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Cargo (2017)
Cargo (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dead good
#netflix #cargo is in my opinion is the first great #netflixfilm ive seen yet. Cargo is an #Australian film about a family struggling to survive in a #zombie infected world & has been adapted from a short film of the same name. From the get go a #creepy unnerving yet strangely calm & peaceful atmosphere is established (this is done brilliantly with gorgeous establishing shots & slow camera movements accompanied by a beautifully depressing score). It looks fantastic too & its set locations not only add to the tension but are a treat to explore visually. Slow paced but never boring the #film never treats the viewer like an idiot with subtle information about whats happened & how people #survive in this world littered everywhere. Theres an overall theme about #family & protection ie planning for their future safety & how people in this horrific situation cope/stay strong & if what we do to survive sometimes borderlines on being inhumane. Tension is very well done throughout & keeping things mostly off camera was a smart move as it gives the film an more #anxious sense of dread. Acting is top notch & watching as characters constantly think about the #future, worry for each others safety & try to stay strong is genuinely heartbreaking at times. Effects are great especially the practical ones making the film far more believable. All in all cargo is well worth your time, its a great interesting character study & a refreshing/intelligent change of pace in a genre thats become so over done & cliche. Thought provoking, powerful & #bleak this film left me wondering how i would react & what i would do if someone i loved or if myself even were about to fall victim to the #virus. #martinfreeman #horror #scary #postapocalyptic #apocalypse #walkingdead #sunday #cinifile #moviecritic #netflixoriginal #SimoneLanders #love #dead
The World That We Knew
The World That We Knew
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks to and Simon & Schuster Audio for letting me listen and review this wonderful book. This wasn't what I expected. For some reason, I was thinking this was going to be a story about something else that I was hesitant to read but after I started reading/listening I realized this story was not at all what I had thought it would be and I was pleasantly surprised by it.
This was a bit of a different spin on things with Hanni wanting to save her 12 yr old daughter from the Nazis by sending her away to keep her safe. After something almost happens one night with her daughter, Hanni goes to find help by seeking out aid from a Rabbi and when she asks for help from the Rabbi's wife, the wife turns Hanni away and it ends up that Hanni finds the help she needs from the Rabbi's daughter, Ettie, instead. Hanni and Ettie make a deal and so Ettie makes a golem that is made to protect Hanni's daughter, Lea.
The golem that Ettie makes is named Ava and Ava, Ettie and Lea become linked together, their paths always connected in a way with their paths crossing from time to time from then on. Ava guards and accompanies Lea to Paris to find safety and there Lea meets the boy she loves and Ettie ends up going into hiding for a time.
This story takes you on a journey as they travel looking for safety while growing up, learning and figuring who and what they are in this world and what they want out of life. It will take you apart and put you back together again causing you to reflect and think about the world, life, yourself, and so much more.