Jess Palin (52 KP) rated Fog of Love in Tabletop Games
Feb 4, 2020
Some reviewers advise against playing this with a spouse, but happily our marriage has (so far) been able to withstand playing Fog of Love.

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Cyn Armistead (14 KP) rated First Drop of Crimson (Night Huntress World, #1) in Books
Feb 23, 2018
Given, I was never terribly attached to Cat or Bones, and apparently some fans were. I would advise them to write fan fiction or roleplay or do whatever it is that other obsessive fans do when their favorite authors stop writing about their favorite characters rather than writing negative reviews of Frost's newer fiction because they want it to be more like her older books. (<b>Please</b> note that I have absolutely no idea what Frost's position on such things is, and would strongly recommend querying her or her authorized representative on the matter before acting. Some authors are fine with fanfic/RPing, and some are rabidly against both. I can think of examples who go to extremes each way.)
While Denise never made a big impression on me while reading the NH books, it is nice to find out what happened to her after her husband was slaughtered and her life was screwed up so badly. While minor characters are often affected in Very Bad Ways during the course of paranormal romance novels, we seldom see them getting any kind of compensation. And who could possibly compensate anyone for the loss of a loved one, anyway?
That said, this is not a fantasy novel. Sometimes I waver on how a "paranormal romance" novel should be classified, but that isn't the case here. This is a romance with urban fantasy features tossed in. There's a damsel in distress saved by a hero. There's an obstacle to be overcome before they can be together, blah blah blah. The whole formula is there.
It doesn't suck terribly, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already like the setting to some extent. If you truly hate the romance formula, don't bother with this one.

Paul Kellett (118 KP) rated Shadows of Malice in Tabletop Games
May 8, 2019
Instead, you get plain cards with simple line art and either just an icon/dice modifier or a short line of text explaining the effect. These cards are items of armour, weapons or other loot, potions, skill masteries, fate effects or abilities. A selection of these make up your character. Again, there are no defined heroes, you can be whatever you fancy being.
When you encounter a monster you roll 3d6 against a chart which will define the creature's species and its strength. Creature types are things like "Avian" and "Reptilian" so you can imagine fighting a dinosaur, a giant eagle or whatever fantastic creature you desire.
This makes the game a great framework to roleplay in. You are never stuck encountering the same things again and again. On the minus side, if you don't have a good imagination, it boils down to just rolling dice and beating target numbers. If you want a game to give you a story to follow, SoM is not that game.
The rules are good, if a little heavy but after a game or two it should soon click and it's mostly straight forward. The designer has recently just uploaded a revised rulebook to BGG which streamlines a number of things.
SoM comes with 4 large landscape hex tiles plus a shadow realm tile and you can choose any number of tiles to arrange in any position around the shadow realm tile. Each tile is divided into a number of smaller hexes with varying terrain and locations printed on them. This is the world you will be exploring and, despite being tiny compared to other game boards, each tile adds about an hour to the play time.
Gameplay involves exploring the land fighting creatures, gaining loot, visiting cities to trade goods or mystic seers to buy potions while searching for the special light wells that you must take control of.
In between player turns, the shadows act. They begin confined to the shadow realm but as the rounds progress, barriers fall and the shadows are more likely to find a way out to manifest in the land. Once there they start searching for the light wells and it's game over if they get to them first .
This makes for a tense cat and mouse with your heroes racing to either get to a well or intercept the demons on route.

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blueirisfox (125 KP) rated the PC version of Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition in Video Games
Feb 16, 2020 (Updated Feb 16, 2020)
But still, against all odds, I found this amazing world and community and I am just so in love with it.
I've been playing this game since around June/July of 2019, and only actually bought the full version the following Christmas, so I still consider myself to be a newbie. I'll try my best to review the content that I've played, as well as the content I've seen others play.
Before I say anything else, I feel that I need to get this across. If you are completely new to this game, don't spend any money on it yet! There is a free trial that DOESN'T HAVE A TIME LIMIT and is FREE. If you actually buy the game, you will have to start paying for the online subscription after the first 30 days free are used up. You will be saving a lot of money by just playing up to the level cap of the free trial at your own pace. The level caps at 35, which sounds like it's not that high, but this applies to ALL CLASSES and not just one - so you can multiclass and level them all up to 35. Also, this will let you experience the game without much sacrifice and give you the opportunity to see if you actually like this game, or if it's not for you.
When you do come around to buying it, I would recommend getting the compete edition. It works out a lot cheaper since it comes with everything. So if you're not sure which one to get, then this is the best one. However, a cool thing about this game - and the greatest cause of confusion among new players - is that buying the newest expansion will also give you all the old ones too, BUT this will only be playable if you have the base game first. And it is for this reason that it ends up cheaper to get the complete edition, since the Shadowbringers expansion alone is about £40.
Now, onto the review...
I have heard this game be compared to World of Warcraft (WoW) many times before. I've never played WoW, but I'm sure that this gives a bit of a better idea of what kind of game this is.
There are different Data Centers and Servers you can play on, and simply hopping from one to another can give the game a completely different feel. When I started out on Omega, it felt like a quiet and cozy little community of players. I know now that this server is a roleplay (rp) oriented server, but I could have easily jumped onto a more player-vs-player (pvp) oriented one, or a busier and more hectic server. So I guess that it was pure luck that I picked a server that matched my slow and cosy play style. I'm pretty sure that there is a reddit post that explains what the different servers are like, although this is likely to change with time as certain servers grow.
Onto Character creation. Oh how I love my character creation. I am proud to say that I have spent many hours in this part of the game alone, which is the main reason why I have so many playable characters scattered on different servers. I do have some criticisms for this one, but by the same note I have a lot of love for it.
So first of all, there are a total of 8 playable races: The Hyur (humans), the Elezen (elves), the Lalafell (midgets), the Miqo'te (cat people that look like ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew), Roegadyn (buff giants), Au Ra (part dragon? They have cool horns), Hrothgar (Actual cat people, like the guy from FFX), and finally Viera (the bunny girl).
Phew! Got all their names out. Now I can critique.
So first of all, I feel that I should mention that only the first five races are available in the free trial and base game. The other three races are unlocked through buying the expansions (Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers) although I'm not entirely sure which ones specifically since I bought the complete edition.
My biggest beef with the races as of writing this review, is that Hrothgar and Viera are gender locked. Hrothgar's are locked to males, and the Viera are locked to females. These races are the newest to be added, so there is still a chance of introducing the other genders - which isn't as unlikely as you may think, since the FFXIV team listen to the community a lot, and fix/introduce many features wanted by the community.
Furthermore, these two races are a bit limited in their customisation. The Hrothgar have the problem of the hairstyles being locked to face types (which there are only 4 or 5 of), and unlike every other race, they have to buy a fantasia to make changes to the hairstyle. Fantasia are used to change your character's look, from race to gender, to smaller features like eye and skin colour - they are intended to change permanent features, which is why it's a bit unfair to Hrothgar players looking for a new look that could normally be achieved through the Aesthetician (stylist) - I'm pretty sure i spelled that wrong 😅
Then there is the Viera. Don't get me wrong, I love this race - I'm currently playing one myself. But I can't help but be sad over the lack of compatible hairstyles and head gear. I didn't mention this before, but you can aquire new hairstyles through certain areas of gameplay. When I was playing a Hyur (human), I could fully enjoy these hairstyles without a problem. But when I tried it on the Viera, it just didn't work at all. And if that wasn't bad enough, my character can't wear a lot of the hats in the game, which is just infuriating to me since I really love the glamour system and making cool looking characters.
Those were my biggest peeves with the game, and now they are out of the way.
I'll keep the rest brief, since this is quite a long review already.
The housing system looks really cool, with a lot of different housing items that can be used. I've seen some really epic houses so far. Housing and furnishings are really expensive, so this is more of a long term goal. Saying that, the cheaper alternative is apartments, although you lose out on a garden (unless you make an indoor one - and I'm not sure how functional it would be since I can't afford housing), as well as loosing basements I'd imagine.
The rest is in comments because it didn't fit..