Strategic Engineering for Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics: 2017
Amin Hosseinian-Far, Muthu Ramachandran and Dilshad Sarwar
This book demonstrates the use of a wide range of strategic engineering concepts, theories and...

Username: Evie
Joe Sugg and Amrit Birdi
BOOK 1 IN THE USERNAME SERIES Like anyone who feels as though they just don't fit in, Evie dreams of...

This Census-Taker
In a remote house on a hilltop, a lonely boy witnesses a traumatic event. He tries - and fails - to...

Spy (2015)
Movie Watch
Mild-mannered CIA analyst Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) is the "voice in the ear" of superstar...

When a Man Loves a Woman (1994)
Movie Watch
A wife and mother of two daughters, Alice Green (Meg Ryan) has developed a severe drinking problem....

Amber Tamblyn recommended Smilla's Sense of Snow in Books (curated)

Swedbank spara och placera
Finance and Business
In our savings and investment app, you get an overview of your savings, you can buy and sell funds...

Sparbanken spara och placera
Finance and Business
In our Savings and investment app, you get an overview of your savings; you can buy and sell funds...

Qantas Entertainment
Travel and Entertainment
Enjoy a world of inflight entertainment on your iPad or iPhone when you download the free Qantas...