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Poisoned Apples: Poems For You, My Pretty
Poisoned Apples: Poems For You, My Pretty
Christine Heppermann | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVED EVERY SECOND of this book - I hate poetry .. hate it ever much, but this was a pleasure to read and oh so relevant to life and everywhere you turn. Oh my word, this was just unreal. I can't even. I got this from the library but now I'm looking for the hardcover for my collection I enjoyed it that much!

Thalia (3 KP) rated milk and honey in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
milk and honey
milk and honey
Rupi Kaur | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was part of my 2018 reading challenge. A book of poetry. I honestly don't think I could have chose a better one for this category. It spoke to me on so many different levels. Rupi Kaur did a beautiful job at expressing that we're not alone in anything we go through. Will be picking this up very often.

Devendra Banhart recommended Turtle Island in Books (curated)

Turtle Island
Turtle Island
Gary Snyder | 1974 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This collection of poetry and prose is a little like going for a long hike out into the redwoods and coming upon a beautiful library, well lit, and cozy and there’s no one but you and all these amazing books that you are welcome to read as long as you treat everything with the respect it deserves. Wouldn’t that be an amazing experience?"


Amy Tan recommended Devotions in Books (curated)

Mary Oliver | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Mary Oliver’s poems give us solace and perspective. They provide the companionship of like-minds and thus have the power to instantly remove loneliness. Her poetry is the little lamp in the window that guides us home when we are in love or in trouble. When you read the last line of each poem, you’ll understand. It will take your breath away."

In My Father's House: Poems
In My Father's House: Poems
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"My favorite book of poetry. Hodgen makes the ordinary and the plain profound again and again. We all struggle to come up with the words to attach to our grief, our confusion, our losses. Hodgen is not immune to the plight. You can feel and appreciate the effort. He wrestles each of the ingenious little masterpieces from the struggle and the search."
