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Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
2008 | Animation, Sci-Fi
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
(7 Seasons)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars the TV show first aired on Cartoon Network in 2008. The series aired following the release of a movie by the same title. The series bridges a gap from the prequel movies Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The amazing storytelling and digital animation reignited the imagination and love of thousands of Star Wars fans as well as newcomers. While the release of episodes wasn’t in chronological order later seasons; such as, Seasons 2 and 3, fill some of the story arcs already told.

The series expands on the conflict known as the Clone Wars towards the very stages of Revenge of the Sith. The series has been an all time favorite for much of the Star Wars fan base. The series was able to use multiple story arcs that answered long awaited questions from the prequel trilogy; such as, the identity of the Jedi who commissioned the clone army and the origins of Order 66.

The Clone Wars introduces new characters as well as established ones with a focus on further expanding the Star Wars Universe.
The series has major character developments for Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Ahsoka Tano, and many more. One of the major criticisms of the prequels was the overall writing of the characters but this show further expands them and while the series is not a straight character study in most cases the characters grew with the audiences. The tone of the show shifted as the seasons progressed and as a enormous Star Wars fan I can safely say it was something that aged well. While the first few seasons where more childish once you get to season 4 a clear tone change begins to prevail.

I greatly recommend to anyone who is a Star Wars fan or new to the fan base to give the series a watch but to ensure you watch the original and prequel trilogies first to truly grasp the world building aspect and undertone.
Witchfinder General (1968)
Witchfinder General (1968)
1968 | Horror
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Famously nasty cult horror movie looks a bit like another Poe-Corman-Price adaptation (and was marketed as such in the States) but is really the work of a much darker sensibility. No actual supernatural elements, just people being sadistic to each other in the middle of a vicious civil war.

The story is a pretty standard revenge melodrama, made distinctive by the sheer bleakness of tone throughout the movie. At a time when pretty much every Hammer movie concluded with the defeat of the forces of evil (at least until the next sequel) the sheer amoral nihilism of Witchfinder General is distinctive.

Notable for the closest thing to a completely straight performance you will ever find Vincent Price contributing as the star of a horror movie, and also for the censor-troubling levels of violence and general grisliness. As is standard for British horror films of this period, fun is also to be had spotting youthful appearances by people who went on to have rather distinguished appearances in less extreme material.
The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok, so I never saw the twist coming.

This story is crafted so well, and kept me so engaged, that it was hard to put the book down. The entire time, I felt so bad for Cass - what must it be like to forget things like how to use the washing machine or the microwave? Terrifying, I imagine. To feel like you're losing your mind, and then to find out you were being gas-lighted all along by the two people you love most in the world?

I felt vindicated right along with her when the truth came out and she got some measure of revenge on her husband and best friend - both of whom are just terrible, terrible people and deserve every ounce of it. In truth, the actual "murder mystery" part of the story was entirely secondary for me, as I was completely wrapped up in what was happening to Cass.

Thank you to SheSpeaks and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book!
Cold Pursuit (2019)
Cold Pursuit (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Latest Hollywood remake of a film with the gall not to be in English (the horror!) is a better-not-call-it-black comedy thriller about a snowplough driver whose rampage of vengeance gets out of control. Liam Neeson drives a plough, murders a bunch of drug dealers, and doesn't think enough about what he says on the publicity tour; the quality of the film kind of vanishes into the backdrop as a result.

After a horribly choppy opening - is it a serious drama about grieving parents or another thickheaded Neeson revenge melodrama? - the film settles down to feel like a pastiche of the sort of thing the McDonagh brothers make, with genre elements drolly deconstructed with offbeat humour and a knowing provocativeness. It's just not quite quirky, funny, or intelligent enough; Neeson underplays it too much and film doesn't seem to have any real point to make. Some good jokes and it passes the time, but it would have slipped into obscurity fairly quickly if only Liam had kept his mouth shut on the junket.
Grace Thatcher is the granddaughter of the duke of Salisbury and due to his death and an issue with her and her siblings inheritance is strong armed by her waste of space gambler father, into acquiring, or at least pretending to a husband.Grace feels better her than her younger shy timid sister. What follows is series of events that puts the three main characters of the story in the spotlight. We have Grace, sweet caring and totally unspoiled by her unfortunate upbringing which was untill later life a background of poverty. mr Samuel Preston a kind charming gentleman still grieving for his dead wife Elizabeth but determined to live his life as she would have wanted and lastly Nicholas Sutherland Elizabeth brother a dark bitter gruff man who blames Samuel for the death of his sister and his bent on revenge. Saving Grace is a clean sweet romance which shows the characters evolving through their interaction, i breezed through very quickly and loved seeing the way everyone changed for the better a must read for all historical romance fans..

Kay Bee (1 KP) rated John Wick (2014) in Movies

Jan 28, 2018  
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
The most convincing character Keanu Reeves has ever portrayed, fantastic soundtrack, and the best gun fight in recent memory (0 more)
Not enough people saw it when it first came out and I had no one to talk to about it except my husband (0 more)
Best Movie Surprise I've Ever Had
I generally like Keanu Reeves even though he can be wooden at times action films have become his Forte. My husband and I both love action movies so we went to see it when it came out in the theater and hadn't really heard any Buzz about it. I was absolutely blown away and it was my favorite movie of the year, so much so that we were in line opening night to see John Wick 2 (and were not disappointed in that one either but that's another review). It really is just an all-around great movie if you like action films, revenge thrillers, or Keanu Reeves; you really can't go wrong. The score is so great I bought and downloaded it immediately after we left the theater. The club scene is perfection.
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
Claire North | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
What an amazing book! I was intrigued by the rather minimal plot synopsis on the jacket and so had to check this book out, and I am very glad I did. I found the principal character of Harry August to be engaging and interesting and quite enjoyed all the ancillary characters as well, but it was the plot that really hooked me on this one. Without giving anything away I'll just say that it involves reincarnation, time travel, quantum physics, espionage, world history, revenge, and in its own weird way, love. It is somewhat unfair to pigeonhole the book into the science fiction category, as it is really somewhat more of a cat-and-mouse suspense story, although seeing as the plot spans several decades, repeatedly, it does seem as though sci-fi could be the best fit. No matter where you would categorize though, this is easily my favorite read of the year so far, and quite possibly one of my favorite books of all time. Absolutely brilliant.
G is for Gumshoe (Kinsey Millhone #7)
G is for Gumshoe (Kinsey Millhone #7)
Sue Grafton | 2007 | Mystery
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
At the beginning of May, PI Kinsey Millhone is hired by a woman named Irene to track down her mother. The two usually talk one a month, but it’s been several months since they last talked. Before Kinsey can head out to the Salton Sea area, she gets words that a dangerous criminal is vowing revenge on the people who put him away, and one of those people is Kinsey. She does take the threat seriously. Should she? Will it complicate her search for the missing woman?

I was hoping with two parallel plots that they would build off each other. That doesn’t happen quite as well as I would have liked. In fact, the book begins to drag in the middle, although it certainly picks up near the end. We get to know another supporting character pretty well here, which in turn lets us get to know Kinsey better, which I love.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018 (Updated Feb 13, 2018)  
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
1982 | Action, Sci-Fi
A Mid-life Crisis, but Not as We Know It
Easily the best of the Trek movies. Made with half-an-eye to concluding the franchise, it ended up revitalising the series for another quarter century.

Old enemy from the TV show is rediscovered, vows revenge on Kirk; many rousing space battles and well-handled character moments ensue. Ricardo Montalban really goes for it as Khan; William Shatner gives a proper movie leading man performance. Relatively low budget is artfully concealed.

Benefits considerably from being willing to acknowledge that everyone has aged since the original TV show; Kirk has to confront the consequences of choices he made as a young man (later movies disregarded the fact the crew were becoming increasingly geriatric). The essential Trek philosophy of optimistic liberal humanism somehow gets a bit lost along the way, but you really don't care as the rest of it is so much fun. Almost unreasonably well-written when you consider the script was done in less than a fortnight.