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Whatever You Do, Be Happy: 400 Things to Think Do for a Happy Life
Whatever You Do, Be Happy: 400 Things to Think Do for a Happy Life
Julia Dellitt | 2020 | Health & Fitness
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Julia Dellitt's Whatever You Do, Be Happy: 400 Things to Think & Do for a Happy Life is the perfect book for 2020.

I think everyone can agree that 2020 is an incredibly stressful year chock full of negative thoughts. Scrolling through any social media exasperates one's anxiety. This book will lessen your stress.

It is not a book to read in one sitting. Rather, it includes 400 activities, ideas, tips, and quotes to help calm you and relieve your stress.

Not every item was something I was interested in, but you do not need to do all of the activities. They act as a guide or suggestion and doing some made 2020 start to seem manageable.

My favorite activity was to list three things for which you are thankful. It was similar to an assignment I did for a Positive Psychology class. I forgot how reminding yourself of something good that happened to you or how you are grateful for can drastically improve your state of mind.

Dellitt's other works are Get Your Life Together(ish): A No-Pressure Guide for Real-Life Self-Growth and Self-Care for College Students: From Orientation to Graduation, 150+ Easy Ways to Stay Happy, Healthy, and Stress-Free.

This review was published on on 9/28/20.
I anticipated that this book, like most psychology books designed for the General Public, would involve summarizing a lot of research I already knew in the way that was interesting and possibly related to my life. What I didn't expect was Renee's voice and passion to reach through the pages and make me feel how beauty sickness has affected me and others on a deeper level. I was sickened by the negative way women talk about and view their own bodies. I related to the shame people felt about their body’s and the focus on appearance over health. I was inspired by the interventions that helped people improve their body image.

The book is told through a mixture of psychology research and stories told by real women. The mix of facts and anecdotes was perfect. You got the knowledge and science behind beauty sickness. But you also heard the voices of women tell their own tales in a very human and relatable way.

What is absolutely terrifying and shows how beauty sick our culture really is, is that while reading this book, I often felt like I should be engaging in the negative behaviors that were discussed. For example, hearing about how people use special software to edit their photos before posting on social media made me consider doing that before posting my next photos!

But this book also changed the way I think of myself and my body in a positive way. I thought I knew about the negative effects of the media on body image, especially as a psychologist myself. I was unprepared for how little I actually knew, especially when it came to misconceptions about our bodies and how we treat them. I read the chapter on shame and started crying, because I related to so much of it. I didn't realize that I was trying to motivate myself to lose weight by shaming myself into feeling bad about my weight and what I was eating until I read this book. Beauty Sick has changed the way I think about myself and given me new strategies for cultivating a positive self-image and loving my body.

I loved that the section on what we can do about beauty sickness was so extensive. It really opened my eyes to how I think about and treat my body as well as what I can do differently to improve my self-image. I've always hated exercising. I never realized that the reason I hated it was probably because I always thought the point was to lose weight. Exercising felt like a punishment to me- something I had to do so I could shave off a few pounds. I never thought about viewing through a "look what I can do!" lens or to think about what I might have fun doing instead of what I *should* be doing.

I read this book ravenously- staying up late to read just one more chapter and sneaking pages in at work to devour its content. I needed to hear both how beauty sick our culture is and what I can do about it. I think every woman would personally benefit from reading this book. I hope its message becomes widespread and that we can make positive changes in our culture to decrease beauty sickness. In the meantime, we can make changes in our own lives and in the lives of the women we love by reading this book and applying it to ourselves and the people we love.

Kristin (149 KP) rated Carla in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Mark Barry | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

John Dexter has Borderline Personality Disorder, quite a special case indeed, and he's recently become infatuated with Carla, a young woman working at a local pub. Well, "infatuated" is too light a word; he's fallen head-over-heels in love with her, and upon first sight, no less. See, that's one of his main issues: he falls hard and fast, and when the inevitable happens, he just doesn't have the emotional capabilities to cope. So, this is just going to be another in a string of intense failings, right? Or will his many years of therapy actually come through for him this time?

Coming from a Psychology background, this book really hits the nail on the head. I was greatly appreciative that the author took the time to outline the different requirements for a diagnosis of BPD and how John fits within each one. It's an interesting read from a fictional perspective, and it has its ups and definitely its downs, but the psychological aspect is spot-on, as well. The ways John chooses to cope with his failings, emotional downfalls, etc, are accurately depicted, from self-harm to drinking himself to oblivion, and while it's not something that everyone can identify with, it's made all the more easier to understand through the author's use of explanatory exposition and narration from John himself, discussing his diagnosis with the reader.

This is the first book I've read of this author, and I plan to add him to my list of those to seek out in the future.

5 stars

Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Duncan in Books

May 22, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A cunning pederastic serial killer nicknamed “Santa” is making his way up the East Coast from New Orleans to Boston, leaving a trail of young bodies in his wake. Santa covers his tracks along the way by working as an itinerant bass player in a series of jazz combos. At the same time, the Driscoll family – Mark, Julie and their nine-year-old son Nate – who live in an upstate suburb of Syracuse, New York, struggle to come to grips with Mom’s quadriplegia following a horrific auto accident. The suspense builds to a fever pitch as these two plot strands approach each other for the inevitable confrontation. All this tension is heightened by the mystery of Duncan, Nate’s stuffed-toy gorilla, who is not only the boy’s beloved companion but becomes a kind of family totem, and, later on in the story, so much more.

Trigger warning for pedophilia, disability, murder, and so forth

This is a novel not only for readers addicted to thrill rides and maddening suspense, but also those who are curious about the abnormal psychology of the pedophiliac killer. The book gives food for thought as well as a kind of perverse satisfaction for the imagination and senses. It is a thinking reader’s thriller.
There are some graphic scenes that would make any normal human uncomfortable to say the least.
I loved how Mr. McCort portrays the heart-warming relationship dynamics within the Driscoll family. Oh I did love Duncan too!
The book also delivers on its' promise to the insight of the killers mind as well (the diabolical Santa).
Disturbing but excellent read.
Recommend reading.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

"Never settle for a fairytale."

During my Psychology classes in college, we discussed how various characters have psychological issues: popular cartoon characters, the cast of "Winnie the Pooh," and the vast majority of the Disney Princesses. Belle is no exception, and this book explores that idea beautifully, no pun intended.

Jolee answers a Craigslist ad which sounds too good to be true, and she finds herself in the mountains of Aspen, tutoring a shut-in with some very serious issues of his own. As time goes by, she learns for and more about this man, and most of it is not good. However, she sticks by him, hoping to "fix" him with her love.

Sound like a recipe for disaster?

I used to teach a rehabilitation class for men convicted of domestic violence, and this book definitely delves into that dynamic head-first. It's a real eye-opener into the lives of those involved in those situations, from both sides of the coin as well as an outsider's perspective. Comparing it to the story of "Beauty and the Beast" really adds a whole new layer to it, as most of us either grew up with that story/movie or fell in love with it because of our kids/grandkids/etc. It's a crazy thought, but the more you think about it, the more you realize Belle suffered from Stockholm syndrome as well as battered-woman syndrome, and that HEA Disney ending is not the one generally associated with those situations.

Bravo to the author for writing this cross-examination of a beloved children's story and shedding some light on this serious issue while also maintaining a gripping novel.

5 stars
Where I'll Find You
Where I'll Find You
J.A. Owenby | 2018 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where I'll Find You by J.A. Owenby
Where I'll Find You is a standalone novel about a young woman called Hadlee. Her life is full, with university studies, a job, living in shared accommodation, and a (very) un-supportive mother. The last thing she wants is a man in her life. However, Kaisen has other ideas, and keeps popping up when Hadlee doesn't expect it.

Although the characters are mostly good, the one I didn't get on with was (unfortunately) the main female, Hadlee. She is most definitely high-maintenance, both as a friend and a love interest. I understand life hasn't been easy for her, but she is definitely a drama-llama. She is supposed to be studying psychology, but her friends know more about it than she does, and she refuses to acknowledge anything that might trigger her, instead blaming others.

This is quite a hard review to write because I am a big fan of J.A. Owenby's, but this book just failed to hit the mark with me. Don't get me wrong, I still very much enjoyed it, but it wasn't a 5-star read like her others have been for me. The premise is a good one, and it is told with style and aplomb. It is intriguing and intricate, leaving plenty of questions in the reader's mind until the author is ready for them to be answered. There are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I have no hesitation in recommending this book, even though Hadlee and I didn't see eye to eye.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Pumpkin Spice and Chill (Boyfriend Café #2)
Pumpkin Spice and Chill (Boyfriend Café #2)
F.A. Ray | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
PUMPKIN SPICE AND CHILL is the second book in the Boyfriend Café series and this time it's Albert's turn.

Albert is the not-so-silent partner in the Boyfriend Café and does everything he can to help Rhett make their venture a success. And it has worked! A little too well because now the University is breathing down their necks - although Rhett and the others don't know about it, as Albert is trying to keep it to himself. David is the psychology student, hoping to go to pre-law, who sees trouble without knowing how right he is. Together, you would think this was an odd coupling. It's not!

I loved how these two balanced each other out. Albert is the control freak who tries to hide his head in the sand when overwhelmed. David is the one who has inner strength and finds fun in sorting things out. Albert's parents are just 'wonderful', whereas David's are loving and caring. And, just like in book one, the feelings side of things creep up on them. In the bedroom (or wherever) though, they are partners. Things only happen if David agrees or even asks first.

I do love a good epilogue, as I love the closure and seeing the future for our couple. I especially like it when it gives a hint to the next in the series. A brilliant addition and I can't wait for the next! Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 12, 2023
The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb
The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb
Maureen McKernan | 1989 | Crime, History & Politics, Law
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All you need to know about the case in one book (0 more)
Contradicts itself on some pages (0 more)
"The crime itself was indefensible. The brilliant, spoiled and bored sons of two of Chicago's wealthiest families planned to commit the perfect crime both for the thrill of and to prove their perverse misunderstanding of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy of the 'superman,' who was above all law so long as he made no mistake. Their plan, worked out over several months, was to kidnap and immediately kill one of their younger neighbors and hide his body. They would then demand and collect a ransom. The body would never be discovered, the crime would never be solved and only they would know that they had prevailed over ordinary human beings and their simple-minded legal system. But far from being the 'perfect crime,' the murder of 14-year-old Bobby Franks turned out to be amateurishly botched. Before any ransom could be paid, the boy's body was discovered in a culvert near where Nathan Leopold often went bird-watching. A pair of telltale glasses were found adjacent to the body. They were easily traced to Leopold who first came up with a paper-thin alibi and soon thereafter confessed to the crime. His fellow murderer likewise confessed. Each of the 'superboys' placed blame for the actual killing on the other." - Alan M. Dershowitz

If you mentioned the names Leopold and Loeb today, many people wouldn't know who you were talking about, but if you had mentioned them just thirty years ago, many people would recall the 'murder of the century.'

If you are a fan of the True Crime genre, you'll come across the case of two wealthy Chicago boys who thought they could get away with murder. (The trial is probably the most talked about trial to-date because this is the first time that psychology was brought before a court room.)

For a good part of the late 1920's, Leopold and Loeb were household names for good reason: they came from millionaire families, they were college graduates before they were 18-years-old, and their trial was the first time in history that the world saw psychology put in front of a judge. The trial was even more unforgettable due to a closing speech given by famous defense attorney, Clarence Darrow, which is reprinted in its entirety,spanning a hefty 93 pages.

Nathan Leopold, Jr. and Richard Loeb were two people who should have never met, according to the courtroom. The two met at about the age of fifteen, soon after they began to embark on criminal acts together, ranging from theft to arson. It's stated in 'the Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb' that Loeb had created a fantasy world where he was a crime ringleader that was too smart for the police to catch. Readers get to judge for themselves whether or not they believe Loeb was the cause of their crimes, or if Leopold was the one really in charge.

After robbing Loeb's fraternity house together, Leopold and Loeb came up with a plan to kidnap a wealthy child that they could then ransom. "They began to devise elaborate plans for this kidnapping, and soon the planning became the all-important thing. They gave up the idea of kidnapping this particular person [a young man named William], and settled on the idea of kidnapping anyone who would fit in their kidnapping plans." Throughout the book, we find out that the boys were pretty desperate for a kidnapping victim, that they even thought about kidnapping one of their close friends:

"The plan of kidnaping Dick Rubel was given up because Dick Rubel's father was so tight we might not get any money from him."

Leopold and Loeb discussed everything from how they would receive the ransom, what weapons they would use, how they would get the victim inside a rented vehicle, and what they would do with the body afterwards. "In March, 1924, the patient [Loeb] conceived the idea of securing the money by having it thrown off a moving train. This idea was discussed in great detail, and gradually developed into a carefully systematized plan. As time wore on the plan became greatly modified from the original one. They discussed at considerable length the choice of a suitable subject for kidnapping. The patient's companion [Leopold] suggested that they kidnap a young girl instead of a boy, but the patient [Loeb] objected to this. His companion [Leopold] also suggested that they kidnap the patient's [Loeb] younger brother, but the patient apparently did not seriously consider doing this. They then considered half a dozen boys, any one of whom would do, for the following reasons: that they were physically small enough to be easily handled and their parents were extremely wealthy and would have no difficulty or disinclination to pay ransom money."

During the trial, Leopold and Loeb's psychological evaluations became the forefront of their guilty plea, stating that they were not responsible for their actions due to their upbringing and environment. "I submit the facts do not rest on the evidence of these boys alone. It is proven by the writings; it is proven by every act. It is proven by their companions, and there can by no question about it." Clarence Darrow explains in his famous closing statement. "We brought into this courtroom a number of their boy friends, whom they had known day by day, who had associated with them in the club house, were their constant companions, and they tell the same stories. They tell the story that neither of these two boys was responsible for his conduct."

'The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb' contains the portions of the psychiatric evaluations that were submitted in court,but the testimony of character witnesses is omitted. For a factual telling of a real life trial, this book is okay. If the reader pays attention, they may notice that some of the book contradicts itself, such as one page states that the car robe used to wrap up Franks' body was found buried near Lake Michigan,but then pages later, the book states it had been burned at Loeb's home.

The psychiatric reports are very repetitive,just using different words to describe the same things. Yet, these reports are the backbone of the trial and well worth a read. The evaluations and Darrow's extensive speech were what saved Leopold and Loeb from a death sentence.

There are very few books written about the 'murder of the century,' and even less about the 'lawyer of the century.' Leopold and Loeb, as well as Darrow, have faded into the obscurity of the True Crime genre, but because the boys' mental state was brought into question, we now accept forensic science/psychology in the court room today. I feel that only people who are truly interested in True Crime, or even have a fascination for the court room are the only ones who will enjoy 'The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb.'
As seen on <a href=""; target="_new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a>

Nail’s Crossing is a fast-paced police procedural from debut author Kris Lackey. Set in Southeastern Oklahoma, the novel dips into Arkansas (my stomping grounds) and Louisiana. Some scenes take place in Oklahoma City, in neighborhoods I know well and the locales depicted in this book are precisely why when I received an email regarding it, I absolutely had to read it.

This book is in the first in a series centered around Bill Maytubby, a reservation police officer, and Hannah Bond, a sturdy, no-bullshit female officers from the county. In these two and the many side characters, Lackey proves adept at making his cast realistic and relateable – which is something I find wanting in other books far too often.

The plot of Nail’s Crossing deals with the aftermath of a young woman’s murder and a varied group of individuals that are responsible for her death. By focusing on the apprehension of the criminals, rather than the psychology behind why they killed the woman make this title a refreshing read, especially after all the books I’ve read lately that try and compare themselves to Gone Girl.

I’ve been in a bit of a slump recently, so the fact I devoured Lackey’s book in only a couple sittings speaks volumes to his ability to maintain a constant flow of action. Unlike many books I’ve read where the author refers to stereotypes to depict certain demographics, Lackey’s portrayal of poverty-stricken southerners is accurate. Considering I live in one of Arkansas’s poorest counties, this meant a lot to me. Lackey has given those without voices one within the pages of his novel that, if you’re looking for it, remind readers that we’re our own culture as well (and not by clinging to Confederate rhetoric like the ones of today seem to).

I look forward to more books in this series, that’s for sure. I’d like to thank Blackstone Audiobooks for providing me with a free copy of this book at no charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Araminta Hall | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall is a domestic thriller and courtroom drama like no other! I’ve never read one quite like it. Not only do we have a male narrator named Mike, and see things from his point of view, we’re also dealing with other issues of autism and passionate obsessions, too. Until recently, Mike and his girlfriend Verity ( V as he likes to call her) have played a dangerous, sexual game called ‘Crave’, for years. But when they break up obsessed Mike still believes V is playing the game and will come back to him, despite V telling him she’s getting married to someone else and inviting him to the wedding. Nothing deters single-minded, Mike from his expected outcome.

The book begins like any other but it wasn’t long before I felt sorry for Mike, even though I knew he was a nasty piece of work. Why? I found the reason I sympathised with him was in the details. The way the author, Araminta Hall, portrayed Mike’s years as he talked about life as a kid; the things he refused to do, or accept, because his thinking was always logical and he didn’t understand why no one else could see things the way he did. Why say sorry when you don’t mean it? Why say you could kill someone and not do it?

As an adult Mike’s learnt to fit in with the world and act as society expects. To a certain degree. But it doesn’t mean he has to like it, or find it easy to do. He’s also one for keeping himself in check with routines of which he thrives on. Clearly, when you get to the end you’ll realise Mike’s attitude plays a massive part of the final twist.

I really enjoyed this book and its flawed characters. Although it’s not particularly fast-paced to start with, the journey fascinated me. Our Kind of Cruelty is about obsessive love, unhealthy relationships, and the psychology of the human mind. Details. It’s all in the details.
#WhatsYourVerdict? My verdict would give the whole twist away… This would translate well to film.