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McGhostware UK (9 KP) created a post

Jun 28, 2017  
So I just Reviewed you guys briefly in a Private Facebook Group Post and this is what I said with my impression so far I did try to add screenshots but had to settle for certain images and because of Html settings when screenshotting from a laptop.
So I have been beta testing a social media site with a difference recently. I think this site Smashbomb will come in handy for Partners who want or have an interest in Films & TV also Music and there are plans for the future to implement Apps and the likes. I think it has Good potential but only time will tell of its success. The idea behind it is a social media platform where users can rate and comment on movies tv & music there will be great opportunities for those partners running Kodi support groups and you may need such info for posts to your customers you will be able to gather the info from Smashbomb. There are also options to link to your social media accounts so you could just share content to your group as to what is in your build there is also movie trailer button next to info I shall add some screenshots of Smashbomb. they are advertising for beta testers also I believe
Horse Feathers (1932)
Horse Feathers (1932)
1932 | Classics, Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“I married your mother because I wanted children. Imagine my disappointment when you arrived.”
The penultimate Marx Brothers film as their time with Paramount was drawing to a close, Horse Feathers was possible one the their most anarchic entries. The paper thin plot revolving around building a football team at the failing fictional Huxley University, in which Groucho’s, Quincy Adams Wagstaff has become headmaster, is nothing more than a platform for ludicrous comedy.

This gives rise to one of the most even handed ensemble pieces which I have personally seen within The Marx Brothers franchise, with all three main brothers taking a more equal part in the comedy. I normally find that Groucho steals the show, but here, it was hard to decide. Of course Zeppo had little to do as per usual, an issue which would eventually lead to him leaving the screen ensemble.

Laughs a plenty as they had moved further away from their Vaudeville musical comedy roots, focusing more of straight gags, which were as hilarious and as memorable as ever! There were of course the usual songs and musical interludes but this did seem more accessible for a modern audience as the primary focus was on the group and their crazy antics.

A great comedy from the dawn of talkies and these lot knew exactly what to say.
Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2)
Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2)
Neal Shusterman | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am extremely shook
Neal Shusterman has just reinstated himself as my all-time favorite author. His books have been with me throughout my life. The Unwind dystology, The Skinjacker Trilogy, Bruiser, Challenger Deep, and now the Arc of a Scythe. Each one of these stories has touched me in a deep and unique way. Thunderhead is no exception. Book one of this series: Scythe, received my first 10/10 review on this platform and the sequel was even better. Shusterman provides jaw-dropping twists and turns to his narrative that will leave your head spinning and your blood pumping, (your nanites might even have to lower your adrenaline). The Thunderhead is a compassionate character like no other, who knew you could ever relate so strongly and feel so deeply for an artificial intelligence? It is witty and sly, calculating and benevolent, and can be brought into a fury or plunged into despair by the acts of the immortal humans who created it. I need the continuation of this series and I need it now, the final moments are so intense that I choked on my tears after the last line. This is the most mentally engaging dystopian society novel you will ever read. I hope to come back to Shusterman for more in the coming years.

Jade (8 KP) rated Moneybox in Apps

Aug 29, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Modern (3 more)
Excellent Platform
Non-Historic (0 more)
Easy Savings
Moneybox is an extremely useful personal financial app focusing on investment. Any finance and savings 'expert' article always seems to start with the phrase 'save first and spend layer's - Moneybox adopts this method making it easier for the user to do this.

Each week, money is taken from my account and invested into a Stocks and Shares ISA where I can watch my savings grow. Not only this, you have the opportunity to purchase from your invested companies with special discount codes.

With any investment: there is always a risk. However, after a little bit of perseverance and some tweaks in investment percentages I'm now able to see a modest profit which will hopefully carry on.

Moneybox also offers different 'investment boosts'. Alongside your weekly investment amount you can also increase your investment on payday or round up your spending to the nearest pound to add this to your pot, too.

I've only had a positive experience with Moneybox up to now and I hope that this will continue. It's allowed me to set up a little personal savings pot with minimal effort. In my mid-twenties, if I ever make an investment loss, I'm happy to say that it would've been spent on something ridiculous anyway.
Dreame - Reading Completes Me
Dreame - Reading Completes Me
6.0 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
This is an app where authors can upload their stories, it seems aimed towards romance stories and often paranormal. As such they are mostly unknown authors or people who wrote for fun. I think it’s amazing that this app gives them a platform for showing their work.

I have found that some stories are better written than others, I did have to give up on one as I just couldn’t handle all the mistakes but I guess you can’t complain for free stories.

My main issue with this app is that the stories are written in sections. Each time you start a story you can read up to about the first 10 sections before incredibly long wait times for the next to unlock begin. It seems to be mostly 2 days at a time but I did have a wait if a whole week!! Sometimes you wait 2 days for the next section to unlock and it is very short, it took me less than five minutes to read. You can speed up with coins however it seems the only way to gain these is with actual money.

One positive is that it will clearly state of a story is complete, I find this really helpful as it avoids the disappointment of starting a story and it then never being finished.

Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Dauntless in Video Games

Jun 21, 2019  
2019 | Action, Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
My husband Ron plays a lot of Dauntless. I did try Dauntless out on PC and I did like it, but with the arthritis in my hands it was difficult to handle the controls and it is not easy to map out a controller for Dauntless so it's not very controller friendly for PC. When the announcement was made that Dauntless would be cross platform play I was thrilled. This meant I could try out the game fully on our PS4 and play the game with Ron while he played the game on PC. I seriously counted down the days until the cross platform play launch. Launch day came and honestly there were a lot of issues. People couldn't log in, there was an infinite loading screen upon login, there were lag spikes, and sometimes people got kicked from the game altogether. I decided I would wait a week before I tried to play the game. I guess everyone was excited for cross platform play and the servers got crushed under the weight which is understandable considering Dauntless got four million people all ready to get out there and enjoy the game.

When I did get to start the game, I was excited. Dauntless is free to play and is set in a fantasy world where a cataclysmic event has ripped the world apart and released giant monsters known as behemoths. You get to play as a slayer that takes down these behemoths. The first thing you get to do is create your character. There are a variety of choices with the faces, hair, and makeup for the character creation. I had fun choosing all the things to make my slayer look the way I wanted.

Once the character is created you are logged into the game with an introduction explaining the world of Dauntless and this comes with a tutorial on how to fight the behemoths, how to use flares to signal where the behemoth is to your team, and how to stagger them. The controls for PS4 are great and the tutorial flowed seamlessly for me. When the tutorial is over you are back in the town of Ramsgate where you can pick up quests and craft items you need for hunts such as armor, weapons, and tonics. There are also a couple of adorable dogs in the game that you can actually stop and pat. I pat the dogs every time I'm in the game because I love dogs even in video games.

Dauntless can be played as a solo player or multiplayer. For me, it's more fun with friends and while sometimes it's a bit of a wait to find a hunt match it's not terribly long and once you have your team you're ready to go. Before you start, you have a chance to check your weapons and armor to make sure that they will give you the advantage you need against behemoths. Depending on what their elemental is, you will want weapons that can combat that. For example with a frost behemoth weapons with fire elements on them are your best friend and having armor that protects against ice attacks are quite helpful. As your team is getting ready, the game will show you an element guide for the type of behemoth you're fighting and will show you your weapon and armor power. When the numbers are in green it means your gear is adequate for the hunt.

The behemoth fights are pretty straightforward as you work with your team to battle them. Each behemoth not only has its own unique elements, they also have various attacks they will use. Being able to recognize their movements when they are starting their special attack is vital so that you can dodge and go in for a counter attack. Breaking off parts of the monster is important as well because you will need those parts for crafting armor and weapons. The fights are a lot of fun and when you vanquish a behemoth it feels pretty rewarding. You do get ranked on how you did in the fight and so does your team. Don't be too discouraged if your rank isn't so good when you are first starting out. As you level and improve your armor and weapons that rank will go up. Patience is key.

Depending on the type of build you want for your weapons and armor, there are specific behemoths you will need to hunt in order to get the materials needed. The great thing about Dauntless is that it allows you to try out all the weapons and experiment with them to get a feel for each one and decide which weapons suit your play style. For me, I absolutely love chain blades because they allow me to move and dodge quickly while dishing out damage. Armor crafting is important too and there are a ton of choices in armor builds. You will need to talk to the smithing NPCs in order to craft the things you need and if you have the proper amount of materials, you can upgrade them. This is where the grind comes in. You should strive to constantly upgrade your weapons and armor so you can have an easier time in behemoth hunts.

Don't like the colors of the armor? No problem. You can change the color at any time if you have the color palette unlocked. You get a set of colors for free and others you can unlock doing quests or fighting heroic behemoths. If you check the rewards for the quests and heroic hunts you will see the dye color listed. The other way of course is to buy the colors with platinum and that does cost money. If you're strapped for cash, the free way while a bit of a grind is a great way to go and worth it if you would like to change the colors of your items.

There are daily rewards in Dauntless that you get from doing things such as patrols and login rewards. You get one reward per login from the NPC Gregario Flynt and the rewards range from cores you can unlock that give you cells to add to your weapons and armor or crafting materials. If you want to change your character design a bit, you can do that in Ramsgate. Approach a mirror that is near Gregario and it will take you to the character design screen and you can change and adjust your character for a whole new look.

It is a good idea to try everything out so you get a good feel for the game. You also get rewards when you level up your mastery of weapons so it is advised to try them all out so you can work on it and get some sweet rewards for it. Make sure to take breaks so you don't get burned out on the grind because there is a lot of grinding in Dauntless. However, it is such a fun grind and there is so much to see and do in it and the cross platform play adds to the fun because now no matter what platform you play on you can enjoy the game with everyone. I am off to hunt some more behemoths. See you at the next adventure!

Courtney (25 KP) rated Instagram in Apps

Feb 7, 2019  
Communication, Photo & Video, Social Networking
8.2 (362 Ratings)
App Rating
Can express emotions. (4 more)
Can show off your photography skills.
Can keep up to date with family and friends.
It rarely crashes.
Can make your account private.
It reminds me a bit of Snapchat and Messenger now since all of the updates. (1 more)
Have a limit on video length.
My Main Social Media Platform!!
Instagram.....this is what I use mainly, more so than Facebook. It's something different and interesting to see people posts pictures instead of a status. I love putting up a picture of the day or even a quote of the day because I believe there's different ways to look at a picture, like that saying, a photo can tell you a 1000 words (something like that).

I do think it's got slightly more technical since the updates as years have gone on, I know to keep ahead of the game and more modernised. In some elements I do feel like it has copied Snapchat and Messenger were it didn't need it.

It has great effects on it from black and white to changing your photo to sepia or enhancing tones and shading. I do like doing all the different enhancements myself to find the perfect way I want my photo to look.

All in all, I can't really say much of a bad thing about Instagram because I use it everyday. I would definitely reccomend, especially if you want to try something new or express yourself more than words could.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
2018 | Platform
When news first arrived that the crash empire would be releasing a new game. The whole world went nuts. It was a childhood favourite for so many households across the world. It was rolled out onto the PS4 platform on the 30th of June 2017. It smashed pre sale records, with tons of people choosing to put a deposit down in order of not missing the game. It consists of three of the crash games; Crash Bandicoot, Cortex Strikes Back, and Warped. The three most iconic of the crash series. All three had a major face lift, which was going to be obvious due to sheer jump in technology and graphics we’ve had. Yet nothing about the actual game has really changed. The levels, characters, and sounds have all stayed the same. Here’s a review of what the game was like to play.

Game Play

The first thing that a lot of people pointed out is, the game is hard to play. Well, harder than when most of us were kids and attempting it. But this shouldn’t be classed as a negative. It added excitement to the game, and if anything, made game play last longer. The graphics were incredible. Everything was so sharp and defined, it really made the characters and scenery pop to life. It also sort of made the game easier to play. Although the levels were hard, moving through them was easy. There were no annoying glitches, the characters were extra responsive to movements, and it really just had a smoother feeling compared to its very older brother. This game was review on a standard PS4, the graphics would have been 10x better on a custom gaming pc, it would have been interesting to compare the difference.

The attention to detail that Vicarious Visions (the developer) has gone to is outstanding. One huge improvement is the enemies. In the first lot of the three games, the enemies were always so hard to kill. It is very noticeable that in the new series, enemies move more fluidly, and are easier to kill or dodge. There’s no lag what so ever during the game which is perfect. The sounds are also crisper, with additional noises such as feet crunching on the floor, or the wind blowing have been added. It doesn’t affect gameplay, but it’s a nice additional touch. The best of the three games is definitely Cortex Strikes Back, it’s much more fun, crash is able to move around better, and it’s just generally more engaging.


All of the original characters still appear in the new games. There’s Aku Aku, the mask that appears making the funny noise. Crush, Crunch, Coco, Doctor Neo Cortex to name but a few. As with the scenery of the game, they’ve all had a little face lift too. It’s so much easier to see the features of the character’s. They look so crisp and clear in the HD platform. They all play exactly the same role as they did in the beginning, and seeing them all together in a high definition view really offers something nostalgic. Crash still remains the main character throughout the game.


The price of the game when first released was around $35-$55 depending on which store you got it from. It has now rapidly reduced to around $20-$30. There’s also cool collectable extras to take a look at. You can get model figures of most of the main crash characters from the internet. If you can collect all of them, they might be worth something a little more in the future!


There’s only two negatives of this game. One being the fact it is only available on the PS4 platform. Many xbox lovers weren’t too happy about this, but at the same time, crash has always been on playstation. It wouldn’t be right to release it on all platforms. If they had done however, there profit could have been exponential compared to what it was. Although this didn’t have PS4 lover’s complaining. The second issue is just how damn hard the levels were. Yes it’s good to have a little bit of a challenge, but not three whole games worth of rock solid challenges. It did anger a lot of people, especially parents. The game was simply just too hard to play for some children. I think if they had the chance to do it again, they should have options that let you choose game play difficulty. That way it’ll be suitable for all ages. But even so, the game did need to be toned down a bit.

Reiko LJ (126 KP) rated Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) in Movies

Jul 23, 2018 (Updated Jul 23, 2018)  
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Great cast and chemistry (1 more)
A genuine message at the end of it all
Don't judge a game by its box
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can hold my hands up and genuinely say I was wrong about this film and all my pre-judgements of it.
When the initial trailers dropped I was appalled - not only had they besmirched the good Jumanji name with a cheap remake but it had tropes ahoy and fanservice nonsense with Karen Gillan running round in a skimpy outftit. Also the Jack Black playing a female character just felt like a dodgy observation on a man being funny pretending to speak like a woman.

Well. I was totally wrong.
It sold itself as good fun and it delivered with some actual depth bringing up the rear.
The tropes I was worried about were flipped on their head. The geeky guy didn't chase the popular girl and get her in the end - he always liked the geeky girl. The game gave them a platform to express their mutual feelings to each other and to gain confidence in general.
The jock learned about strengths outside of his physicality. The popular girl learned about being selfless and seeing the world outside of her phone.
The video game format was a great way to bring the film to the modern age and had some really smart nods to aspects within them.

 Definitely not what I expected, pleasantly surprised. Hell, the ending even brought a tear to my eye! 100% glad I gave it a shot

David McK (3233 KP) rated Obi-Wan Kenobi in TV

Jun 24, 2022  
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
2022 | Sci-Fi
7.9 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
"Hello there"
For many viewers at the time, Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi was the highlight of the prequel trilogy.

Back before the dark days. Back before the Mouse House.

(sorry, couldn't resist).

The last of those movies - Revenge of the Sith - was released way back in 2005, with McGregor distancing himself from the role for a good decade and a half or so afterwards due to the flack he received. Time, however, has been kind to the prequel trilogy (well, that and the dumpster-fire that was the sequel trilogy, with The Last Jedi in particular being hugely divisive (I don't particularly rate it myself)), with McGregor agreeing to reprise the role in this limited-series on Disney+.

A series which, I've heard, has had the highest viewing figures of any yet-released on that platform (although I've no idea if that claim is accurate or not).

But the big question is, of course, was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes - this blows The Book of Boba-Fett out of the water completely; even managing to over-shadow The Mandalorian. Which is impressive when you consider that most of the main characters - Obi-Wan, Vader, Luke, Owen and Beru - all benefit from having plot armour; all appearing in the original trilogy ...

Yes, it's not perfect - Moses Ingram Reva, in particular annoys at first - and may be a bit slow in the first episode or two, but the finale plays off beautifully, tying in perfectly with A New Hope and even adding another layer to Obi-Wan's claim that "From a certain point of view ..."