ESP: English Spelling & Punctuation
Education and Reference
English Spelling & Punctuation (ESP) is a new and exciting app that will help you to improve your...

The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment
Wesley G. Jennings, George E. Higgins, David N. Khey and Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina
The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment provides the most comprehensive reference for a vast number...

Punters - Horse Racing & Form Guide for iPad
Sports and Entertainment
Punters.com.au brings you the most comprehensive horse racing app for iPad. Study your form,...

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about The Punisher - Season 1 in TV
Oct 20, 2017

Corporal Punishment Around the World
Matthew Pate and Laurie A. Gould
Examining the use of corporal punishment in different settings across cultures, this revealing...