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Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Tender in Books

Feb 15, 2018  
Shai Amit | 2013
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tender by Shai Amit (#promotion) This book looks like it a story about a young boy. This young boy goes on a journey of his life. We see how deals with his growing up. We also see how he deals with all kinds of emotions from death, to finding his love of this life. We get in an depth of how you can destroy your own spirit. We get to learn and get try and get understanding. We also see his success and many crashes. He learn even what love is like or is and though friendships. You could be looking and end up emptying your spirit of that love. You really can not say it based on one thing. It goes about this with giving you different way as it could be about yourself.  The rating I would give this is a 4.5 moons. The reason for this is that I really did not get what most of it was about except that it might be a romance. I do know it a little more about trying to understand himself and what love is about. Well that's want I think if about. You can destroy yourself be giving all the time and not know if it really love that doing the drive or if it sex driven drive. This book I would suggest only be for Adults that are 18 and up. There a few words in here that are not for young adults. These words are a bit sexual. I have parents be advised and I will let you decide for your Teenagers if this book is appropriate. To me I advise for this to be for Adults ages from 17 and up.

Dana (24 KP) rated The Scorpio Races in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Scorpio Races
The Scorpio Races
Maggie Stiefvater | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had a really cool concept. I was sent this book by the publisher (though I am still not sure why, but I will take it because I love books) and I decided to read it sooner rather than later. I was not disappointed.

I love Maggie Stiefvater's works. The writing is always so magical and beautiful and I just can't get enough of it! After reading all of the Raven Boys books last year, I wanted something else of hers to read, and this came up into my hands like a magical fairy.

Okay, that was kinda weird, but oh well.

Now, onto the plot! I loved the whole concept of these magical sea horses and people trying to tame, train, and race them. I loved the killer aspect of it, it added so much tension and drama to the book. Though it did get a bit slow at parts, I think those slow parts added to the heightened emotions of the quicker movements in the plot. This book, honestly, made me want to go horseback riding on some beach and run off into the sunset with a beautiful boy who loves dangerous horses.

The characters were super cool! I loved how different everyone was and how we did not know all of the hidden motivations for every one of them. It was a nice treat to have the romance in there, but I liked that it was not at the forefront of the novel. This was about a girl and a boy who were both doing all they could to get what they needed to survive.

Overall, I really liked this book and, although I know it is a standalone, I could totally go for another book set in this world.
Walking Dead (Walker Papers, #4)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've enjoyed the other Walker Papers novels, but <i>Walking Dead</i> definitely showed more depth and maturity than the earlier volumes. Both the author and her lead character have grown very nicely. It's refreshing to read a series that does not fall into the all-too-familiar paranormal romance formula!

Another thing I enjoy about this series is that heroine Joanne has a supporting ensemble of friends and coworkers who have their own talents and foibles, including a delightful married couple, a sexy father figure (who isn't related to anyone we've met so far), and an even sexier boss. This time around we were treated to the return of a character Joanne rescued in an earlier volume who has grown into some of her own ass-kicking abilities.

Joanne is far from perfect, but she doesn't make the same mistakes over and over again, which is a pet peeve of mine and occurs all too often in some other authors works. (There's consistency, and then there's refusing to learn from mistakes to the extent that I have to believe that a character is too stupid to live.)

There is a thread that ties all of the Walker Papers together, but C.E. Murphy is keeping things fresh enough that I, at least, am not getting bored. I would, however, caution that this is a series that is best read completely and in order. I began reading one of the novels without realizing that there had been a novella published between it and the previous one, and found myself well and truly confused. Walking Dead definitely is not a good starting point for the series! While a new reader wouldn't necessarily be completely lost, she would miss far too much of the magic.
Hunt the Moon (Cassandra Palmer, #5)
Karen Chance | 2011 | Paranormal, Romance
Chance must have thought readers were bored with the Cassandra/Mircea match, because much of this book is spent with Cassie falling for Pritkin without really being aware that she's getting into dangerous territory.

Palmer isn't one of my favorite characters. She isn't an ass-kicker, but she's probably somewhat more realistic than most paranormal heroines for that fact. She's coming into her own by standing up to Mircea more in this volume, but she does it in childish ways. I find her annoying partially because I'd hate to try protecting her from herself, much less anyone else.

I don't honestly understand why Mircea and Pritkin are attracted to her, either, but part of the romance formula is the heroine has to be irresistible to at least one, preferably more than one man. I do find Mircea and Pritkin interesting (they just have bad taste in women), so they and the plots hold my interest.

To be fair, Cassie seems to be growing up a little bit. Not entirely, but she's growing a little. She does vehemently claim to care about whether or not other people get hurt trying to protect her.

This book also serves as backstory time for Mircea and Pritkin, as we learn a lot more about their pasts. Things drag a bit while they relate their stories, and in fact there seems to be little point in what we hear from Mircea (readers of the series already know a lot about his family and history).

Altogether, I wouldn't have read it if I weren't already so far into the series. I do wish Chance would switch focus to another character. (I'm aware of the Dorina Basarab series set in the same universe, and consider them to be better books in general). I suppose that's unlikely, seeing as it's the Cassandra Palmer series.
Imaginary Things
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review***

Normally, books categorized as women’s fiction aren’t my favorites. The premise for this one sounded so intriguing though, that I wanted to give it a try as soon as I’d read the description. After losing her job in Milwaukee, Anna Jennings and her four-year old son, David, return to her grandparents home in the rural Wisconsin town of Salsburg to make a new start. As they settle into their new home, Anna is surprised and startled to find that she can actually see David’s imaginary friends, two dinosaurs that follow him almost everywhere and act as his playmates and protectors. Her grandparents’ neighbor, Jamie Presswood, who used to play with Anna when she would visit as a child, has also returned to Salsburg to care for his ailing mother. While Jamie seems intent on keeping his distance at first, the two eventual manage to resume their friendship, and start something more. Not sure if she is going crazy or if what she can see is really her son’s imagination, Anna struggles with her fear of not being a good enough mother to David, and of not being good enough to be loved again after her failed relationship with David’s father.

This story was magical, suspenseful, and heartwarming. Ms. Lochen has done a wonderful job of inserting fantastical things into mundane situations in a way that makes you feel that they utterly belong. The characters were so real, that I almost felt as thought I knew each of them personally by the end of the story. Anyone who is a fan of women’s fiction or sweet romance novels, or has ever tried to raise a child will love this book.
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
Tessa McFionn | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1) by Tessa McFionn
To Discover a Divine is the first book in the Rise of the Stria series, and we start this series with a bang. Evainne has ended up on a prison barge in the middle of outer space when all she did was walk out of her front door. She is rescued by an 'alien' who helps her as much as he can. Evainne is different to the females Khalym knows, as she is blunt to the point of being tactless. However, the sparks are there between the two of them. Now if they can only figure out just what Evainne was wanted for, and how they keep being found, it should all be good.

This is a fast-paced science fiction romance, with plenty of action and adventure too. Evainne handles all the information remarkably well, but it is written in a way that explains that, rather than just trying to sweep it under the carpet. Khalym is a hero who thinks he is broken as he has been rejected for most of his life. Together, I can see these two having an amazing time, and it has definitely given me a taste for more in this series.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this story kept me engrossed from beginning to end. It does have a HFN ending, with a sort of cliffhanger, but all that has done is leave me wanting MORE right NOW! Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Annie&#039;s Recipe
Annie's Recipe
Lisa Jones Baker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Annie’s Recipe by Lisa Jones Baker is the second book in the Hope Chest of Dreams series. Annie Mast and Levi Miller were childhood best friends. Then one day Levi was gone. Levi’s father, John, had broken the rules of the Ordnung and was shunned. John quickly packed up his family and moved away. Ten years later, Annie is at the wedding of Katie and Jeremiah when she notices an Englischer in the crowd. Upon closer inspection, she notices that it is Levi. They agree to meet at their special place at Pebble Creek. When they meet, it is like they have never been apart. Over the next few days, the two meet whenever Annie can get away. Levi wants to spend the rest of his life with Annie, but, there is a big obstacle in the way of their happiness. Levi does not feel he can return to Arthur, Illinois and live. He feels he will always be known as the son of the shunned man. Levi knows that Annie would not be happy in the Englisch world and asks if she would be willing to compromise. Annie’s heart, though, is in the Amish world where she grew up. Annie believes that God can work miracles and, if she is meant to be with Levi, God will find a way.

Annie’s Recipe is nicely written and is easy to read. The book reminds me of a sappy romance novel with Christian faith and theology tossed in. Annie’s journal entries remind me of those written by a lovesick teenager. Annie’s sponge cakes are mentioned frequently throughout the book.

I received an advanced reader's copy from Kensington Books and Zebra via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Coming Up For Air
Coming Up For Air
Miranda Kenneally | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Coming Up for Air by Miranda Kenneally is a fantastic book in the Hundred Oaks series. This is the 5th book I've read in the series. I love getting lost in the sporty world that Miranda Kenneally has created. I love that each book features a different girl with a different sport.

In Coming Up for Air the main character is Maggie. Maggie is a devoted swimmer. Swimming is her entire life, she is passionate about it. Maggie hopes that one day she'll get into the Olympics. Swimming is not something that is forced rather it is something she loves.

Coming Up for Air is light, funny and cute. Maggie has four great friends, who all have sports that they love more than life itself. Levi is her best friend, and he swims with her. They are great characters, and have a great romance. They are best friends first. They don't let anything come in the way of their friendship; however, when Maggie feels she needs experience in certain areas before she heads off to college, Levi is the one person she feels most comfortable asking for help.

Maggie wanting experience before going to college causes their relationship to go through a period of being a awkward and emotional. Eventually they both begin to see the other in a new way, and to start feeling emotions. The new direction of the friendship does not feel forced; but, rather natural. The strong bond between Maggie and Levi and their friendship was more important than anything else, and that was the one thing they wanted to save.

This book was such a worthy edition to the Hundred Oaks series. I also loved that Jordan Woods got a bigger speaking role as Maggie’s school coach.
King Kong Lives (1986)
King Kong Lives (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror
4.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ape Sh*t
Inexplicably boring and frankly quite weird attempt to cash in on the Kong name: having survived being machine gunned off the top of the Twin Towers and falling five hundred metres onto concrete (and thus proving that some gorillas just can't take a hint), Kong is in a coma being looked after by Linda Hamilton, who should have read the script before signing on. A no-mark leading man is able to hunt up a female giant gorilla to help out with a blood transfusion, but when the two apes get it on and escape, there's panic all round.

History has seen many overly optimistic monster movies, but few quite as out-of-touch with reality as King Kong Lives. It's not just that the story is preposterous (it is), or that the special effects are terrible (they are), but that one of main emotional relationships at the heart of the story is realised through the medium of two stuntmen in not-great gorilla suits nuzzling up to each other in simulation of simian romance. Your mind rebels when it is exposed to this stuff. 'No,' comes the interior monologue, 'no. Even the big bird in The Giant Claw was more convincing than this. I object. I am on strike from this point on.' With your suspension of disbelief in full revolt, you are forced to watch the rest of the movie simply in 'how much worse can this possibly get?' mode. And the answer is: considerably. To be honest it's only the sheer badness of the movie that keeps it interesting; anything remotely competent is also rather dull. I don't think the 1976 version of King Kong is nearly as bad as most people say; it certainly looks like a classic compared to this.
Wicked River: a novel
Wicked River: a novel
Jenny Milchman | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A true fight for survival...
My, oh my! What a breathtaking, multifaceted joyride of a novel! Containing elements of the horror, action, mystery, psychological suspense, adventure, coming-of-age, and even romance genres, Jenny Milchman’s latest novel Wicked River is a true genre-blending powerhouse.

The story is told from the point of view of three different individuals: the newlywed Natalie, her ambitious niece Mia, and a primitive outdoorsman named Kurt. Natalie and her husband, Doug, experience a honeymoon from hell when their exciting backcountry trek through the beautiful, vast Adirondack Park in New York morphs into a sinister fight for survival. When her aunt Natalie and new uncle Doug are gone longer than expected, Mia notices right away and suspects something is amiss. She’s young, but she’s got good instincts because her aunt and uncle are indeed in grave danger – they face the triple threat of being lost in the treacherous wilderness, running out of food and water, and being hunted by the madman named Kurt who lives amongst the woods. Blood is shed, allegiances are tested, and the body count is on the rise as multiple missing persons investigations and an epic search and rescue operation are launched.

There is a little something for everyone in Wicked River. I loved everything about it. Jenny Milchman has a knack for using the right metaphor at the right time to create such vivid imagery it feels as if the reader is alongside the characters in the picturesque yet hazardous Adirondack region. This is the first novel I’ve read by her, but she is now on my radar and I will have to catch up on her other works as well as keep a lookout for upcoming projects.