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Charlie's Angels (2019)
Charlie's Angels (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Attempt to make the notably leer-tastic exploitation TV show into a piece of weaponised feminism ends up understandably conflicted, but it has bigger problems to worry about. Somebody wants to steal a maguffin with evil potential, Angels want to stop him, much whizzing about in Germany, Istanbul, and so forth.

Elizabeth Banks puts together a generic sub-Mission Impossible action thriller reasonably well, but when the gunfire and revving engines dies away you are just left with the sound of comic banter failing to spark and the occasional unsubtle you-go-girl message. The plot feels very familiar, and the rest doesn't do enough to cover up for this. Mixed work from the cast: Banks herself is working hard, Kristen Stewart proves she genuinely does have star quality, Naomi Scott can probably look forward to a healthy career playing the kooky best friend, and while Ella Balinska can deliver neither a joke nor a line of exposition to save her life, she is about nine feet tall which helps with the fight choreography. Patrick Stewart turns up and twinkles a lot; one presumes CGI has been used to erase the dollar signs in his eyes. Admittedly, I am probably not the target audience for this movie, but even so: too often this feels leaden when it should be light, and treacly when it should froth.

Moby recommended What's This For? by Killing Joke in Music (curated)

What's This For? by Killing Joke
What's This For? by Killing Joke
2005 | Alternative, Pop, Punk, Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember hearing 'Requiem' on college radio, and it really combined all of my favourite things - it had synths on it, really heavy distorted guitars, tribal drums, this crazy jazz drummer and punk rock vocals. The first album is great, but What's This For is one of those rare albums where the second is actually better. I remember when it came out I went to the record store the week of release, though I couldn't afford to buy it, and looking at the cover and how beautiful it was. It was this collage, with these psychedelic, apocalyptic colours, and the title is one of those great titles where it meant nothing but it was captivating. What are they asking, I don't understand. Standing in the record store, holding this piece of vinyl, hoping that one day I'd be able to buy it... when I finally got it home, the sound quality was even better than the first album, and it just had this sinewy darkness to it that was really amazing. Everything about them from the basslines to the drumming to the way they approach guitar and lyrics... it was the first time I'd ever heard really heavy distorted guitar that the way they were mixed they didn't dominate the music, the fit perfectly within the framework of the song."


Rob Halford recommended Queen II by Queen in Music (curated)

Queen II by Queen
Queen II by Queen
1974 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I think about why I love Queen my head just fills with every single Queen song that I know by heart. It's just like a box of Quality Street. Everything is amazing. The reason that I've chosen the second album is because the song 'Ogre Battle' is on there, which is one of my favourite tracks. It's rare that you struggle to label a band. If you're a heavy metal band you're meant to look and sound like a heavy metal band but you can't really call Queen anything. They could be a pop band one day or the band that wrote 'Bicycle Race' the next and a full-blown metal band the next. In terms of the depth of the musical landscape that they covered, it was very similar to some extent to the Beatles. I mean 'Helter Skelter' was a pretty heavy track, and 'Yellow Submarine' really wasn't. I think Queen have a lot of similar ingredients. Everybody was writing the songs as well, so Freddie was writing differently to John Deacon, and then John was writing differently to Roger [Taylor, drummer]. They were all accepting each other though, and nobody was sat there saying that they couldn't do something because it didn't sound like Queen. If it was a good song they'd record it, and this album is nothing but good songs. It's a style that we've tried to adopt into Judas Priest. A good song is a good song at the end of the day, and there's no point in wasting time arguing about whether Priest are supposed to sound like the British Steel record or the Painkiller record or whatever. I felt such a sense of loss when Freddie died, but he fucking loved his life. He partied like a maniac. I've lost a lot of friends to AIDS and it's such a terrible thing to have to suffer through. Such a cruel condition to be taken by. From what I've seen and heard there's a horrible sense of loss in those early days. There was a lot of rejection and almost pariah-like status heaped upon you by people. And it's still around today, which is so sad and unfair. It's interesting though, because I don't know if Freddie would still have been doing what he did now. Would he still be going out on the road with Brian and Roger, who, by the way, I love? Especially Adam [Lambert]. But Freddie would have been 70-something I think, and I get a feeling that at some point, he would have just said, "I've had enough now darling." We lost him, but he left behind such an incredible legacy and canon of work. I listen to Queen almost every day still."


Erika (17788 KP) rated Deadpool 2 (2018) in Movies

May 20, 2018 (Updated May 20, 2018)  
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
As a superhero movie, the plot was ok, and I thought Julian Dennison did a fantastic job. As a comedy, not so much.
 1) The jokes were tired, and already done in DP1. When everyone was cracking up in the first scenes, I looked at my best friend and asked, 'What is everyone laughing at? This sh** is not funny.' How many times does Ryan Reynolds need to make fun of Green Lantern? Seriously, get over it. 2) It was was too long. That's 2 hours and 10 minutes of my life I can never get back. At least it was free with moviepass. 3) Ryan Reynolds was too Ryan Reynolds, rather than the character. Unless, they're supposed to be one of the same? Don't get me wrong, I love Ryan Reynolds comedies (e.g., Waiting/Just Friends), but it was too much. 4) A lot of the scenes were about 5 minutes too long... The unfunny scene at the end where DP just wouldn't go away (no specifics because that'd be a spoiler). 5) You could tell some of the jokes were inserted after the fact because the quality of the sound on it. Yeah, of course they can get away with it sometimes, since RR is wearing the mask... But it was too obvious.

I am surprised that TJ Miller wasn't completely cut from the film (same with Ready Player One), since that seems to be the norm whenever scandals occur now.

Tyondai Braxton recommended Tracers by Ben Vida in Music (curated)

Tracers by Ben Vida
Tracers by Ben Vida
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"""Ben Vida is a composer and sound artist whose work I really love. This record he did pairing his idiosyncratic electronic voice with percussion is a favourite. I suppose everyone I have given on this list has a strong character. The thing I love about Ben too is that he's so good at synthesising sounds and he has such a strong compositional voice. But his music has such a great sense of humour too – some of the sounds are absurd. They are really high quality, well made objects, but in a lot of ways it's so funny. I'm always excited to listen to anything that Ben does. And it's great to get a chance to work with him too. He's been a long time collaborator. I also sought him out to work with me as a performer on my HIVE project. When I first started the project, it was this installation where there were these five wooden mushroom-like pods. It's a piece for three percussionists and two modular synths. Being a fan of his music and having known him for a couple of years, I asked him to do that with me. And so we ended up touring that around together. I ended up adding some vocals to some records that he did. He did a record called Slipping Control a couple of years ago, that I worked on with him. So it's been a very rich creative relationship."""

Queen of the Damned (2002)
Queen of the Damned (2002)
2002 | Horror
6.7 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
sound track (5 more)
Old style vampire
pretty good picture quality
good back story
ended too soon (0 more)
i seen this 30 times when it came out and i was only 7
i will forever love Queen of the damned, is it bad i know every word? hell to the no its not!
" we are your main desire" --- oh god are you ever, since seeing this movie my fascination with vampires was born. You could say i'm a little obsessed with them.. but in all truth, i'm more than obsessed with them, when all the girls wanted to be something special when they were older i told everyone i wanted to be a vampire, running around with my fake paper teeth, my long cape, screaming when the light hit my skin and running after people to suck their blood. Yeah i was a weird child.
This movie in my opinion is a master piece to anne rice work. If you havent seen it i would suggest that you do
Many people hate this movie, but for me it's a walk down memory lane, every year on my birthday i play this movie and recite it word for word, singing the songs, and dancing to the music. this movie is a big thing for me, it started my love for the violin. When lestat plays with the gypsy. I ran to my mother and told her i wanted a violin. I used to lay in bed and imagine him playing for me.

photo creds to google
2017 | Role-Playing
Sound quality (2 more)
Retro feel
One man project
Too close to source material (0 more)
Even after three years
Three years ago, Toby "Radiation" Fox stopped making rom hacks. Kinda sad, yet we did benefit. He released a one man project called Undertale on the pc market and the inter webs, as a whole, lost their mind. The game is your basic jrpg fare, traverse a world, do a thing, try not to die and don't trust flowers. Honestly, of all the games I played I rank this in my 10 favorites, not number one however. The truth of the matter is Toby was a rom breaker first and he would hack many games with the Nintendo rpg Earthbound being his playground. In essence it was Earthbound that inspired Undertale as many themes can be found. Honestly I felt as if I was playing another Earthbound game and yet it felt new, different. As Jon Jafari said with Earthbound, I could say it with this game, As an experience, this game goes beyond limitations. If you haven't played it, play it, but don't go in expecting amazing game play and mechanics. Go in expecting nothing and watch your expectations get overwhelmed. In fact as you play keep that determination thing in mind. It becomes so prominent that you begin to feel it. In fact the themes Undertale portray have in themselves become the driving force for my blog. Anyways, give the game a shot. No watching it online, you won't feel the emotions this game tries to portray. Get it, personalize it, experience it.

Graham Massey recommended Welcome by Santana in Music (curated)

Welcome by Santana
Welcome by Santana
1973 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I ended up with this record because it was at that point in my teenage years when I was swapping records with my mates at school. We were all a long-haired, Afghan coat-wearing gang into Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and all those classic rock guitar bands. And Santana were almost amongst that; even when you go to albums like Abraxas and the early albums, they have a quite exotic kind of quality about them, so when Welcome came out, it was really rejected by the gang. It was like, ""Whoah! They've gone too far! What is this nonsense? We don't understand it!"" I got someone else's copy of it and I really started to sink into it. There are so many signposts in this record to the jazz world that has sustained me through the years. The first time I heard the words ""John Coltrane"" was through this record. Alice Coltrane is on the first track, which is this version of Dvořák's 'Going Home', which is adapted from his New World Symphony. It's like a classical piece played on a Mellotron. It's very dramatic and it's got nothing to do with rock music and more to do with that spiritual jazz that Alice Coltrane was knocking about. At that point, you couldn't give Alice Coltrane records away, and it's interesting that they didn't really gain currency until the late 90s. And then you've got people like Leon Thomas on the record, the guy who did the yodeling on Pharoah Sanders' records, which would lead you to his records. And John McLaughlin is on there, which would then lead you to The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Back then, you'd find these names on records and then when you were in the record shop, you'd find these names again and it all connected up like dot-to-dots. The concept of ""fusion"" throws up so many bad images because there's a load of shit there, but there's also so much good stuff as well. With this album, I opened the door expecting that rock guitar thing, but the sound of this record is fascinating: it has so much air in it and you can hear the sound of the room being pushed around. To me, this record is like audio sunshine and it transports me to some transcendental place."

A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Like many parents, Lee (John Krasinski), and Evelyn (Emily Blunt), have an overwhelming urge to keep their children safe in the world and protect them at all costs. In the new film “A Quiet Place”, that maternal drive is taken to extreme levels as the world has been attacked by vicious creatures who hunt by sound alone.

The slightest loud noise will bring a rapid moving creature in moments that will destroy whatever made the sound instantly. As such, Lee and Evelyn have gone to great lengths to live as quietly as possible and even have a system for their home and supply runs to be as safe as possible.

When tragedy strikes, it causes a division between Lee and their only daughter Regan (Millicent Simmonds), who although deaf herself believes she is being blamed for the tragedy and the guilt has only grown over time.

The family continues on and the film jumps forward in time to show that Lee is studying as much about the creatures as he can in an effort to find a weakness they can use as well as to provide more security for his family.

Of course even the best plans do not always work and what follows is a very intense and raw struggle for survival which shows just how far a person is willing to go for their family.

Krasinski not only stars in the film but also directed it and helped to write the screenplay. Working with his actual wife worked very well as they have a fantastic chemistry which helps them convey the emotions and thoughts of the film well which is amazing considering how little dialogue there is in the film as gestures and sign language are the most common form of communication.

The film is very intense in moments and a fantastic extended sequence with Blunt had my wife squeezing my hand tightly and afraid to utter a sound as it left her holding her breath.

The film is a very fresh take on the creature genre and the quality of the performances lifts the film to a level rarely seen in a suspense film. The film did play a bit fast and loose with some aspects such as the history of the creatures and the state of the world around them as it is largely conveyed through newspaper headlines left lying around. As such I found myself wondering why certain defensive options and offensive tactics were not used as to me they seemed to be common sense approaches. For a film with such a fresh premise and strong performances, the ending did seem to depend a bit too much on some of the usual Hollywood stereotypes but it did not keep the film from being highly entertaining and effective. As I watched the film I kept thinking that there could be a connection to “Cloverfield” especially based on aspects of the creatures. The film was made for a very small budget so hopefully we will be seeing a sequel in the near future as “A Quiet Place” was a very enjoyable film and one of the best surprises of the year.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Bleed For This (2016) in Movies

Aug 11, 2017 (Updated Oct 25, 2017)  
Bleed For This (2016)
Bleed For This (2016)
2016 | Drama, Sport
7.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Incredible true story (4 more)
Eckhart & Teller are brilliant in the lead performances
The supporting cast are great too
Tight script
Good direction
One Of The Most Remarkable Comebacks In History
If this movie wasn't based in true events, it would be ridiculed for being too far fetched. Don't get me wrong, I am sure that, (as is with the case with all movies based on a 'true' story,) some aspects of the film have been exaggerated for dramatic purposes, but even still, this is an incredible story about triumph over adversity.
The cast are all great, Miles Teller at this point is up there with Christian Bale and Jake Gyllenhaal as a young character actor at the top of his game in my eyes. He is fantastic as Pazienza and does a brilliant job conveying the pain and tragedy that Vinnie faced and the 'nothing will stop me,' attitude that Vinnie possessed. Aaron Eckhart goes from Hollywood heart-throb, to past his prime shlub in this role and he sells it convincingly, he truly is one of the most underrated character actors working today in my opinion.
The rest of the ensemble cast are great. The production is also of an immensely high quality, the sets, sound design and abrupt editing all make up an equally grim and glamorous world that feels realistic and lived in.
Overall this film is definitely worth a watch, whether you are a boxing fan or not, it is a hugely inspirational story that has been brought to life masterfully and is a story that should be witnessed by everybody.