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His Majesty's Dragon
His Majesty's Dragon
Naomi Novik | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set during the Napoleonic War, British officer and gentleman Captain William Laurence has his life turned upside down after seizing a rare dragon egg from a captured French vessel. Led by an unwavering sense of duty and a growing affection for his new dragonet, Temeraire, he must leave behind everything he knows to join the mysterious and disreputable Aerial Corps.

Naomi Novik knows her stuff. This book is chock full of amazing worldbuilding. Her mastery of naval maneuvers, English society, and the history of the Napoleonic wars is immersive in its completeness. She wastes no time coddling the reader with infodumps or explanations, although the drawback is that it is occasionally so detailed and alien to me that my eyes would glaze over and slide completely past a paragraph filled with information about where Napoleon's forces were and what they were doing.

Laurence himself gets flack as a character for being stiff and "unprogressive", but I feel this is somewhat unwarranted. He's compelling precisely because he exhibits a mindset that would be entirely normal for a man of his station in his time, and slowly has to adjust everything he thinks about class, gender, and duty. His stiffness and reserve can seem alien at times, but we empathize completely with his love of the bright and lovely Temeraire.

This book does have some pacing problems. It is slow in places, particularly during their training and Loch Laggan, and in others cuts chapters far too early, leaving one feeling a bit of whiplash as the next chapter starts up.

Still, the premise is amazing, the dragons are glorious, and I spent an entire night reading this book cover to cover. If you like Bloody Jack, or wondered what How To Train Your Dragon would look like if it were set during the Napoleonic war, you'll definitely enjoy this one.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Special effects are great, except Bruce Banner's head in the Hulkbuster suit. (4 more)
Great action scenes.
Great seeing just about all the Marvel characters.
Josh Brolin is great as Thanos.
Too talky at points. (5 more)
Some weird, illogical, wtf parts.
Guardians seemed out of place acting so serious.
Wasn't moved by the ending. Was kind of like, " what? This is a comic-book movie."
Too long to introduce everyone.
Not funny.
Hype says it's better than it actually is
I knew this movie wasn't going to live up to the hype. Just like Black Panther, it's just an okay movie. Just like every other movie made these days, it starts strong, gets boring, then ends strong. Except it doesn't end too strong. It sort of ends with a whimper. I see memes where people were devastated at the ending. I felt like it was meaningless, as we know this is a comic book movie & all will be put right in the next installment.

I feel one of the main problems of the movie was the humor. When you have great Marvel movies, like The Guardians of the Galaxy films, and Thor: Ragnarok, which relied on a lot of humor and then are intertwined with a movie so dark, so deathly serious & try to keep the humor of those films, it just doesn't work. The Guardians, Thor & Bruce Banner were all throwing out jokes, but they mostly fell flat. It's hard to smile when Thanos is being an absolute terror.

All this being said, I did like the movie. Where I probably wouldn't watch Black Panther again, I would definitely watch this again. I actually have BP a 7, just like this film, I would probably change my score to a 5, as this movie was better, but doesn't deserve higher than a 7.

Mike Carlson (115 KP) May 4, 2018

I've had a problem with the Marvel humor since the illogical dance-off in GotG. I knew there would be issues uniting the dumber (silly for the sake of a laugh rather than well thought out and believable in context) portions of the universe with the smarter, more serious portions.

The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan | 2005 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (100 Ratings)
Book Rating
Percy Jackson is a series that I've been meaning to get around to for ages. Pretty much everybody I know who have read the books absolutely adore them.

So, when I needed a few quick reads to play catch up on my reading challenge, I decided that it was a good enough time to give the series a go.

...and it's not too bad.

There was a lot about The Lightning Thief that I enjoyed. The premise was a lot of fun. I liked the humor - especially the chapter titles. I liked the translation of Olympus from ancient European culture to modern American culture. I loved that this is a kids' series that rewards children for knowing mythology - if you're familiar with Greek myths at all, you'll know almost from the start of each encounter what Percy and the group are up against.

That's also kind where I started having problems, though.

The book is essentially non-stop action. Which isn't, in itself, a bad thing. But the action plays out like a series of video game encounters. Percy and his friends will travel so far in their quest, run into someone/a monster who will (sometimes accidentally) help them get to the next step of their quest, where they'll travel a certain distance again before running into something else. Repeat throughout the entire book. There are small moments of character building, but they're squeezed in where they'll fit between action scenes.

I'm more than willing to admit that that's just me, though. I'm not exactly the book's intended audience, and I can completely see how the pacing and whatnot would appeal to kids. I did enjoy it enough to continue on in the series, though.
I have enjoyed every book in the Five Hundred Kingdoms series by Mercedes Lackey, and I eagerly waited for her to cover my favorite fairy tale, that of Beauty and the Beast. This book combines my favorite fairy tale with Little Red Riding Hood and a dash of Cinderella, all with its own unique twist characteristic of the series. While I had the ending predicted quite early in my reading, I still enjoyed following the character development and watching it all play out.
Bella is very much the modernized damsel in distress, as she finds a way to do her own saving, and chooses who she would rather fall in love with, rather than let the Tradition dictate her actions. As she learns about the manipulations of the Tradition, she also realizes her own way of unconsciously dealing with it and the power she has over it. I loved her intelligence and creativity in solving the daily problems that riddled her life, especially with the invisible servants at the Duke's residence.
Duke Sebastian is an interesting character -- a wizard werewolf with hermit-like habits -- he is the direct opposite of the type of character I expected to play the role of "Beast" in this fairy tale, but I like him all the same. His devotion to his craft makes him absentminded about everything else in his life, and except for when he is a werewolf, he likely would not hurt a fly. Bella's interactions with him draw him out and show him that he can have so much more in his life.
I also enjoyed Godmother Elena's part in the book, along with her mirror servant, as they cemented this book into the series and reminded me of some of the details that I had forgotten from previous books.
Demon Hunts (Walker Papers, #5)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my favorite book in the series without a doubt, because I finally get to see Joanne in love! While it is not with her boss, Morrison, whom it is obvious she has an attraction to, it is still a very satisfying romance. Her bubbly happiness is quite enjoyable to read, and it does not get on my nerves despite how sickly sweet Joanne is in the descriptions. At times, her love interest really does seem like the perfect man, and I am thrilled that she gets to have this in the midst of the chaos of her shamanic lifestyle.
I think what keeps bringing me back to this series is that Joanne's narration is both unique and comical. She is refreshingly honest about herself and her quirks and abilities and keeps a running commentary behind the scenes, even as she solves supernatural-size problems while balancing a social life and a job as a detective. Even though I still understand very little of the role of a shaman and all of Joanne's world-jumping, there is something very likable about Joanne Walker.
The other half of Joanne's romance is a man that was assumed to be dead. Aside from the romance, I love that he shows up in this book, as I get to see more of what he can and cannot do and what his personality is really like. Plus, the tension between him and Morrison is quite interesting, as it brings to the forefront the chemistry between Morrison and Joanne and makes her admit to a few things about herself.
The wendigo is the "big bad" for this book, but the final battle ends differently than what I assumed. In a way, the wendigo teaches Joanne that some flaws are acceptable and even useful. I look forward to the next book, Spirit Dances.
The Lightkeeper's Daughters
The Lightkeeper's Daughters
Colleen Coble | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I received from Thomas Nelson for reviewing, and because of shipping problems, by the time I recieved it I had forgotten why I originally picked it. I started reading the book out of obligation, and at first, had a hard time actually enjoying what I was reading. It felt a bit like a school assignment for the first 80 pages, which is generally how far I will go in a book before I decide whether or not I want to finish it. Luckily, at that point the book actually started to get interesting as Addie became snoopy around the house and began unearthing clues about her mother. I am not much for the mystery genre, but I found the detective-like aspects of this novel much more entertaining than the chaste romance between Addie Sullivan and Lieutenant North, which led up to a climax that was so exciting I chose finishing the novel to sleeping when I was sick with a cold.

Regarding the more religious aspects of the novel, I thought that the depiction of Addie's faith in God to be somewhat watered down and simplified with possibly not enough attention given to its place in her life. Often I find ithis is the case with literature in the genre of Christian fiction. The single time that scripture from the Bible is quoted, it's merely a few lines out of Psalms, and each time that we see Addie praying, she only spends a few moments in prayer before something else requires her attention. This is not to say that all Christian fiction - categorized works do this, as I have read some truly excellent portrayals of faith in Jesus, but this book certainly did.

Overall, I would recommend the book more for its plot elements of mystery and intrigue, not for its religious aspects.
The Silver Road
The Silver Road
Stina Jackson | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful debut
This is a novel of love and loss, guilt and grief, and of family in both the good and bad sense of the word. It has been translated so well from the Swedish by Susan Beard that I didn't actually occur to me that it had been translated at all.
Lille's daughter has been missing for three years, and he spends every night of the summer driving the Silver Road in an effort to find her. This has caused the breakdown of his marriage, and he has a tenuous grasp on his sanity: he drinks too much, he smokes too much, and he sleeps too little in the summer. His wife has left him, and he spends a lot of time alone with the ghost of the daughter he is searching for.
Enter Meja: her mother has mental health problems, and has decided to move in with a man she has only met online. Meja is used to being her mothers carer, and she's used to a series of men moving in and out of their lives. This is such an emotional novel. I became really invested in the characters of Lelle and Meja. There was a real atmosphere of sadness around both of them.
The peripheral characters were really well written as well: from the ex-wife to the local police officer, from the family of 'Preppers' to Meja's mother and her new boyfriend, Torbjorn.
I loved the atmosphere of this book: there was an air of 'something drastic is going to happen very soon', and the melancholy was palpable. Although the subject matter was very sad, it really was a joy to read.
Many thanks to Readers First, The Pigeonhole and the publisher for the chance to read this book.
The Things We Learn When We're Dead
The Things We Learn When We're Dead
Charlie Laidlaw | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lorna Love is dead. After an evening out at a dinner party, she stumbles into the road in front of an oncoming car and is killed.

She finds herself on a spaceship called HVN, where she can do what she wants, be anyone she wants, and have anything she wants. The novel follows Lorna looking back on her life while she is in ‘heaven’, going through every decision and mistake she’s made.

I’m a bit unsure of what genre I would place this in as it’s both science fiction and general fiction. Only a small fraction of the novel takes place on the spaceship, the majority of it is Lorna looking back on her life. However, I feel like the science fiction element overcomes everything, but I don’t want to spoil the plot by going into too much detail about that.

Charlie Laidlaw sent me a copy of his novel in return for an honest review. If it wasn’t for him offering to send me the novel, I don’t think I would have been tempted to read it. Since I’m not usually a fan of sci-fi, the cover was definitely offputting because of the spaceship. But having read it now and knowing that the majority of the book wasn’t even set in space, I’m really glad I did read it.

The Things We Learn When We’re Dead is heartwarming and is completely different from everything I’ve read before. It’s such an original idea for a book and although, to begin with, I did struggle to get into the book, I’m glad I held on because it really was an enjoyable book.

Lorna is a brilliant protagonist as she’s believable. She has her own faults and problems and definitely isn’t a perfect character. I loved that she was so realistic and not a fake persona.
A Man Called Ove
A Man Called Ove
Fredrik Backman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ove is a cranky old man who has recently lost his wife. He would like nothing more than to join her in the afterlife. He has made all of the arrangements, paid all of the bills, now he just has to find the best way to off himself. But when the neighbors seem to take a new interest in Ove, his plans keep getting thwarted. Will he be able to go through with his plans or will the neighbors have other plans?

I listened to this book and at first I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. But slowly Ove started to grow on me. He's the kind of guy who you know is stuck in his ways and there is nothing that you can say or do that will change that. But eventually you see a change, not one that is at first noticeable, but a slight softening.

Even though Ove is ready to leave this world, his neighbors, have a different idea. It starts with Parvana and her family. When they move into the neighborhood, they need help backing their trailer up on the street in order to move in. Then Parvana needs a ride to the hospital when her husband, Patrick has fallen off a ladder. Then another resident has to go to the hospital, then another neighbor needs help with their radiator and so on and so on. My favorite part of the book is toward the end **SPOILER ALERT** when Ove himself ends up going to the hospital and when Parvana goes to see him, the doctor tells her that one of Ove's problems is that his heart is too big. That makes Parvana bust out laughing.

At the end of this book, I cried like a baby and I highly recommend this book.

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) Apr 10, 2019

I watched the movie that was based on this book and absolutely loved it! I didn't even realize I was reading subtitles because it was just that good!

We Cast a Shadow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a difficult book for me to get through. Not because of the writing but by seeing too much of myself in the main protagonist. I am a multi-racial father of a multi-racial son. This story resonated so much with me and wanting to 'protect' my son from the injustices of this world and this country. As a white skinned latin-x person, I've struggled so much with the changes of peoples moods and attitudes when they find out my name or my heritage from many different means. So many of the moments where the narrator struggles with his own identity within his heritage context as well as the context of society made me have to stop and take stock of my own life.

So many don't realize the struggle of a parent trying to find one's identity amidst the current racism. Especially for Latin-x people during the reign of Trump and Trumpian ideals within the United Sates. We are being equated with animals and the worst of the worst that share our heritage. Yes, there are some bad people out there, but there are bad people of every skin color or heritage. I want so much to protect my son, and ensure that he gets every opportunity without the problems that this evil presents currently.

This is a near future story, that says so much about who we are today. Especially for those of us who are Multi-Racial. Many of us aren't even accepted in either societies that are full heritage-ly made up. This book was not without it's issues, but it is a very important story. It is a great read for those trying to understand the struggle of Multi-Racial Parents and children. Highly recommend.