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To Love and To Cherish (Vows #3)
To Love and To Cherish (Vows #3)
Addison Albright | 2016 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 solid stars for the book and narration
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted the AUDIO file of this book.

Nash needs a new job, and Emmett (apologies if I've spelt it wrong, I listened! ) needs a live nurse for his grandfather. But Emmett also heard Nash say he wants love, a partner in life. Nash agrees to Emmett suggestion, and then is involved in a accident that causes him to lose the last four months. Nash falls in love with Emmett, and then his memories return.

I listened to this, David Gilmore narrates. He is a new to me narrator. Overall, I found him a easy to listen to narrator, his reading voice is deep and clear, and I had no trouble following what was going on with multiple character conversations. I DID find his voice for Nash came across a little too young sounding, and Harley and Oliver too, they came across too young, for me anyway. This is the only reason I gave the NARRATION 4 stars.

I liked the book, it was an easy listen. I liked that, while not telling Nash the whole truth about how they came together, Emmett did not LIE to Nash, when he couldn't remember.

I gave the book 4 stars because of one reason only. Only Nash has a say. Yes, yes yes I know I say it often enough, but I think if Emmett had been given a say, this would have been a 5 star read! Because, let's face it: Emmett is asking Nash to marry him, then Nash has his accident and Nash can SEE the love in Emmett's eyes when he looks at him. So Emmett MUST have had such deep feelings for Nash waaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this. And I NEEDED to hear from him, I really did.

New to me author and narrator, will certainly look for more.

4 stars for the book
4 stars for the narration
4 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Some Lucky Woman
Some Lucky Woman
Carmen DeSousa | 2016 | Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
discovering what you enjoy (0 more)
Where did I find this book: I picked this book out from Bookbub based on its synopsis. I’m in this odd time after college where I relate to these stories of being unsure of the next steps to take in life.

How it’s written: It’s told in first person by Jana. She tells the tale of losing her husband, becoming a book reviewer and a book writer, and finding what makes her truly happy in life. It’s light, fun, and to the point with 360 pages and a very easy nature to it that makes it hard to put the book down.

What I like about the book: I loved that not everything happened for her in a month. There are credible time lapses between events instead of a whirlwind of change all at once. I really liked that she doesn’t wallow in self-pity for long. Jana moves on from her ex and looks for things that bring her joy. She does things for herself and doesn’t care about what others think…except Adrian.

Final Thoughts: This book was amazing! Truly entertaining read from beginning to end. Jana’s story from getting a divorce to finding herself is empowering and intriguing.

Honestly I probably should have posted this book as my first book review. I already had the idea of posting book reviews but this book was a huge catalyst for me. It helped me realize that I just needed to start. It didn’t have to be perfect and I didn’t have to have it all figured out. I just needed to get things started and I could change things up later if I wanted to.
So if you’re in a part of your life where you feel like you need a change, you want to try something new, you need to do something for yourself, I would suggest reading this book.
Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds
Aidan Wayne | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
some darker moments, but brilliant!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.
 I have to admit, when I read the blurb for this book, I had no idea what AI meant, it did not click. Once it's made clear, very early on?? Well, now it made total sense!
 Jason is suffering from PTSD and Chase and Shade are his AI companions to help with that. But not only Jason suffers, Shade does too and its left to Chase to keep everyone together.
 Very quickly, you lose the fact that Chase and Shade are, for want of a better word, robots. They feel as much as humans do, they want all the same things. The fact that we lose that, is a testament to the skill of the author, it really is.
 Just as Jason suffers from his torture, Shade suffers from the modifications made to him against his wishes. Shade may NEVER fully recover, but being around Jason, broken though he is, begins to bring Shade out of his trauma, just as Shade and Chase bring Jason out of his.
 I have a soft spot for 3 way relationship, especially if they are hot and heavy. This book is NOT hot and heavy. This book is not about that. this book is EMOTIONALLY heavy, for all three men. You feel for both Shade and Jason every time something sets them off, something triggers for them. And you feel for Chase, trying to keep them all together. And you feel it, right here in your heart when Jason finally begins to let Chase and Shade in.
 There has been a huge amount of research into PTSD for this book. You can't get the depth of felling and emotion across without a massive amount of work. Very VERY well done, Aidan Wayne!
 I haven't read anything by Wayne before, but the author is on my hit list now!
 5 stars
 **same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Safe Limits (Kiss of Leather #2)
Safe Limits (Kiss of Leather #2)
Morticia Knight | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
darker storyline, but excellent follow up!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book two in the Kiss of Leather series and I strongly recommend you read book one, Building Bonds, first. Master Gavin and Kyle's relationship continues in this book.

Master Derek agrees to watch over David's best friend, Corey, while Master Josh and David are away. Faced with the young man, Master Derek can't help but soften his natural growlly voice; Corey is scared, and when Master Derek finds out WHY?? Oh my days! Protective instincts abound! Corey needs to know: whatever HE did, he did not deserve what happened to him.

Again, Master Derek and Corey's relationship moves rapidly, far more so that I was expecting, especially when the truth about what Corey ran from becomes clear. Master Derek needs to temper his natural bear-ness, although Corey does has a thing for a bear! It doesn't take long for these two to admit their feelings, though and I rather enjoyed being made to wait for them to consummate their relationship.

Also enjoying again, the EMOTIONS involved! Corey is, by his own admission, a bit of a mess and it takes all of Master Derek's experience as a Master to bring out just what Corey is feeling. I think the event that bought Corey to Master Derek might run on into future books.

Things are progressing at the club, although still not yet open!

Loving these books so far. Loved this one a bit more than book one! Quite a bit more! I hope they are all up to this standard. Trying NOT to read them back to back though! Loving that ALL the guys seem to be taking a part in these books.

This one carries a darker story line, and some readers may find it difficult reading.

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Grand Opening (Kiss of Leather #4)
Grand Opening (Kiss of Leather #4)
Morticia Knight | 2016 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
still a great read, just fell short of Master Josh and David.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Kiss of Leather series, and you really SHOULD read the other books first, you won't get the full enjoyment out of this one if you don't.

This is all about Master Josh and his sub, David. Although they are already in a committed relationship, things between are tense, with Master Josh so busy at the club, and David left at home. Usually, David enjoys the Total Power Exchange part of their relationship, but how can he care for his Master, when said Master is never home?

This one, for me, fell a little short. While it IS Master Josh and David's story, it felt like there was very little of Master Josh and David! When David calls "moratorium" and calls a halt to their relationship, Master Josh is placed in a situation he never was meant to be: at the feet of another Dom. Gavin, to be exact. And we get so little of what Master Josh goes through, during those two weeks! I so desperately wanted it all: every single thing Master Gavin does to make Josh (cos let's face it, at this point, he doesn't deserve his Master title!) see, to really SEE what he has been putting David through, and we only get the very last bit.

The Grand Opening does eventually go off without a hitch, Master Josh and David's problems notwithstanding, but there is an unwelcome visitor, and Corey's kidnapping comes right back into the action.

I do enjoy the continuing story arc, and the fact that ALL the players from previous books continue to take part in subsequent books.

Just that this one fell a little flat.

so, 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Secret Lady (Ladies in Time, #3)
Secret Lady (Ladies in Time, #3)
Beth Trissel | 2019 | Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not sure this is one for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Evie is staying with her grandmother, and she hears whispers from the closet in her room. Then, in a blink of an eye, things changed and she was right back in the middle of the American Civil War. Specifically, a week before the whole valley her grandmother's house sits in is razed to the ground. A certain solider steals her heart, but there are things keeping them apart, again, and this time, Jack might not make it.

I read this, I finished this, I'm still not sure it was the book for me though!

It's a good book, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if it was THIS book, or the author's style, or what didn't work for me, I really don't. So forgive me, if this review is short. I struggle the hardest to write these sorts of reviews.

I liked that both Evie and Jack have a voice, and those voices are very distinct. Not just in the difference between the male and the female voice, but in the TIME difference too. Evie is very much the modern woman, and Jack very much a man of the 1860's with all their rules, and words, and ways of talking. Made me chuckle in a couple of places.

It is CLEAN, just some kissing between Jack and Evie. It's also, for being set around that time, relatively free from on-screen violence. It IS there, but nothing graphic or explained in any great detail.

I liked the twist that Jack and Evie had been together before, and this was the house's doing to bring them back together.

I just *insert heavy sigh* found it an okay read, and I can't even voice why. And for that, I'm sorry. Someone will LOVE this book, unfortunately, that someone is not me.

A good 3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Rafe Jadison | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dane needed a say!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Dane is a good boss, until he makes Heath stay late and they get caught in a snow storm of epic proportions. But after a few beers and some secrets, Dane and Heath find they have more in common that they thought, and neither can deny it any longer.

CUTE!! My first thoughts on finishing this book was, needs to go on the "too stinking cute" shelf!

It's rather sweet, with a little bit of sexy time, some secrets exposed, not overly emotional, but enough emotion comes across in the right places. All the descriptions of the weather, what's happening outside, when the car nearly crashes into the tree, they all came across beautifully, and I reacted verbally to some parts. I don't usually, when reading, but do when listening. But when the car went skidding?? I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Phew, when it stopped!

Only Heath has a say, though, and I think that's why I gave it 4 stars and not 5. Even for such a short book, some 48 pages, if Dane had had a say, if we had gotten into his mind, I think this might have been a 5 star read. Dane has a lot to say here, and not all of it is voiced.

I have one teeny tiny comment about the editing though. In one particular place, Dane's is transposed for Heath's name. I carried on reading, not really noticing UNTIL something happen that DANE did to HEATH, which had happened where the names got mixed up. Just a comment, is all.

Really REALLY cute read, and the first I have read of this author. I'd like to read more, something longer with more bite, a bit more in depth.

4 solid stars (but really only cos Dane doesn't have his say)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
One Night (Night Series #1)
One Night (Night Series #1)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
its hot hot HOT!!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book title is One Night and the whole book takes place in just that: one night!

After an attack 8 years ago, Gabe hasn't been able to be intimate with anyone. Moving across the world gives him a chance to push himself and at least try. He never expected that Cam would become anything other than one night.

OOOOOEEEEE!!!! New shelf, folks, just for this book! Cos let me tell ya, these boys get up to inferno level heat in that one night!

Cam and Gabe have a powerful and instant reaction, even with a whole club between them, and it carries, right through these some hundred pages, with both of them, independently of each other, deciding that one night will never be enough, but Gabe runs still. His trauma is dark, and could well have ended his life but for a nosey neighbour. Cam's reaction to that trauma is, again, powerful: his need to protect Gabe, to keep HIS man safe skyrockets and Cam realises that he will never get enough of Gabe.

Short it is, but there is enough history of the two men to gab you and pull you in. There is SO MUCH action, let me tell ya, these boys burn high, and hot and LONG!!!

I wrote in a recent review that what I loved about THAT book, was that it was so very CLEAN. But what I LOVED about this book?? It is so very NOT clean!! I actually don't think I've read such a great story, with so much action, in a long time!

Temperature outside? -2 degrees Centigrade (29 F) but inside?? About 500C ( 932F)!!!

Seriously cannot wait for Cam and Gabe's next book. It's not finished, their story, but they get their HFN here.

5 scorching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Room For Recovery (Hearts and Health #4)
Room For Recovery (Hearts and Health #4)
D.J. Jamison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
excellent addition to the series
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Hearts and Health series, but you don't need to have read the others first, they are all stand alones.

I don't usually much care for younger main characters; end of high school, beginning of college age; probably because I'm far older than that, but while I KNEW Beau and Wade were that age, it never really sunk in, you know?? I KNEW they were 18 and 19, but they did not SEEM that age.

Wade and Beau have crushed on each other for as long as they can remember, but Wade's coming out led to disastrous consequences, and he doesn't want to admit that he's gay, not to himself, nor to anyone else. Beau, while not fully OUT, certainly aware of what and who he wants. When Beau is attacked, Wade goes all protective and the two get to really know each other.

I can't quite file this book on the warm and fuzzies shelf, like Bedside Manner, because Wade carries a lot of guilt about one thing and another BUT it is a fantastic read. Watching Wade and Beau getting to know each other properly, after being around each other for years, watching Wade deal with his demons, and watching them both fall, and fall far is excellent reading.

 Wade pops up in Urgent Care, he is Trent's nephew and Wade is ANGRY at everything and everyone. We get just WHY he is so angry here and its painful reading, listening to Wade deal internally with everything, it really is.

An excellent addition to this series, and it introduces us to Dr Casper Rollins, who has his story next. I look forward to reading it.

5 not quite warm and fuzzie stars, but very nearly.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Caught in the Crossfire (PROTEKT #3)
Caught in the Crossfire (PROTEKT #3)
Michael Mandrake | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
butfor the missing information, might have been 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Tryst is new to PROTEKT, and is sent to "babysit the pop tart". Bastien finds himself attracted to Tryst, but equally to Claudius, the guy who saved his life. Bastien is, however, in the middle of something far bigger than even his books could give him.

This is book 3 in the PROTEKT series. I have not read books one, On The Run, or book 2, Closely Guarded and I think maybe I should have done. While everything becomes clearer as to what's happening in THIS book, I wanted to know BEFORE. I wanted to know how Tryst came to PROTEKT, how the others guys knew just what he was really up to. I NEEDED that information, and it isn't fully recapped here.

THAT said, I rather enjoyed this, the first I've read of Mr Mandrake. Three very different guys, from very different backgrounds, are thrown together, and neither one is strong enough to keep away from the other.

It's very well told, from all three guys point of view. I saw no spelling or editing errors. I read it in one sitting, a little over the hour mark. Fully engrossed, I was!

I liked how it all played out, LOVED who the informant was! Did not see that one coming! Loved that the bad guy gets his come-uppence, and by whom! Well played there, Mr Mandrake, very well played.

I'd like to go back and read the other two books. just to fill in those missing pieces of information that I am missing. Maybe I'll come back and re-read this one after (don't die of shock, I'm so not a re-reader! ) I just need to know how Tryst came to PROTEKT, really!

Thank you, Mr Mandrake, for an enjoyable 75 minutes.

4 solid stars (but had I all the information, might have been 5!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**