Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
Movie Watch
Set in a small, bleak Derbyshire town. After seven years in the army, Richard returns to find out...

Jerry Maguire (1996)
Movie Watch
Tom Cruise gives his best performance to date (Neil Rosen, NY-1) as a sports agent who suddenly...

Christopher Hobbs recommended Children of Paradise (1945) in Movies (curated)

The Crow (1994)
Movie Watch
After a double homicide takes the lives of to young lovers, on Devil's Night, the night before...

Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)
Hammer's fourth Dracula movie with Christopher Lee as the king vampire. One of Dracula's acolytes...
Hammer horror Dracula

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2) in Books
Jan 11, 2021
It's still a really strange storyline but I have to admit, it is rather addictive. You want her to get her revenge but at the same time are put off by some of the crap she's doing to get it.
Losing the brothers from the world is probably a blessing because they are as evil as their father and I can't wait to see them all get their comeuppance, except Jace of course because he's awesome.
Will most definitely be reading the third when it comes out.

Happy New Year (2014)
Movie Watch
Charlie, a street fighter enters a dance competition to take revenge on his old enemy as he had sent...

Bostonian916 (449 KP) rated The Losers (2010) in Movies
Sep 29, 2020
Decent, if not completely predictable, story that follows an elite military unit that is essentially blackballed (and noted as deceased) by the unit for defying direct orders in an effort to protect a group of innocent children being used as pawns.
As you can imagine, they're pretty upset about that. The movie follows their pursuit of revenge on those who've wronged them and clearing their names. A few twists later, we arrive at the assumed foregone conclusion.

We are taught revenge is wrong, and that those who do good or evil get what they deserve. But whose...
Urban Fantasy

Queen Bee
Welcome to The Close - a beautiful street of mansions, where gorgeous Stella is the indisputable...