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Blood for Blood (Ziba MacKenzie, #1)
Blood for Blood (Ziba MacKenzie, #1)
Victoria Selman | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Solid Crime Procedural Mystery
So I was pretty excited to read the blurb for this book, the debut and first in a new series from Victoria Selman. Ex-special forces profiler Ziba MacKenzie (yay strong female lead - love it!) has to profile a serial killer that returns after a long hiatus (yay serial killers and profilers trying to catch them.)

 It started off full of action with a commuter train crash and Ziba helping the injured and dying and receiving a the cryptic last words of one victim: He did it. You have to tell someone. Which understandably peaks her curiosity. Ziba is then called in to help out when a brutal (read disturbing and not for the kiddies/squeamish) serial killer seemingly reappears and a connection between the woman on the train nags at Ziba.

I liked the intense train situation as a way of demonstrating Ziba’s training and expertise level but her kick ass nature didn’t come through much in the rest of the book. The conversations with Ziba and the language used just didn’t quite fit; it seemed overly forced to make her sound military but not natural. The serial killer profile talk also seemed like it wasn't at the level you’d expect between experienced law professionals, the conversations felt more like an intro to readers then real policing interactions and I’ve been around enough crime thrillers to not need that level of hand holding..

Oh did I mention Ziba’s husband dies because she does...constantly….. And then gets upset that people are trying to be protective of her. Less kick ass especially when accompanied by a thin romance story-line with her husbands best friend.

We get some good full on crazy , religious nut serial killer action with some nice clue following cat and mouse action, it is a strong crime procedural book. It’s a good story with plenty to keep you focused on just lacking some finesse, I felt red-herrings were thrown in your face without much subtlety and the major coincidence at work with the lady on the train having a connection to the case she Ziba was lucky to be the only totally “oh really eye-roll” and I always allow at least one…...

For a debut and the start of a series I see a lot of potential so will be giving the next ago.
GERONIMO!!!! I thought I loved Rachelle before reading this book...and before reading her acknowledgements...I love her even more now!!! Aye...That I do, love! Bahaha! Ok, but seriously...Full review to soon as I can manage to get all of my thoughts into a cohesive post.

Here is my full review folks!
When the person you fear the most shows up to "rescue you"....When your life is dependent on this man's rescue....When your life is in the hands of the person you fear the most. Where does your hope come from? Where can you find rest?

The Sound of Diamonds had me sucked into the story from the first chapter. This book is very fast paced with a lot happening. Witnessing Gwyneth's journey to freedom in both the physical and the spiritual sense was tender and sweet as well as fierce and terrifying.

The tension between Gwyneth and Dirk is priceless. I loved watching them banter, argue, and grow together. Dirk and his roguish, piratey ways and Gwyn being the pious Catholic that she is, make such an excellent pair.

Freedom is something that can be so easily taken for granted. We are blessed to be able to worship as we choose, believe how we choose, without the risk of imprisonment and annihilation. Nothing can compare to finding God's peace, allowing Him to fill us up and let His love wash over us. The truth can be hard, but the truth will always win, and even though it may be challenging, I have found that it is always the best path to take.

This book is FULL of adventure and peril. Set in 1566 when religious tensions were extremely high between the Catholics and the Protestants, you will find yourself right in the middle of the fight. Will Gwyn open her heart to the loving salvation of Jesus? Will Dirk be able to clear his name of a crime he did not commit? Find out for yourself in The Sound of Diamonds. This is one adventure you don't want to miss!

I received a free copy of The Sound of Diamonds. This did not influence my review and I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Last Boat Home
Dea Brovig | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Last Boat Home</i> is the debut novel of Norwegian author Dea Brøvig. Set in a small village on the south coast of Norway, the story follows Else Dybdahl through two different time periods: then (1974-1976) and now (2009). The narrative begins in 1976 where Else, who we currently know nothing about, is in labour. After this the tale switches between then and now (then becoming 1974 and continuing up until the birth of Else’s daughter Marianne).

Else is living in the same area that she grew up in with her daughter and granddaughter, Liv. An ex-boyfriend from her childhood, Lars, has just moved back to the area with his wife and children. In the past Else and Lars snuck around keeping their relationship secret from the God-fearing community, in particularly from the rather strict pastor.

Brøvig keeps the reader engaged by leaving us wanting to know, and trying to work out who Marianne’s father is. We learn that Else was only in her teens at the time of her birth. Is Lars the father? Or was a member of the travelling circus that comes to one of the local farms responsible? In which case was it the strong man, or one of the other acts? Or was there someone else?

As well as the religious aspects this book also contains the topic of abuse, which Else and her mother, Dagny, are exposed to by their alcoholic father and husband. However, in my opinion, the strongest theme is secrets. Not only are there secret relationships, the Dybdahls keep themselves isolated to prevent their friends and church society from discovering their true home circumstances. And once Else becomes pregnant? Well that is yet another reason to isolate themselves. In the present day there are still secrets. Else does not want Marianne to know who her real father is and so has lied about the truth not only to her daughter and granddaughter, but also to Lars and everyone else she knows.

Personally I think the story line could have been stronger and possibly more drawn out to create a greater sense of suspense, however Brøvig successfully conjures up images of mountains, fjords and farmlands of a Norwegian community. Overall it was a good book and a fairly quick read too.
Christina Dalcher | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I felt like I was reading a horror novel instead of a dystopia. The first third of the book, specifically, was enraging. It's the setup - the explanation of how the world is now, and how it came to be that way - that made me have to set the book down twice and walk away to calm down.

The book is the story of Dr. Jean McClellan, cognitive linguist. The forced silence is particularly painful for her, a former scientist who was working on a cure for people who had brain injuries or strokes affecting the Wernicke area of the brain, where we process language. She was about to start restoring language to people who had lost it, only to have it stolen from her and every other woman in the country.

The book opens on Dr. McClellan being asked to return to her work, because the President's brother suffered a brain injury while skiing and can no longer understand language. As one of the most important advisors to the president, the government needs him. In return for the removal of both her bracelet and her daughter's, she agrees, hoping to find some way to sabotage the work.

Vox sets out a sequence of events that seems far too feasible for comfort. The religious right extends its foothold from the Bible Belt to more and more of the country, pushing a return to "traditional family values" while methodically stripping freedoms from women and LGBT people. Women's passports are surreptitiously cancelled, schools are split and classes on Christian theology introduced to the boys' schools. Girls' schools consist of very basic math (so they can continue to do the grocery shopping and cooking!) and a ton of home ec. Sewing, Cooking, Housekeeping. LGBT people are sent to prisons/camps unless they marry someone of the opposite sex and produce kids. Basically, it's the right wing's dream world.

It's a horrifying scenario. Even given all the dystopia I've read, this book rocked me. It definitely belongs in the league of The Handmaid's Tale and The Power. My only complaint is I wish the ending had been a little more drawn out, and explained the fallout in a bit more detail. Other than that, though, amazing book.

You can find all my reviews at

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Jan 30, 2019

Agreed x 1,000. I'm still thinking about this book.

The Noah&#039;s Ark Quest (Tyler Locke, #1)
The Noah's Ark Quest (Tyler Locke, #1)
Boyd Morrison | 2010 | Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When engineer Tyler Locke rescues archaeologist Dilara Kenner from a helicopter crash he doesn't know whether to believe her story. She tells hum that a friend of hers was murdered by poison in front of her and that he sent her to find Locke. Since then she has been involved in accidents that she suspects are attempts to kill her too.

Initially skeptical, events (not to mention a bizarre plane crash) soon prove she is indeed correct. And that means that Locke and his friend and colleague Grant Westfield only have a few days to save the human race from destruction.

Positioned firmly in the adventure thriller mould this book is both a terrific example of the type and also refreshingly different. Locke makes a terrific heroic lead, using his engineering and scientific knowledge to gradually work out what is going on and how to stop it. He can handle himself in a fight as well, but the muscle is provided by ex-special forces Westfield. Between them they make a formiddable team - and the banter and wit between them and Kenner is so well written and natural.

The villain of the piece is suitably nasty, a sociopath masquerading as the leader of a religious cult. He shows a worrying tendency to be one step ahead of the heroes at every turn and his motives seem worryingly plausible.

The writing is taut and moves at a considerable pace. There are a number of action sequences - fights, battles, escapes and chases of all sorts - but each is written with an eye to detail and with minimal suspension of belief lending a sense of realism that keeps the whole story grounded.

The British title that I read - The Noah's Ark Quest - is I think a little misleading in that Noah's Ark itself is only of peripheral interest for the bulk of the story. The title of The Ark seems to fit a lot better, resonating as it does with both large ships and places of safety, both themes of note in the book.

This is a very impressive book and one that I thoroughly recommend to anyone who likes their thrillers fast and loud but with an undercurrent of intelligence. Morrison has a real talent for writing which deserves a much wider audience.

Rating: Some violence and some bad language but nothing gratuitous.
Fledgling (Afterlife #1)
Fledgling (Afterlife #1)
Katrina Cope | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With the increasing population and growing evils of the world, the guardian angels are struggling to keep up and have started to recruit human souls to be angels. Those that meet the criteria are then trained to fight evil - quite literally.

The heroine of the story (unnamed for very nearly half the book) is one such recruit, She is sent on missions to protect innocent souls from evil people and to insert a conscience into their attackers so they will change their ways. But the new angel is worried about the side effects of the new conscience and this causes her to break the rules and to question if what the archangels have taught is correct.

Despite the premise, this book is neither religious nor do the angels behave exactly as guardian angels are traditionally supposed to. They are more like an angelic version of Thunderbirds as they are despatched from their secret island base around the planet to protect those in trouble. And they don't fight evil with a kind word and good deeds, these angels are trained in martial arts and are very much not afraid to use it.

This book reminded me most of a computer game where each mission granted new powers, but also the end of level opponent gets tougher. Every chapter raises the thrill another notch and the fight scenes are very impressively written and choreographed. It is like The Matrix with angels.

The characters are well written. The angels - both the new recruits and the archangels - are well formed and each has their strengths and weaknesses and are certainly not in any way perfect. The heroine in particular is someone the reader can empathise with as she struggles with the dilemmas of her new life (and her old human one). Some pages I didn't want to turn as it was clear that something unpleasant was going to happen to her. But with the help of her friends and their combined strengths they win through.

Given that the main character is female angel and that there is a romantic sub plot this might not appeal to teenage males but that would be overlooking a terrific book for a very superficial reason. The tale of a feisty angel who always does what she believes is right is ultimately a good read for anybody.
Slow Bullets
Slow Bullets
Alastair Reynolds | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been a fan of Alastair Reynolds since I picked up a copy of Revelation Space when it was first published. He is the master of telling stories that span solar systems while still maintaining a human perspective via his characters.

The set up is interesting and simple, at least in summary. A ship carrying soldiers, mostly war criminals of one sort or another, following a ceasefire malfunctions and they are awoken from hibernation much later than they expected. Almost immediately the the rivalries from the war become apparent again and it is up to Scur to put herself in the position of ensuring that they can at least survive without killing each other for a war long since finished.

The story is told from Scur's point of view as she effectively writes her memoir - and confessional - as she comes to the end of her life. Reynolds entwines several threads effortlessly producing some good dramatic moments and plot twists. The changes of direction are not so much surprising as they occur but the direction they go in.

Apart from the expected divisions between the different sides of the army and the civilians on the ship Scur needs to worry about where the advanced civilization that existed before the war has gone, the slow deterioration of the ship, the potential for a religious war and a war criminal which she would very much like to exact revenge upon, all played out in the pressure cooker environment of the ship.

The result is a tight story with plenty of action interspersed with serious considerations about society, justice and religion and how they interplay. Like any of Reynold's work the particular universe this story inhabits - as far as can be discerned this is not related to any other novel or short story - arrives fully formed and with perceptible depth and history, hinting at other stories that might be told elsewhere.

For one of Reynolds' stories there isn't much science and it doesn't stick to physical limits - faster than light travel and communications are both possible but not really explored in detail. But the focus is entirely on the individuals involved with the setting just a backdrop for them to play out the story in front of.

Overall a thoroughly good read and one I would recommend to anyone who likes their science fiction up close and personal.

Rating: Some violent scenes and bad language
Six Tudor Queens: Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife
Six Tudor Queens: Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife
Alison Weir | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been reading Alison Weir books since I was a teenager so imagine how much I fangirled when I was given the opportunity to read an advanced copy of her final book in the Tudor Queens series!
To Netgalley and Headline, thank you, thank you, thank you!

It is my opinion that Katharine Parr is often the most overlooked of Henry VIII's wives: indeed most novels focus only on her life after becoming Queen. That is why this novel from Alison Weir was simply brilliant.

Weir introduces us to Katharine Parr as a girl, constantly surrounded by family and, after losing her father at a young age, being brought up by her uncle, aunt and her mother who was an attendant to Queen Katharine of Aragon.

The reader instantly falls in love with Katharine, an intelligent, caring child who is acutely aware of her eventual duty to her family but desperately wishes to remain in her carefree days with her siblings.
As we know, Tudor girls married young and Weir explores each of Katharine's four marriages in great detail: combining historical fact and storytelling in the way that only she can.

It struck me that, in three of Katharine's four marriages, she was used as a pawn, marrying for rank, power and connections as was the norm at the time.
However, in every one of these marriages Katharine was able to find love; even when marrying an old overweight Henry, already famous for disposing of numerous wives.
The writing during each of these marriages is rarely emotional: Katharine is a very rational and practical character, only showing real passion for religion. She is even super calm when she believes she is being investigated as a heretic!
It isn't until Katharine's fourth and final marriage that she marries for herself and for love. The passionate relationship between Katharine and Tom Seymour seeps into the writing at this point: introducing jealousy and anger where there has previously been merely a stoic resolve.

The fact that this novel spans the lifespan of Henry's marriages is fitting and really allows Weir to paint a picture of Tudor society throughout the religious reforms and upheavals associated with its monarch.

No one who has read Alison Weir's books before will be surprised that this is yet another success. Together with Philippa Gregory, Weir is a Queen of historical fiction and this novel is only the latest jewel in her crown.

Gaspar Noe recommended An Andalusian Dog (1929) in Movies (curated)

An Andalusian Dog (1929)
An Andalusian Dog (1929)
1929 | Fantasy, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m obsessed with 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I’m not jealous of the director who directed it because it was so much work. I’m sure he was working 20 hours a day for five years, with the very best people he could find on this planet to create a cathedral of cinema. The movie is a cathedral itself. And also when you read about how the reception to the movie was, how much he suffered, everybody was picking on the movie besides the young audience, that you don’t envy Kubrick. You envy his talent. But if there’s one director that I really envy, it’s Buñuel. I wish I was in his head when he had shown the movie he co-directed with Salvador Dali, because it’s just a short movie, a 17-minute movie, but that still is his most famous movie after a huge career of fabulous movies. And it’s the first movie that I know that really used the language of dreams and nightmares. The opening scene of the movie, of the short film, with Bunuel cutting the eye of a woman — even if the close-up, they replaced the eye of the woman by the eye of a cow — is so shocking that I wish I could have been in the audience, if I could not be behind Bunuel. If I could see the reaction, I’m sure there’s never people turning more crazy in the history of cinema, than the first audience that that movie had. Really it was not as banned as his first feature, L’Age d’Or, that was more anti-religious than this one. But yeah, there’s so many documentaries about the Second World War, about the First World War, about the things that happened in the trench, but why didn’t anybody film the opening day, or that first premiere of Un Chien Andelou? I’m sure that it was a general state of shock. And the movie is so beautiful, so political, that it’s a real piece of art. There’s not many directors you can consider as artists. Of course, Kubrick’s like an architect, the most famous architect in the history of cinema, but as a poet or painter, Bunuel is an artist. Also, he was co-directing a movie with Salvador Dali, which makes sense. You can say Kennith Anger is an artist. But there are not many filmmakers that you can consider artists."

Saint Maud (2020)
Saint Maud (2020)
2020 | Drama, Horror
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Saint Maud is a psychological horror about a young nurse (Morfydd Clark) who, following ‘an incident’ while working for the NHS, something horrific that is alluded to in the opening scene, now finds herself working in palliative care.

Maud is a lonely, isolated, and very religious young woman, and as she sits in her sparse little bedsit, she prays to God in the hopes that he will guide her as she begins her new role. That new role sees her taking over as carer for Amanda (Jennifer Ehle), an ex-dancer whose body is now succumbing to terminal cancer. As Maud feeds, bathes and generally does everything for Amanda, her obsession with her faith and religion begins to send her into a downward spiral, becoming increasingly convinced that her personal mission from God is to save Amanda's soul. Amanda’s lifestyle choices and love-life are often at odds with Maud’s beliefs, eventually resulting in tensions between them.

'In my head, she's very much this person who has felt really alienated her entire life and has always found it really difficult to connect with other people,' explains British director Rose Glass about the lead character of her feature-length debut. Morfydd Clark fills that role brilliantly, with her calm and innocent voice narrating much of the film through her prayers, and we experience her failed attempts at connecting with others while on a rather heavy and eventful night out on the town. An ominous score also helps to set the tone, along with a rather gloomy colour palette, and there is a general feeling of dread throughout.

Aside from that, it’s fair to say that Saint Maud really didn’t work for me at all. I was fully invested in the character of Maud, how faith was shaping her, and how her relationship with Amanda was affected. But two thirds into this slow-burn character study of a young woman essentially going through a breakdown, I was bored and desperate for something to happen. Considering the runtime is only 84 minutes long, that’s not good.

A last-minute burst of chaos and horror provided a glimmer of hope but was very short-lived. And an attempt to deliver powerfully, memorable imagery only resulted in laughs from my cinema audience the likes of which I haven’t experienced since the ending of Hereditary.