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Awix (3310 KP) rated Tiptoes (2003) in Movies

May 13, 2021  
Tiptoes (2003)
Tiptoes (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Drama
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It's a bit difficult to know where to start with a movie like Tiptoes, where an arguably unpromising idea is coupled to at least one deeply suspect creative decision. Basically, this is a look at what it means to be a short person, or the parents of one, in the modern world, realised through a peculiar rom-com plot about twin brothers (one of whom is a short person) getting involved with the same girl. If you think this sounds odd, there is a ten-year age-gap between the twin brothers, and the short one is played by Gary Oldman through the wonders of him kneeling down on his shoes. (Oldman has said playing a short person was 'a stretch', which is an interesting choice of words.) Meanwhile, a subplot concerns a French Marxist biker short person played by Peter Dinklage.

It may all be very well-intentioned and motivated by genuine sympathy for the short person community, but the sight of Oldman kneeling down behind various low objects or embedded in a sofa with fake short legs attached to it disastrously sabotages the film. That said, even if they'd opted for more height-appropriate casting, I suspect the contrived melodrama of the movie would still be difficult to take seriously. A deeply bizarre film, and perhaps deservedly obscure.
Last Christmas (2019)
Last Christmas (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
I guess I’m not exactly the target audience for a Christmas rom-com, but I don’t usually mind them. Providing the leads have believable chemistry, there’s a good story behind it all, a few laughs and something that gives you that Christmas feel good feeling, I’m happy to watch them. Sadly though, for the most part, Last Christmas struggles to tick most of those boxes.

Emilia Clarke stars as Kate (short for Katerina, her original Yugoslav name), a 26 year old who’s struggling at life right now. Her nights are filled with one-night stands and sleeping over at friends houses, dragging her suitcase behind her the next morning as she either heads to work in a Covent Garden Christmas shop or off to an audition for a West end show. She’s also currently ignoring calls from her mum (Emma Thomson), disappointing her boss (Michelle Yeoh) and coming across as selfish and not really very likeable. It’s safe to say, she’s lost her way - “Why is my life so shit?!” she exclaims after yet another disaster happens.

And then one day, Kate notices a man gazing up at a bird outside the Christmas shop and goes outside to see what he’s doing. His name is Tom (Henry Golding) and he’s handsome and charming (but a bit wooden) and despite them turning out to have zero chemistry together, they strike up a relationship - because, y’know, this is a rom-com after all. Tom takes Kate on spontaneous walks down alleyways and into nearby pocket parks, making her look up regularly so that she can appreciate the world around her. He rides a bike everywhere, doesn’t have a mobile phone and disappears for days on end. Yet his presence and friendship appear to have a positive effect on Kate, who begins to start turning her life around.

The first half of the movie is just terrible. Badly written dialogue and characters in an attempt to try and recapture some kind of Love Actually spirit, but just failing. It even tries to cram in some Brexit references and a little bit of racism to highlight the plight of immigrants. Written by Emma Thomson and directed by Paul Feig, Last Christmas is said to be inspired by the music of George Michael although, aside from its namesake, not very much of it actually ends up featuring much in the movie.

If you’ve seen the trailer, then you may well have figured out the twist that comes towards the end of the movie. If not, then you’ll probably work it out pretty early on anyway. However, I’d be lying if I said that Last Christmas didn’t manage to hit me emotionally when the time came. It also managed to invoke some warm Christmas feels and spirit too, so not quite the complete disaster it started out as.

Lenard (726 KP) rated Tolkien (2019) in Movies

May 19, 2019  
Tolkien (2019)
Tolkien (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Tolkien is a biopic of author/professor JRR Tolkien, the writer of The Hobbit and other fantasy novels. The only reason it was greenlit was to ensnare fans of the LOTR. The film opens with Ronald in the trenches of Belgium during WWI suffering from trench fever. He is overcome with a need to find his friend who he learns is nearby and in dire trouble. We then flashback to his country childhood home located in a village reminiscent of The Shire from his novels. His father has died and left the family with little hope of survival. The church has found a new home for the Tolkiens in Lake-town, I mean Birmingham. Soon, his mother is dead, Ronald and his brother become wards of the Catholic Church and are moved into the home of elderly woman who already cares for a young female pianist. Tolkien earns scholarship to a local private school where he accidentally becomes friends with other artistically inclined young men. One of whom, the poet, is secretly in love with Tolkien. Thus, with a kiss, I die in the trenches of Belgium fron poison gas. The whole film spends so much time finding connections to his famous novels, it never really gets to know the writer himself. Plus, Nicholas Hoult does not help much playing the writer like a Hugh Grant rom-com character. He even does the squinting quirk multiple times to romance his boarding house companion.
Kiss the Girl (The Naughty Princess Club, #3)
Kiss the Girl (The Naughty Princess Club, #3)
Tara Sivec | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I laughed, I cried and didn't want it to end... Highly recommended!!
Had no idea this was the last title in this series and I guarantee it made no difference as I flew right through! A one sitting read for me - loved this book and so needed this hysterical Rom-Com in my life right now! A light-hearted romance that made me laugh from beginning to end.

Ariel, like many women, is struggling to find her strength again after being broken down bit by bit by her condescending ex-husband. Never feeling good enough, she has sworn off men and relationships for good. Concentrating on getting her and her best friend's new business going, she has no time for a guy like Eric.

Eric, the rich-kid with a heart of gold, in the sweetest most subtle ways possible, finds his way into her heart. He's willing to let Ariel be Ariel while providing just what she needs - a true partner. When she is at her absolute lowest, he steps in and helps her build herself back up. Helped her find her own confidence again and making her see her own beauty, strength, and voice again. And of course, the fact that he can throw down the wisecracks as quick as she can, make these two just too cute for words. I laughed, I cried and didn't want it to end... Highly recommended!!
Just the Way You Are is more than just a good book. It is a modern day fairytale filled with redemption and grace that will capture your heart from the first moment. Within the pages of this book you will find real people, with real life issues. This story will sweep you off your feet and drag you into a world that is every nerd girl's fantasy and you will soon find yourself consumed with researching history, "treasure" hunting, chocolate, British accents, Appalachia, AND.........Kisses.

Chocolate kisses, closet kisses, abandoned tower kisses, leave you senseless kisses...This book is PACKED with such romance that you may need to take precautionary actions to prevent injury from fainting! (such as a fainting couch, fan, smelling salts, etc.)

Don't let the passion fool you though. Pepper writes such sweet, unadulterated romance coupled with complete and total redemption. It blows my mind every single time I read one of her books. Just the Way You Are is the first contemporary novel I have read of Pepper's, and this easily makes it to the top of my favorite Rom Com stories EVER. I wish to see this in movie form so badly! "Ghirardelli in human form"...yes please! Haha!
The adventure, the romance, the grace...all woven together creates a beautiful masterpiece.
I received a complimentary copy of Just the Way You Are. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez
The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez
Philip Carlo | 2016 | Biography
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Listen. This book is all sorts of fricken wild. It is intense, grueling, disturbing, intriguing, page-turning, heart-wrenching, want to put down but can't, all of the things. For the longest time, I read the first 23 pages where 3 people were killed, and I didn't want to read it anymore. It was so in detail, it felt like I was watching it happen in my brain and it made me so uncomfortable. And I'm not a squeamish person. I stopped being scared of murder and rape and brutal crimes such as Richard Ramirez's so many years ago, and this book shook me like nothing else has. It was everything I said it was and more. Shocking. Inconceivable. Jaw-dropping.

There is so much to comprehend when reading this book and still you end up with so many questions. Unfortunately, the author, Philip Carlo, died in 2010 from ALS. While Richard Ramirez died in 2013 from lymphoma. I wish Carlo was still alive so answer questions, I wish he would've been alive to see Richard to the end of his days. I wonder what the 20th-anniversary edition would've looked like. I am definitely going to pick up some of his other works, but I definitely need a good fiction, rom-com, comedy, something else, to get my head out of Richard Ramirez and back to the world of not so terrifying.

I would recommend this book if you think you can stomach it. It is not for the weak-hearted, that's for sure.
The Bounty Hunter (2010)
The Bounty Hunter (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Romance
6.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jennifer Aniston is the queen of the rom-com no one would disagree with that. But she is running the risk (if not already) of becoming so type cast we wonder if she’ll ever be able to leave the genre again. It’s not all bad, but one can sometimes have too much of a good thing.

In The Bounty Hunter she is paired along side heart throb Gerard Butler who is no stranger to the more sensitive side of his persona having ventured into romance with Hilary Swank in P.S. I Love You. (a better film I would say).

It’s a fun filled plot and for sheer entertainment value its good, but the storyline is weak using Aniston’s reporter to scrape together a story surrounding a mysterious suicide while at the same time avoiding her bounty hunting ex husband (Butler) is clutching at comedy straws.

The on screen chemistry between the pair is one of the few positive things to come out of the film, both look like they enjoyed each other both played well off each other. The problem is that from the off you know exactly what the ending is going to be and how the pair will reach the conclusion by way of slightly un funny dialogue and poorly executed action.

Director Andy Turner brings us nothing that we haven’t already seen, and nothing unique that we would have like to have seen. If you’re an Aniston fan then it might be worth the run time, but it certainly doesn’t warrant a place at the top of any list.