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Hadley (567 KP) rated Lie to Me in Books

Nov 18, 2019  
Lie to Me
Lie to Me
Kaitlin Ward | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bad writing (1 more)
Mostly romance
Drowning is one of the top fears in the world, and it's also one of the top ways to cover up a murder. In Lie to Me, Ward's fourth YA novel, she uses drowning as the basis of the story. Yet, this book fell very short in the thriller/mystery genre: Ward gives away too many hints at the beginning of the book, that most readers will have the murderer figured out by chapter 7; she also focuses too much on romance, something that should have caused this story to be filed under a different category other than mystery/thriller. But luckily she didn't bring in a wide circle of characters to cause confusion, using only one view point from the main character of Lie to Me: Amelia- - - a teen girl who believes she was pushed down a ravine to be left for dead in the raging water below.

Besides her 'accident,' Amelia leads a normal life with her mother, father and brother, Hunter - - - she also has a small group of friends. After her 'fall,' a body of a teen girl from the same town is found in a nearby river, but the town gossips, and makes it seem that this girl committed suicide, leaving Amelia worried that her family would think the same thing about her. Depression is something that Amelia's family has had to deal with before, but the talk of depression is candid and not very enlightening; her brother, Hunter, who is in therapy for such doesn't even talk about it, instead he's usually seen playing soccer or Fortnite, this seems to be a broad attempt to bring mental health into the story,but without going into that subject, it failed as a story line. Yet, one of the main causes of depression today is social media, which we find Amelia stalking one of her best friends/love interest on- - -if Ward was trying to reach the YA community about depression, she went the wrong way about it.

Another mistake that Ward made was when Amelia receives an anonymous text message from someone telling her to 'Just let it go,Amelia,' this occurs after she has started investigating whether her 'accident' was an accident. Amelia tells us that she is always suspicious of everyone, but when this text message comes around, it's as if she could care less. She even tries to take the anonymous message as advice: " 'Or it's advice.' I feel backed into a corner. It's one thing to believe someone hurt me and another thing to have proof of it. I don't want this to be proof. 'I mean, Sky's always telling me I should let my life get back to normal, and she doesn't even know I'm thinking any of this. Maybe someone else feels that way,too.' " In reality, if you believed that someone attempted to murder you, and suddenly you are receiving a cryptic message about letting it go, wouldn't the logic thing to do is go to the police?? Amelia doesn't!

Ward has written three other YA novels, 'Lie to Me' being her fourth. The writing in this story is bad in some places, for example, a scene with Amelia and her best friend, Sky, meeting up at the 'screen' (technically a giant drive-in movie theater screen); Amelia thinks about how this town is a haven for her, that everyone feels safe, but the very next paragraph, she's stating she doesn't feel safe anymore. This makes sense if you haven't read it, but the way it's written could have been in a much better and concise way. This and most scenes makes the story read like a sloppy diary entry. That, and the killer being predictable so early on in the story made me very disappointed with this book. 'Lie to Me' had great potential from the synopsis, but it lacked story, mystery, suspense and diverse characters.

I can't recommend this book to people who love horror stories, like I do. I think the only ones who would enjoy this story are the die-hard YA fans. It has everything that YA is known for: romance and teen drama, but it's lacking in everything else. Other than that, I don't think I'll read another book by Ward, but as far as Point horror books go, I will still give them a shot.
The Art of Escaping
The Art of Escaping
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>

Hold on a second while I scream in my corner about how I am finally <em>on time</em> to write a review before a book actually releases. Just barely, but you know, it's still relatively on time. &#x1f631;

Maybe it's because I've decided to give up on the four books that have been there since 2016 and reset my priorities.

Okay, back on topic.

<em>The Art of Escaping</em> by Erin Callahan is a book that Roberta first introduced to me in sometime in a year far ago and honestly? Well, let's find out.

<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>A Few Things About <em>The Art of Escaping</em></strong></h2>
Erin Callahan's latest novel is about escapology, and maybe the title explains what escapology is, but there's probably multiple layers of meaning with the title aside from literally. (I approve of this approach.)

But here: I almost DNFed this one. But I wanted to know the end, so curiosity got better of me.

<h3><strong>Multiple POVs was meh but okay.</strong></h3>
<em>The Art of Escaping</em> is told in two views: Mattie and Will. Three, if you count diary entries as an intermission between chapters. I'm not against multiple views and maybe I was tired, but I struggled sometimes with this one.

There were times where it felt like the story was being told right now as it is happening, and then there were times where it felt the story was being told by a future version of the characters. And then there were times the story kind of repeated itself, then went onwards. &#x1f937;&#x1f3fb;‍♀️

<h3><strong>Occasionally I liked a line or two. Or three.</strong></h3>
There are some great one-liners in here, but a lot of the writing I glossed over. To be honest, sometimes I was bored and maybe it was just me in a very bad time (I felt like doing nothing for the past few weeks if my lack of posts say anything).

But I was also reading another book, and it was more interesting? Lack of motivation did nothing there. So maybe I'm not the only one who felt meh about the writing.

<h3><strong>There is NO romance.</strong></h3>
Well, not exactly. There are snippets here and there, but it's not a part of the storyline, which is 11/10 okay with me because every book and its sequel has a romance somehow these days. (Am I complaining? Not really. I like books with no romance sometimes.) But the main point is, it's not a <i>huge</i> plot bunny.

<h3><strong>Friendship and sibling dynamics.</strong></h3>
Okay, so I can live for the friendship and sibling dynamics because they were developed quite well, or at least, in the few months timeframe. The brother/sister relationship isn't much, but the friendship is a huge part of the book for both new and old relationships. It was lovely seeing Will and Mattie grow a friendship over escapology and then bringing the other characters in.

<h3><strong>Miyu is a precious bean.</strong></h3>
Early on in <em>The Art of Escaping</em>, Callahan introduces readers to Miyu, who ends up being Mattie's mentor who is Crabby<sup>TM</sup>. Honestly though, I absolutely love Miyu - she's a crab, but deep down, she's a soft cookie filled with chocolate chips. Plus 95% of the best sentences in the book come from Miyu, so there is never a boring moment with her on the page.

<h2><strong>Honestly I was hoping <i>The Art of Escaping</i> would be good, but there were a few things missing to make it to that level. It wasn't a mess, but maybe a few sweeps needed.</strong></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Dana (24 KP) rated Flame in the Mist in Books

Sep 8, 2017  
Flame in the Mist
Flame in the Mist
Renee Ahdieh | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
It got off to a great start with a gripping opening. The last half of the book also gripped me and didn't let go until I was done. The characters, the setting, the details; all fantastic. (0 more)
After that opening, it slowed and I had to force myself to continue reading. The pace just felt.... off. And you're left with more and more questions. (0 more)
Enjoyed from beginning to end
Overall, I freaking loved this novel. It's set in feudal Japan and follows a young woman as she is being married off the the emperor's second son. Mariko is a badass, There's no other way to put it. She will take no shit from others which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's also flawed in that aspect too; she's so blinded by her stubbornness to see the actual world around her sometimes. But she's not the only character who gets depth. Her brother, who we see in almost alternating viewpoints in the story, is a character filled with flaws and pride. But that's not all. Several characters get fleshed out back stories (some more in depth than others) and seeing them all grow was a delight to read.

Let's move on to the rich details of the setting. Feudal Japan can be tricky and Renee Ahdieh did it so much justice. It's described so well, I could easily put myself into Mariko's shoes and lose myself in the story. It's so nice to have that level of detail paid attention to in novels set in a different time and place.

And that romance.... oh boy, it was steamy. I must admit my weakness for slow burn romances (especially ones that are hate-to-love) and this did not disappoint. It was a bit awkward; at first I wasn't sure who she was going to get together with, but when it hit it's stride, I was in love. I really don't want to give much away, but it was fantastic to read and fall in love with them.

I am eagerly awaiting the next in the series!
The Masterpiece
The Masterpiece
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've only read Redeeming Love and the Marta's Legacy books by Ms. Rivers. Her work is amazing with those books. They have all the feels within them and just make you want to come back for more. So, when I saw she was releasing The Masterpiece, I didn't pass on it. I was anxious to be taken to a writing style that only Ms. Rivers knows how to do. I was absolutely pleased with all that I felt with this book!

This book has amazing characters. Roman and Grace are created with such depth and complexity. They were true-to-life and really nestled into my soul. The way they interacted, the way their story unfolds on the pages, really shined for me. As someone who was in Honors Art 4 for four years of highschool, I always fall for books that center around the world of art. I could feel Roman's artistic ways flow freely off the pages. And Grace, being a single mom, really nudged at me. I love when I connect with the characters on a deeper level.

This book is beyond 5 stars. I wasn't able to put it down once I picked it up. The pages kept turning, the feelings kept being felt. I smiled, I cried, I smiled again. The inspiration that Ms. Rivers weaves into this romance novel is incredible. It really brings to light the ultimate Masterpiece from above. If you are looking for a book that will be easy reading, this isn't for you. If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh throughout, this isn't for you. If you are looking for a book that will sweep you off your feet, spin you in a million directions, twist your soul, and throw you down with a bam, this is absolutely the book for you. You'll think about this book long after you've closed the cover. Well done, Ms. Rivers! Fantabulous job!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher/Tyndale Blog Network and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Dana (24 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I want to start off by saying that I read this for my book club with my friends, not that that changes anything, I just wanted you to know. Also, I did a hybrid reading of this. I would actually read the physical book for about half of it, but the other half, I listened to the audio book. (It's read by Wil Wheaton, y'all!)

Okay, so onto my review. I really enjoyed reading this book. I am not a gamer at all, but I do love 80s references., especially to movies. So even though I didn't understand a lot of the video game references (except Pac Man and a few others), I still understand the overall encompassing love of the 80s culture.

At first, this is a really cool dystopian sci-fi book focusing on a kid who is trying to win an Easter Egg hunt inside of a video game to get out of a crappy situation at home. By the end, there is action, romance, bad guys, and so much more. Kind of like what you would find in a typical 1980s classic film.

I think what I loved most about this is all of the hidden allusions to the 80s. Yes, there are the overt ones like to Ferris Buller's Day Off or Pac Man or Blade Runner. But there are a lot of little moments as well that are subtle that I barely caught. I don't want to give any away, so I won't spoil them on here. This book almost becomes it's own kind of easter egg hunt for the readers.

I loved trying to figure out the clues with Winston. A few of them, I did get, but some I did not. It was still fun trying to write down all of the clues and figure it out like a code cracker.

I loved the relationships in this book, especially since they weren't the main focus of the novel. It was refreshing to see people getting along and working together toward the same goal.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend you see it before you go see the movie next year!
Who Do You Love
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Who Do You Love</i> is the latest contemporary romance by the author Jennifer Weiner. Beginning in 1985 it tells the story of two contrasting characters up until the year 2015. Rachel was born with a congenital heart condition that resulted in her being hospitalized a number of times during her childhood. When she was eight years old she met an injured boy named Andy and struck up a very brief friendship. Later she coincidently meets him again during her teens, and the pair fall in love, resulting in an on and off long distance relationship over the following years.

Despite their love for each other, the two main characters come from completely different backgrounds. Putting her heart condition aside, Rachel had a fairly pleasant Jewish upbringing, with well off parents, a pool in her back yard, the chance to go to any college she wished to. Andy, on the other hand, attended a Roman Catholic school where he was constantly getting in to trouble for fighting when others teased him about his poor, single parent home life, or his deceased black father. However, regardless of their upbringing, Rachel grows up to become a fairly successful social worker, and Andy an Olympic athlete.

The reader gets the chance to learn about each character through the alternating points of view. Ultimately we wish that Andy and Rachel could live happily ever after together, but as we read, life and differences often get in the way. This will they, won’t they idea exists throughout the entire novel making the ending rather predictable, although not at all disappointing.

Personally I preferred the narrative toward the beginning of the story. It was interesting to read about Rachel’s heart problems, and Andy’s struggles growing up. Once they reached adulthood their relationship became more sexual, something that was written about in far too much detail.

<i>Who Do You Love</i> is the kind of book suitable for women to read over the summer, or anytime they have the opportunity to sit back and relax. It is not a quick read due to its lengthy chapters, therefore the less distractions the better!
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit I got swept up into the hype with this book, I try my best to keep an open mind and a balanced opinion when a book becomes massively popular and so with this review I will be giving my honest opinion whilst ignoring the numerous glowing reviews I have read.
I must say that I really enjoyed this book (that's if you can say 'enjoy' when reading a book about Cancer) and I found myself thinking about it constantly after I finished reading. I went to sleep thinking about it and I woke up thinking about it, I then thought about it for the rest of the day. I found it heart-breaking in places and funny in others so I laughed and I cried and I learnt not to take life for granted. I haven't read anything like this before, I usually stay away from romance novels as they become so clichŽ.
I liked both Hazel and Augustus and I felt for them because of their illnesses, I believe that many people have had their lives touched by Cancer, me including, so some parts were difficult to read...especially the parts where the characters laughed and joked about it.
The reasons why I knocked off a star was because the book was very philosophical which meant a fair bit went over my head at times, the long speeches and the constant use of quotes and diagrams. I thought the knowledge of the main characters was very far fetched for their age and so the story became a bit unbelievable, this caused my connection to the characters to weaken slightly.
Personally, I don't like to add spoilers to my reviews and I would still be in doubt even if I was to hide my review (as I know there is nothing worse than stumbling upon a spoiler) so I will keep this vague. I wish some of the 'hard-hitting' parts of the novel were more in depth, even-though I was sobbing I still believe that these parts could of hit so much harder.
So, although not as great as I thought it was going to be, I still recommend this book as I enjoyed it very much.
The Memory of You
The Memory of You
Catherine West | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in the heart of California wine country, The Memory of You will pull on your heart and emotions. Facing the secrets of the past, Natalie and Tanner must overcome so much if they ever want to be free from the guilt and the pain that they have endured.

Natalie Mitchell has spent the last 13 years traumatized with guilt and PTSD. Tanner has to live with the consequences of decisions he has made. Both are vulnerable, both are guarded, they don't want to open up and let someone in. They have even shut God out. As they journey along the path of forgiveness, acceptance, and reconciliation with both their heavenly father and their earthly fathers, we see their souls barred open. We see into the depths of their hearts and feel the agony and the pain that they have had to overcome. Watching the romance blossom and grow in this story made my heart all a flutter. Catherine approached it in a very tender and sincere way.

I know that Natalie and Tanner are fictional characters, however, their experiences can be very real. I myself have anxiety and panic attacks (for completely different reasons than Natalie). We can't walk this path alone. Trying to be strong and just push on for another day, isn't the only solution out there. Find someone, whether it be a relative, a friend, a reach out to. Open your heart to God, allow his forgiveness and his GRACE to flood you, for HE will bring you new life. His grace is enough.

I pray that as you read this powerful story, that the words would resignate in your heart. That it would give you hope, that you would know you are not alone and that your heavenly Father is watching over you and guiding you to safety.

The Memory of You is a stand alone novel.

I received a complimentary copy of The Memory of You from the publishers, Thomas Nelson. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Living the life of nobility can be oppressive and demanding. There are restrictions for every aspect of life. Lady Miranda longs to be free of the expectations placed on her, but will she have the courage to stand up to her mother and her "lady lessons"?

"A lady never posted letters to an unrelated male. But the very writing of his name made her feel dangerous."

Lady Miranda Hawthorne has been raised to be the epitome of poise and grace, but everything inside of her screams to rebel. She pours her heart out on paper, in letters she never sends, to her brother's childhood friend, the Duke of Marshington. She is approaching her fourth London season when Marlow, the handsome new valet to Lady Miranda's brother, accidentally mails one of these letters. She is mortified, until she receives a reply. Conflicted with her growing attraction for two men, her life is quickly changing in ways she never thought possible. She soon realises however, that there is more at stake than her heart. Miranda has had to hide behind the mask she have been expected to wear for so long. Hiding her true personality and identity. But the time has come for her to become the person she was created to be.

"'A Lady never sits on the floor.' A lady probably wasn't supposed to crawl on her belly through the dirt either."

A Noble Masquerade is a fabulous story from beginning to end! Kristi Ann Hunter has done a marvelous job with her debut novel! I was completely captivated by the intrigue and espionage. I was surprised more than once when the story line went in a different direction than I anticipated. The faith was natural and the romance genuine and clean. Kidnappings, traitors, witty humour and masquerades will keep you turning the pages of this remarkable story. This is a book that I will enjoy reading over and over again. I can not wait for Mrs. Hunter's next book!

I received a free advanced reading copy of A Noble Masquerade from Bethany House Publishers through Library Thing in exchange for my honest review.
Hamish DeLuca and Regina “Reggie” Van Buren have a new case—and this one brings the war in Europe dangerously close to home.

Determined to make a life for herself, Regina “Reggie” Van Buren bid goodbye to fine china and the man her parents expected her to marry and escaped to Boston. What she never expected to discover was that an unknown talent for sleuthing would develop into a business partnership with the handsome, yet shy, Hamish DeLuca.

Their latest case arrives when Errol Parker, the leading base stealer in the Boston farm leagues, hires Hamish and Reggie to investigate what the Boston police shove off as a series of harmless pranks. Errol believes these are hate crimes linked to the outbreak of war in Europe, and he’s afraid for his life. Hamish and Reggie quickly find themselves in the midst of an escalating series of crimes that seem to link Boston to Hamish’s hometown of Toronto.

When an act of violence hits too close to home, Hamish is driven to a decision that may sever him from Reggie forever . . . even more than her engagement to wealthy architect Vaughan Vanderlaan.

My Thoughts: I had a hard time starting into the book but as the reader gets further along in the storyline, it becomes a very interesting read. This is a second book in the series, and I do recommend to the readers that they read the first book "Murder at the Flamingo" to help get to know the main characters a little better. A murder mystery with a little romance as Hamish has to deal with his feelings toward Reggie, being friends and co-workers for two years. This novel takes place in the 1940's pre-war era, with the main character Hamish trying to get past his relationship with a shady cousin.

It was interesting to learn a little about Boston; especially the housing situation during that era. The writer has an enjoyable style of writing that brings the characters to life for the reader. This is a good book for those who love mysteries.