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Then There Was You
Kara Isaac | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Then There Was You is a story filled with heartache, regret, pain, broken dreams...and the journey that Paige and Josh must traverse to gain the healing they need in order to move on with their lives.

There is a love triangle-squareish thing going on. But tastefully done and did not make me uncomfortable or annoyed. It felt very real and a situation that is very believable. Being set in Australia and jumping back and forth from an American perspective and an Australian's it really helped the perspective of how differently cultures can be even if they speak the same language. I LOVED it! I adore learning about different cultures...Even if I was disappointed to learn a thing or two about Koalas that weren't all that great. And drop bears! Y'all better watch out for those if you ever visit the land down under!

This story depicts the amazing hand of God at work in our lives. Sometimes, the things He has for us are even greater than we ever thought possible. Even if we can't see how it could ever work out.

Both Paige and Josh let preconceived ideas influence their opinions of each other. Only through trust and removing the walls they have placed around themselves will they be able to see the truth. But when that trust is tested will everything they have built be for naught?

A touching and moving romance infused with the healing that only God can provide. Travel Down Under with Paige McAllister for the adventure of a lifetime.

I received a complimentary copy of Then There Was You from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Now and Forever (Wild at Heart, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance and suspense in the mountains of Idaho Territory, 1866.

Shannon Wilde, the middle sister, has a soft spot for animals. She cares for her flock of sheep on her homestead. When her life takes a dramatic turn off of a cliff with Matthew Tucker, she finds herself married to the rugged mountain man. Shannon is a strong independent woman who is not used to being protected by a man. But as attacks begin to try and drive her off her land, maybe she needs that protection after all. The attacker picked the wrong family to mess with, Tucker's fury is not something to trifle with. But will he be able to protect the wife that he is falling in love with? Will her past drive a wedge between them? Find out on another adventure with the Wilde family!

Mary Connealy is quickly becoming one of my favorite western authors. Her romantic comedy has a side of action and terror, which makes her books well balanced. Now & Forever is not for squeamish stomachs however. I found myself grimacing as I read through a couple of the scenes. I was hooked from the start though, and I couldn't put it down through all of the action and suspense. It really felt like Criminal Minds meets the Old West as they try to find out who is behind the attacks. I enjoyed watching as Shannon and Tucker's relationship developed, turning into love and respect for one another. After experiencing unbelievable horrors in he Civil War, Shannon's faith is on shaky ground. Tucker helps her through her journey of reestablishing that faith in God. Even with their challenging upbringings and pasts, they learn to work through their differences, becoming a team that is inseparable.

I received a free copy of Now & Forever from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
Danger and romance lie deep in the heart of Thornbeck Forest. Where a poacher's only desire is to feed the poor. The forester determined to catch the poacher. And a margrave who holds the future of all in his hands.

"Because love was the best reason of all!"

Odette Menkels has a burning desire to help the orphans of Thornbeck. And the forest at her doorstep has an abundance of wild game. The only problem is that the game belongs to the king. Nevertheless, Odette braves the wrath of the margrave who is responsible for the Thornbeck forest. Every night she disguises herself, hunts the deer and feeds the poor. Her life is changed in an instant when she meets Jorgen Hartman, the forester, at the Midsummer festival. Jorgen has found evidence of a poacher and would like nothing better than to bring this poacher to justice. What will he do if he finds out that Odette is the poacher? Will Odette have everything stripped from her? There will be many confessions and consequences, but not all are bad...and some may even surprise you!

This is the first book I have read by Melanie Dickerson, but it won't be the last! I already have The Golden Braid on my list to read by the end of the year. I believe that writing medieval fairy tales for adults was a stroke of genius! The thrill of the chase. The excitement of the hunt. Balls and finery, sorrow and hunger, the desire to do good and the consequences of the laws of the land. The tragic circumstances of the day were portrayed very well. Life in 1363 was rough! But we are reminded that the bonds of love and family are not to be trifled with. Enter the forest of Thornbeck and be whisked through an incredible journey.
Roseanna's books continue to completely blow my mind! Filled with so much heart-wrenching, heart-stopping, heart-melting events that it literally takes DAYS to recover. My poor heart can't handle any more at the moment. That being said...YOU NEED TO READ THIS SERIES!!! (Start with Book One, A Name Unknown) Set during the beginning of World War I we see a different side of the war than what we may be used to. The Belgium Orchestra Relief Fund...Based in Wales. So.Much.Music! I LOVE it!!!

One of the aspects of this story that struck me in the heart, is the fact that God KNOWS us. And He will speak to us in a unique and individual way that will grip our heart and MEAN SOMETHING to us. For me personally, God uses books, songs, art, and dance...pretty much anything in the 'arts' speak life and truth into my life. For will have to wait and see.

Lukas and Willa create the perfect romantic tension and reminds us that no one is beyond saving. I absolutely adore Margot (Lukas's sister) and am so glad that we also get to see this story from her perspective in Brussels. Her brilliant mind and unique gift for "puzzles" adds a whole different layer to the story. It just goes to show, that when God has given us a gift, there are numerous ways that we can use it to help others and glorify Him.

If you love romance, mystery, history, and have a soft spot for music...You will fall in love with Lukas, Margot, and Willa and her "family" in a heartbeat.

I received a complimentary copy of A Song Unheard from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
When Tides Turn (Waves of Freedom, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every book in this series has been spectacular! Full of intrigue and drama, faith and freedom, handsome officers and daring heroines, and not to mention bursting with history! I have learned so much about the war of the Atlantic during World War II through these books. Not only does Sarah include REAL events and REAL people in these books, it inspires me to do research of my own. To delve into the facts and history that inspired these stories.

As the Waves of Freedom series comes to a close, Tess and Dan completely steal the show with their strained relationship and beautiful, er, practical? romance. Tess is full of life, color, and longs to be seen for who she is beneath the pretty face. Dan, has a one track mind focused on his career...That is, until his heart cries out for something more. Both Tess and Dan must learn to trust God to guide their paths, to find who they are in Him, individually. Once they surrender to God's plan, it is amazing to watch the events unfold.

While the books in this series can stand alone, you will want to begin with book one to enjoy and appreciate the full effect of the storyline. Plus, they are simply amazing books. All three have made it on my top reads list!

Get ready for one last amazing ride in the Waves of Freedom Series. And do not despair...For Sarah has a new WWII series she is working on titled, Sunrise at Normandy. The first book, The Sea Before us will be released Spring 2018.

I received a complimentary copy of When Tides Turn from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was so much fun to read! Quirky and full of romance. I found myself grinning throughout most of the book, as well as giggling quite frequently. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of ups and downs to keep your eyes glued to the page. Alongside the light wit and humour you will find truth and Godly wisdom. Joy has infused this story with so many real emotions that hit pretty close to home. Trust is one of the main themes of this book. Trust in God and not in man. Trust that He will guide our paths and that He has the best plan laid out for us, even if we can't see the end result. Forgiveness is another thread that you can find throughout the book. Forgiving those that have hurt us deeply can be hard. But, if we forgive and let go, place our trust in God to heal us, the result is more beautiful than we could imagine. Written in first and third person with the two main characters, I found it easy to follow along and to feel like I was inside Izze's mind. I love the dynamics between Izze and Miles. Personally, I feel like I am a pretty good mash up of their characters! A bookish person who is a bit (ok a lot) of a nerd with a healthy dose of sarcasm. I can't wait for you to meet them for yourself. I am relatively new to contemporary fiction, but I would highly recommend Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations.
I received a free copy of Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Normal People in Books

Jan 9, 2019 (Updated Jan 9, 2019)  
Normal People
Normal People
Sally Rooney | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
An adorable yet frustrating love story
I always enjoy reading books that are based around the most banal and ordinary of plots, yet are still hugely entertaining and enthralling. I think it takes a great author to make a plot like this rise above just average and readable, to something you can’t put down. And Sally Rooney really succeeds with this book.

It’s just a normal romance between two teenagers in Ireland, whose stories and family lives aren’t anything exceptional and are no doubt similar to many others, yet Sally Rooney has turned this into an adorable and un-putdownable read. There’s something so sweet and yet bleak and dark about this story that I really struggled to put it down. The central characters of Connell and Marianne are well developed yet flawed, and I’m sure many people could relate to them. I really enjoyed the twists and turns and changes in their relationship as the story progressed. The book itself is for the most part well written. It has a good structure and I liked how each chapter skips ahead a few months. My only issue with the writing is that I dislike how the dialogue hasn’t been separated out from the rest of the narrative. Since when is it acceptable to not separate dialogue and conversation between characters using speech marks etc? It made reading some of the conversation a little difficult at times. I’m not sure why books that tend to win awards and accolades do so by having questionable punctuation and prose... I’m also not too sure about the ending. It was unsatisfying and felt like the characters were never going to change or advance. But despite this, I really did think this was a great book.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated The Lemon Grove in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
The Lemon Grove
The Lemon Grove
Helen Walsh | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | The Lemon Grove by Helen Walsh
I haven't heard of this book and author before but I saw this book in the charity shop and the front cover grabbed my eye. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I always do lol. I'm like a magpie shiny bright colours on the cover drew me in.
I did then read the blurb and the story intrigue me as I ain't read this sort of book before but I'm trying to widen my variety of genre I read as I always read romance.

The story is about Jenn and her husband Greg. They have returned to their beloved rented villa in Deia in West Coast of Mallorca.
They usually go here by theirselves each year but this year her husband's daughter Emma wants to come along with her new boyfriend Nathan. So while her step daughter Emma is settling into the villa in the spare room her boyfriend decides to go in the swimming pool in the back garden. Jenn is drawn to this guy by hes body and she starts to see that he loves the attention from her and he likes her. She starts getting obsessed with him being around and they start a sordid affair. She loved the fact that his younger and brings her sexy side to her out. This is all happening right under the nose of her husband and step daughter and you grabbed by the story as you wondering what is going to happen are they gonna get caught.

You need to read it to find out for yourself. It's just the ending I wanted more but you tell me what you think when you read it.
I do book reviews on my blog, Please could you check it out.

Midge (525 KP) rated Batter Off Dead in Books

Dec 11, 2018 (Updated Dec 20, 2018)  
Batter Off Dead
Batter Off Dead
Maymee Bell | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thoroughly enjoyable read (3 more)
I liked the author's descriptive style
Great for foodies - you can almost smell the cakes baking while you are reading!
Good portrayal of the lead character's relationship with her best friend
Not a lot of romance (0 more)
Absolutely Delightful!
Sophia Cummings, the owner of For Goodness Cakes, is catering for a charity fundraiser at Grape Valley Winery and must make it a successful event to win more catering jobs and pay the bills. Ray Peel, the Winery's landlord, has pledged to pay off a library loan in her hometown of Rumford, however, the event turns sour and Ray is murdered before the loan and Sophia can be paid. Can she figure out who the murderer is before the bakery collapses?

I have never read any of Maymee Bell's novels before, but I thoroughly enjoyed this. I particularly liked the author's descriptive style, especially the many references to the cakes sold at the bakery which were described so well that you could almost smell them baking in the oven! The portrayal of Sophia's relationships, especially Madison, her best friend, and Bitsy, her mother were also very good, although I think that there could have been a little more spark between Sophia and Carter Kincaid, her sheriff boyfriend. You were introduced to many characters very quickly at the start of the book which was a little confusing at first, however, I like that I was kept guessing all the way through as to the identity of the murderer. The ending to the book was finished off very nicely and I will be reading more Maymee Bell novels in the future.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book, supplied by Netgalley.
Fallen (Fallen, #1)
Fallen (Fallen, #1)
Lauren Kate | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Fallen. What do I think? Well I’ll start with the phrase, “I’ve read worse.” But not many.

Whilst that doesn’t seem like a good place to start it’s pretty much all I have for this book. A story based around ‘star-crossed lovers’, fallen angels, slight love triangles, blah, blah, blah, your get the picture. So the story centers on Luce, a girl who has been sent to a reform school and goes through her first couple of weeks there. The love element starts pretty quickly but in my opinion never really goes anywhere. He blows hot and cold and then there is a big realisation of love. It feels like a rehash of every other YA romance/para going.

The author has tried really hard to make it a different type of YA book. But seemed to lack the ability to structure the book in a way of you coming to realisations on your own as a reader. There were often times a Luce would be in a conversation, and then ‘think’ so far ahead of the story you felt push to that conclusion, or that it had been handed to you on a plate rather than having a light bulb type moment due to good writing.

I know there are others in this series, so it may be hard to judge this as a stand-alone book as the story seems to go somewhere within the last two chapters. But I honestly don’t think I liked it enough to bother with the rest. It felt like a chore to read and I don’t think it’s even worth reading to form your own opinion of it. Pretty disappointing on the whole.