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Finding Mr. Wrong
Finding Mr. Wrong
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Mr. Wrong starts off with Matthew having a near-death experience. He is the very successful owner of the family run firm Hart & Home. However, he isn't sure about his cousin, who is coming up with very strange ideas. Following his experience, he speaks to his best friend/PA, Adam, and they decide he is going to find Mr Right. They put down a few things, and then Adam wangles the story out of 'the one that got away'. It is obvious that Matthew has never got over this. Circumstances (and people) conspire, and Matthew and Jax end up meeting again. Jax can't believe his eyes, whilst Matthew is spitting feathers he is so angry. Don't worry, they do work it out... for a while at least.

This story just swept you along, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Charlie Cochet is an amazing author, and I have yet to read anything by her that I didn't like. There are a couple of side stories that help to make this the enjoyable read that it is - one is Jax's dad, and the other is Adam. Now, I won't say too much about Jax's dad (Dale), as I feel you should really read it and make up your own mind. As for me, I would say that Jax is a saint, and I honestly don't know if I could have done that. As for Adam, I really REALLY want to know his story. He comes across as very sweet and caring, but he has a history. I know he does. I just don't know what it is just yet. He knew immediately what Rai did for a living, whereas I didn't have a clue! He knows what it's like to be without money too. I really need to know!

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this is one contemporary M/M romance that I have no hesitation in recommending. With humour, grit, action, misunderstandings, and a little twist that I never saw coming at the end, this was absolutely wonderful. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Age Inquisition in Video Games

Jan 28, 2019  
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragon Age Inquisition
Incredible characters (4 more)
Writing and dialogue well written
Beautiful and varied locations
A great tactical mode
Fun party banter
A couple of glitches (1 more)
I spent too long in the first area
1 of the best games of tnis generation
This is by far my favourite Dragon Age so far. The first game had the amazing story, the 2nd had the fun combat and this i felt combined the 2. The combat is fun and fast paced but a welcome addition was the tactical mode where you can just put a pause on everything and analyse your surroundings, tell companions where to go and what to do and then watch your work unfold.

It has a beautiful score but the environments are breathtaking. Every location felt unique and the size of each was insane. With so much to do and see, you can easily spend over 100 hours in this game. I did. The only problem i had with a location was the Hinterlands. It contains so many fetch quests and grew boring over time but what the game doesnt tell you is this is basically a tutorial location for you to practice. You should leave when you can. You wont regret it. I did keep going back because i am a completionest but thats just me.

The characters are so well written and fun and great partybanter when your out travelling. My favourites by far are sera, iron bull and cassandra and their interations with each other made me laugh. To this day i have played this game 4 times to listen to the various combinations of companions and i have not gotten bored once.

Once i started following the story, i found i was just being pulled in and blown away. There is so much humour and shocks that i would play this for hours and hours each day. There are a few glitches here and there but since i played it they have been fixed but i have to judge this on when i played it. This is a typical bioware game and thats a great thing. You have the usual pick your own path and romance who you want and that is what keeps you invested and makes you fall in love with this world and with these characters.
Runes (Runes, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book through Newgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Runes is the story of a teenage girl who has everything should could possibly want until her father's plane crashes, and a mysterious guy moves in next door. Raine has a great relationship with her parents, she is on the school swimming team, and she has the start of a great relationship with her best friend Eirik. Then, Torin moves in next door and her world starts changing. She sees things no one else can see, and she begins to have feelings for the mysterious new neighbor.

Raine is a character you can easily love. She is a good girl who always tries to do the right thing; especially, when it comes to her friends. She always has a positive outlook, and you can't help but cheer for her. Raine is a very well rounded character, but the rest of the characters seem extremely flat or one dimensional to me. Her best friend Cora seems like she is constantly jumping from guy to guy and is never happy. Eirik is a very vague character, he's around but pretty much only to hang off of Raine. I would like to see more development with these characters in the next book.

The idea of Torin, Andris, Meliina, and Ingrid being Reapers was not something I saw coming. I purposefully didn't read any information about this book because I didn't want the surprise to be ruined, and I'm glad I waited. The idea of reapers is refreshing and not something that is currently popular with currently paranormal romance.

The pacing of the story is just right, there is always something happening and it left me wanting more, more, more! I couldn't put the book down, and I actually read it in 1 day.

The one thing that kept this book from receiving 5 stars from me was the ENORMOUS amount of grammatical errors and missing words I encountered while reading. I think the author needs to have someone else proof read the next book, or hopefully I received an early enough copy that it wasn't finished with the process.

Overall, this book is a wonderful adventure that I was truly lucky to get my hands on. I absolutely can't wait for book 2! You won't want to miss this book!
Audrey Coulthurst | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I mentioned on Friday, this book is the prequel to Of Fire and Stars, so I read it first, even though it was published second. I prefer to read in chronological order when I can.

Inkmistress follows Asra, a demigod of unknown parentage, as she first follows and then is chased by her lover-turned-dragon who is intent on vengeance for the destruction of her village. Her lover, Ina, is convinced it is the King's fault that the village was destroyed, as he's been letting bandits roam over the outer reaches of his kingdom unchecked. So after taking on the form of a dragon, she's off to kill him to avenge her family. Asra is trying to talk Ina out of it, and chases her across the country, from their remote mountain to the inner forests and cities.

I really love Asra. Ina's kind of a bitch, but Asra is loving and funny and just an awesome person, fighting to protect herself and those she loves, even as those she loves evolve and change past what she can hold onto. Her magic takes a terrible price if she uses it, both on her and on the rest of the world. She has to wrestle with so many unknowns - her parentage, her magic, the world off her mountain, politics, other demigods - and somehow she manages to land on her feet. (Though not without help!)

The romance is sweet, and I love the emphasis on chosen families. Both Asra and Ina appear to be bisexual, which also doesn't appear to be unusual in this world. Reviews of Of Fire and Stars complain about the lack of worldbuilding, which is NOT a problem in this book. Perhaps I'll have an easier time having read this book first; which is a bit of a problem - you shouldn't have to read a prequel to understand the setting of the first book in a series! It does make me glad I'm reading them in this order, though.

I really loved this book. The urgency of the chase really came through in the story - Asra had to get to certain places and get certain things done before certain times, and obstacles thrown in her way made you worry she wouldn't get things done in time. It was well-written, with good character development of Asra, at least, and great world-building.

You can find all my reviews at
Christmas at Tiffany's
Christmas at Tiffany's
Karen Swan | 2011 | Romance, Travel
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Light hearted (1 more)
Easy Read
Slightly Predictable (0 more)
Power to the women!
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was recommended to me by a friend and I wasn’t sure what to expect. The whole time I was reading it, anyone that saw the book in my hands would ask ‘is that similar to ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s?’ The short answer to that is no, not even close.

I must admit that I was quite confused by the start of the book and the prologue could have been explained a bit better. The story is focalised through Cassie who is celebrating 10 years of marriage with her husband. 3 of her friends have come to visit her in order to celebrate this ‘achievement’. However, things quickly turn sour and it’s revealed that her husband has been having an affair with her best friend and they even have a child together. Her 3 visitors whisk her away and it is agreed that she will spend 4 months with each of them in order to find herself again. She will have to find her feet in New York, Paris and then London (it can’t be all bad!).

This novel shows you a journey of a woman who has always depended on her relationship and who gains her independence and finds what she truly wants. Granted, there are parts that are incredibly cheesy but I think that is part of the beauty of it. It’s a predictable feel-good book but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

As a woman, it has inspired and reminded me that relationships aren’t everything and a happily ever after can come at any moment. The novel excites you as the prospect of a new and better relationship unfolds for Cassie. Swan takes you into this world where anything is possible even for a woman with a broken heart.

This book doesn’t just appeal to women that have had their heart broken but also those that love to travel. It highlights different things to do in the three locations and makes you feel inspired to go and see these for yourself. It is a bitter sweet romance novel and I’m just waiting to find my own version of Henry.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read and something that I could happily pick up again. I must admit, I’m surprised that they have made an adaptation of this novel. It would be an ultimate chick flick!
Driving Me to You
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This heart-warming story is based around only a few characters but trust me when I say with characters this full of life, you don't need many. Sam has just come back from India after being severely ill but it has changed how she views life and she has a lot of ideas on how to share this with others. Verlaine is down on his luck after being out of work for four months and has applied for his dream job - renovating classic cars. Gemma is struggling to keep the business her late father started afloat and has asked (but paying for) the help of an old friend, Marcus. Marcus is Sam's ex-boyfriend but he has decided that he will have her back, after all, who could resist him? And then you have Paul and Scott, a couple that definitely belong together, that complement each other and work well together. The one you don't hear much of is Jack, Verlaine's flat mate, who seems a bit grumpy but that is understandable as he is worried about where they will live if things don't work out between Verlaine and the boss' sister! So there are the characters, let the story commence.

This story is full of bumps and bends as Sam and Verlaine learn about each other, make friends with each other and the others in the small circle, and let the sparks fly between them. Sam is also trying to find a way of mending her relationship with Gemma, is it really broken beyond repair? The things you find out about Marcus will make your toes curl but I won't say whether that's in a good or bad way.

The thing that I love about Julie Farrell's stories is that although you have the main characters, you also get taken along on the side stories of the other characters. This makes the book simply a delight to read and they are never boring! They are realistic but not depressing. Julie's heroines have backbone, a sense of humour and wit, and yes, slightly kooky in a good way. Her hero's are not perfect, they have their flaws which just makes them more loveable.

If you are looking for a modern romance with a hint of suspense and mystery, then check out this book. I honestly can't see how you would be disappointed.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Bandits (2001) in Movies

Jul 25, 2019  
Bandits (2001)
Bandits (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama
This is a film that I saw not long after it came out and didn’t recall much about it besides the fact that it starred Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton and Cate Blanchett.

It’s actually quite a mediocre heist film since it tries much too hard to make this feel as if it’s story is one that could be “ripped from the headlines” and also feel pertinent to Reality TV, which was in its infancy at the time.

The chemistry between the characters is quite weak and the fact that Willis and Thornton don’t feel as if they are on level ground also hurts things since the characters are meant to be equal.

Blanchett’s character is quite annoying the whole way through and it’s pretty difficult to believe that she is able to have a romance with one of these men, and they want us to believe that she has one with both of them.

This love triangle just doesn’t work on any level.

The story itself is quite repetitive and they rehash things much too often instead of trying to break new ground along the way.

This film should have been much shorter and that might have been better if edited together.

The movie fails to decide whether it wants to be seen as a comedy or as a crime thriller and in the end it feels as if it is neither especially when there are too many scenes that play off as being overly melodramatic for their own good.

Bottom Line – Very mediocre heist film that tries too hard to feel as if it is “ripped from the headlines” during the beginning of the days of Reality TV. Willis and Thornton don’t work very well together because they never seem to feel as if their characters are on equal levels. Blanchett’s character is quite annoying throughout and its very hard to believe the love triangle that comes about. The story itself feels too repetitive and things could have been shortened a lot because they try to reestablish things that they previously established. The plot gets a bit too melodramatic for its own good and fails to make the decision of whether they want this to be seen as a comedy or as a crime thriller and in the end, it seems like neither.
Sometimes love hurts—and sometimes it can heal in the most unexpected way. Camden Grayson loves her challenging career, but the rest of her life could use some improvement. “Moving on” is Cam’s mantra. But there’s a difference, her two sisters insist, between one who moves on . . . and one who keeps moving. Cam’s full-throttle life skids to a stop when her father buys a remote island off the coast of Maine. Paul Grayson has a dream to breathe new life into the island—a dream that includes reuniting his estranged daughters. Certain Dad has lost his mind, the three sisters rush to the island. To Cam’s surprise, the slow pace of island life appeals to her, along with the locals—and one in particular. Seth Walker, the scruffy island schoolteacher harbors more than a few surprises. With On a Summer Tide, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher begins a brand-new contemporary romance series that is sure to delight her fans and draw new ones.

My Thoughts: This is a wonderful story about how family roles and events mold a person and their life. Welcome to a story that brings a family back together again, where they begin to see each other for who they are and what their abilities or gifting is; how they learn to work together and learn to love one another again. It is also a story about learning to forgive, that people do grow as they live their life; that people do learn from their mistakes. It is a story about being honest with one another.

Suzanne Woods Fisher will does not disappoint in this novel. Once again she has spun a wonderful true to life tale. Living on a small island is quaint. I know, I come from a small island in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay; Smith Island. This novel reminds me so much of where I come from, no police, a small school, etc. and a small population. The author has spun a tale that makes the reader want to come to visit this place and take home some of the distinctiveness it gives the residents and visitors.

Readers will enjoy this new series, I certainly look forward to more from Suzanne Woods Fisher!
The Will and the Wilds
The Will and the Wilds
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks so much to NetGalley and 47North Publishing for letting me read and review this awesome eARC. I discovered Charlie N. Holmberg through Deep Magic e-zine a few years or so back now and I love her writing. This book reminded me of how much I love her writing and the story here in The Will and the Wilds also reminded me a bit of her earlier book, Followed by Frost. I also feel like there are some similarities to Beauty and the Beast as well, but it's also its very own unique, amazing and magical story.
This story is heartbreaking, beautiful and soul-wrenching and I love it so much. I think it's a definite must-read especially if you like kissing books and romance although it's not only for that part that it is awesome, it's also for the adventure, the magic and the journey from within each of these two characters.
This story is about a girl who lives with her father, just the two of them by the edge of the wildwood and one day she's outside and a mysting from within the wildwood comes after her to get the magic stone she has on her wrist. Enna decides when this mysting comes after her to fight back so she gets another mysting to help her and his name is Maekallus. He wants her to pay him for his help with a kiss, which gives him the power to steal her soul, but the kiss has to be given willingly by Enna. The deal ends up getting Maekallus stuck in the mortal realm where he starts to get eaten alive. They become bound together through the bargain and share in each other's suffering because Maekallus feels for the first time with part of Enna's soul in him.
Enna is the only thing saving him by having kissed him and given him part of her soul to save him from dying so they have to break the deal that has bound him to the mortal realm to save them both.
It's a wonderful and moving story that I would give more than 5 stars if I could because of what you take away from it. If you don't have this one on your list, then put it on your list, preorder it and get ready for an amazing and beautiful magical mystical tale to sweep you away.
Snow like Ashes
Snow like Ashes
Sara Raasch | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Snow Like Ashes</i> is a gem. An absolute gem.

At least... in a lot of cases.

Raasch's debut reminded me of Julie Kagawa's <i>Iron Fey</i> series with the first three books jumbled together into one book - in a good way. The only difference between the two (aside from the fairies obviously) was the mere fact Meira has no memories of the kingdom of Winter aside from what the remaining refugees tell her. It's an interesting situation to devote loyalty towards a kingdom you haven't even seen before.

Meira might be another character I like... but only because she's like Kestral from <i>The Winner's Curse</i> - flaunts the rules and expectations the other refugees have for her (which is basically sit back and let the rest of do the work) and has spunk. She's also ambitious and extremely loyal, which could potentially be a downfall in the long run. In the case of trying to spare my brain from crying, I do hope Meira's loyalty and ambition won't lead to a fantastically tragic ending.

The love triangle is fabulous (no, the world hasn't ended). Both Mather and Theron are equally fantastic and humble - a rarity compared to many books I've come across in awhile, in which the majority of them focus far too much on developing the romance rather than developing everything else (like the plot!). Aside from the fact Mather spends a bit of his time being the next Adrian Ivashkov, I am totally peachy with this particular love triangle. No sarcasm intended.

The world <i>Snow Like Ashes</i> is set in is quite magical - a world with 4 Rhythm and 4 Season kingdoms in supposed balance with intriguing history, background, and conflict. Winter, despite the fact we aren't introduced to the kingdom until very later in the book, is imaginable from the memories of the refugees and Meira's dreams.

In all honesty, I have no regrets whatsoever for getting my hands on a copy of <i>Snow Like Ashes</i> when I saw it at the library - there is rarely a dull moment in this book and I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel when it appears at the library.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>