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The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6)
The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6)
C.S. Lewis | 1955 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chronologically the first Narnia book, this was actually the last book written in the series, and goes back to how the magical land of Narnia (going by publication date, first visited in [b: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe|100915|The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)|C.S. Lewis||4790821]) came to be.

As such, who says that the concept of prequels is a new invention??

Personally, I think I approached this from the wrong perspective: when I hear the word 'magician' mentioned (as in the title of the book) I tend to think either of the likes of Paul Daniels, or (going by literature) of Gandalf the Grey/White.

That, however, is not how the magician is portrayed here: rather than a benevolent, kindly old character, we instead have a selfish, greedy older man, who is responsible for sending the two children protagonists (Digory and Polly) into the magical woods between the worlds, and eventually into the land that will become Narnia.

If I'm honest, it's also not a story that I was overly familiar with: sure, I'd read (as a kid) that more famous previously mentioned entry and (more recently) have even watched a few of the movies, but this one? Not so much.
The finale to B.K. Greenwood's 'The Last Roman' trilogy, bringing to a close (?) the story of the immortals Marcus, Isabella and Thomas first started in Exile, and continued in Abyss.

AS before, this is a mix of Highlander meets Jason Bourne (as I read a advert put it), jumping between the 'then' (pieces of the last 2000 years of history) and 'now', as Doyle and Thomas get nearer and nearer to triggering their end-game of the Apocalypse.

Yes, that Apocalypse.

So we've moved even further away from the initial set-up, more and more into the territory that came into prominence towards the end of Exile and more into the realms of the Supernatural (is that even the right word for it?).

Not, I want to make it clear, that that is any way a detriment to the work - I just want to be clear, from the outset, that that is the type of work you will be reading.

I did find this to be better than Abyss, but maybe not quite as good as Exile. I've also hear (read) that there are prequels stories - and, with a range of 2000 years, quite a scope of history for those to be set in - so, while I may read those I'm currently unsure whether I would purchase them or utilise Kindle Unlimited (if they are on that).
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
A robot movie with a heart
Inherent problems with prequels aside (you already know how things are going to end up), I hoped this film would work to set up the future Transformers movie timelines which it did.

After a large war on Cybertron, Optimus Prime sends everyone's favorite B-127 to Earth to scout out the land and set up a base the Autobots can use in their continuing battle against the Decepticons.

Eventually the out of place robot meets 18 year old Charlie and their friendship soon ensues. The usual government losers show up and choose the wrong side after two scout robot baddies make their appearances as well.

Charlie's family grows increasingly nervous as the teen seems to choose spending time with her new friend than with them.

The beginning battle sequence was phenomenal and the friendship between girl and robot makes this film different than the Michael Bay directed CGIgasm films for sure. I liked the scenes with Charlie and BB a lot. The other characters in the film, though were not very interesting, dull, boring and one dimensional, especially John Cena. The middle of the film meandered a little too much for me as well until the plot devices aligned and the direction to save everyone was made clear.

Overall, very entertaining film with a few minor complaints. Still would recommend.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Storyline (1 more)
Not confusing
Luke (0 more)
Better than people suggest
I've been a fan of Star Wars ever since I was a child seeing "A New Hope" for the first time. Having gone through the sequels, prequels, another sequel, another story, its back to a sequel again and this didn't disappoint like some of the other films did.
First off, I can understand why some people don't like the film. I've never been someone who takes films too seriously. If they don't follow a particular arc, or don't follow stick to a book for instance, it's no big deal.
My main regret in watching this film, is that I should have watched "The Force Awakens" again, just to remind myself of who the new characters are.
The pace of the film is just right and leaves the story at the right point for the inevitable conclusion.
The storyline with Luke Skywalker seems to be the main beef among people who hate the film. I just accepted it for what it is, basing his change of mood on loneliness, regret, age (becoming cantankerous) and other factors that might affect him.
I still can't get my head around Kylo Ren. The character is good, the actor who plays him is not.
Hard to write a review without leaving spoilers, but my main advice is just go with an open mind, don't be judgemental and sit back and enjoy
The Zodiac Paradox (Fringe, #1)
The Zodiac Paradox (Fringe, #1)
Christa Faust | 2013 | Film & TV
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My wife and I were late bloomers, getting into the show as it entered its 5th, and final season. We "binge watched" on Netflix, getting caught up, and then left with a craving for more after series ended. Enter 'Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox', the 1st in Christa Faust's trilogy that serves as prequels for the the three main characters: Walter and Peter Bishop, as well as Olivia Dunham.

Reviewing a number of reviews on here, as well as via, I found complaints that Walter's characterization was more in-line with his character in the show, not the 1968 "scientist" version. And, yes, that is true enough, the story and dialogue were good enough that I could overlook that issue, in head, reworking his persona, as I read it.

I am probably biased, as I am fan of 'Fringe', as well as having an interest of sorts in stories involving the Zodiac Killer, but I liked the book. Is it perfect? No, but, as I am finding these days - in books, newspapers/magazines, and even scrolling text on TV, spelling, grammar, and/or syntax have gone the way of the dinosaur! The errors were minimal, at worse, and the only character that appeared "off" was Walter. None of that, though, affected my appreciation of the story.

If you are looking for a good fix to fill your 'Fringe' void, you could do a heckuva lot worse. Try it, I think you may surprise yourself..

Kyera (8 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book drew me down the rabbit hole and never let go. I hate Marissa Meyer for making me fall in love with these characters when I know that they may not have a happy ending. No, I don't actually hate her book (I loved it) but it gives you so many feelings and yet you feel that it's not possible for it to work out. If you are familiar with Lewis Carroll's work, you know what happens in Alice in Wonderland. As this is a prequel, you expect that you know how each character turns out and wonder if it will inevitably play out the same way in Heartless. It crushes your heart to know their dreams and realize that they may not come true. My only hope going into this book was that it would have a Wicked-style secret that explains how any of them could possibly find their happily ever afters.

I have always been a huge fan of well-done fairytale re-tellings (or prequels in this case) and Heartless does not disappoint. Marissa Meyer did a wonderful job with the Lunar Chronicles and this is just as well done. We get a different look at our most beloved and hated characters, prior to their lives intersecting with Alice's. Most Wonderland retellings I've read feature Alice, so this was a nice change of pace.

Catherine is our likable if a bit spineless heroine who is set to be the future Queen of Hearts - if her mother has any say. She is joined by the Joker, Hatter, March Hare and other classic characters. Cath's dream is to open the finest bakery in Hearts, but her parents have other plans.

The Joker, Jest is my favourite character by far and he has a great arc throughout the story. He is witty, kind, magical and so much more than just the Fool. I almost wish he was the main character because his scenes were always my favourite.

The author took some liberties with the characters, but overall they just helped to make them more believable. Their personalities are developed and expanded, lending them an air of realness that doesn't always permeate Wonderland.

The Mad Tea Party scene was highly enjoyable as each guest was called upon to perform whilst jauntily adorned with a hat. My only negative is that I wish the Hatter was more likable. I understand his motivations but as classically one of my favourite characters I wish I had enjoyed his role more in this novel. I also wish that Cath could have been more pro-active, even though I understand her less than stellar backbone due to the period and her upbringing.

The world is vividly described from the fabric and accouterment laden Hatta's shop to the lavish King's castle. The author even adds a little Wonderland flair to common phrases and anecdotes. World-building is very well done and makes me long to visit Hearts.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy and the fantastical, fairytale re-tellings, prequels and Marissa Meyer's wonderful writing.
Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron (Alphabet Squadron #1)
Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron (Alphabet Squadron #1)
Alexander Freed | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
During the mid-to-late 90s (prior to even the Prequels), there was an explosion of Star Wars Expanded Universe novels.

Most of those novels concentrated on Han, Luke, Leia and co.

Most, but not all.

Alongside those, there was also two separate series of books, initially taking Wedge Antilles as a key character, concentrating instead on the fighter pilots of (initially) Rogue Squadron and (later) Wraith Squadron, taking inspiration for the X-Wing and TIE fighter computer games of the time.

And those novels themselves - now considered 'Legends' i.e. no longer canon - could very well have provided inspiration for this, the first of a spin-off trilogy (I think) from a series of graphic novels.

Whereas Rogue and Wraith squadron both had their pilots flying the same type of fighter craft, and both were very cinematic in their presentation, this novel - definitely in the first half (which, I felt, dragged somewhat) - concentrates more on its members psychology, with the so-called Alphabet squadron headed up by an ex-Imperial keen to prove her loyalty to the New Republic. And why is it called Alphabet Squadron? Because the pilots fly a mix of starfighter, from an A-Wing (i.e. that which crashes into the Star Destroyer bridge in Return of the Jedi) to a B Wing (the cross-shaped bomber glimpsed in flight), to an X-Wing (the type Luke Skywalker flies) to a U-Wing (The personnel carrier introduced in Rogue One) to a Y-Wing (the initial bombing run on the Death Star).