Strategic GIS Planning and Management in Local Government
This "how-to" book on planning and managing GIS within local government describes and details the...

Successful Business Plans: Get Brilliant Results Fast
Michael Anderson and Jane Khedair
A business plan is essential for any business, new or established. But where do you start? What do...

Quality Management: Essential Planning for Breweries
Mary Pellettieri and Ken Grossman
Craft beer sales are flourishing across the U.S. and breweries are opening at a rapid rate. Without...
Planning for a City of Culture: Creative Urbanism in Toronto and New York
Shoshanah B. D. Goldberg-Miller
Planning for a City of Culture gives us a new way to understand how cities use arts and culture in...

Planning Successful Websites and Apps: Avoiding the Zombie App
Jen Kramer and Heather O'Neill
One in six IT projects today include major cost and schedule overruns, and anything that leads to a...

Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach
Larry D. Kelley, Kim Bartel Sheehan and Donald W. Jugenheimer
The planning and placement of advertising media is a multibillion dollar business that critically...