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Joven (172 KP) rated Kemet in Tabletop Games

Aug 12, 2019 (Updated Aug 12, 2019)  
2012 | Ancient, Fighting, Miniatures, Mythology
Forces aggressive play creating a fast game with a lot of back and forth (2 more)
Awesome miniature models with great details
Well balanced with a smart combat system
Sheer variety of cards for power ups can make things a bit overwhelming at first (0 more)
Worship, wars and wrecked plans
Initially Kemet can seem a little intimidating with a big selection of power-up cards with a wide variety of benefits and costs. There are so many paths to victory that it might take a couple of games to get your head around it. Once you do start to figure everything out though it's a really fun game, and the victory conditions and points system force players to be aggressive and lead to a real sense of power struggle between the factions.

I've only played this with the full 5 players and imagine it might be quite different with fewer, but I would definitely recommend people give it a go. It's also a blatant stargate rip-off, but I don't count that against it!
The Exorcist
The Exorcist
2012 | Play
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Show Rating
amazing! I recommend to everyone visiting London! (0 more)
Fantastically terrifying!
I truly love a horror. Whether that is a book, movie or even a play as I found out after watching The Exorcist. It is so much more intriguing than the film! So very close in plot, nothing much is changed from the 'true' story it is based upon. But the sounds that echo throughout the theatre, draw you in and everyone disappears, leaving only yourself and the cast. The girl that plays Regan is so believable! She could have been possessed for real and I would have believed it! And unlike the film, I actually jumped! The lighting is crazy and the bass literally bounces your seat so you really feel it!!

What I also loved was how clever the stage setting was! It was all one set. Nothing moved or changed. It looked like a dollhouse and the only thing they did was switch the light on the room they were in. So clever and very effective!!! If you're ever in London, go see it!!!!

Ben Watt recommended Blue Train by John Coltrane in Music (curated)

Blue Train by John Coltrane
Blue Train by John Coltrane
1957 | Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I bought this at university, mainly because of the cover art, I admit. I had a very small record collection then. You did in those days, and because you didn't have a lot, you'd play every record again and again. My dad, Tom, was a bandleader, so there was a lot of jazz in the house. He liked people like Count Basie and Woody Herman, but he stopped at Coltrane. He found the modernism of it difficult, but I loved it. It felt like a big thing for me, when I was a precocious teenager. The first jazz I had found for myself!

This is a real fork-in-the-road album for jazz, too, from 1958, a proper boundary between hard bop and the future. The three-part horn arrangements are something I tried to emulate on the first track of [Everything But The Girl's 1984 album] Each And Every One, too – in my own way of course. The album was only his second, and him early on as a session leader. There's so much life in it, and so many ideas. 

Nina Simone Sings The Blue by Nina Simone
Nina Simone Sings The Blue by Nina Simone
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I came across this on the way out to Hoboken to play Maxwell's, and my manager, Geoff Travis, gave it to me as a gift and we put it on the CD player in the van. I was very touched by his gift - he'd thought to give me that record, I was very moved by that. I knew Nina Simone obviously, but I'd never heard her sing like this. It just turned my head - I'm not sure how it's influenced me as a songwriter or as a musician, but again, another album of just classic songs, one after the other, and so much attitude, so much fucking fire. I think, for me, her questions, her lyrics, were just fantastic - from 'Do I Move You?' all the way through. It was a real learning curve of growing up - there's a lot of wisdom in these songs and also a lot of diversity. The music's also pretty hard-hitting: a lot of groove in there, a lot of amazing rhythm. Just an unusual, really surprising record."

Taken (2009)
Taken (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
7.9 (35 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Liam Neeson (1 more)
The Best One
He Will Find You and Kill You
Taken- is a excellent action packed thriller. Liam Neeson is excellent in this.

The plot: Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson), a former government operative, is trying to reconnect with his daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace). Then his worst fears become real when sex slavers abduct Kim and her friend shortly after they arrive in Paris for vacation. With just four days until Kim will be auctioned off, Bryan must call on every skill he learned in black ops to rescue her.

Its the best one out of the trilogy, should of there been 2 more sequels, no. But $$$.

Intresting fact: Jeff Bridges was first cast as Bryan Mills, but after he dropped out of the project, Liam Neeson accepted the part, desiring to play a more physically demanding role than he was used to. Neeson at first thought the film to be no more than a "little side road" for his career, expecting it to be released directly to video.

Only watch this one.
Tales That Witness Madness (1973)
Tales That Witness Madness (1973)
1973 | Classics, Comedy, Horror
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Enjoyably (and appropriately) bonkers portmanteau horror movie based around the experiences of asylum patients. An imaginary friend turns out to be real, an antique bike turns out to be cursed, man falls in love with a tree stump, etc, etc. Kim Novak came out of retirement to play a slightly vacant literary agent who ends up eating her own daughter's flesh at a cannibal luau.

Not up to the standard of any of the Amicus portmanteaus, mainly because of a sub-par script - the twists to the various tales are either screamingly obvious, completely baffling or non-existent - but it's sort of campy fun anyway, with an interesting cast and reasonably good direction. Not remotely scary, though. The fact that much of it is totally ridiculous (the so-called Hawaiians look eastern European, and that's before we even get to the stuffed tiger or Michael Jayston going to bed wth a log) somehow doesn't detract from the entertainment value. Would have been nice to see more of Donald Pleasance, but you can't have everything.

Graham Massey recommended Angel's Egg by Gong in Music (curated)

Angel's Egg by Gong
Angel's Egg by Gong
2019 | Pop
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My entry into Gong would've been the Camembert Electrique album, which I bought for 50p or something like that. A lot of people at school had that record and, in fact, my first entry into being in a band at school was a band that just did Gong cover versions. It was an interesting education as I was dabbling around on an electric violin, and what with all those interesting time signatures. We did a street party for the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 and just played Gong covers! Later, down the line, one of the guys who was in the band became a member of Gong in the 80s, a guy called Graham Clark, and we got to the know them quite well. We were that much of a bunch of fanboys that we would make our way into the dressing room. There was a point when Gong founder Daevid Allen was playing with Here And Now, which was like this festival-type band, and every time they came to Manchester they let us play on stage using their instruments. We had this group called Danny And The Dressmakers and we'd play the worst noise you could possibly play; it was like an anti-band. We went on tour with Here And Now in a converted ambulance and did three gigs with them. And so we built a strong allegiance to the brand of Gong, which has carried on throughout my life. We also performed at the Gong Family Unconvention in Amsterdam at the Melkweg many years later, and Daevid Allen stayed at my house a few times. He was a very interesting character and proper musical melting pot in terms of where he comes from. I picked Angel's Egg because it's when the band was still experimenting. There are tracks here that are real improv, while others are really composed. There are tracks where certain members take a lead on it. They recently put a box set called Love From Planet Gong and listening to the re-mastered version of Angel's Egg, it occurred to me that this music couldn't be dreamed up in most people's imaginations. It's a fascinating record."

Indiana jones and the dial of destiny (2023)
Indiana jones and the dial of destiny (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure
7.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Eels look like snakes? No they don't ...
Harrison Ford is over 80 now.

So fair play to him for returning to one of his most iconic roles, as Doctor Henry Jones Jr aka Indiana Jones, in what must surely by his swansong for that role.

And even more fair play for the film not making light of his age, but working it 'properly' into the plot (which has an absolute bonkers ending), with Jones - at one point - wondering aloud what he is even doing scaling a rock face at his age (and with mention made of the events of Temple of Doom in particular, at this point).

The whole prologue of the film - here, helmed by James Mangold instead of Spielberg - is set during the closing stages of World War II, and sees a CGI de-aged Ford battling Nazis in pursuit of a stolen relic, that leads him to the real McGuffin of the movie, the Dial of the title.

Jump forward to the late 60s, and Jones is retiring from academia when he is visited by the daughter of an old friend who wants his help in recovering said relic.

Initially hesitant - and following the breakup of his marriage to Marion, and, as we later discover, the fate of Mutt - Jones soon finds himself drawn back into the way of his old life.

For my money, this is better than Crystal Skull, with the the Dial as a McGuffin, 'suiting' Indiana Jones better than the sci-fi trappings of that earlier film, and with Phoebe Waller-Bridge a better foil than Shia LaBeouf.

Still not up there with the original trilogy, though.
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
2007 | Comedy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Writer Nancy Oliver (Six Feet Under, True Blood) wrote the script for Lars and the Real Girl in 2002 after stumbling onto the website Directed by Craig Gillespie (the 2011 Fright Night remake, I, Tonya), Lars and the Real Girl is a much more tender and thoughtful comedic drama than you may be expecting. Ryan Gosling portrays Lars Lindstrom; a socially awkward yet decent guy. His brother, Gus (Paul Schneider, The Flowers of War), and his wife, Karen (Emily Mortimer, Transsiberian), worry about him since he spends so much time alone.

Lars not only has a shy and stand-offish demeanor he also tends to avoid people and social interactions altogether. If a woman happens to speak to him, Lars is incapable of responding. Physical contact from anyone seems to physically hurt Lars, but that doesn’t stop his friends and family from encouraging him to get a girlfriend. One fateful day, Lars is shown a peculiar website by a co-worker that sells love dolls. Although Lars is reluctant at first, he eventually warms up to the idea of a love doll as his companion. Bianca soon becomes an especially important part of Lars’ life and her presence not only changes Lars, but the town that he lives in for the better.

It took nearly a year to finally see Lars and the Real Girl after its theatrical release; a statistic that seems like a luxury ten years later when seeing and promoting new releases seems to lose steam after its opening weekend. The concept for Lars and the Real Girl is a strange one. A sex doll tagging along with an extreme introvert doesn’t sound all that appealing at first, but Lars is easy to understand as a character especially if you’re an introvert yourself or have had trouble with the opposite sex at some point in your life. Dating was always this massive hurdle that only seemed to expand and grow with each failed first date or cancellation. With those experiences and that mentality where you find yourself retreating into your own constructed sanctuary, Lars is strangely easy to relate to.

It’s not that Ryan Gosling hasn’t been a part of big budget films, but Lars and the Real Girl was released at a time in his career when he was catering more towards the independent side of things. This is pre-Drive yet post-Notebook Ryan Gosling here; films like Half Nelson and Blue Valentine solidified how talented Gosling is as an actor without all the bells and whistles of a huge cast or blockbuster film. Lars and the Real Girl is the film that made a lot of people realize that Gosling was more than a teenage heartthrob and former Mouseketeer.

Gosling fits the Lars Lindstrom role perfectly as he’s capable of portraying quirks that are as awkward as they are charming. How he’s able to talk to a doll for over an hour and not only make it believable, but also entertaining is incredibly impressive. Part of that is attributed to Bianca being treated like an actual person with her own trailer, getting dressed in private, and only being on set when she was in the scene, but Gosling also contributed quite a bit as well. Gosling improvised the CPR on Margo’s teddy bear sequence and the scene before he and Bianca enter the party.

The film fits that independent film mold a bit too well as it has humor that’s funny but not laugh out loud funny and is dramatic and heartfelt enough to make you invested in something you likely never would without the context of the film. The film shares elements from films like Her, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Lost in Translation; that sensation of being lost in what is considered to be normal society but finding something unorthodox that makes you belong and feel comfortable and whole. There’s this overwhelming sense of charm and sentimentality that can only be found in films like this.

Lars and the Real Girl is a comedic drama that relies on awkward situations or even one rare occurrence that triggers unusual peculiarities as it focuses on people’s reactions to these situations that occur. It’s worth seeing if you’ve ever felt like an outcast and to witness Lars’ odd behavior and the snowball effect that it causes. Introverts will likely enjoy it more than the average film lover, but Lars and the Real Girl takes something that seems taboo on the surface and molds it into this genuine motion picture experience that is strangely beautiful.

Lars and the Real Girl is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play, and Vudu for $2.99 and iTunes for $3.99. It’s also available to stream for free on Amazon Prime if you have Starz with Prime Video channels. The DVD is $8.51 and the Multi-Format Blu-ray is $7.68 on Amazon. On eBay, the DVD is $7.98 and the Blu-ray is $7.95 (or best offer) while both are in brand new condition and both have free shipping.
Society & Culture
8.5 (21 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The pacing, the editing, the music, the writing , the story, the "characters", the meesage (0 more)
Prepare to laugh and cry at this real life mystery unveil in real time....
I can't think of any other podcast like S-Town, but after I binged the entire first season on it's release date, I expected to find a plethora of the type in the next few months on account of it's success. But unlike Serial - a true crime podcast that broke the internet and introduced 90% of the world to our amazing little corner - S-Town is hard to even identify it's genre , let alone duplicate something that's good because it is unique , so to my dismay, I still hold S-TOWN up there as my top 5 and am always on the lookout for the next diamond in the rough.

Unfortunately, telling you too much of any of this podcast is not fair because you deserve the chance to listen with unabashed views or predetermined ideas so you too will have no idea of what's coming...that's the best way to go into this one!

Oh, since I didn't tell you ABYTHJNG about it, just know that of all the podcasts I've tried to get my husband to listen all the way thru to - this, S-TOWN, was the only one he's ever listened to from the first to last episode. And he is hard to entertain with podcasts or audiobooks , so if he was asking me to "play the next one" after the first, you're sure to enjoy it just as much as we did. And that's all ya need to know!