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Mafia Captive
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this is one of those guilty pleasure books that will keep you entertained and a little embarrassed that you are entertained.

Things I liked about the book: The psychology behind the main characters, the use of conditioning, and how fast of a read it was.

Things I didn't like about the book: Sexual Assault, Stockholm Syndrome, and the stupidity of the characters.

The book has a different kind of plot and it is very dark compared to other novels that I have read. The main character is kidnapped, held hostage, forced into sexual experiences. This book frustrated me in the fact that BDSM does NOT equal abuse, or rape. Safe, Sane, and Consensual are the three things that don't really make an appearance.
American Stranger: A Novel
American Stranger: A Novel
David Plante | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
American Stranger was timeless and beautifully written. The main character, Nancy Green, is the daughter of Holocaust survivors and it followers her struggle to navigate in American life and to find her own identity. I loved the rich culture and backgrounds of those Green encounters and the internal conflict she tries to overcome. The plot was consistent and evenly paced, but I think I would have wanted more action or more active participation from Green, at least. As a main character, I loved her flaws and her sentimentality. I loved the psychology behind it all, but felt life was happening to her - as if she were a leaf to the wind.

That aside, however, I really liked this book and would definitely recommend it.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest (not necessarily positive) review.

I'll start by saying it seems a little odd to say I "liked" this book, considering the content contained within. However, it's very well written, and I felt not only educated on PTSD and other war-related issues but also on the different warring areas themselves. I can honestly admit that I didn't know a lot of the background for many of the locations described in these pages, and I felt the author did a wonderful job at giving information to those like me who might not be fully aware of what was happening, while also keeping it geared more toward the work he and his partners were doing for the victims/refugees/etc.

I have a Psychology degree, but this is written in such a way that anyone from any walk of life could pick it up and read from cover to cover without being confused or having to do any additional research to figure out certain thing. It's a powerful piece about places and situations that we, as Americans, may not be entirely knowledgeable about, and I commend the author for writing about his experiences over these past 20 years. It could not have been easy to experience these things, as it's difficult to even read some of them, and I can only imagine what it was like to speak with these people firsthand and hear their stories day in and day out.

5 stars, and a very educational read for those both in and out of the Psychology/Social Work professions.
Сталкер [Stalker] (1979)
Сталкер [Stalker] (1979)
1979 | Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Famously cryptic Russian existential SF classic, or possibly just three men wandering about on some waste ground for two and a half hours. A 'stalker' leads a writer and a scientist into a heavily guarded zone which contains a room that supposedly gives existence to the fondest desires of anyone entering it. They discuss philosophy. A lot.

Not quite as challengingly impenetrable as some of Tarkovsky's work, but still challengingly dense and subtle. Almost all the actual SF content is left to the imagination of the viewer; the film is primarily about discussions of virtue, faith, psychology, and many other abstract things. Mesmerising to watch, but quite hard work; there's a good chance it's every bit as good as everyone else says, but I'm just too thick to figure that out.
Modern Romance
Modern Romance
Aziz Ansari | 2016 | Health & Fitness
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Going into this book I wasn't expecting much. I mean, how could a comedian write an intelligent non fiction book about romance? I know, I was that person that had a snap judgment on an author and I shouldn't have thought that.

This book was extremely interesting and the audiobook was HILARIOUS! I loved listening to Aziz Ansari read this book and describe the statistics that he gathered. The book was interesting and quite entertaining. He gathered a lot of information and was able to bring life into what could have been a dull psychology book.

Ultimately, if you're looking for an interesting and fun read, this is the book is for you. The statistics were never dull and it was fascinating to learn about other cultures and the differences between generations.
The Good Place  - Season 2
The Good Place - Season 2
2017 | Comedy
Acting (5 more)
Creativity honr
Positive, happy, hilarious, fun!
I honestly do not have anything bad to say about The Good Place and thoroughly enjoyed watching it over the Christmas holidays! Full of imagination and creativity. The story line is great and also explores psychology and philosophy, which I could really relate to as I have a strong interest in those subjects. The actors are great and watching this really made me think about my own actions and behaviours and how I can improve. What effect do my actions have on others, as well as myself and my future. I'm waiting for season 2 episode 2 for tomorrow! Weekly episodes ensure I have something to look forward to at the end of each week! Fabulous series, thoroughly enjoy it

Rian Johnson recommended House of Games (1987) in Movies (curated)

House of Games (1987)
House of Games (1987)
1987 | Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Okay, how about House of Games as kind of the David Mamet representation? You need him in there if you’re gonna talk about con man movies. It’s a movie I love more and more every time I see it. I just think it’s beautifully constructed, and it also really has something on its mind in terms of this kind of dark, sticky psychology of the con and of our human fascination with the con. It’s just a terrific film, and it’s also a lot of fun. I mean, the opening card game scene. That’s got Ricky Jay in it, Joe Mantegna, you know. “I’m from the United States of kiss my a–.” [laughs] It’s one of the all-time great card table scenes in all of cinema, I think."

Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1)
Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1)
Anne Rice | 1976 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (51 Ratings)
Book Rating
History (0 more)
A vampire story you can sink your teeth into
I credit Anne Rice with my love of vampire novels and series. It has become a lifelong reading habit.

If you love a good vampire book, you need to read the one written by the Queen Mother of all vampire series. It takes you through the centuries of Louis the vampires life, how he came to be, who his friends are, who he meets and what happens. It's a long, winding tale of intrigue, betrayal and love.

I love the rich history and the detailed characters, background and psychology. Rice is a great writer, creates a detailed world within out world, that you find yourself falling into and falling in love with.

Pick this up, you will be hooked and there's more books, so you won't be dissapointed.
Show all 3 comments.

Rachel Maria Berney (114 KP) Dec 4, 2018

That's not the best book on the series in all honesty. This first one is good and is what introduces you to Lestat and the second book is all about him. Without that love/hate relationship with the character LeStat, I think the third book would be a big struggle. It's well worth starting from beginning and powering through, there are amazing books after the queen one, with great characters and the over all vampire story arc gets tied up really well.


Rebecca Starkey (19 KP) Dec 4, 2018

If I come across it I'll give it a go. :)

The Bright Sessions
The Bright Sessions
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Great plot (3 more)
Brilliant voice actors
Excellent writing
Unique universe
Definitely Atypical
Starting with the introduction of a new patient, Doctor Bright's sessions are recorded in her office as she runs a psychology service for "Atypicals" - people who have a variety of unusual abilities... and associated psychological issues.
The story unfolds, becoming far more involved as the episodes continue. As the story unfolds, the universe expands to involve not just a few Atypicals visiting their doctor, but a vast, shadowy network of government organisations, a population of Atypicals around the world, throughout history, a brilliant "bad guy", and so much more.
Immersive, realistic, unflinching in its poor opinion of much of humanity, dark, moralistic, and all-round fantastic, the only regret is that I didn't discover this podcast until it was already over.
Or is it?
I, for one, certainly hope not!
Mindhunter - Season 1
Mindhunter - Season 1
2017 | Crime
Superb series
Fantastic series documenting a fictionalised account of the ground-breaking FBI agents who tried to define a system of using psychology and profiling to try and identify what kind of person may have committed a crime.
Includes portrayals of some famous serial killers, Edmond Kemper's is sublime, as they are interviewed to try and assess what drove them to commit their atrocious crimes (spoiler: it's usually their mums and absent dads).
Excellently acted, Jonathan Groff is a perfect antisocial, driven investigator who doesn't pull his punches and shares a lot of personality traits with those he is analysing.
This series was a gentle introduction to their methodology and starting to use it to identify who may have committed crimes - this is done at a good pace, rather than getting drawn into a "one crime per episode" mentality.