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Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Jesus Christ, this is definitely in the running for the silliest film I've ever seen.
F9 contains everything you would expect from this franchise - big set pieces, defiant feats of physics, obnoxious music intervals, Vin Diesel inaudibly talking about family, increasingly Bond-level villains, a tiny bit of actual racing, a character who is dead not actually being dead, barbeques and Corona, and vague references to what Paul Walker's character is currently up to off screen.
It goes bigger on almost every aspect than it has before, and it's once again a mixed bag. Some of the action scenes are so, so ridiculous, especially a scene during the big finale that involves Ludacris and Tyrese Gibson (no spoilers here), but these moments are bogged down by a whole lot of nothing, providing an unnecessarily padded out runtime that makes the movie feel like a drag on more than one occasion. It overestimates how much the audience actually cares about the characters. But not to worry, at one point Vin Diesel downs a plane by throwing a truck at it, so you know, swings and roundabouts.

There's a whole heap of nonsense absolutely caking what is an enjoyable enough Fast & Furious movie. Nowhere near the best in the series, but a fun time if you can stay awake until the final third.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Tropical Depression in Books

Nov 12, 2021 (Updated Nov 12, 2021)  
Tropical Depression
Tropical Depression
C. Michele Dorsey | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Racing a Hurricane to Solve a Murder
Sabrina Salter has returned to St. John from a disastrous vacation to New England to find out that one of the seasonal employees she and her business partner, Henry, have hired has been murdered. The police are looking at Henry as the killer since the weapon had his initials on it. As the fallout from Sabrina’s vacation shows up on the island, Sabrina tries to find a killer. With Hurricane Irma bearing down on the island, can she do it?

Yes, there is a lot going on in this book, but it all fits together perfectly. Honestly, I can’t imagine this book without any of the elements. We get a logical conclusion to the mystery, and the other storylines allow the characters to grow. I did find some of Sabrina’s behavior a little irritating, but it also allowed for some good development. There were more typos than there should be in the book. Since this is more a traditional mystery, there is a smattering of foul language. Both are worth noting only in passing. The book makes good use of changing the point of view character to fully develop the characters and tell the story. Overall, I loved getting to spend time with Sabrina again. I’m hoping we get to see how she is fairing after the events of this book soon.
Child of Fear & Fire
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
57 of 230
Child of Fear & Fire
By G.R. Thomas

Fear feeds Wickedness.
It hungers for the tremor of a voice, the drop of a tear. Wickedness dines on the echo of a racing heart, delights in the falsetto of a scream.
Eliza lives darkness’s dream. A maid in a great house, owned by indifferent aristocrats, run by their three cruel daughters.
Daily beatings, tricks and cruelties by the Norlane sisters have left Eliza a mute shell, a vacant vessel besieged by fear. Yet, alone as she feels, as small and insignificant as her life seems, something is watching her.
Darkness lives in the forbidden forest beyond the neat and orderly civility of Norlane Hall. Wickedness hears Eliza’s silent tears, rises to the vibrations of her body that quivers in terror.
Wickedness awakens from its slumber and calls to her.

This was such an interesting tale. It’s was deep and so dark. We follow the life of a young housemaid that’s bullied, beaten and abused by the entitled. Three sister and a father who take liberties with this young girl until you could say the darkness of nature gives her a helping hand at getting her revenge. Totally mesmerising you didn’t know how this would end. I genuinely broke my heart for how Eliza was treated by them. What an ending though! Loved it!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Cry Wolf in Books

Nov 16, 2022 (Updated Nov 16, 2022)  
Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf
Annette Dashofy | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s Not Crying Wolf to Say This is a Great Book
When Zoe goes with her boyfriend, Pete, to visit Pete’s father in the care facility where he is living, they discover that Pete’s old training officer, John, has moved in. Pete’s happy since his father keeps insisting that something strange is going on in the place. When John is murdered a few hours later, it looks like that might be the case. Can Zoe and Pete figure out what happened?

This book started out quickly and never let up. With several sub-plots to keep us engaged, I was racing to find out what was going on, and I was left in awe when I reached the end. Zoe and Pete make a great detecting duo, and we get the story equally from their third person points of view. I do still feel like Pete is too overbearing, and I hope that softens soon. Not all of the regulars get much page time, but those who do show up are critical to the story. And the new characters are strong enough that this is really isn’t an issue. Since this isn’t one of my cozies, there is more content than in the books I typically read, so know that going in. Now, I need to make time to visit Zoe again soon.
Unravelling Oliver
Unravelling Oliver
Liz Nugent | 2015 | Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why must I be disappointed by books I’m so eager to read? I didn’t end up loving this novel as much as I would have liked to, but I didn’t exactly hate it.

This novel started strong. It’s first line, “I expected more of a reaction the first time I hit her“, is brutal and shocking, it lures you in in an instant. What I expected to follow was a taut, heart racing novel about why such a “loving husband” would beat his wife into a coma. And, I guess I got the “why” bit, but I didn’t get the taut, heart racing bit. It was snail pace and didn’t really get exciting until the very end.

I saw another reviewer talk about the lack of character in the characters in the novel and she’s right. Considering this whole book was a character study, the people we got to study weren’t that special. I was most interested in Veronique so I was glad she had a good few chapters to herself, but I wasn’t particularly interested in reading about what other people thought of Oliver. Even Oliver’s own chapters could get irritating.

I can’t fault the writing in this one. For a debut, it’s really good! If you connected with the characters, the writing could definitely put you in their shoes and make you feel exactly how they felt, but because I didn’t connect with anyone, I didn’t get that pleasure. All I know is that the descriptions were realistic and insightful.

Obviously the plot for this one was what interested me and it sounded like a great story. Unfortunately it was too slow in revealing it’s secrets to keep my interest high, and so I began losing interest about the halfway mark. This was a short book but it felt long. I know we were supposed to get to know Oliver and all his troubles and worries in life, but it all felt like waffle. There were no definitive markers in this book to signify any sort of middle event that would lead us to the end event and so until the plot finally revealed itself this felt like one long biography of Oliver, with not a lot going on.

To give this novel credit, elements of the plot and the reveal are very unique to other books I’ve read. And I read a lot of this kinds of books. I suppose you could say the “why” in this book isn’t as dark as you would originally think. It’s almost trivial, I guess.

I sound a bit negative in this review but that’s just because I was so excited about reading it in the first place. In the end, a 3 star rating isn’t the worst thing ever, it’s just not great.

<i>Thank you so much to Ali @The Sunday Feeling for sending me your copy to read!</i>
Léon: The Professional (1994)
Léon: The Professional (1994)
1994 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Heart-racing Drama
Against his better judgement, a hitman takes in a little girl after her entire family is slaughtered.

Acting: 10
Loved Jean Reno as Leon the hitman as it is inarguably his greatest performance. You can tell very early on this is a guy you don’t want to mess with. Despite his excellence, Natalie Portman outshined everyone, even Reno, in her role as Mathilda, a revenge-seeking girl that has to grow up before she’s ready. She leaves such an impact from the way she harbors rage and sadness, sometimes within the same scene. While young, this is also one of her strongest performances as an actress. When you’re getting the best of your two stars, you know you have a great movie on your hands.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 7
I think my issue with the actual conflict throughout the duration of the movie stems more from how amazing the beginning is. The first ten minutes of the movie almost spoil you into expecting the rest of the film to be that way. Alas it is not. It moves at a bit of a slower clip and you start to feel it playing out as more of a drama than an action movie. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of tension to be had, just not quite enough to blow me away.

Entertainment Value: 8

Memorability: 7
There is one particularly tense moment that had my heart racing: I don’t want to give too much away by setting the scene, but Mathilda is waiting outside of Leon’s door, pleading for him to let her in. Every single time I watch that scene, my heart leaps into my throat even though I know what’s going to happen. It’s that intense vulnerability that really sticks out. While the movie isn’t oozing with scenes to remember, say like my last review of Dirty Dancing, there was definitely enough to keep my attention.

Pace: 10
Once you understand that the movie is a drama and not an action film, you can respect the pace a lot more. The movie pushes character development and the relationship between Leon and Mathilda. By the time the film reaches its conclusion, there is legitimate concern for their well-being because you’ve grown to like both of them.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 1
Did not like the ending in the slightest. I was hoping for more. Endings like this are fine when there is more closure. As bad as it was, I still enjoyed the movie as a whole.

Overall: 81
Leon: The Professional is a great movie to watch with someone who prefers drama over action and you’re trying to meet them in the middle. It is endearing to watch Leon and Mathilda’s relationship blossom with the mad world that has been thrust upon them. The action is subtle, but the movie is awesome.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Porgs not as annoying as expected (1 more)
Muppet Yoda is back (no CGI nonsense)
The casino scene was pod-racing all over again (waste of time) (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I enjoyed the film at the time, but something niggles afterwards that some of it was just sloppy.
Captain Phasma - a strong female villain - was barely present and did not add anywhere near as much to the story as hoped for.
There was the perfect opportunity to write Carrie Fisher out of the story in a particularly poignant moment, but that wasn't followed through (and now she will just have to be written out in the opening scenes of the following film "Oh isn't it a shame about General Morgana dying").
The most irritating part of the plot for me was how quickly Finn is supposed to have walked back, dragging Rose. It took them 10 minutes driving to their destination but he somehow manages to walk it in 2 minutes, dragging another person, past a fleet of AT-ATs! That took me right out of the moment.
Rey was not used anywhere near enough. As the strong female lead, having her spend the entire film trying to persuade Luke to help or train her was just a waste of time. They should have just used a montage.
Otherwise it was an acceptable film in the series, less of a remake of Empire than The Force Awakens was of A New Hope thankfully.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Character (Hero/Villain/Normal) Selection (0 more)
Racing Mechanic (0 more)
Save the World LEGO Marvel Superheroes!
I've been playing this one for a couple of weeks now and have honestly enjoyed this entry in the LEGO-verse. Played about 50+ hours now and still have around 15 to 18% to do (don't have my game up or I'd give the exact percentage).

The story line itself is very engaging and it's own creature (in other words it is not following a movie or book, it is it's own stand alone story.) There are over 100 characters to gain throughout the story and free roam. Deadpool's Red Brick chapters were a delight if a bit simple.

Biggest complaint is the game mechanics where it comes to the races in the game. I've only managed a meager three or four of the twenty plus available and that is due to sheer luck. As of this moment I am not sure I will 100% this LEGO entry and it is totally due to the races.

Overall, even with the races being such a hassle, I've really enjoyed running around town as the various characters. They have the more common notable heroes and villains as well as some not so common characters (IE: Squirrel Girl). With the multitude of available characters very few overlap so it is very refreshing to actually have to use almost everyone for something (be it a maze, race, free play, etc).

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Fellside in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
M.R. Carey | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fellside was a unique combination of psychological, thriller, supernatural, crime, and romance. When I say psychological, it was because it makes you think; thriller because I couldn't put it down, and found my heart racing; romance not in the typical sense of the term, but a deep and surprising love that brought all the characters to a new level, and puts the reader in a different frame of mind. It was the kind of book you know is completely unrealistic, but since the author believes in it, you believe in it. It begins with a mysterious tug, and right as you fall in love with the main character she starts to break your heart. M. R. Carey doesn’t write cute books, or sweet books, or books that are easy to read. They make you think and confront how you feel about certain things; but it’s beautiful in it’s own way. I am totally in love with this story, this world, the concept, and the way it all comes together in the end. I definitely recommend it for ages 16+, but not as a light beach-read or hour-at-a-time read. Sit down and chew on this one, and let your mind go where it wants to. Content/Recommendation: Ages 16+ for some violent scenes. This is a women's prison. - See more at:
Kristin Cashore | 2008 | Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
175 of 230
Graceling ( Graceling Realm book 1)
Kristin Cashore

Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight--she's a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king's thug.

When she first meets Prince Po, Graced with combat skills, Katsa has no hint of how her life is about to change. She never expects to become Po's friend. She never expects to learn a new truth about her own Grace--or about a terrible secret that lies hidden far away . . . a secret that could destroy all seven kingdoms with words alone.

With elegant, evocative prose and a cast of unforgettable characters, debut author Kristin Cashore creates a mesmerizing world, a death-defying adventure, and a heart-racing romance that will consume you, hold you captive, and leave you wanting more.

I really enjoyed this book. It was one of those that when I wasn’t reading I was thinking about. If I had one thing that put me off a bit is that some bots are really long drawn out. Even still I really liked it. Katsa is a strong female character and I’m glad she sticks to her guns. Looking forward to book 2!