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Kindle E-Reader
Kindle E-Reader
eBook Readers
Font size adjustment, ability to switch to different fonts, including one for dyslexics. (1 more)
No screen glare
Awkward to hold in your hand bare. Cover is a must. (0 more)
A Solid, Basic E-Reader
I received a Kindle E-Reader from Smashbomb as a giveaway prize. This does not influence my review.

This basic Kindle is a great introductory e-reader for people who want to discover the unique joy that is the ability to carry hundreds of books around with you without the bulk and weight.

It has no screen glare, which is so nice after spending hours looking at your phone. The ability to increase your font size to almost ridiculous proportions is fantastic for people with poor vision. It features a variety of fonts including Open Dyslexic which is a bottom weighted font that is easier for people with dyslexia to read. You can also adjust your page settings including spacing, margins, orientation, and alignment.

The battery life is not quite as good as they advertise IF you are someone who reads a lot. However, it's still good.

The storage is fantastic. You aren't going to fill it up anytime soon.

So there are lots of positives, but there are a few negatives.

The Kindle is very awkward to hold bare in your hand. It's a thin rectangle, and there is just no truly comfortable way to hold it. A cover is a necessity for both comfort and screen protection.

Because this is not a Paperwhite, if you want to read at night, you are going to have to use a booklight or leave a light on.

The method of organizing (Collections) that is Kindle specific... sucks. It needs a lot of work. However if you are a Goodreads user, it's not very important.

Overall, while the basic Kindle isn't personally my favorite (I prefer the Paperwhite), it is a great fairly low-cost choice for readers just getting into e-books.
Show all 4 comments.

Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) Jul 17, 2018

Thank you David! I will definitely do that ? My birthday is in November, so it's not to far ahead ?


Lilyn G - Sci-Fi & Scary (91 KP) Jul 17, 2018

I hope you get one soon. I agree that reading on your phone is a complete pain in the butt sometimes! But even with having a kindle I still do it anyways! One of my favorite things about Kindle is the syncing across devices, so I frequently start a book at home on my Kindle and finish it on my lunch break on my phone!

The Wilderness (Lavender Shores #8)
The Wilderness (Lavender Shores #8)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
the weakest one, for me
(Verified purchase, Sept 12 2018)

This is book 8 in the Lavender Shores series, and you don't NEED to have read the others before this one. I would, however, probably recommend that you read book 6, The Glasshouse. You'll get a better picture of what Will suffered, and it gives a hint to this book!

Will was left at the altar in font of a multi million viewing audience. Andre's wife passed away. Together, they get themselves through a really tough period. But it's not until Will decides to run clear across the world, does Andre realise what Will means to him, and just how much his heart would break, if he lost him.

For me? The weakest of the series, and I've no idea why! And you KNOW how much that pains me!!

I loved the other books, all 4 and 5 stars reads, and I really was looking forward to this one, especially after that hint in book 6, and I really don't know why in falls flat *insert wailing*

It's well told, from both Will and Andre's point of view, in the first person, just like the rest. It's extremely well written and well delivered and I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading. And I DID read it in one sitting, just like the rest!

It has very early (internal) professions of love, from both guys, and I don't usually like that but its quite some time before they SAY the words. It's a bit more . . . whats the word . . . lovey dovey . . . hearts and flowers . . . . .type of thing, than the rest, or at least I thought so? Maybe that's it?? **insert more wailing**

I just don't know WHY this one didn't hit the spot, and for that I'm sorry. But still a nice read and a good addition to the series.

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The English Breakfast Murder
The English Breakfast Murder
Laura Childs | 2018 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Worst one of the series
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Spoilers ahead you’ve been warned***

This would have to be the worst book in the series so far. I read this through because I just wanted to get to the end of it in the hopes of having somewhat of a satisfying ending but even that was denied.

The plot wasn’t that interesting. It tried to have intrigue and mystery but it was severely lacking. What you read more was more tea parties than anything else. Yes, she owns a tea shop and has two large events that somehow took over nearly half of the book. The mystery takes a back seat in this book and it’s disappointing. The pace of the book was slow and although it tried to make it a little engaging with two issues going on at once it wasn’t enough to really capture my attention.

I wasn’t even that interested in the suspects. Nothing stood out and even when it was revealed it was so lackluster. There wasn’t much of an action scene and it completely did a nose dive. The suspect was nabbed. Done. No explanation, no way to tie the loose ends. Everything was just left open and unfinished. I have no idea what in the world happened in this book with the mystery aspect of it. Then there was the issue with Nadine being a complete kleptomaniac. Okay, she stole stuff….so...what ever happened to the items she stole? Nothing was said. Was it ever recovered? And Delaine, lordy. She got the point where she became annoying everytime she appeared in a scene.

I read this book just because it was following the series. I think the next one will determine if I continue on with it or not. It’s too bad. I actually enjoyed these and thought they were quaint little mysteries to get into after heavy reads. Not so with this one. You could probably skip this one and go to the following. You’re not missing anything.
Watersheds of World History
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was provided as a complimentary signed copy from the author, and I am very grateful to be finally fulfilling my promise to review the book.

Firstly, I have to be honest, world history from start to finish in 200 pages? I know, I asked myself that question so many times before I sat down to finally read this and I was highly sceptical whether it could be achieved. How very wrong I was.

Taylor has a unique take on history, succinct and incredibly to the point. I read a lot of history books and most historians get a little 'flowery' with their language in an attempt to make the reader love the history but Taylor takes a completely contrasting methodology in being almost blunt with the delivery of the historical facts. Usually, I would prefer more description but in this book it is much more apt to have this short, sharp burst approach as it keeps the reader hooked to the very end, even if they already know the history being told. That being said, I'm a self professed history enthusiast who reads history like fiction, and Taylor, in this masterpiece, managed to teach me a thing or two about periods of history I thought I knew inside out.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough for anyone interested in getting a beginners knowledge of world history, whether to help decide options for school, find a new hobby or even brush up on quiz knowledge. Taylor has written an immensely useful and informative text that I would, if I were a teacher of history, make a compulsory text for all my children. As it is, I'm in primary teaching and I can see myself recommending this to colleagues who are less confident in general historical knowledge to make sure they meet the grade! A fantastic talent has emerged in the literary world of non-fiction history, and I look forward to reading more from this incredibly talented and unique author.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was read and reviewed as part of an Author Feature Week over on Lily Loves Indie. Here is a snippet of the review, but the whole thing can be viewed here -

Well, where to start? I'm going to do my best to keep this brief (partly because I still have a few chapters of the next book to read and Jayden is calling me, and partly so that you can go one-click this and get reading yourself!) but I truly do have so many positive things to say about this book that it is going to be very difficult. If you've read my earlier reviews of Hargrave's writing you'll know that I absolutely love her style and ability to weave a story, and the same is true in this book.


I'll make a confession here, I usually avoid BDSM and erotica books because they really don't appeal to me and I have been known to label them with all sorts of names, but right now, in the blogoshpere and beyond, I'd like to rescind all those comments - Hargrave has most definitely opened my eyes to the fact that these books can be more plot than sex, and they can be wonderfully engaging reads, and that they are just as difficult to put down as 'normal' books. I opened the book and thought, 'here goes nothing', fully expecting to find it difficult to get in to, purely because of my own prior opinions, but it was so damn good to be proved wrong! I was hooked from the first page, drawn completely and irreversibly into the webs Hargrave weaves, wanting to find as much as possible about the characters, especially Erin/Catherine, and not even cringing when reading the sex scenes (which is a first for me!) but instead, I thoroughly enjoyed them. I guess what that garbled paragraph is trying to say is that I absolutely flipping LOVED this book!
On the Origin of Findo Gask
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Sick, twisted, blasphemous, wrong and very, very funny.” That is how this book, <i>On the Origin of Findo Gask</i> by David McCreight, is described on the back cover. But how accurate is it? “Blasphemous”? Most definitely. “Very, very funny”? Not so much. Although it is obvious that there is an attempt a humour, it is too “sick” and “twisted” for it to be anywhere near hilarious.

Findo Gask is a rather unattractive sixteen-year-old living in the Scottish Highlands. The narrative, recounted from his point of view, alternates between present day and an account of past events. Findo was once a child prodigy until he began questioning religion openly in church. In order to get back at the Christians, who thought he was possessed by demons, he establishes the Darwin Terrorist Organisation along with Cousin Dan. This, however, eventually gets rather out of hand. Now Findo is living with his Gran and his Mum is in hospital with a mysterious illness. He also believes he has sold the universe.

The fact that Findo is a stereotypical, Scottish, working class teenager makes the amount of bad language almost acceptable; although, to tell the complete truth, it did border on excessive.

At first there did not seem to be much of a plot, but once the past and present join up it is possible to connect all the events included in the story, which results in a considerably explosive ending.

As everyone’s take on humour is different there will undoubtedly be people who love this book. It would not be fair to deliberately put people off from reading <i>On the Origin of Findo Gask</i>, yet at the same time it is not recommended for the easily offended readers, particularly those with strict religious principles and a dislike for foul language.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated White Petals in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
White Petals
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

First her father died, then her Nana, and to top it all off her mother has been placed in a psychiatric hospital. Life for Emmeline Rose has not been easy but the unfortunate circumstances are going to lead her to the discovery of a secret gift. In this young adult novel, <i>White Petals</i>, Maria Grace creates a heartwarming tale of grief, friendship and fantasy.

Fourteen-year-old Em has been placed in a children’s home whilst her mother recovers from a psychotic breakdown. Here she begins to make friends with some of the other children, however she finds herself being bullied at school. Yet, what she cannot understand is why she gets a painful ringing in her ears whenever the school bully is around. But when her mother starts explaining mind-boggling things about their family, things start to make more sense.

The novel is a first person narrative therefore everything is shown from Em’s point of view. This, however, results in the story sounding like a young teenager has written it, which can be rather annoying. On the other hand, this aspect helps relate to the intended target audience.

The biggest issue with <i>White Petals</i> is the way mental illness is described. Phrases such as “off her tree”, “crazy”, “psycho” and “nutter” are frequently used throughout the narrative. Mental health stigma is a growing problem that many charities and organizations are challenging. Although many teenagers may genuinely think this way due to a lack of understanding, there is no attempt in this book to contradict these beliefs and educate the reader.

Overall I personally do not think this book is anything special, however many teenagers may enjoy the humour some of the characters bring to the story. Each chapter is headed by illustrations that were the result of a competition held in Wales for eleven to eighteen year olds. Despite certain misgivings, the story was still interesting to read.
The Winner&#039;s Curse (The Winner&#039;s Trilogy, #1)
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
Marie Rutkoski | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Winner’s Curse</i> is the first book in the <i>Winner’s Trilogy</i> by American author Marie Rutkoski. It is a novel that mixes together rumours, lies, love and warfare to create an incredible new story for young adults.

It is set in a similar society to that of the 18th century or earlier (in Europe at least) except that for women there are only two lifestyles. By the age of twenty they must decide whether to marry or join the military. By women, that means Valorian women. Ever since the defeat of the Herrani during the Herran war many years ago, the Valorian have made them slaves and looked down on them, whilst seizing their lavish properties and enforcing Valorian customs.

The title, <i>The Winner’s Curse</i>, is a concept that relates to the winner of an auction. Whilst they have won the item they have also lost by paying out more money than other bidders felt it was worth. This is what happens to seventeen-year-old Lady Kestrel, a Valorian, when, with an unexplainable impulse, she hires Arin, a Herrani slave, for an extortionate amount of money. Put to work as a blacksmith, Arin becomes intrigued with Kestrel, and she with him, and they soon start to form a friendship – although rumours suggest something more.

It is not, however, simply the cost of a slave that <i>The Winner’s Curse</i> refers to. The Herrani are planning an attack on the Valorian Empire, and Kestrel being a General’s daughter could unknowingly reveal vital information. The emergence of a second Herran war is imminent, but Kestrel and Arin’s relationship complicate things further.

Whilst similar to other novels with lovers belonging to opposing families, it is more original regarding the circumstances, secrets and lies, which makes, not just the characters, but the reader question what their true feelings and intentions are.

It is an excellent, fast paced read, and definitely recommended.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Havana Sleeping in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Havana Sleeping
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>Havana Sleeping</i> is a historical mystery novel by British author Martin Davies, which is based on real events that occurred in Cuba during the 1850s. Although the Slave Trade had been abolished in England, there were still people in America and Cuba who would be happy for slavery to remain legal. George Backhouse was posted to Havana, Cuba as a British Judge to take a stand against the illegal slave trading.

Backhouse ends up getting involved in a lot of complicated situations that could potentially spark a devastating war. His path also becomes tied up with the other main character, Leandra Leigh. Whilst most of the characters are real historical figures, Leandra appears to be fictional. A dear friend of hers, a watchman, was murdered during a supposed robbery and although the matter has been closed for a couple of years Leandra is determined to find out the truth – something of limited value in Havana. To begin with Backhouse and Leandra’s investigations seem unrelated, but a connection begins to build up as the story goes on.

In all honesty, the novel was very difficult to get into. There is nothing wrong with the actual writing as such, it is in fact written well and grammatically correct, however there was a lack of excitement in the narrative. It was also difficult to keep track of the characters – admittedly that may have been the point in the case of a couple of people, but as a result it was impossible to connect story. There were a few attempts of showing emotion, mostly surrounding Leandra’s character, yet this failed to arouse much interest.

From a historical point of view, those interested in Cuban and British history of this time period may be interested in reading <i>Havana Sleeping</i> and the author also includes some factual notes at the end of the book, but anyone hoping to get a story of some kind is bound to be disappointed.
Running From Twenty Four
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Sometimes life isn’t all unicorns puking rainbows when you’re young, free and single in London town.” What Sam thinks is going to be a night of consoling her best friend Jason after the death of his father turns into a drunken night ending in tragedy. Whilst sitting in a pub until the early hours of the morning, Sam and her friends become acquainted with barmaid Toni who invites them to a house party. Too drunk to turn the offer down they all end up at a flat owned by the eccentric Ulysses, drinking cocktails full of who knows what, surrounded by dozens of dressed up people.

Tragic circumstances cause the five 20-somethings to pull together after making poor decisions in an attempt to deal with a certain result of the party. Lack of common sense makes their night worse before it can get better, but thankfully it all turns out all right in the end.

As well as the drunken storyline, the reader learns more about the character Sam, from her dull job to her learning to live with her sexuality. Although the beginning of the story portrays Sam as a girl without much care in the world, it turns out she is suffering with frequent anxiety attacks and depression.

<i>Running From Twenty Four</i> is about people in their twenties trying to find their way in life whilst also dealing with grief and heartbreak. It also comes with a message about appreciating what you have now and not worrying so much about everything else.

<i>Running From Twenty Four</i> by Shem Douglas is a short story that can be read within a couple of hours, however some readers may be uncomfortable with some of the themes, particularly suicidal ideation. Despite some of the morbid topics the story is entertaining and humorous, ideal for readers in their twenties who feel they have not quite found their path in life.