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After Us (Before & After, #2)
Amber Hart | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review

After Us is the second book in the Before and After series by Amber Heart. The story follows on from the events in the first book, Before You, and how the characters are coping in the aftermath. I have not read the first book however that was not a problem as After Us was written in such a way that made it easy to understand what had happened previously.

The story alternates between 18 year old Melissa and Javier's point of views. Melissa is hiding her scars from the operation to remove the cancer cells from her body and living with the fear that it may not have been successful. Since her best friend Faith has moved away she has kept this to herself, worrying that other people would be repulsed by her. Javier, on the other hand, is wearing a metaphorical mask to hide the pain he feels at the loss of his cousin and best friend Diego. Instead of laying the past to rest he is determined to avenge Diego's death.

After Us is essentially a love story about characters who hide the raw pain they feel from everyone, including those closest to each other. As well as these problems they also have to deal with racial discrimination. Javier's family originate from Cuba and only moved to the US for a better life. Javier's mother, however, has a "only-date-Latinas" rule as she believes American girls are not good enough for her sons. This is somewhat like the famous story of Romeo and Juliet where the families want nothing to do with each other.

As well as a love story, After Us deals with other themes from medical problems to drug dealing. Heart, rather than writing about the affects of taking drugs, concentrates on the people behind the dealing. Drug Gangs can be just as dangerous as the substances as they involve violence that often result on fatal injuries.

On the whole the storyline could have delved deeper into the characters individual stories and the ending could have been stronger. Although there was a surprise plot twist, the book finished rather quickly with everything suddenly being resolved and no repercussions.

As already mentioned it is not vital to read the previous book in order to understand After Us however, from what I understand, Before You is written from Faith and Diego's points of views. Overall this book was ok for a quick read but I would not label it as anything special.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Kimberly Rae draws attention to the ongoing trafficking of children in India in her young adult novel <i>Capturing Jasmina</i>. Jasmina was only ten when her father sold both her and her brother Samir to a man promising safety and good education. In reality the siblings end up in a sweatshop slaving over clothes to be sold in America. After three years they manage to escape only to be trafficked a second time. Eventually Jasmina and Samir are separated and Jasmina becomes a street kid.

Whilst living on the streets Jasmina encounters a Christian missionary, Asha, rescuing women from brothels by either offering them a safe place to live or at the very least spiritually, by teaching them about God and Jesus. Intrigued Jasmina follows Asha who then offers to help her too. After having her childhood robbed from her, it seems like Jasmina, with the help of those who trust in God, will get back on her feet again.

Despite being a short novel, Rae paints a contrasting image to what the western world is used to. Jasmina finds the concept of a simple toilet baffling. It is not until you hear or see what is happening to innocent people in other parts of the world that you realize there are so many things in life you take for granted.

<i>Capturing Jasmina</i> emphasizes how difficult it is to escape once trafficked. In these situations people belong to everyone but themselves. They have no freedom and running away can cause more problems than it solves. The novel also shows what Christians can do to help. Although no one can completely solve the problems, the tiniest piece of aid they can provide is a step in the right direction.

It was slightly disappointing that we do not find out what happened to Samir once he was separated from his sister. Jasmina’s first person narrative makes it clear that what she wants most is to be reunited with her family. In a way, although there is a positive ending, not yet finding her brother makes it clear that there cannot always be happy endings. It is not possible to save everyone.

Written from a young teenagers point of view makes this book suitable for ages twelve and older. Christians will appreciate the biblical references however there is not too much religion for non-believers or those of other religions to get offended by.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
A journeys end
Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker never quite manages at any point to achieve anything I would consider epic or even memorable making it ultimately fall flat when it comes to thrill, excitement and unique moments that you would expect the last film in a trilogy to be full of. That being said while its not exactly a very engaging film its definitely a very entertaining scifi adventure its just lacking in a personality of its own instead serving us more of the same again. My biggest problem is mainly with the first 2 acts, the first felt extremely rushed with no time at all spent with any one character or location instead zipping from scene to scene like a quick montage making me ultimately care very little for anyone or whats going on. The second act fairs much better but becomes very slow with the film focusing more on fixing the last jedis problems rather than progressing its story. Luckily the third act is top notch and contains enough space battles, lightsabre fights and warm messages that you can almost forgive all the problems the first two acts bring and leave the cinema feeling if anything entertained at the very least. Its a story about how our actions no matter how big or small have an effect on other peoples lives be it in the form of motivation, inspiration or by our actions. It all matters and if we all stand together, keep each other positive with hope in our hearts we can fight even the strongest of evils united as one. I found there to be a lot about being appreciated too and towards the end characters felt like they had actually progressed as people which was nice. Current political refrences are also quite strong too and theres a surprising amount about the struggles of being an orphan also which I found intresting. Action wise its fine but I found the film really lacking in thirlls and excitment a lot of the time (this could be down to characters feeling invincible which significantly decreased the feeling of threat). While not a bad movie its definitely the worst for me out of the new trilogy and im in no hurry to see it again. Not quite the epic ending we all expected more of a correction piece for past mistakes made but without a doubt an enjoyable film that finally means we can move on and hopefully explore some more intresting parts of the star wars universe now.
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