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Hiding From Two (Soul Match #3)
Hiding From Two (Soul Match #3)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really enjoying this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Soul Match series, and you really DO need to read books one, Slave For Two and book two, Cherished By Two before you read this one. You need to know about Chris, Lasar and Nary and not all is recapped here.

Morgan is Chris' cousin and under Lasar's protective custody. After Advisor Hallosh helped save Morgan from the attack at the Nall's sex party, the Soul Match flares between them. But then it flares again when Morgan meets Rama, Lasar's warrior friend. But Morgan is scared, and it takes another vision that Chris has to make Morgan see, that there are worse things than being a third in a Soul Match bond. Time is running out, though, for both the human and Alasharian rebellion.

For me, the weakest of the three books so far, and I think it's mainly because of Morgan himself! He was so adamant that he would NOT match with Hallosh and Rama, and then BOOM, his opinion flipped on a penny and I felt it a bit much.

We do get some Chris and that vision the Shar Shar Ar graces Chris with. We get what's happening with the Nall and the Void.

And we are introduced to Graham in the most horrific way. His book is next.

So, not as good as book 2, but on a par with book one.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere*
Lies & Deception(Soldiers of Fury MC #1)
Lies & Deception(Soldiers of Fury MC #1)
Nic Starr | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

*insert sigh*

Gonna jump straight in here, and this review may well be on the short side!

For the most part, I DID enjoy this. Mostly.

And for the life of me, I cannot, I simply CAN'T figure out what didn't work, or why! And you KNOW how much that frustrates me!!

It's well told, from both Fin and Mitch's POV, in the third person. Perfect for me. It's a very well delivered tale.

I did see who was feeding the police their insider information very early on, I did NOT see who was helping him. I would have love to have been told how Mitch and Finn dealt with finding out each other's secrets, because we don't get that here and I wanted to know how that went down!

It's not overly explicit for a male/male book, but it does come with a contemporary tag. Just the right amount for this book. It does get rather detailed in the description of the violence dished out by Finn's older brother, Rocky. But then again, Rocky isn't the best example of big brother material!

It is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of this author. I'd like to read more. Maybe I just picked the wrong book to jump into Nic Starr's world!

A GOOD 3.5 stars, rounded down to 3 for the blog.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Sweet Possession (Nights Series #5)
Sweet Possession (Nights Series #5)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not liking Luke and Ash!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Nights series, and you should AT LEAST read book 4, Sweet Obsession before this one, this is a continuation of Ash and Luke's story.

I LOVED books one through three, but four and now five, have been a bit of a let down. Maybe I just don't like Luke and Ash, you know??

This has a little bit of a story, thrown in with some hot and steamy stuff, and a lot of Luke being a total twat of an idiot thinking about what he thinks Ash needs. And rather than talking to Ash, he runs. Much like Cam did when Gabe says those three little words.

I loved that Ash could make the famous Luke Rutherford lose his cool and totally let himself go and take from, and indeed GIVE to, Ash, what they both really need.

Loved that we get an appearance from Gabe and Cam, and Ethan and Joe.

I dunno WHY these two books didn't quite work for me, I really don't and you KNOW how much it pains me not being able to word the feelings!

BUT!! In book 3, I saw something going on between the two guys who own the company Gabe works for. THEIR story is next, and I cannot wait to read it!

So, I'm sorry, but...

3 stars (but please keep these coming!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Courting Light
Courting Light
A. Zukowski | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great for LGBT and young adult fans
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Josie volunteers to help at a summer camp for disabled children. But it's the camp leader, Sam, who draws Josie like a moth to a flame.

Something must have piqued my interest with this one because it came with a young adult tag and I said yes, I would read it. And I did like! Not love but I liked it.

Josie, by her own admission, only at camp to have something else on her CV other than school. Paired with Lucian, an autistic teenager, she learns a lot about herself and her life; and that of those around her.

The draw to Sam, the camp leader, is instant and powerful, and Sam fights it a long time before they finally give into each other.

At the end of camp, though, Josie is in for a surprise, as were we! And I did like the ending. From what Josie was saying, about what she thought in years to come, I really wasn't sure which way it was gonna go!

BUT only Josie has a say and ya'll know what I think about that! AND it IS young adult, very much so. What Josie does say, is well written and well delivered. I quite liked Josie!

It's a lovely, easy read, great for young adult fans, and for LGBT fans alike. Just maybe not one for me.

3 good solid stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tried and True
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Idaho Territory, 1866: The Civil War has ended, but the charade has not. Kylie Wilde and her sisters Shannon and Bailey lived as men throughout the War. And at their father's command, are now homesteading as men.

Tried & True is a gripping journey about forgiveness and finding true identity. Kylie's demanding Pa is sick with grief over the loss of his son and does not know how to take care of, or love his daughters for who they are. Powerful cattleman, Gage Coulter, would like nothing better than to reclaim Kylie's land as his own. Aaron Masterson is captivated by Kylie from the moment they meet. But Aaron wants to live a life in the mountains and Kylie longs for the civilization of the East. Attempts to scare her off her land by persons unknown, opens doors Kylie never dreamed of. Throughout her journey, her faith is tested and tried. But she stands strong and remains true to herself.

It was next to impossible for me to put this book down. I was transported to the mountains of Idaho in the height of the land rush every time I began to read. Feeling the fear, the love, the determination that Kylie felt. Very captivating. I am especially grateful to Mary Connealy for the way she is able to portray a Historical Fiction "Romance" very tastefully. I am excited to read the rest of the series!

As part of their blogger reviewer program, I received a free digital copy of this book from Bethany House.
Hearts Abroad (The Atlas Series #1)
Hearts Abroad (The Atlas Series #1)
Skye McNeil | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really rather cute!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Londyn takes a nanny job, while thinking what to do about her play writing. Since her 'boyfriend' stole the last play she wrote, she thinks she might give up. A summer out of town, looking after two little girls, might give her the clarity she needs. She just never expected to fall in love with the girls or their daddy. Callum is a museum curator and spends a lot of time away from his family. But the new nanny makes him see, really see, what that is doing to his girls. He just didn't see Londyn coming!

This was a really great, fun read. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

It's well told, with both Callum and Londyn having a say, in the third person. We get all of Londyn's stressing about her playwriting, and how much fun she wants the girls to have. We get all of Callum's fretting over his feelings for the nanny, and we get his dawning realisation that it might not just be infatuation.

I liked the marked differences between Londyn and Callum, it made me giggle in some places!

It's funny, it's witty, it's sexy and it's emotional. It has a little bit of everything! It's one of those books you just fall into, you know, and the book runs out before the afternoon does.

It's the first book I've read of Ms McNeil, and I look forward to reading more.

A very well deserved 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
His Temptation (Unexpected Love #1)
His Temptation (Unexpected Love #1)
Jaclyn Osborn | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good, but not one for me!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

*insert sigh*

I can't decide whether I actually liked this book, or not, and it's annoying me cos I can't figure out WHY!

The plot isn't a particularly original one, and you can see what's gonna happen coming at you like a freaking train wreck and you can't stop it. But I actually liked that, that I could see it all coming at me, for the most part, anyway.

Both guys have a say, in the first person. Each voice is very different, and clear, given their ages and upbringings. I liked that, again, for the most part. First person isn't my first choice of narrative though. However, I did feel more of a connection to Ryan, who is Cason's best friend and Emery's son, than to the two main characters!

It's hot and steamy in places, and sweet and funny and emotional in others. Everything comes across nicely, and is well written.

It just . . didn't float my boat! As to why? I can't pinpoint that fact and you all know how much that stresses me so, not being about to voice my book feelings!

Its GOOD, don't get me wrong, because it kept me engaged enough to finish, and trust me when I say, I would've dumped it if it hadn't. Just not one for me, I'm afraid.

3 good, but not brilliant, stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Murder on the Mountain (Marshall Brothers #1)
Murder on the Mountain (Marshall Brothers #1)
Carolyn LaRoche | 2020 | Mystery, Romance
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good, but not one for me!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I enjoyed this book.

It's well written, with both Adam and Emma having a say, in the third person. POV flips at random points though, and it got a bit confusing. There are some clear changes, it's just there are also some points its Emma in one paragraph and moves swiftly onto the next paragraph and its Adam.

It's CLEAN. Just some kissing. I struggled with the concept of a single kiss being the reason these two never really loved anyone else after 10 years. A Hig School kiss under the mistletoe. Just a bit odd to me, is all. Might make perfect sense to some, maybe I'm just too cynical.

There is violence, but dealing with a drug lord was never gonna be a picnic, now was it? It's not very graffic, it's just there and needed. But for the violence, I would have tagged this young adult. It's just a tad too much for that, but one scene less and it would be.

I liked this book, I did not love it. This is the first in a series of the brothers Marshall, 6 of them, I think Adam said at some point but I forget already. It is also the first of Ms LaRoche I've read. Will I read more? I will certainly try. I DID finish this book.

3 good solid stars, just not really one for me.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Snow One Like You (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc #9)
Snow One Like You (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc #9)
Ashe Winters | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted a copy of this book.

Oh yeah, I LOVED this book! So much!

Angelo and Spencer have a great deal of . . .not hatred cos that is too strong a word, but they really dislike each other, with a passion. And it's that passion that spills things over into something much more, something neither of them dreamed of.

So much passion, from these two, it burned the page! While what they say to themselves is hatred of the other, deep down, they both know that there is something more between them and getting stuck in a snow storm together is the time to let it all out, and just FEEL, you know?? So much the feels!

I loved the speed at which these guys fell, once they admitted to themselves at least what they were actually feeling. Usually I don't but the whole book (bar the epilogue) takes place over a few days, some 125 pages, so for it to work, it has to be fast. I loved that they were all in.

Both guys have a say, in the first person, so we get it all from them both. How much Spencer riles Angelo up. How much Spencer gets a kick out of calling him Angel. How much what they both want from the other means to them. LOVED these guys, I really did!

Can't see that I've read anything else by this author, and now I want more!

5 stars

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