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Town Bronze Box Set
Town Bronze Box Set
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
it was a wonderful read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

3 stories, about three young men, finding themselves in 1812 London.

I found these easy reads, not too taxing on the emotional or angst side, and they were a welcome change after a couple of books that were high on both scales.

I loved watching each man fall, in a way they did not expect. Given the time, these men could have been hanged if they were caught, but what I liked about these was THAT particular fact wasn't too stressed. In some historical books, those things are shoved down your throat on almost every page, but not so here. Oh it's mentioned, don't get me wrong, but it's mostly in passing, what might happen if they get caught.

The three shorts aren't particularly explicit, but they are really rather sweet in the steaminess level. I liked that, a lot. And they were all a bit different, so that was good.

Two things stopped me giving it 5 stars.

This is the first I've read of this author. I'm not sure if it's her general style, or just these books, but it was very WORDY. Lots of words used to describe things. I found it a bit off putting in places, to be honest.

And I found the three shorts kinda ended, totally out the blue! Very abrupt endings, that threw me!

The short bonus chapters made up for some of it, but still.

WIll I read more by this author? Possibly.

4 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewheree
A Courtesan’s Scandal by Julia London
Rating: 3/5
Genre: Historical Fiction

My Summary: Kate is a courtesan who only lives the way she does to keep herself from being tossed into the streets. She is “sold” to the Prince of Whales, but as the price is married, he cannot afford a scandal. While the prince divorces his wife, he instructs the Duke of Darlington to be seen in public with Kate so that nobody suspects him. But Kate and Grayson, the Duke, aren’t expecting to fall in love.

Thoughts: I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, it was pretty entertaining at times, but on the other it was hard to sit down and read more than a few chapters at a time. I found the story rather trivial, really it was all silly politics and unfaithfulness in marriage.

I couldn’t finish this book. I got to the part where they fall in love (a little more than halfway) and just didn’t have the patience to finish it. There wasn’t much of a story line besides, again, politics and reputation and sex.

Characters: The characters were the strong point in this book. They were very real and well developed immediately, and I enjoyed their dialogue.

Writing: The writing was also very good. It’s very refreshing to read a novel that uses good sentence structure and a wide range of vocabulary. The prose flowed nicely.

Content: There was no language, but some sex in the book. The scenes were pretty outlined and there were a few pages I skipped. Occasionally a man is drunk and says something a bit odd, but other than that there are no major alcohol references.

Recommendation: Ages 16+ (18+ if you’re picky about content) to lovers of historical fiction and romance, and quick easy reads.
The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan | 2005 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (100 Ratings)
Book Rating
Percy Jackson is a series that I've been meaning to get around to for ages. Pretty much everybody I know who have read the books absolutely adore them.

So, when I needed a few quick reads to play catch up on my reading challenge, I decided that it was a good enough time to give the series a go.

...and it's not too bad.

There was a lot about The Lightning Thief that I enjoyed. The premise was a lot of fun. I liked the humor - especially the chapter titles. I liked the translation of Olympus from ancient European culture to modern American culture. I loved that this is a kids' series that rewards children for knowing mythology - if you're familiar with Greek myths at all, you'll know almost from the start of each encounter what Percy and the group are up against.

That's also kind where I started having problems, though.

The book is essentially non-stop action. Which isn't, in itself, a bad thing. But the action plays out like a series of video game encounters. Percy and his friends will travel so far in their quest, run into someone/a monster who will (sometimes accidentally) help them get to the next step of their quest, where they'll travel a certain distance again before running into something else. Repeat throughout the entire book. There are small moments of character building, but they're squeezed in where they'll fit between action scenes.

I'm more than willing to admit that that's just me, though. I'm not exactly the book's intended audience, and I can completely see how the pacing and whatnot would appeal to kids. I did enjoy it enough to continue on in the series, though.

Lee Ann (116 KP) rated Moonlight Sins in Books

May 18, 2018  
Moonlight Sins
Moonlight Sins
Jennifer L Armentrout | 2018 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is so awkward. That's really the only way I can put it. The female MC flits between sounding like a woman in her 20s to a teenager and back again with alarming regularity.

The three de Vincent brothers are flat. It's like JLA picked out three primary alpha male qualities, gave one to each and figured that was enough. Devlin is the silent, mysterious one, Gabe is the easygoing one and Lucian is the playboy. Each trope isn't a bad one, but there's barely any fleshing out.

The plot alludes to ghosts haunting the house, but nothing ever really comes of that other than ghostly footsteps and flickering lights happening here and there but have no real impact on the story, it's like they're used as an excuse for mystery.

The primary storyline is okay - Lucian is painted as a womaniser at first, and the first few scenes with him are boring and predictable. When he first meets Julia, the JLA we know and love shines through for a while, with witty banter and Lucian gets a little bit of padding.

Sadly, the plot seems to lose its way at some point - it's almost like she's trying to hard and throwing as much into the mix as she can to ensure she covers all bases.

The result is a messy read, up and down, good parts and bad. It reads mostly like it should be YA, but with some of the most awkward sex scenes with things like "he caught her nipple between thumb and forefinger and did something that...." lots of sentences in these scenes end with "did something that..." we never find out what that something is lol

Overall, it's not horrible, but it was awkward and clumsy. I do have the second one on preorder, so we'll see..
Marked (House Of Night #1)
Marked (House Of Night #1)
P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
NOTE: I read this way back in 2008 and I have a feeling I wouldn't like it so much now, if at all. Take my review with a grain of salt.

Admittedly deeper than my last read (Glass Houses by Rachel Caine), it's still in the same basic genre that I felt like reading at this time. Even though Zoey is a bit of a Mary-Sue character (practically perfect in every way), I still liked her, and it probably helped it was written in first person so that I could read her insecurities and such. I loved the basic plot and the side characters, Damien and Stevie Rae (oh, and Nala!) were great. On the other hand, I could probably do without the 'Twins,' but beggars can't be choosers. :P If I had read this as a teenager, I know I would have loved it even more than I do. The book reminded me of Laurie Faria Stolarz's books; it had the same basic feel to it as those do, even if it's totally different in concept.

The book could have done another editing sweep. I had to reread many sentences so they would make sense to me. Now, I don't know if it's because I'm not that up on teenage slang. Now, I'm not that old, but old enough to not know every slang word or phrase. For example, there is a sentence that reads: "Just please with the taking so long." Now what is that supposed to mean? To me it sounds like it's two unfinished sentences stuck together. Hopefully, there won't be too much pop culture thrown into the series, because more often than not, it dates the book and doesn't really add anything. Nitpicking aside, I honestly can't wait to explore more of this world.
The Solder Who Killed a King: A True Retelling of the Passion
David Kitz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to fiction books that are centered around Biblical times, it takes a really good author to hook me into the story line. Don't get me wrong, I love reading my Bible, however, not every author can create a story that brings the Biblical portion off the book pages and to the reader like a movie screen. David Kitz, however, truly hooked me with this book, and took me a first-class whirlwind ride through history. 

I absolutely felt every emotion of this book, watching, most often on the edge of my seat, as Christ was cruxified. This book really brings to life the Biblical and the historical detail. As I watched the Roman Centurion who was tasked with awful task, I found myself with tears in my eyes, both for him, and for Christ. It was a heartwrenching, gut twisting, thought provoking story of sacrifice and pain. 

This book......anything less than a 5 star review would be a disgrace. The style of which David Kitz wrote this novel is stunning and captivating. This book is definitely not for everyone though. If you are a reader of Biblical fiction, if you want to see what happened during that eventful week in time, then this book is for you. You will not be disappointed and you will want more! I know I am already ready for another beautifully written novel of Biblical times by this superbly talented author! Grab this book and be prepared for a jaw dropping experience of watching the cruxifixion come to play. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
As a mom of two teenaged boys, I find it hard, sometimes, to find time to do anything. It's a hectic, crazy time being a mom! It's hard to make sure they are taken care of, go to work, come home, cook dinner, spend time with them and my husband, and still find God time. It really is hard sometimes. But, my mom said something once, and this book kind of reminds of it. She told me "Jesus came to you, why can't you go to Him?" That's so true. Why can't I make the time to seek Him out no matter what whirlwind parenthood throws at me? 

Ms. Synder takes the hustle, bustle hectic life of being a working mom, wife, and child of God, and tells us how she found the strength to deal with it all. She creates this book in a way that is never boring, always leaving me with a chuckle. Learning to put God in the center of all and realizing that this crazy thing we parents call life is not that hard if we put Him at the front of all we do.

I definitely enjoyed this fast, interesting read. Ms. Synder did an incredible job and has really given me lots to ponder on as a mom. My life as a parent is a blessing not a burden no matter how crazy wild it can get. This is worth 4 stars for sure and I highly recommend this to all parents, new and seasoned! You'll find grace and peace in the middle of what may be an overwhelming experience and it will really help! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Imperfect Justice (Hidden Justice #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy Justice, Batman! This book was AH-mazing! Having read book one in this incredibly addictive, incredibly chiseled, incredibly captivating series, I was anxiously awaiting the chance to read this novel. When I got my greedy hands on it.......well, let's just say that this book right here, was absolutely one of the best books of 2017! I am always looking forward to a new Cara Putman novel now, and when she delivers one, I. Am. Hooked.

This book is powerful. It's filled with edge of your seat twists, as Emilie and Reid work together to find the clues, the pieces of the puzzle, to find Reid's neice. The roller coaster ride that follows these two incredible characters is enough to take your breath away. I felt every bit of emotion that these two felt, every heartache, every heartpounding piece of evidence within the pages left me wanting to wrap them up and hug them close!

If you love suspense with a dash of romance, then this intricately woven novel is one that you don't want to miss out on. It's 5 star worthy. It's a book that you must stay up past your bed time to finish, as you'll not want it to end. Every page turn will leave you breathless. This is absolutely, simply put, award winning. Once again, Ms. Putman has used her skills to throw her fans a book that will satisfy their hunger for the intense justice, and Godly messages that is Putman trademark! Bravo and hats off to you, Ms. Putman!
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*