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The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
2012 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Movie begins with two pirates fighting in the dining hall, then enters the not so famous Captain Pirate with his long wavy beard filled with curls. The pirates were fighting over what the best part of being a pirate was, the looting, no the booty, no Captain Pirate says its ” HAM NIGHT” followed by a cherry song! Captain Pirate is a friendly man of the sea with his crew filled of pirates just as friendly and a “parrot” named Polly.

The Captain decides to enter the Pirate of the Year contest and docks at port to sign up. With voices of Salma Hayek and Jeremy Piven as his main competitors to be the one with the most treasure, the Captain must up his game if he wants to get more booty to win the Pirate of the year award so the Captain sets sail on a quest to take over ships and get his treasure. Running in to nothing but disappointment along the way he finally comes upon the ship of the scientist Charles Darwin on a quest of his own. Charles wants to find the most rarest of creatures to bring back to Queen Victoria for the top scientist to have a private audience with the Queen.

When he meets the Captain Pirate he sees that Polly is not a parrot but a dodo bird, the rarest find of all. The Captain goes back with Charles to enter the contest in hopes of winning and getting the biggest treasure.

Filled with surprises, catchy songs and a monkey that speaks through cards this movie is not only fun for the whole family but well worth seeing in 3D The colors pop on screen and guarantee laughs. Good Family Fun.
Daughter of the Pirate King
Daughter of the Pirate King
Tricia Levenseller | 2017 | Children
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daughter of the Pirate King is a swashbuckling adventure for young adult/teen fans of pirate shenanigans. Alosa is a strong, fearless pirate with flaming red hair and a taste for blood. Although her father is the Pirate King, she captains her ship under her own merit and inspires loyalty in her crew.

I went into this story knowing only that it featured a lead character who was essentially a female Jack Sparrow. As a huge fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow and pirate tales in general – I knew this was a book for me and was glad that I didn’t know more about it than that. There as aspects, allegiances, and secrets about our characters that might be spoiled by reading a synopsis and were better to discover on our own organically while reading the book.

The plot was unexpected and enjoyable from start to finish and left me wanting more. It can easily and satisfyingly be read by itself but also leaves plenty of room to continue to the storyline. (Thankfully there is at least one more book in this series, but unfortunately, it is not out yet.)
Highly recommended read for those who enjoy adventure books with a strong female lead and just a dash of debauchery.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2003 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Depp, Knightley and Bloom. Fantastic trio. (0 more)
It's got everything you'd expect from a pirate film and more really. The action is great, theres humour that suits the films atmosphere and the story line isn't complicated.
The Goonies (1985)
The Goonies (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy
If you are a kid of the 80s this is a must to share with your family. A group of teens go in search of pirate treasures while being chased by criminalss. This is an fun adventure movie.
Fight for Freedom
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second 'pirate'y book I've read this year - the first being Michael Crichton's "Pirate Latitudes" and, I'm afraid to say, neither of those two books have really impressed me that much.

Despite being sold with the quote 'Set the be the Sharpe of the High Seas', I found 'Fight For Freedom' (previously sold as 'The Pirate Devlin' - not a good sign that they changed the title!) to be harder to get into, and nowhere near as enjoyable, as any of the Sharpe novels: I just couldn't get into this one at all.
Stardust (2007)
Stardust (2007)
2007 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
7.9 (89 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This one was a surprise for me as I didn't expect it to be as entertaining as first thought, De Niro playing against type as a pirate and Pfeiffer as the Witch, watch out for superman Henry Cavill, lots of fun!
Pump Up the Volume (1990)
Pump Up the Volume (1990)
1990 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
By daytime a shy teen but by night he is the shock jock on his pirate radio station. When first seen this i was a teenager and i could empathize with the main character and how i wish i could be like that.
Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"“Kitchen Confidential” was the first book I ever read in English. I love that Tony’s world in the kitchen was filled with pirate-like renegades when mine was peopled with regimented professionals. How eye-opening and entertaining to read about the other side! "


Merissa (11731 KP) created a post

Sep 1, 2023  
"What I especially liked about this, was being kept on my toes!" - Debbie

Release Blitz & #Giveaway: A Star to Sail By by Joy Lynn Fielding - #Historical, #Pirate, #MM, #Romance, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Available in #KindleUnlimited
The Living Skeleton (1968)
The Living Skeleton (1968)
1968 | Horror
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"To be found in the When Horror Came to Shochiku set from Eclipse, Horishi Matsuno’s engagingly demented Japanese picture jumbles gruesome crime, supernatural vengeance, psychic twins, mad science, and strange sea story—it may never settle on a tone, but its unpredictability is compelling. Haunted by her twin sister, who was murdered during a pirate attack, Saeko is mentored by a priest whose cool sunglasses conceal an evil secret identity and scars. Other pirate victims appear as living skeletons who inhabit a wreck and bring about the deaths of their murderers, and there’s also a mad scientist with vampire tendencies in the mix."
