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Becca Major (96 KP) rated Black in TV

May 26, 2018  
2017 | Drama, International, Mystery
Premise (3 more)
Interesting world-building
Manipulative asshat hero
"Black" is just weird, okay?
"Black" is a very weird show because it is a steaming pile of questions. What Black is actually about is a detective who kinda befriends a psychic woman right before getting shot, and the Grim Reaper that possesses his dead body for his own purposes. Oh, and the psychic and the reaper develop feelings for each other, because of course they do.

The Characters
The main female character is Kang Ha-ram, an unfortunate woman who is able to see black smokey clouds on the backs of people who are about to die. Then, if she touches them, she can see exactly how they die. She lives alone, has trouble keeping a job, and has a terrible relationship with her family. Out of all the characters in this show, she is the most relatable. It’s also nice to see a headstrong female character who is also compassionate and damaged.
The main male character, however, is the Grim Reaper. His designated number is 444, but he chooses to call himself Black pretty early on (as an homage to "Meet Joe Black" though I can't say anything about it because I haven't actually seen the movie). He's... interesting. On one hand, I hate him. I hate that he manipulates Ha-ram. I hate that he lies to her about everything, and still has the audacity to jerk her around. I hate that he is prejudiced and egotistical. On the other hand, after he's been on Earth for a little while, he starts to pick up on the nuances of human interaction, so I can't hate him too much.

The Story
The story caught my attention early on. It is first and foremost a mystery and a cold-case mystery at that. Shortly after Black takes over the life of detective Han Mu-gang, he is roped into a case of teenage prostitution, murder, and political cover-ups. It's very good and keeps you guessing. Plus there's the romance between Ha-ram and Black to worry about. Unfortunately, the entire final episode is terrible. It literally feels like they threw darts at a board to figure out how to finish the show.

Final Thoughts
It's a good show that could use a much better finale. It has strong characters and a hella good story. The effects are good, and the acting is great. If you like mysteries or need a change of pace, then give it a shot.

[I wrote a little bit more about this on my personal blog, and I plan to do a few more posts about Black on it. Check it out if you are interested.]
Copping an Attitude (Sin City Uniforms #2)
Copping an Attitude (Sin City Uniforms #2)
Morticia Knight | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far darker read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Sin City Uniforms series, and while it is not really necessary to read book 1, All Fired Up, for you to follow this one, I think you should read it. If only because I said so! ?

Slade ran away from one kind of hell, straight into another one and has been surviving on the streets, being pimped out or facing the consequences. Till a beat cop spots something in Slade that makes him wish for things that can never really be. Parker knows he shouldn’t get close to the young man, but something about Slade pulls to him. And so, it seems, does Slade’s pimp. Can Parker really keep Slade safe; can he get him FREE, even?

I really enjoyed book one, but this one I LOVED!

It’s a far darker read, dealing with prostitution and drug/alcohol use, trafficking and basically the underbelly of Las Vegas in all its gory detail.

Parker has an immediate pull towards Slade, and he doesn’t know why. His eyes draw Parker in, and Parker cannot keep away. Finding Slade badly beaten sends Parker’s protectiveness into overdrive and neither man can fight the attraction that builds over time.

Slade is surviving, not living. He knows he will never get away from the streets, but a man can hope. And that’s what scares him the most: the fact that Parker gives him so much HOPE I hurts, down to his soul. Slade never really had that before, and Parker gives it to him.

It’s very emotional in places, drawing great wracking sobs out of me when Slade is so desolate and full of despair. It’s super sexy too! I was surprised how good Slade felt with Parker, so quickly. The fact he was CHOOSING to have sex with Parker was what threw him the most, since it had never, EVER happened before.

Trent and Shawn pop up, and I refer back to what I said about not NEEDING to read their book first. There is some recap here on their story, enough, I think, to give you the low down. It’s fabulous that they DO pop up, cos I love to catch up with previous characters in a series.

A certain someone is hard done by here, when Parker does what he really should have done a long time ago, but I’ve read the blurb for some other upcoming books in this series, and he does get his own (hopefully) happy every after.

And after reading all the blurbs, I’m so very hoping I can get my grubby little mitts on them all, I really am!

A far darker read, but I read it in one go, and could not put it down!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Casey Watson is a specialist foster carer who temporarily houses vulnerable children in emergency situations. Since working in this field for decades, she has been documenting her experiences in a series of books, each one focusing on a different child. Her thirteenth, and most recent book is <i>Runaway Girl</i>, aptly named about a (supposedly) fourteen-year-old girl, running away from several distressing situations.

Adrianna arrives on Casey’s doorstep with no possessions, no English and no passport. Apart from knowing she is Polish, Adrianna is a complete mystery to the Watson family and the services involved. With her sixth sense tingling, Casey is certain there is something important that Adrianna is hiding and, despite all her attempts, it is not until an emergency hospitalization that the frightened Polish girl starts telling the truth.

With a background of abuse, homelessness and sex trafficking, Adrianna’s story will open readers’ eyes to the shocking situations many foreign children find themselves. Unfortunately, Adrianna is only one out of 5,000 girls in the last decade and a half to be brought to England illegally and forced into prostitution.

Fortunately, Adrianna is lucky to have escaped and found a safe place to stay in the Watson household. Without Casey’s care and determination to provide a future for her, Adrianna would have remained one of the “hidden children” that arrive in England every year.

Casey writes in a novel-like format, describing Adrianna’s circumstances from a carer’s point of view. Slowly revealing the secrets of Adrianna’s past, Casey keeps the reader interested in the same way a fiction author would with a clever plot line. Emphasising the difficulties Adrianna has, not only coming to terms with the abuse she has faced, but also worrying about whether authorities will allow her to remain in England, Casey appeals to the readers’ emotions, making it clear that, although here illegally, trafficked children have every right to be protected and looked after by British authorities.

Although Casey writes under a pseudonym, and assumedly alters all names within the book, it is not certain how much of the storyline is true, or whether the situation has been accentuated in order to capture the reader’s attention. This, however, is not important – people will read this for entertainment, therefore the accuracy of the content is not as significant as the way in which it is told. <i>Runaway Girl</i>, whilst shocking, is engaging and easy to read, with a satisfying ending.

<i>Runaway Girl</i> is the only book I have read from Casey Watson, yet I can tell she is a worthy and successful author. Her stories – at least the blurbs – seem similar to other authors, such as Torey Hayden, who also write about their experiences helping vulnerable children. Casey Watson’s book need not be read in any particular order; therefore <i>Runaway Girl</i> is as good a place as any to begin.
Lincoln (2012)
Lincoln (2012)
2012 | Drama, History, War
The history of this country is steeped in mystery and intrigue, but it’s fuzzy on the details. We cling to heroes of the past because we are jaded by the present. Lincoln, a new film from Steven Spielberg, comes to us at a time when there seems to be even more political strife than usual. (Or perhaps that’s just me getting older and actually paying attention.) Either way, I think this movie’s arrival on the silver screen is very timely, given the recent election.

Daniel Day Lewis, a man revered for his choice of films and roles, as well as his ability to portray characters with so much emotion and conviction, has done it once again. As the title character for this film, Lewis portrays one of the U.S.A’s greatest leaders and pioneers in a way that few other men could. Surrounded by some of the best actors in Hollywood (including Tommy Lee Jones), this star-studded film has a laundry list of very recognizable faces from all corners of Hollywood. The red carpet was clearly rolled out for this film.

The story starts amid the death and destruction of the American Civil War, an event that is both a fixed point of the story and a constant backdrop. Seeing the fighting and killing made me wonder how gritty this movie would get, but as it turns out, they kept the level of gore pretty low.

The film goes on to set the stage for the final footsteps into the southern theater that was the Civil War. In tandem, it follows the highly controversial 13th amendment, which was barely passed at the time due to racism and the belief that one color of human should be slave to another color. The absurdity of this notion is highlighted, but it’s also familiar in the way it parallels issues we face today: legalizing pot, gay marriage, prostitution, the right to bear arms, etc. Perhaps our grandchildren will watch a film in the future about these struggles, and regard it as we do a film about the Civil War. As I sat and watched this movie, I was nearly in tears at the thought of how African-Americans were once regarded as lesser beings. Will our grandchildren cry at the ridiculousness of our beliefs?

The cinematography was amazingly crisp. Many of the characters are introduced in such a way that they have a grand entrance through the mystique created by camera angles. I have to truly applaud Spielberg for what might be his best film yet. The camera work was immensely effective, relying heavily on the contrast between shadow and light. Coupled with richly detailed sets, it made everything staggeringly realistic, and absolutely convincing.

I will say this for Lincoln: I haven’t been so moved and taken aback by a period film in my life. This is a must see for everyone.

The dialog is highly political, and sometimes goes along at quite a clip; be prepared to miss a few things the first time around. However, watching it a second time surely won’t be a sin. The humor alone merits a second viewing. There are many good laughs to be had.

Lincoln is a work of art.
Stephen Watt | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Great Collection
Stephen Watt is a poet and spoken word artist from Dumbarton. I stumbled upon his work by accident, and was drawn by his likeness in style to a favourite poet of mine, Raymond Carver. Delighted by what I had read, I preceded to watch some of his spoken word performances on You Tube. I was not disappointed. Watt’s poetry and indeed his spoken word delivery, is smart, punchy, intelligent and contemporary. I was delighted to be offered the opportunity to review his new poetry pamphlet Optograms, published by Wild Word press in 2016. Optograms is a wonderful representation of Watt’s finest work, and is a fresh new approach to Scottish poetry. The poet tackles some controversial topics such as prostitution, homelessness, and gender as well as delving into the more intimate topics such as miscarriage and Alzheimer’s. The imagery is his work is striking and each word and line carefully crafted, but it is the way in which the poems radiate emotion that make this work unique. The readers need look no further than the opening poem to get an understanding of the poet’s compassion and understanding of contemporary society. ‘Lipstick’ explores gender representation and discrimination,
I go to my room, wiping
the admirer’s lipstick clean
with tights beneath jeans
retrieved from a friend’s house,
and with the words
Big Girl’s Blouse
reverberating inside my head

This poem speaks volumes in so little words and the reader is forced to look inwardly at their own behaviour toward people who do not conform to the norm. Similarly, ‘Prayers to Aliens and Satellites’ is a raw and candid view of homelessness which digs deep into the readers conscience,
where bloodless, xylophonic fingers
sink into armpits –
petitioned hands closed to benefits
and the friendships of passersby.

Like the previous poem, ‘Prayers to Aliens and Satellites’ urges the reader to become more aware of the social problems in society. If these poems are not enough to capture the heart of the reader, Watt surprises us with his heart crushing honesty in poems such as ‘Clinics Lip’ – a grief stricken account of miscarriage,
  A husband, once the acme of affection,
now lollygagging in the garden;
crossmaker in waiting
for the small plot earmarked for the hill’s crest.

My own personal favourite is ‘Trouble was Someone Else’s Kid’, a short account of childhood memories, like a fragment of memoir condensed into neatly arranged stanza’s. There is something funny yet tragic about this poem that brought to me both nostalgia and a desire to relive my own fading youth.
We moved in shadows, kept the lid
on, as if peanut butter sandwiches
had pasted our lips together.
Other neighbourhoods sizzled
with pyromaniacs and politics,
alcoholics who played tin whistles
when Di and Charles got hitched.

These are only a few of the delights that can be found in this little treasure of a pamphlet and I would urge poetry lovers as well as those who are new to poetry to seek out a copy of this work. With twenty-six wonderful poems Optograms, is undoubtedly one of the best collections of contemporary Scottish poetry that I have read.
To learn more about the Stephen Watt you can visit The Scottish Poetry Library, or like his Facebook page @StephenWattSpit. Optograms, can be purchased from or the publisher Marc Sherland at Wild Word Press.
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Kate London | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, and it is very hard to identify the main lead in this book. It is a Sarah Collins and Lizzie Griffiths detective novel, both of them are very strong female detectives, but they don’t have much communication between each other throughout the book, so I don’t really see them as a duo. It is a third book in the Metropolitan series, and I haven’t read the previous books. I found It perfectly understandable as a stand-alone, and the author explains a lot of things from previous books, but I think, to understand Sarah and Lizzie properly, it is better to read the previous books before starting this one.

So, a little about the characters, Lizzie is a single mother, who got pregnant after the affair with a fellow detective, who was married. Lizzie is trying her best to do her job like everybody else, but she is struggling. I really liked that the author analyzed childcare issues in this book, and how difficult is to be a mother, who wants to work and take care of her baby by her self. On the other hand, I have very strong negative emotions about her involvement with a married man in the first place, and that is what made her and Kieran (the married detective) my least favourite characters in this book.

Sarah Collins is a very determined detective, who knows how to get the stuff done. I really liked her as a character, it is visible that she loves the job and is very good at it. Kate London chose the characters very well for this novel. They are diverse, believable and very intriguing. I was very curious to read Ryan’s thoughts, he is a fifteen-year-old drug dealer, who’s friend gets stabbed. I am curious, how much actual truth was in Ryan’s thoughts compared to real life youth who act like “wannabe gangsters”. I can see that the author used her experience at the police very well, the procedures, places, the criminal mind looks very realistically portrayed in this book.

I think this book is more character orientated, the plot is intriguing, but the character’s thoughts and their lives are more absorbing than the plot itself. The plot is quite fast-paced and filled with a lot of findings, and I really enjoyed the whole investigation experience. The author analyses very important topics in this book, such as teenage criminals, knife crime, gangs and their war for territory, prostitution, drug addictions, childcare issues for working single mothers etc.

I really liked the writing style of this book, the whole book feels gloomy and intense, but at the same time, it is a very pleasant read. The setting continuously changes, depending on the character. The chapters have a very decent length and didn’t leave me bored. The ending was quite unexpected but rounded up this book quite well. So, to conclude, this is a very realistic and believable novel about teenage criminals and police work, filled with very amusing characters, and twisty plot. I learned a lot of interesting information and thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially the topics discussed in this novel. I strongly recommend this book to all, but especially to anyone living in London, I hope you will like it as much as I did.
Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)
Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)
Kass Morgan | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is going to be much shorter as I've already reviewed the first book (plus this isn't out yet). Also, fair warning there will be spoilers in this one as its difficult to talk about without giving away any plot points or the development of relationships. I will attempt to reveal as little as I can.

While I am not well versed in the side affects and speed of oxygen deprivation, I suspect the portrayal of it is utterly inaccurate. What I do know is that a person can experience deadly CO (carbon monoxide) levels in less than a day when locked in an airtight room. Obviously, these people are not in an airtight room, but their spaceship is leaking the only oxygen that they do have at an alarming rate. One could calculate the time, but as I do not know the number of people in Walden or Arcadia, nor do I know the size of those two areas of the ship.

There is a <a href="">great article</a> for fiction writers that allows you to calculate the amount of time that your character would be able to survive in an airtight room. It also describes some of the effects that they would experience. While I do not expect the oxygen deprivation/carbon monoxide poisoning to be perfectly explained and accurate - I do expect there to be some degree of <i>believability</i>. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Immediately upon the sealing of the craft, the author makes the reader believe that the people are already being affected. What makes the situation worse is that people begin to panic, using up the precious oxygen they need to rid their bodies of the carbon monoxide. In case you weren't aware, you take in oxygen so that it will bond with the carbon monoxide and be expelled from your body as carbon dioxide. (Obviously this is a very simple explanation, but I'm just trying to get the general idea across.) As they lose the oxygen around them, more and more carbon monoxide builds up in their lungs. With the number of people on the ship, I expect that after a few hours and certainly after a day they will have (if not run out) be dangerously low on oxygen. Yet, later on two of the characters have spent a number of nights together and the lack of oxygen hasn't caused them to fall unconscious.

With the size and population being what it is, it seems unlikely that there would be oxygen left (as it's steadily leaking out.) And if there was any that there would still be enough to breathe relatively normally. This is what immediately made the pseudo-scientist in me question how much research was done. Honestly, it doesn't take much to make it marginally realistic.

The characters are not as well thought out as they should be. Although flaws are to be expected, contradicting actions/personality aspects just make the reader confused. As obsessed as one character is with his sister, her well being, and at times her location - he seems to quickly thrust her aside when the new girl gives him attention. Just as before, the relationships are like roller coasters. One act tears them apart, then in the next moment all is well. Such an emotionally tiresome existence.

The first book had shadowy allusions to prostitution, a case of teen pregnancy, and the most emotionally indecisive characters that I have ever had the privilege to read about. This book has Stockholm Syndrome, inaccurate science, and trigger happy humans. As with the other book, it is enjoyable enough as a silly, simple read. Don't expect it to be more than that or you will be disappointed.