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When Holly White calls off her wedding, she returns to her family’s tree farm in Maine just in time for the annual Reindeer Games, which take place in the twelve days leading up to Christmas. However, the night before the games are set to start, Margaret comes in causing problems in her quest to keep the town exactly historically accurate. When Holly finds Margaret dead among the trees a few hours later, the police start looking a little too close to home. Can Holly clear her family and friends before Christmas?

If you are looking for a Christmas cozy, this one is perfect. Each page oozes Christmas cheer, and the games sound like a ton of fun. I’d love to visit and play myself. Unfortunately, I did feel this got in the way of the mystery at times, and Holly spent quite a bit to time reacting to events rather than actually investigating at other points. Still, it held together well overall, and we got a great climax. The characters are already sharp, and their relationships help add to the Christmas cheer.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Invaders in TV

Mar 15, 2018 (Updated Mar 15, 2018)  
The Invaders
The Invaders
1967 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
6.9 (14 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
One of the classic TV alien invasion shows; the theme tune and the various visual gimmicks (aliens with crooked little fingers who incinerate when killed) are quite well-remembered, along with (possibly) the fact that many of the episodes aren't actually any good.

Larry Cohen's original concept - a paranoid thriller with few overt SF elements - was rapidly abandoned, and Cohen himself had little involvement. The programme is really a victim of the time it was made: episodic storytelling means that the aliens come up with bizarrely different schemes on a weekly basis (weather control, infiltrating industry, man-eating butterflies), and there are nagging problems with the format - it is required that the aliens never just kill Vincent, and that he never manages to get evidence of their activity, either. Some would say that Roy Thinnes' intensely dour performance is not exactly what a show like this needs.

Still, there are some good individual episodes, and the iconography of the show does hang around in your head (it's clearly one of the shows that was a major influence on The X Files). It's a shame this kind of story has since been done to death as you could easily imagine a contemporary Invaders remake being really good (even though the 90s mini-series really wasn't).

Awix (3310 KP) rated Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975) in Movies

Mar 24, 2018 (Updated Mar 25, 2018)  
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
1975 | Sci-Fi
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Final movie in the first Godzilla series often gets some stick for supposedly killing off the original continuity, but is actually not that bad. Bacofoil-wearing aliens team up with mad scientist and his cyborg daughter to conquer the world; there are many opportunities for evil laughter at the planning meetings. The usual strategy of using giant monsters as invasion weapons is employed, despite it having utterly failed in at least five previous movies.

Original director Honda comes back and at least ensures this film has a degree of dignity and craft to it: pretty good monster suits and model work, but the back projection is terrible. There's slightly more focus on character than usual (particularly that of the tragic cyborg girl), which the film seems unsure how to handle. To be honest, one of the main problems is that it's not really about Godzilla any more - he just turns up to fight the bad guys at the end and everyone else takes him for granted. By no means the worst Godzilla movie even of the 1970s, but you can see why Toho decided to take a break. Best line (possibly in the whole of cinema): 'Please kill me - Mechagodzilla's brain is installed in my stomach!'

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018 (Updated Mar 7, 2018)  
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017)
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
5.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Now, there's nothing wrong in principle with doing an animated Godzilla movie; most of the problems with this one arise from the fact it is largely unrecognisable as such.

Earth is abandoned due to excessive growth in the giant monster population; timey-wimey plot device means the survivors return twenty years later and find thousands of years have gone past and the place has reverted to a primeval state; the ecology is now distinctly Godzillaesque. Has their technology improved to the point where they can stand a chance against the Big G himself?

Reasonable, if somewhat convoluted premise is torpedoed by a persistent mood of nihilistic misery and absence of likeable human characters; Godzilla is largely absent, and mostly passive when he does appear. You want to see Godzilla demolishing Tokyo and fighting other monsters, not mooching about in a jungle, anyway. A good way of catching up on recent tropes in mainstream SF (this is just a nice way of saying the film is rather derivative), some interesting designs, but on the whole this is hard work to watch. English subtitles seem to have been written using Google Translate, which only adds to the essentially frustrating nature of the experience.
The Martian (2015)
The Martian (2015)
2015 | Sci-Fi
Brilliant Movie
I honestly didn't expect to enjoy this film half as much as I did. It wasn't my choice to watch and one I put off until we couldn't think of anything else to put on one night.

In fact, I actually loved it! I laughed, my heart was racing with fear and excitement, and I cried for the character played by Matt Damon and the struggles he faced.

The premise doesn't sound particularly thrilling, one man stranded alone on a planet, and yet seeing how he copes with the difficulties thrown at him and the problems that he and the team trying to get him home have to overcome make it an extremely watchable and enjoyable film.

I've watched this now a few times and, even though I know what's coming and how it ends, I still get the same feelings of apprehension and relief, and I've still cried at exactly the same points.

I normally shy away from giving a 10/10, as there's always something that can be improved, but (bearing in mind I haven't read the book of this one, so can't put the film into context in that regard), I don't think there's anything I would change about this.
A Royal Christmas Wedding
A Royal Christmas Wedding
Rachel Hauck | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review: A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauch Book Title: A Royal Christmas Wedding Author:&nbsp;Rachel HauchGenres: Christmas, Romance,Series: Royal WeddingPublisher:&nbsp;ZondervanPublish Date:&nbsp;2016-10-18 (240 Pages, Paperback)
Avery Truitt is someone who was going to college to be a professional volleyball player. 5 years before she meet Prince Colin when she was with her sister Susanna went to Cathedral City. What ever happen to Avery and Colin?
Susanna has invited both her sister and mother to Brington Kingdom for the Christmas season. Will their mother get over their father&rsquo;s death? There appear someone brings Avery and Colin together at every turn. Will Colin father help or harm Colin? The old bell rings and who has pulled it and rung it?
People do not believe that god had pulled the 600 pound bell that started ringing and bring all people to the where the accident of Prince Michael died. I love that fact that there is a meaning and some true relationship trouble and Hauck shows that in each story in The Royal Wedding Series? She let the characters work it out their own problems. She does not rush them. Rachel Hauck does well with the plot and her writing is wonderful as well.
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Could've been so much more
I knew relatively nothing about this film but having been impressed by the recent Goosebumps films (not the new sequel), I had fairly high expectations. Sadly it didn't live up to them.

For me this film seemed to be nothing new. I was bored for the most of this and there were only a few parts that I really enjoyed. A lot of the humour and banter between the characters seemed a little too ott and forced and made me cringe more than it made me smile. The effects were alright and there were some truly creepy scenes, just not enough. Cate Blanchett probably saved this, as even Jack Black couldn't bring back the magic he had with RL Stine. And the evil warlock wasn't particularly scary or threatening, and the whole ending was lacking any sort of menacing terror or suspense.

I also spent the entire film thinking the kid was the one from Room (Jacob Tremblay), and wondering why on earth his acting was so bad. The kid was one of the problems in this, I won't lie and his crying was particularly horrendous. And then when the credits rolled I realised it wasn't him after all...
Infographics for Kids
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Toppsta to review

"Infographics help us to understand information, learn and remember it!" ... and this book has that in abundance.

My own first impressions included how wonderful bright and colourful this book was, and the great thick quality of the pages.
Every double-page infographic in the book has something interactive for the little ones to expand on, be it simple colouring in or a question to make them think, and so packed full of informative facts that even if you don't read from cover to cover and just open and point there will be something of interest.

I have two boys so needless to say the fact about a human poop weighing the same as two apples was MOST entertaining and I have a feeling it might get repeated often at school today.
My 8 year old had no problems reading thru the book, my 6 year old only needed help with one or two words, and both showed much glee at regurgitating their new found information with their Dad at the dinnertable even a couple of days after reading the book ... so they definitely did take in the information which is exactly what the cover says.

A great read for all ages.
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
John Green's "Turtles All the Way Down" introduces us to sixteen-year-old Aza, a teenage girl with mental health issues who is desperate to blend in and just be a normal teenage girl. After giving in to Daisy's, her best friend, nagging, the two girls attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Russell Pickett and collect the reward. Aza was not planning on connecting back with Davis, Russell's son, whom she knew when they were kids, but she does.

Of course there is romance, but it is not the focus of the story. It is more than just a typical YA romance novel. It deals with handling mental illness, going to counseling, thinking you are crazy, and knowing your uncontrollable behaviors are not normal. It is about trying to manage the pressures of being a teenager - family, school, friends, and a boy.

John Green's novels have probably touched as many people today as had John Hughes's movies in the 80s. He focuses on real teenage problems and allows a glimpse inside their thoughts and feelings. He allows young adults to realize they are not alone, that others feel the same way, and “Your now is not your forever.”
Tudor Dawn: Henry Tudor is ready to take the crown (The Tudor Series Book 1)
Tudor Dawn: Henry Tudor is ready to take the crown (The Tudor Series Book 1)
David Field | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A really interesting history!
I really liked this - I’ve not read much about Henry Tudor, and everyone is always much more interested in Henry VIII and his promiscuous love life! Henry Tudor isn’t like his son at all. He may well have enjoyed the company of women, but David Field doesn’t play on that fact. I learnt so much about the history of Henry’s upbringing and subsequent escape into exile - and it is a vey male dominated book. We don’t see much of what his mother would have been doing, but we do learn about her hard work on his behalf.
I hadn’t realised that he’d been such a sickly child and that some of these problems followed him in to adulthood, or that he actually seemed to love his queen (although that may well be fictionalised - but I’d like to know!). This first book in the series takes up to Henry VII’s death. I think I will be reading the next in the series.
What I really liked about this book was that it’s more history than fiction. It’s not dry, academic type history though, and that’s what really drew me in.
Many thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and honestly review. I really enjoyed it.