Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel: Eternal Warriors #3)
The King of Demons and the Devil’s right hand man, Asmodeus is a dark angel born of evil and...
Paranormal Romance

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Crimes and Covers in Books
Jan 28, 2022
I don’t tend to read supernatural tinged cozies, but I’ve made an exception for this. Honestly, what reader can resist a magical bookstore? Between that and Violet’s pets, there is plenty to charm fans once again here. Likewise, the characters are strong, and it is great to spend time with them again. Christmas gets a light touch in this book, but I enjoyed getting to indulge my love of Christmas just a bit longer. It’s the plot where this book really struggles. I was willing to forgive the slow start given everything else happening early in the book. Once it got going, I definitely got caught up in it even though I figured out the big brushstrokes early on. However, the climax left me with a couple of rather big questions that really should have been resolved. Fans of the series will enjoy it, but I do wish this visit had been stronger.

The Book of Cold Cases
A true crime blogger gets more than she bargained for while interviewing the woman acquitted of two...
ghost story

MaryAnn (14 KP) rated Trial by Patience (The Trials #3) in Books
Nov 4, 2019
My Thoughts: This is a wonderful story about healing. It teaches us not to judge people, not knowing what their life events have been or where it's taken them. This story introduces the readers to equine therapy which allows the abused learn to trust and love again.
The characters in the story were very believable and the reader feels empathy for them. The writer engages the reader and keeps the storyline moving. It was a joy to read. It is also a story about turning to God and trusting Him in everything.
This is a great story for those who love horses and cowboys. It may even lead to an interest in equine therapy.

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Murphy's Heist (John McBride #1) in Books
Nov 21, 2019
As with the other McBride books the emphasis is on realism rather than spectacle. Although there are explosions, gun battles and chases they are very low-key which lends an air of authenticity which is missing from more adrenaline-fuelled thrillers.
The book is paced well, alternating between Murphy and associates attempting to get away with the crime and McBride and the authorities attempts to apprehend them. Murphy is a slippery and wily customer and McBride must use ingenuity and not a little luck.
This definitely shows as the first book in the series - McBride is just an ex-soldier, not ex-SAS and farms out the more 'special forces' duties to an ex-colleague, the extra developments of his past and his occasional desire for adventure beyond the sedate world of watercolours comes later and allows him to operate independently in challenging environments. But this is a good solid opening gambit clearly layout out the template for a more realistic thriller.
As a novel this isn't as good as my favourite so far - Find My Brother - but it certainly makes for a good read.

Baldur's Gate II: EE
This game is optimized for tablets and not recommended for phones with screen sizes under 7 inches. ...
Reckoning with Race: America's Greatest Failure
Reckoning with Race confronts America's most intractable problem - race. The book outlines in a...

Going Viral: The 9 Secrets of Irresistible Marketing
The Holy Grail for marketers is figuring out how to make something go viral, and for those brands...

Insatiable: The Rise and Rise of the Greedocracy
Insatiable exposes the damaging effects of greed in both public and private life, showing how the...

Silk Painting & Batik Project Book: Using Wax and Paint to Create Inspired Decorative Items for the Home, with 35 Projects Shown in 300 Easy-to-Follow Photographs
Using wax and paint to create inspired decorative items for the home, with 35 project shown in 300...