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The Raven King
The Raven King
Maggie Stiefvater | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fourth and final book in Stiefvater's "Raven Cycle" series picks up shortly after the third. Obviously, if you haven't read the three previous books, you should, and you shouldn't continue reading this review, as there will be spoilers. Gansey, of course, is still after the elusive Glendower, a buried king whom he believes will change his life. Blue, daughter of a psychic, is not-psychic, but still an amplifier of those who are, and still destined to kill her true love upon their first kiss. The pair--now in love--are joined by their usual gang: Ronan Lynch, dreamer of all things magical; Adam, a survivor, who is tied to the magical forest of Cabeswater in mysterious ways; Noah, who is dead; Maura, Blue's mother; and many more. In fact, we gain several more characters in this final installment, namely far more involvement from fellow Aglionby Academy student, Henry. Together, this group is focusing on the frenzied search to find Gansey's beloved king.

I'm not really even sure what I can say about this book. This whole series is amazing and crazy. I need to re-read all four books at some point, now that all are released. This novel actually started out a bit slow for me. It was, as weird as it sounds, almost a bit too fantastical, filled with almost too bizarre magic and plot. However, as things continued to unfold, pieces fell into place, and I was consumed by the story and its characters, per usual. Overall, I found this a fitting end to a beloved series. I will insert a caveat that it doesn't tie up loose ends for some of the ancillary characters and some pieces may leave you a bit befuddled. But some of the magic of these books is that everything doesn't make sense to the characters, so I give it a pass when it doesn't all make sense to us as well. I'd recommend the series-- it's an amazing trip to another world, and I certainly have grown to love the characters. I'll miss them!
Demon Lights (Blackwater Lights Trilogy #3)
Demon Lights (Blackwater Lights Trilogy #3)
Michael M. Hughes | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting but flawed
This is the last book of a trilogy, I haven't read the over two so cannot comment on consistency etc!
All of the formatting and spelling etc was fine, which is always nice.

The first page really drew me into the story, I thought that is was going to be a historical 'witch' novel so I got a bit of a shock when it went to the real story.
I did enjoy this book but there were a few things that niggled me.

I'll start with the positives;
It is very well written. I like the way the author is descriptive without going over the top. The writing really does draw you in.
The characters were nicely rounded and I wanted to know more about them and cared about what happened.
The actual premise of the story, and two previous books, is a very interesting one. I will now how to track down the first two!

The negative's;
Sometimes the timing of things is off. Ie There seemed to be a huge difference between how long it took for one character to travel somewhere and what happens to other characters during the same period.
Although the events and in the book, and the storyline as a whole, are fantastical and definitely not the norm I still expect people to act the way that people would. A few times in the novel this just doesn't happen and that almost jarred me from immersion in the story.

As a whole I did enjoy this novel although it would have been better had I read the first two. It is well written, just occasionally parts seem rushed or ignored in favour of other things.
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2)
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2)
Angela S. Stone | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2) by Angela S. Stone
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice is the second book in the Toronto's Elite series, and whilst we focus on a different pair, the characters from book one also play a big part in it. It is for this reason that I would recommend that you read this as a series, rather than standalones.

Chris and Logan have had an on-again/off-again relationship for approximately three years, and both of them want more, but neither of them are prepared to say anything. Mixed up with this is the job that they do, with Logan currently searching for someone involved with child porn/kidnapping. They get pulled onto another case though, with Jaden appearing to be targeted by a media leak within the department. This means that they work more closely with Jaden and Cam than they have previously, learning more about those two and themselves at the same time.

Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed this book and found it to be a brilliant carry on from book one, there were parts where I was a bit confused. This was simply because the story is told from both the main males' perspectives, and sometimes it wasn't clear just who was talking. It was "he said, he moved, he thought," whereas a name might have been a bit more helpful at times. I must point out that I received an ARC of this, so I'm sure that this will be picked up and sorted before the book is released.

On the whole, this is an exciting, action-packed book that I can highly recommend. Looking forward to book three now.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Dead Fathers Club
The Dead Fathers Club
Matt Haig | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Philip’s father has just died in a car crash, but he doesn’t think it was an accident. His father’s ghost comes back and tells him that he must have been murdered because he is part of the Dead Fathers Club – just for murdered fathers. He tells Philip that it must have been his Uncle Alan who murdered him, and tells him that he must get revenge.

In an odd take on Hamlet, The Dead Fathers Club follows Philips hunt for revenge for the death of his father.

It’s definitely a disturbing read. Philip is a young boy whose father has just died unexpectantly, and now he sees his father’s ghost, telling him to do awful things, to the point where he is listing ways he could kill his uncle.

The novel is written like it was Philips diary, so the childish grammar with the disturbing thoughts that Philip is experiencing work together to create a definitely troubling novel.

I was definitely questioning Philip’s mental health throughout the novel and wondering whether his father’s ghost was all in his imagination or it was actually happening.

Philip is a misfit with no friends, a girlfriend in part of the novel (which I’m not too sure what that did to the plot) and he’s bullied constantly. He found comfort in the fact that he had the chance to change his own life. He knew he could kill his uncle if he tried, and he saw that as the only way ahead. In killing his uncle, he would get revenge for his father’s death and stop his father from suffering and finally send him to heaven. He could get everything he needed and at the same time feel like he had a friend in his father’s ghost.

It was definitely a good read, but a big change to Matt Haig’s usual writing style.
Tokoyo, The Samurai's Daughter
Tokoyo, The Samurai's Daughter
Faith Justice | 2017 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a good kids fantasy read
Contains spoilers, click to show
Tokoyo, The Samurai’s Daughter is a middle grade fantasy novel inspired by The Tale of the Oki Islands. It is a swift read that flows like the water that has so large of a presence in it. It was an enjoyable story featuring a young woman who has to be extremely brave and save her father.

I loved that Tokoyo, The Samurai’s Daughter was all about Tokoyo. Her abilities and determination were what carried her through. There was no male figures that interceded to provide help to get her through the difficult parts. She did it all herself, with only the caring, mental support and encouragement of the Ama. Though there has definitely been a surge of girls being front and center on action and adventure tales lately, it’s still not enough. This book was a welcome addition.

Now, I don’t know anything about Japanese culture, but the representation in here felt respectful and real. (The notes in the back indicate that the author has done plenty of research!) There was nothing about it that was included for laughs. Tokoyo, The Samurai’s Daughter will hopefully provide young readers of Japanese descent another role model they can look up to situated in the history of their country.

Overall, the pace of the novel is fantastic, the prose is near perfect, and the story was an engaging one. Faith L. Justice has done a great job with Tokoyo, the Samurai’s Daughter. And Kayla Gilliam provides simple illustrations that spice up the text every few chapters and provide a treat for the eyes.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book free from the author for review consideration as part of Rosie's Book Review Team
Mr February (Calendar |Men #2)
Mr February (Calendar |Men #2)
Bailey Bradford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
creeping up!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2, and while not really necessary to have read book one, it might help give you an idea of just how doomed this charity photo shoot is!

Because now the shoot is supposed to be in the museum's grounds, and there are CHILDREN about, young children who do not need to see semi nekkid (and before someone jumps down my throat, yes, that is how I MEANT to spell it!) guys wandering around. Enter Arturo, who offers the use of his land instead. But the shoot brings him into contact with Darin, and Darin's dog shifter half, wants to play with Arturo and his kitty half.

While actually shorter in length that book one, this seemed longer when I read it. I enjoyed it more too! No idea what's different in this one to that but hey! I don't really care. What was different, it was good.

I still can't see this shoot getting anywhere off the ground, with one setback after another, but again, I don't really care because I am really enjoying these! What I particularly like, is the shifter element is kinda added on, you know?? Its not a massive point of interest in the story line and I'm loving that!

And also, because the pairings are such polar opposites, it's great fun watching the come together, to fight the attraction because one or both of them can't see the other wanting them. excellent writing!

So, Ms Bradford, please keep these guys coming. Not least because I wanna see that this calendar actually gets off the ground!

creeping up to 4.5 stars but not quite 5...yet!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Becoming Magic (Sleight of Hand #5)
Becoming Magic (Sleight of Hand #5)
Michelle Garren Flye | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm jumping straight in here, because this is one of those reviews that is going to be difficult to write!

Overall, I liked this book. Mostly.

It's reasonably well written, from both Carole and Connor's points of view, so that was good. I didn't see any spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It just didn't grab me! I found myself wanting more, from Connor, about that break up with his ex-co-star. From Carole about what happened all those years ago in Hollywood. From them both, about each other, their feelings. . . . I. . . . just . . . .

Wanted MORE!!!! And I can't word just WHAT I wanted, and that's why this is a hard review to write, cos I cannot, for the life of me, find the right words, and you know how much that PAINS me!

It does deal with some difficult topics: being drugged and a sexual assault. It deals with these in a sensitive manner, but needs to be mentioned. I also found the assault story arc a little bit too much like what's going in the the REAL Hollywood right now, with the growing list of high powered Hollywood men being accused of various assaults. Maybe that's where the author got the inspiration from, I dunno, but I found it a little too much like it, you know??

This is book 5 in the Sleight of Hand series, and I have not read the others. I did not feel I was missing anything, by not reading them And although Sabrina and Walter (book4) play a huge part here, I didn't feel I HAD to have read their story before this one.

So, I'm sorry, but not one for me.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chiromancist is the eighth book in the Seven Forbidden Arts series, and we get to spend time with Bono - the wise-cracking pilot who has been there from the very beginning. Bono doesn't have an art, but he is still very much a member of the team. When they go to Amsterdam to investigate the possibility of a Chiromancist working for Godfrey, he will do what he can to help. Then he meets Sky, and he will still do what he can, but now his priorities include keeping Sky alive.

WOW!!! This book is... harsh. It is an emotional power pack that will hit you on so many levels. And I loved every moment!

We learn more about Bono, we learn about Sky, and we learn about Sky's quiet strength and determination, the things she puts up with to keep her son safe. Godfrey's big plan becomes clear, whilst Cain's ultimate motives are still as shadowed as ever. I love his character. He is working for the ultimate good, but you are never quite sure... and neither are the rest of the characters. Love it.

I could rave on and on about this book. I devoured it, loved every word, and hated every paragraph with certain characters in it with a passion. This book is exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. You will suffer the lows whilst appreciating the highs that Charmaine Pauls gives you. Whilst you could read this as a standalone, I really can't see why you would want to - when you have seven brilliant books preceding it. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling | 2016 | Children
9.1 (229 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts is full of new dangers. A convicted murderer, Sirius Black, has broken out of Azkaban prison, and it seems he's after Harry. Now Hogwarts is being patrolled by the dementors, the Azkaban guards who are hunting Sirius. But Harry can't imagine that Sirius or, for that matter, the evil Lord Voldemort could be more frightening than the dementors themselves, who have the terrible power to fill anyone they come across with aching loneliness and despair. Meanwhile, life continues as usual at Hogwarts. A top-of-the-line broom takes Harry's success at Quidditch, the sport of the Wizarding world, to new heights. A cute fourth-year student catches his eye. And he becomes close with the new Defense of the Dark Arts teacher, who was a childhood friend of his father. Yet despite the relative safety of life at Hogwarts and the best efforts of the dementors, the threat of Sirius Black grows ever closer. But if Harry has learned anything from his education in wizardry, it is that things are often not what they seem. Tragic revelations, heartwarming surprises, and high-stakes magical adventures await the boy wizard in this funny and poignant third installment of the beloved series.

You're never to old for Harry Potter! This is one of my favourite books in the series I think I've read it at least 10 times. I have one of the original copies that came out and never allow anyone but me to read them 🤣. This is the book that turns it all for me and it all becomes a little bit darker. Sirius is a character I always wished had more time with Harry! These books are just Amazing no matter what age you are!
Love's Allegiance
Love's Allegiance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story really took me to the WWII era!
Linda Shenton Matchet really got her characters into the WWII era, by the ways in which they conversed, the clothes described, really everything matched the era of WWI. It was as if Linda Shenton Matchet transported me there. I thought that the characters had great interactions, most of the reactions to things were believable, and they were overall well-developed characters. Personally, I liked how the story was loosely based on the Biblical story of Isaac and Rachel, I thought it was a unique premise for a WWII era novel to have. This book is technically the fourth book in Linda Shenton Matchet’s Wartime Brides series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone without you getting lost or confused (I have not read the previous books in the series yet).
I believe that Linda Shenton Matchet did a good job conveying an often-controversial topic; the role Conscious Objectors (CO) played during WWII. She made me look at it in a way I had not previously done, which I appreciated, (Not to say that I fully understand that point of view, but I think I have a better picture of it now). I did think that the book moved a little fast and I wished I could have known the characters better. However, this is part of a series so maybe the next book will continue to grow the characters more.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the full immersion into the WWII era, and for making me see a different side of a Conscious Objector (CO). I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.