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Her Lord of Death
Her Lord of Death
Kyla D. Knight | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not writing a blurby bit here, gonna jump straight in!

I bloody loved this!

So many layers, so much betrayal and back stabbing. Such pain for Acheron in his past, his present, and as he sees, his future. Kora is a woman he can never have, then he does, but still he can't. Cryptic, I know but I ain't doing spoilers!

And so, so many plot twists, I did not see any of them coming at me!

I loved that Acheron knew he was damaged, possibly beyond repair, but still he tries to make Kora see, to SEE that damage, in the only way he knows how: with violence. But KORA?? Kora SEES Acheron. She sees the man behind the rumours and whispers. She sees the man behind the scars, and finally, she SEES why Acheron does what he does to push her away and it makes her love him even more. She makes Acheron SEE, that there is more to life than pain.

And when WE find out why? Well, lets just say I bawled my eyes out. You get hints and snippets as to why Acheron reacts the way he does, but you don't get the full picture. Oh you put the clues together well enough, but really? Not enough. Nowhere NEAR enough.

After we get the full picture of what Acheron endured while in in Crete at the hands of Minos, it's a wonder the man is even sane! As Oz, Acheron's approximation of a best friend pointed out, he only had two years there, and Acheron had TEN years fighting for his life almost every day.

Suffices to say, this carries some dark story lines, but to say what they are would be spoilers. If you want to know, please message me, I'll tell you. Some readers may have triggers.

There is a little bit at the back of this, about how THIS book was Knight's first book, not Beautiful Beast. About how much of a battle Knight had with it. I'm so bloody glad she won that battle!

It's also billed as A Mythic World Romance. No idea what comes next, but I really wanna read it!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Bite Me  (Kitchen Gods #1)
Bite Me (Kitchen Gods #1)
Beth Bolden | 2018 | Food & Drink, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great, easy read, with some food porn thrown in!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of Bolden's work, I sure hope it isn't the last! She has a way of not giving you the full picture about something and you aren't quite sure if you missed that bit, or it wasn't mentioned yet, or what?? And I really LOVED that!

Evan and Miles butt heads, right from the start, but equally, they have attraction, powerful attraction. And I loved watching them both ( because we hear from both guys) fight that attraction. Right til they both realize that their jobs are on the line, and they could lose each other too. THEN??? All bets are off and these guys give in to the inevitable.

It's amazing watching Evan come out of himself, watching Miles peel back the layers of Evan's outer casing, to the man inside.

It's not a complicated plot line, nor is it a difficult read. It's very well written and flows beautifully from the butting heads to the get the picture. It's not very explicit though, and I really REALLY liked that it wasn't. There is no break up/make up. It's just a really great read!

Back to that not getting the full picture thing. It's about a certain thing that Miles does when he is drunk. Which I found hilarious, but when we get the full story of what was contained within?? You understand why the hints are there, you put the pieces together. Can't say anything else, cos of spoilers, but I really did enjoy not having the full picture thrown at me all at once!

Oh! You'll probably put on about ten pounds just reading this, cos, food porn or what! Miles is, after all, a pastry chef! But, love that the recipes in the book are give as links at the end. Might have to make myself some alcoholic macaroons!

This is billed as book one in the Kitchen Gods series. But some characters pop up who already had their stories written. I'd like to both go back, and forward, with these guys. I love the way Bolden spins her yarns.

so, a perfect Sunday morning read, that kept me fully engaged and I read it in one sitting.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Finally Letting Go (Infinity #2)
Finally Letting Go (Infinity #2)
C.J. Lynne | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much MUCH better read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Infinity series. I would recommend that you read book one, Worth The Risk, if only to know just how Brandon wrecked Tyler 3 years ago. Not totally necessary, though.

Brandon is so far in the closet, he doesn't even know WHERE he is anymore! Facing up to his father, and NOT going to law school, Brandon now comes face to face with Tyler, and he has to own up to what he did. And he does. Tyler's best friend, Simon, though, won't let Brandon get away with it. But Simon's reaction to meeting Brandon properly again for the first time is MASSIVE and INSTANT, and oh so unexpected. Simon won't, though, be anyone dirty little secret. Brandon has to own up WHO he is before Simon will go down that road.

And my gosh! What a great read! I love characters who, for one reason or another cannot own up to who they really are, who they really want, and Brandon, bless his heart, he fights. He FIGHTS so darn HARD, but Simon will not let up!

And let me tell ya, once Brandon admits to HIMSELF who he is and WHO he wants, that man is all in! And it is spectacular watching both these men fall and fall hard for each other. It is, really, quite beautiful watching these two, it really is.

And I did NOT see that coming at me, no ma'am I did not expect that!! Way to go Brandon!

I said in my review for Worth The Risk that there was some repetition of a couple of phases, and I was worried here, but there was none of that!

I loved that Tyler and Jax play a huge part here, and that Ben, the owner of Infinity plays a part, and his book is laid out, sorta. There is a little bit of a preview for Ben's book, Breaking The Rules, and his book is told in the first person. Now those who follow my reviews will know that's not a great favourite of mine, but because I KNOW this now, it won't be a problem. Can't wait to read it!

A much MUCH better read than book one so...

5 full stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Destiny Collides Past and Present (The Manx Cat Guardians #2)
Destiny Collides Past and Present (The Manx Cat Guardians #2)
JP Sayle | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much MUCH better read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy if this book.

This is book two in the Manx Cat Guardians series, and I would recommend that you read book one, Seeing Beyond the Scars, first. Brad and Martin play a huge part here, there is some overlap of the two stories and you need to know what Brad suffered.

I enjoyed this far FAR more than book one. The major issue I had with that book was it had not been edited properly and it had a massive impact on my reading experience. I saw no sign of that problem here, and it made for a much more pleasurable read.

Stuart is a work colleague of Martin (although I'm still not entirely sure what ANY of the guys do for work!) and he moves to the island to help Martin while Brad is in hospital. Cat sitting wasn't his best decision. Joe is hiding from his abusive ex, and lodging at Stuart's seemed like a good idea. Falling in love wasn't something either of them had in mind.

I'm still not sure about the cat, Princess! I said in my review for book one that I wanted more of the history of her "people" and I STILL want that, I NEED it, I think, to get the full picture. That Max turns up with Aadan, gives a little bit, but no where near enough for me! I'm just greedy, I know!

I do think again, that Joe would have been a bit more skittish, jumping into something so soon after he managed to get away, but he does push Stuart away when Stuart says something that Joe hated.

I loved Aadan, and the fact that he pushed Joe and Stuart into something they maybe hadn't thought about, but ran with it anyway.

I see book three laid out for me, and I REALLY ant to read that now! Max has upset Aadan, when he saves Princess and Aadan has some paranormal power that isn't fully explained here, it's just hinted at. Something has happened between Aadan and Greg, Stuart's secretary, and I really NEED to know what!

Since this was a much MUCH better read, and I saw no editing errors that plagued book one....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Debbiereadsbook (1166 KP) rated Shades in Books

Jun 17, 2018  
Jaime Reese | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
excellent stand alone for Ms Reese!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

KIllian is a hitman, but lately his mind has been on a certain waiter. Nick is hiding, and when who he is hiding from comes looking for him, Killian goes into major protection mode. But can they find a way out?

I've read all of Ms Reeses's Men of Halfway House series, they are ALL five star reads from me, so I approached this one with a little trepidation. This is a stand alone, totally unrelated to those books, and I wasn't sure how I felt about not reading about characters from a much loved series.



There are so many twists and turns, so many things I saw coming and so many I got so very wrong.

I loved that even though it took Killian time to verbalise his emotions, that he FELT them at all, proved he wasn't quite as broken as he thought.

I loved that Nick could read Killian like a bloody book, and loved that it was a constant niggle in the back of Killian's brain "If he can read so well, can others?" that sort of thing.

Loved what Killian was doing on the island, that I did NOT see coming! And I got the original owner of the talisman so very wrong. Another thing I didn't quite put the pieces together in the right order! And I loved that the talisman came full circle, and what Killian did with it after.

It's quite hard to write a gushing review about a book that has so many twists and turns, without giving too much away and spoiling it for everyone who comes after, but I hope I've given you enough hints and clues to pique your interest!

I started this book at 1015pm, after a 12 hour shift, after 4 hours sleep the night before. Come 2am, and I had finished it. So, when you are literally holding your eyes open with matchsticks, and you absolutely NEED to finish this book before you totally collapse, it can only get one rating. When you CANNOT fault it, when youy didn't even expect to get it, and when you simply want more stand alone novels for this author, it can ONLY get.....

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Edge Jump
Edge Jump
Elizabeth Noble | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

Brett retired from professional ice hokey and now runs the centre his parents set up, to teach. His sister, Celia and her partner, Rylan, has moved onto ice dancing. But a senseless crime takes Celia away from both Brett and Rylan, and brings them both together at their darkest time. Then Rylan is hit with a far worse tragedy. Can they get through this, together?

You know, sometimes, you read a blurb, and your brain plots away, and that's what you expect from the book?? Then the book actually goes off in a way you did not see coming?? And you loved it for it??

This book, right here!

I have NO idea what I thought would happen here, but I was very surprised with it! It really did kinda-creep-up-on-me!!

Brett and Rylan have chemistry, right from the start. But Brett keeps himself back a bit, and it pulls at you, the way Rylan reacts to that. There is a lot of pulling on the heart strings here! I loved the way Brett gradually introduced Rylan to BDSM, and that Rylan took to it, like a duck to water. I didn't think it overly explicit though and I LIKED that here, but that might just be me!

I did not get how Celia and her fiance's deaths would play out. Did NOT see that one coming at me, not at all!

Rylan's recovery from what happened is long and painful, but you feel it **taps chest* right here. Every time his brain threw self doubt at him. Every time Brett pulled him out of it, and you cheer, when he finally is able to get back on the ice. And when Rylan listens to Brett when he says "I'm not going anywhere!"

I've read a couple of other books by Ms Noble, and I do like how she can switch from paranormal, to contemporary, to more sexy books. High skill of an author, I think!

It crept up on, this book, it really did!

4.5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Surrendering for Two (Soul Match #4)
Surrendering for Two (Soul Match #4)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best one of the bunch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Soul Match series, and you really MUST read the other books in the series to know what has driven these people to this point.

Graham has suffered the fate that Chris and Morgan were expecting. He was abused by the Nall, to such an extent, he is permanently scarred. Graham, his brother and his father were due to hang, at the Nall's gathering, for punishment for the attack at the Nall's party. And Alasharian saves him, and Graham's opinion on the race changes. Balor is a guard to the Nall, but also part of the rebellion. Oman is advisor to the Nall, but has been watching Balor for some time. He knows Balor is his Soul Match and when Balor mentions the human he helped save, Oman knows they will be a three. But time is of the essence, and humans and Alasharians must band together to any of them are to survive.

What I particularly liked about this one, was the CARE that Oman , and indeed Balor, took with Graham. They both knew he had suffered, badly. They can see his scars, and are enraged by the treatment of Graham by the Nall but they know Graham needs time. They may NEVER fully Soul Match, but Oman and Balor will take whatever Graham can give them.

Graham, while reluctant, knows that he can give as little, or as much, as he is able to, to Oman and Balor. I liked that he was in total control of the speed that things moved. LOVED that he was not the submissive in this match. Liked that he spoke to Morgan about the Soul Match, since Morgan was equally, if not more so, against the idea.

While Chris, Lasar and Nary take no part here, the rebellion is gaining ground as more and more humans and Alasharians arrive at the old air base they are camped out at. Problem is, no one knows where Chris, Lasar and Nary are, or even if Chris is a real person!

Book 5 is next, and it is the conclusion of this series. I'm not sure I really want to read it! Thoroughly enjoying these!

5 stars
Owned by the Sea
Owned by the Sea
L.M. Somerton | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really REALLY good
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A year ago, Jonty's world imploded at the loss of his parents and his sister in a storm at sea. In an effort to get out more, and begin to try to get on with his life, Jonty decides a charity auction to raise funds for the lifeboat station that saved him would be a good idea. Jed was on that lifeboat, indeed, was that one to pull Jonty from the stormy sea and he knew, he KNEW that day, that one day, Jonty would be his. The charity auction is a great way to spend time with Jonty, to get Jonty into his life, and into his bed.

I liked this one, a lot, a LOT!

It focuses on Jonty coming out of himself, pushing his own boundaries. On Jed's 'no rush' approach to getting Jonty into his bed. On the fact that neither of these two men see this...whatever it a quick fling. And on Jonty's art auction, that pulls the whole village together to raise money for the lifeboat station.

It's well told, from both men's point of view, so we get Jonty's escape from the sea, and his effort to pull himself out of his painting funk. We get Jed and all the naughty thoughts he has about Jonty, and his infinite patience.

There is no break up/make up, no nutty ex to spoil anything between them and their growing love. It's a really great easy read and I mean this in a very VERY good way!

Jed in a Dominant that calls to Jonty's submissive side, but it's only in the bedroom and nothing too heavy. I've NOT filed it on the BDSM shelf, because of that fact. I actually found it not overly explicit for a MM book, and I really liked that it wasn't too heavy on the sexy time. It's not needed for THIS book.


Be warned! There is a third in this relationship, a Newfoundland dog called Marmite. He really steals the show, that is, right up until Jed gives Jonty his gift right near the end. Some proper giggle out loud moments!

A great story, well written, that was the perfect way to spend a lazy, wet, holiday afternoon.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Deadly Games (Dallas after Dark #2)
Deadly Games (Dallas after Dark #2)
Karen Rock | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Dallas After Dark series, but I have not read book one, Dangerous Games. I would like to, though. You don't NEED it, I don't think, I didn't feel I was missing anything by not having read it, but I would like to read Reese's story, she's the owner of the strip club here.

FBI Agent Katherine is out on a girls night out after her divorce in the male strip club, Dallas Heat. Nash is their star performer. Nash pulls Katherine (loved that it was not shortened, not once!) onto the stage, something he has NEVER done before. A night of passion follows but Katherine runs, knowing that it can only be that: one night. But Nash turns up at her office with information that might help find a serial killer. Together, they must catch this killer before one of Katherine's friends turns up dead, all the while with Katherine fighting their attraction. Nash, however, is already all in!

I really really enjoyed this book! Don't you just love being surprised by a book, but you've no particular idea why?? I *think* that it was probably Nash himself.

I must admit, I had preconceptions about a male stripper, and what he got up to with his customers. But Nash blew them all out the water. As did the fact that I, very wrongly, pegged Nash as all body and no brains! I've no idea WHY I thought that, but I did. And for that I'm truly sorry!

I liked the pace the story moved at, not too fast, at a fair and even pace so you can keep up. I DID get who the killer was, just as soon as they popped up in the story, but I did NOT get what they had done before! Loved watching the main play out, so many wrong turns!

It's not over explicit, but it is still incredibly sexy. It does get a little gruesome in the beginning, when it is describing a victim's suffering at the hands of the killer.

I do like the way Rock tells her tales, one to watch, me finks!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Obsessed: Meik and Sebastian
Obsessed: Meik and Sebastian
Quin Perin | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
so bloody short!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I purchased my copy of this book.

SHORT!!! SO bloody short!

I did know that going in, that it was only some 70 odd pages, but those pages got eaten up so quickly, I blinked and the whole book was finished!

Not the story, just THIS part of it.

Meik is, by his own words, bored. Bored of his day to day life; of the endless supply of secretaries (both male and female) willing to get down on their knees under his desk for the chance of a pay rise. Wandering the streets, a few guitar notes pull him in, and Meik is obsessed with Sebastian. It really is the only word that fits!!

After a blow job in the alley, Meik wants more of Sebastian, but he can't find him, and the longer Meik can't find him, the more he MUST find him.

I'm gonna be incredibly frustrated with these books, I know I am. Here's why: if they keep coming in these short bursts, I'm gonna be so bloody impatient waiting for the next one, and I don't do patience when it comes to my books!

I loved this, it pushes all my buttons and then some. It's super sexy and super hot!


It does only come from Meik's point of view and this is the ONLY reason I can't quite stretch to 5 full stars: single person point of view. Because of COURSE I wanted to hear from Sebastian! I need to know what was going through his head in the alley, and later, when Meik takes him home. I NEEDED to hear that, and I don't.

At this moment, this is NOT a romance. This is simply about Meik first obsessing over, and then possessing, Sebastian. Whether that will change, I have no idea, I really don't care, to be honest. Meik is nothing if not honest about what, or rather, WHO he wants. But I have a feeling he might surprise us, maybe even himself.

Can't wait to see what these two get up to!

SO, because only Meik has a say, and even though its so bloody short...

4.5 stars (rounded up to 5 for the blog)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**