as our favourite characters from The Fractured Empire *side eyes Gunther* we also get to spend a lot more time with Locke, Nell and we are finally properly introduced to the infamous general. Alongside a plethora of side characters ranging from a pirate ship full of badass women to a fair few men we love to hate, Robin D Mahle really spoils us.

This fast paced sequel is jam packed full of action, flying ships, pirates and danger: its a wonder there is any time for romance! Addie and Clark may have been through the ringer but the tension and their magnetism throughout this book will have you screaming at them to open their eyes and just accept the attraction. That would be way too easy though... You know they're just going to wind each other up and fall out a few more times 😊

With the foundations set in The Fractured Empire, Robin D Mahle could really have fun with The Tempest Sea and I think this shows. The action and suspense rolls off the page, dragging us along for the ride. There are some darker moments (big trigger warning for sexual abuse) but these serve to make the characters stronger. They'll certainly need it for the next stage of their journey!

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Bastille Spy in Books

Aug 1, 2019 (Updated Aug 1, 2019)  
The Bastille Spy
The Bastille Spy
C. S. Quinn | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very enjoyable historical spy adventure!
England’s best spy, in this novel set in only just pre-Revolution Paris (1789), is Attica Morgan. Yes, in a time where a woman was deemed to be the fairer, weaker sex, Attica is a ruthless, all-action spy in His Majesty’s Government. And I loved her.

I’ve no idea how likely this would have been, and largely speaking, I don’t actually care. This book is non-stop action, as Attica is asked to investigate the murder of a rebel in the Bastille. She sees how dangerous Paris is becoming, and how the French royal family really don’t care about their poorer subjects. Attica teams up with a Privateer/ Pirate to complete her mission - and I found myself wondering (and hoping - see point 2):
1. When the next book will be coming out*, and
2. Will he be in it!

*for the record, I know that this book has only just released, and I’m firmly of the opinion that authors should take as long as they want/ need to take over writing their books. Can’t help but want to see more of these fabulous characters though!

Attica’s backstory is fascinating: the bastard daughter of a British nobleman who has escaped from slavery, educated and brought up as a Lady, she is expected to marry to her family’s advantage (or to that of the Crown). Attica doesn’t really like playing by the rules though, and trains to be a spy - which sounds brutal, but prepares her for some pretty risky missions.

The French people generally, whether Royalists or Republicans, don’t come off terribly well. The Republicans all seem to be pretty bloodthirsty and immoral, the Royalists are ‘just’ immoral. So, happy days (I should also say here that I know lots of lovely French people who are neither immoral or bloodthirsty. Just to make that clear 😉)!

Have I said how much I liked this book? Because I really did. If you want a fun, exciting, historical fiction novel, then this will be right up your street. I’m definitely putting this in my ‘Look out for the next in the series’ watchlist (yes, I really do have one of those).

Many thanks to Jellybooks who provided me with a copy of this book to read and review all the way back in April 2019! I’ve had to try very hard to keep this under my hat since then!
A Most Unconventional Courtship
A Most Unconventional Courtship
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Do you not recall last night?” The hidden speaker came into view at last. There was a moment of crowded thought and he realized his mouth was hanging open.

“I remember nothing of it at all, and I’m sure I’d remember you.” He would have to be dead not to, he thought, studying the tall, slender figure standing in front of him, hands on her hips and an expression of exasperated disapproval on her oval, golden face. A veritable Greek beauty, he thought.

There is an instant attraction between Benedict Casper Chancellor, Earl of Blakeny and Alessa, an independent woman in the Greek town of Corfu. Alessa hates everything he stands for– conservative, high society England. It was the very thing her father ran away from all those years ago. But when Chance realizes English relatives of Alessa are looking for her, he wants to acquaint her to her family, and bring her to England where he could court her properly. He was convinced the life of an English noblewoman would be better suited for her than her life full of hard work and responsibilities. But Alessa isn’t willing to give up her independence. yet, especially when her aunt says Alessa cannot bring her two orphaned wards to England with her and then kidnaps her to save her own reputation. Chance will do anything to get her back, even becoming a pirate.

Despite the great opening line in this book– “Someone was trying to commit murder, and apparently they were doing it on her front step.”– I had a difficult time enjoying the first few chapters. They went by slowly with the character introductions and world-building. All of it was necessary, but I wish there was some more action and passion during that time. I liked Alessa a lot. I enjoy strong leads, anyway, especially in historical romance, but in the second half of the book, the dynamic between her and Chance was fantastic. A lot of the conflict in this story was caused by jumping to conclusions, however. That can be good sometimes, but if that’s the main reason for conflict, then I feel cheated. It’s lazy no matter how consistent the jumps are to the character. But the chemistry between Chance and Alessa definitely make this story worth reading at least once, especially for historical romance readers who particularly like world and plot development.
Averlon (Trident Cove #1)
Averlon (Trident Cove #1)
Devon Vesper | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AVERLON is the first book in the Trident Cove series and it is a wonderful beginning to the series!

We start off with Faolan in the slave pits. This was a heavy start but really well-written. Faolan gets sold to a pirate captain who is paradoxical in many ways. He has bought a 'pleasure slave' and gets insanely jealous if anyone else touches him, BUT he doesn't want to touch him himself unless he is free of bruises and/or injuries. Being as most of the crew don't like the fact the Captain has a pleasure slave at all - when they have to wait for shore leave - this means Faolan has injuries most of the time, which is good for him!

Averlon is the Mer prince, together with his bodyguard and best friend, Revyn. When he feels the mate bond, he goes in search of his mate. His plan is to be captured by the pirates so he meets the Mer onboard. Of course, it isn't a Mer but Faolan instead.

There were a few examples of behaviour not making much sense - for example when they escaped from the boat. I couldn't understand why Averlon would jump off first, leaving his mate in possible peril, as the biggest danger was behind them (the pirates/captain etc.) not in front of them. I would also have liked Faolan to have had more of a voice at times. I felt he needed more time to understand becoming a Mer, but didn't say anything. I also understand he was in the honeymoon period, but I wish he had spoken up when Averlon went against what Faolan wanted. If there is a good reason it had to be done a certain way - great! Tell Faolan about it so the reader can find out too.

All in all though, this was a great book that made me realise I haven't read a good Mer story in far too long. I look forward to finding out what happened to Karn once they hit the water. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 10, 2023
Tiny Epic Pirates
Tiny Epic Pirates
2020 | Dice Game, Exploration, Nautical, Pirates
Gamelyn Games and Scott Almes have done it again. They’ve managed to create yet another Tiny Epic game with a combo of theme and mechanics that we just couldn’t pass up. When this Kickstarter went live, we were definitely auto-backing it. Now that it’s been fulfilled and we’ve had the opportunity to play it, does it meet all of our high hopes and expectations? Is Tiny Epic Pirates a hidden treasure, or is it fool’s gold?

Disclaimer: I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook in this review, but rather provide a general overview of the rules and gameplay. -L

Tiny Epic Pirates is a competitive game in which players take on the roles of pirate captains sailing the seas, engaging in combat, trading at various ports, and trying to bury some treasure. Played over a series of rounds, the game ends once a player has buried their 3rd treasure chest. To setup, follow the instructions as detailed in the rulebook – there are simply too many to outline here concisely. Two unique aspects of setup are that the Map cards are shuffled and randomly placed in a 4×4 grid, ensuring a variable setup for each game. The other is that each player will also randomly assign Order tokens on their Wheel (rondel), which means that no two players will have the same setup for a game. Once the Sea has been created, players have prepared their appropriate mats, a market for Booty and Crew have been setup, and tokens/Ships are placed on the map, the game is ready to begin!

Each turn is broken down into 5 steps: Captain’s Order/Deckhands, Sail, Execute Captain’s Order, Trigger Bonus Actions, and Crossing the Ship Line. The first part of every turn is to move your Captain meeple clockwise on your Wheel to select your Captain’s Order for this turn. Moving to the next adjacent space is free, but to skip spaces you must place Deckhand meeples onto the skipped spaces. In future turns, you may have Deckhands coming off the wheel, and you will assign those to other tasks during this step. The next step is to Sail your ship. Every player begins the game with a base speed of 1 Map card, and this can be enhanced throughout gameplay. During this step, you may Sail your ship across Map tiles up to your total allowed distance. After having Sailed, it is time to Execute Captain’s Order. To do this, refer back to your Wheel to see which action your Captain is on, and perform it. Possible actions are to Plunder (steal Booty from settlements), Trade (trade Booty for $ at markets), Crew Up (add up to 4 Crew members to your Ship), Search (gain a one-time benefit from un-searched Map cards), Attack (attack opposing Pirates or Merchant ships at sea), or Hide Out (rest at a Cove and reassign all Deckhands). You may only perform the action that was selected in the Captain’s Order step, regardless of if your placement on a Map card has other actions available.

Once your selected action has been performed, the next step is to Trigger Bonus Actions. Looking at your Captain and Crew cards, if their leftmost icon matches your current Captain’s Order, you may trigger the listed bonus actions. Some bonus actions allow you to perform duplicate Captain’s Orders, but others will earn you money, let you reassign Deckhands, exchange Booty at a different rate, and bury treasure. You don’t need to perform every Bonus Action listed if you so choose, but they may only be performed when their card icon matches your Captain’s Order. The very last step of your turn is to see if you have Crossed the Ship Line. Check your Wheel and see if you have moved from space 5 across the Ship Line to start another circle around the Wheel. If you did not cross the line, then your turn ends and play moves to the next Pirate. If you did cross the Ship Line, then the Merchant and Navy ships will sail a set amount of distance. Merchant ships are simply trying to deliver goods to port, and will be traversing the sea throughout the game. The Navy ship is hunting down Pirates, and will move to attack the current player any time the Ship Line is crossed. When a player has buried their third and final treasure, the round finishes as normal and the game ends. The player who buried all 3 treasures is the winner! In the case of a tie, check the rulebook. 😉
As with most of the Tiny Epic games, I will first start by saying that the size of the box may be small, but the gameplay inside is enormous. There is so much strategy in this one, I think it’s the ‘heaviest’ one in the series so far. You have so many different choices when it comes to strategy, and the gameplay will feel different every time. You could choose to take the offensive and be the aggressor, attacking any and all Ships that you can. Winning combat against Merchant Ships earns you Booty and other resources, while winning combat against opposing Pirates earns you Legend Levels. Your current Legend Level dictates how many spaces you are allowed to Sail, as well as how many dice you can roll during combat. So increasing that level results in better benefits. Maybe you just want to be an honest Pirate and do all of your trading at legal markets, avoiding contact with others and trying to skirt around combat. Maybe you want to try a little of both? The point is, you have choices, and must be able to adapt them based on your opponents’ decisions as well.

A neat element I touched on earlier about this game is the variable setup for each individual player and their Wheel. This really factors into your strategy because you have to know when to use which actions. Do you use a Deckhand to skip a space, or do you burn a turn moving for free to keep that Deckhand right where you want him? And remember, Bonus Actions are only triggered when the matching Captain’s Order is selected, so maybe you have to sacrifice acting in a turn (not being able to perform the selected Captain’s Order) in order to trigger your desired Bonus Action. It’s all about strategy, and that keeps the gameplay engaging at all times.

Just a word of warning though, there is a bit of a learning curve, as there are so many steps and items to consider each turn. Thus the gameplay felt pretty daunting and slow-going my first few plays. But as I became more comfortable with the turn structure and the iconography, it became easier to know what comes next. Another thing to consider is player count. Playing Tiny Epic Pirates at 2 players didn’t really feel that immersive or engaging. With only 2 players on a 4×4 grid, it can be easy to completely avoid each other and skirt around, essentially playing by yourself in a way. With 3 and 4 players, there are more Ships on the map and more opportunities for player interactions and engagement. So it all comes down to what kind of gameplay you want, when selecting your player count.

Components. Again, so far all the Tiny Epic games have had awesome production quality and Tiny Epic Pirates is no exception. The artwork is bright and colorful, the cards and cardboard tokens are sturdy, the meeples are cute, and the actual ships are fun to play with. My only qualms are that two of the player colors – black and blue – are visually similar so in setup it can be tricky to tell them apart. Another qualm is that two of the Booty types (teehee) are a tan and gray color, and the iconography for both on the Map cards are similarly colored. The first few plays I found myself trading the wrong Booty at market because I didn’t check the icon closely enough. These are not game-breakers by any means, but just a heads up so you’re paying attention! As this was a Kickstarter, I did opt for the add-on Pirate Skull dice, and have to honestly say that I prefer the regular game dice better. The ‘knots’ on the corners of the skull dice stop them from continuing to roll, so I felt like I wasn’t really getting a real roll on them. Maybe that’s just my personal opinion, but the regular ol’ game dice are perfectly fine.
How does Tiny Epic Pirates fare in the lineup of the Tiny Epic games? Fairly well, I would say. It’s not one that I would pull out to play with just anybody, as it is a bit of a heavier game, but it is one that I know I would enjoy with my game group. There are a lot of neat elements and mechanics at play here that really work well together and make for an engaging and kind of brain-burning (in a way) game. Although Tiny Epic Pirates might not get as much playtime for me as others in the series, it’s a good one to have and it really embodies the tiny (small box, check) and epic (sweet and strategic gameplay) parts of the title. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a seaworthy 4 / 6.