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Cold Pursuit (2019)
Cold Pursuit (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Cold as ice
#coldpursuit tries to hit like an avalanche but ends up being disappointing & forgettable like #snowflakes falling on to wet ground. Cold Pursuit is a remake of the #Norwegian film #inorderofdisappearance which received extremely good reviews across the board begging the question why did it need to be remade? & the straight answer to that is no it didn't. #liamnesson plays #NelsCoxman he's quite an interesting character being the town s #hero forced to seek revenge for the death of his son, problem is Nesson plays him just has he does any character now days making him not only #boring but unlikable & its hard to sympathise with him at all. Overall the film is a huge rip off of the far superior #WindRiver & also #Fargo trying its very hardest to be a #coenbrothers movie but failing at everything especially the #humour. Tone wise its a mess with #Nesson taking everything far to seriously while the film tries its hardest to be quirky & #funny. Humour that would work well in a Norwegian movie simply fails here & at times stops the movie dead or ruins the flow/serious tension its created. #tombateman is probably the best character here but even he feels like his character is an audition for the next #Joker in a #DC #batman movie. Essentially one big statement on #racism, the fight over territory & how the benefits of having & decent upbringing shapes our future Cold Pursuit has a decent message in there somewhere its just poorly handled. I did however like the score & there are sprinklings of nice production & visuals too which helped to hold my attention. All in all Cold Pursuit is simply just 'FINE' nothing more nothing less but when there are better films out there aka Wind River, Fargo or even the original fine just doesn't really cut it. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #racist #winter #cold #revenge #weekend #weekendvibes #nordicnoir
Noughts and Crosses: Book 1
Noughts and Crosses: Book 1
Malorie Blackman | 2006 | Children
8.1 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why did it take me so long to pick up this book? This book is brilliant, I absolutely loved it. This is my first Dystopian novel and I will be definitely delving more into this genre.

For people who are unfamiliar with this genre, this is the definition: Dystopian is the exact opposite — it describes an imaginary society that is as dehumanizing and as unpleasant as possible.

This story is told from two POV’s, Callum and Sephy. Callum is white and a Nought. Sephy is black and a cross. Crosses are the ruling class and the noughts are the second rate citizens. The divide between the Noughts and Crosses is very clear and strict with no mingling.

Sephy and Callum are the best of friends even though society tries to keep them apart, they start meeting up in secret and as they grow so does their love for one another.

This book covers so many topics that are thought provoking, such as racism, predujice, terrorism and more. This book is very fast paced and action packed that you will fly through the book

I loved both of the characters, Sephy was a very strong and powerful character who was stubborn but knew what she wanted. Callum was equally as strong and wanted to make a change in the world but nobody would listen.

I loved everything about the book especially the ending.Oh my god the ending! I had a lump in my throat. God I love Sephy and Callum.

   <b> “Dear God, please let him have heard me. Please.
    If you’re up there.

This is the first of four books in the series and will definitely be reading the others which are: Knife’s edge, Checkmate and Double Cross.

I would recommend this book to anyone! It really is great.

I rate this 5 out of 5 stars.

Please check out my Blog for other reviews
5 Stars _____

If I could give everyone a copy of this book to read, I would. Whether you are vegan, vegan curious, vegetarian or omni, this book is a must read. It just might change your life and also save many others.

<i>A person's "right" to eat whatever they want ends where another's life begins.</i>

<img src=""; alt="cute_cow_pictures_15_360x277" border="0">

I'm currently going through some lifestyle changes which include removing meat from my diet and reducing the amount of diary I consume considerably. My reasons for doing this is (1) for the animals and (2) for health reasons. I was introduced to veganism through my mum's partner and his brother, for this I am very grateful.
When it comes to veganism I knew the basics, not consuming any animal products, that was pretty much it...and to be honest I thought that was all of it. Oh how wrong I very very wrong...and you know what? I'm glad I was wrong as I have learnt so much more. I learnt how being an ethical vegan includes not just animal rights but human rights as well, including racism, sexism, homophobia and feminism.
I feel that it's really important that we're exposed to how things work behind closed doors, how animals are really treated, rather than being lied to by the media. Oh here's an advert featuring a happy, that is NOT a happy cow. That is a cow whose whole life purpose is to produce milk and end up on a plate.

<img src=""; alt="25118785_Grunge_rubber_stamp_with_text_No_Meat_vector_illustration_Stock_Vector_1080x380" border="0">

This is a very well researched book which has been well thought out, the references are well organised which allows you to do further reading into veganism and best of all it's not preachy, it's factual.
In conclusion, if you were to read any book this year please make it this one.

<img src=""; alt="go_vegan_for_the_animals_i_14138563044114138520_x_20_w_520_m_1" border="0">
The Giver of Stars
The Giver of Stars
Jojo Moyes | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A quietly emotional story
I should know…know that when I read a Jojo Moyes book that it’s going to pack an emotional punch but with this blurb, I just didn’t see it coming. THE GIVER OF STARS had me invested quickly and feeling like a family member to the librarian sisterhood, so that when things happened, I felt devastated and scared to read on. The themes of misogyny, racism and feminism made this both emotional and empowering.

The context of reading, teaching poor and downtrodden women, children and men to read through the distrubution of books was in the background but it also powerful to observe. These women on their riding rounds also comforted the sick, grieving and took on the role of friends, confidantes and substitute mother figures.

I didn’t expect this book to be unputdownable, but it was as Moyes made the mundane work of Alice, Margery, Izzy and Beth’s lives totally readable and absorbing. Alice was the main protagonist, an English newly-wed, a little prissy but a genuinely sweet woman. The life she found in Kentucky was not at all what she expected and I tore my hair out over her and Bennett’s relationship. There were some revolting men in this book but then there were also some fantastic characters in Fred and Sven, they were the light in my reading and this book.

There was a second supporting protagonist in Margery and she really captured my heart. I loved her rebelliousness, her unconventional ways and willingness to be different. Her later storyline had me distraught, sad and prone to weeping. I just did not know where this book was going to end, there were so many possibilities.

I have come away from this read inspired. Jojo Moyes took me on a journey with this story and I am all the richer for it. This is historical women’s fiction at it’s best and I will remember this book for years, I am sure.