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Merissa (11800 KP) created a post

Mar 23, 2021  
šŸ”„HOT #NEW RELEASE - BAD VAMPIRE by Lauren Dawes (@authorlaurendawes) is LIVE NOW!

A rookie cop. A team of supernatural detectives. Recalcitrant baby vampires on the loose.
My name is Cat McKenzie, and Iā€™ve been a very bad girlā€¦
No, not in the I-need-a-spanking way...pervert.
Nope, my kind of bad got my partner killed on my first day of the job. And now Iā€™m getting punished by being thrown in as human liaison to PIG ā€” the Paranormal Investigative Group.
Seriously, what were my superiors thinking?
Iā€™m not going to lie: I hate all supernatural beings, but especially those cocky ones like my new partner happens to be. Between baby vampires terrorizing school events, my truck getting totalled and demon sex clubs, I wonder who the hell I pissed off in a different life.
But when the vampire threat becomes personal, I'm hell bent on getting to the bottom of it.




@magicpenbooktours #BadVampire #ACatMcKenzieNovel #LaurenDawes #MagicPenBookTours #PNR #ParanormalRomance #UrbanFantasy #AvailableNow #OutNow #NewBook #NewRelease #bookstagram #paranormalromancenovels #supernaturalhumor #humor #satire #paranormaldetective #newread #vampires #thingsthatgobumpinthenight #booklovers #PNRlovers #vampirelovers #onelastchapter #snark #ReleaseDay
Saved! (2004)
Saved! (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama
Absolutely delightful, not only seismically subversive for its day - but not even a percentile less so even today. A black-as-night religious comedy/satire that's able to present the flaws of Christianity to light without making the claim to outright judge it nor be obnoxiously Ricky Gervais about its criticisms. Beyond that its just fucking hilarious, and insanely clever (even down to the briefest of sidegags ["I'm a rollerskate"]) - not to mention it has a huge heart and deeply impassioned, authentic care for its characters wants (*all* of whom are excellent, and are juggled together perfectly with an economy of which is sadly not seen frequently enough in teen comedies) with an uncommon narrative sensitivity. Never overstays its welcome and has a note-perfect tonal balance, as well as a roundhouse kick of memorably consummate performances (between this, those "DRYVRS" videos, and the similarly outstanding š˜—š˜¢š˜³š˜µš˜ŗ š˜”š˜°š˜Æš˜“š˜µš˜¦š˜³ I'm convinced Macaulay Culkin should *only* act in sardonic depravity). Mainly just have to applaud this for its application of more than just the easy targets which many films of the genre today fall victim to again and again. Love it.
The Truth (Discworld, #25; Industrial Revolution, #2)
The Truth (Discworld, #25; Industrial Revolution, #2)
Terry Pratchett | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Truth shall set you Fret!
<2022 update>
Still as good as ever!

<original review below>

So, over the weekend I watched a BBC documentary about the late, great, Sir Terry Pratchett (Terry Pratchett: Back in Black) as part of which they brought up the fact that his earliest job had been as a reporter for his local paper (and saw his first corpse a few hours later, work experience meaning something in those days ...) .

Experience that shows in this novel.

The second of the so-called Industrial Revolutions (after Moving Pictures) sub-series of the Discworld novels, this is - IMO - the first to really get into the meat of said revolution, and concerns itself with Ankh-Morporks first newspaper, alongside a plot to depose the Patrician - a character, I feel, who (whilst mostly in the background in the earlier novels) comes more to the fore in this, as do the likes of Foul Ol' Ron, Coffin Henry, The Duck Man and Gaspode

Of course, it wouldn't be a Pratchett novel without a generous portion of puns running alongside the satire, parody and memorable characters (such as, say, Otto von Chriek: the vampire with a thing for flash photography ...)

Sam (74 KP) rated Silence Is Goldfish in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Silence Is Goldfish
Silence Is Goldfish
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, I devoured this book. It wasnā€™t hard to read and was a nice quick book. I did sort of enjoy it because it was a lighthearted book and a nice little YA read for a change.

However, Tess, the protagonist isnā€™t the most likeable. Her whole narration seems just like sheā€™s complaining about everything and anything. Sheā€™s selfish, and to be honest sheā€™s the typical YA protagonist that Iā€™ve been trying to avoid by not reading YA any more.

Fair enough it was an entertaining book. It had an average plot that was slightly lacking, but as it was a YA it was all easy to follow and easy to read without getting bored.

Another reason behind my low rating is that I just didnā€™t find any of the characters realistic at all. They were all YA stereotypes ā€“ The Quiet One, The Fat Ones, and The Pretty Ones ā€“ and its just become overused and is now almost a satire of what true YA actually is.

I wouldnā€™t say I regret buying this. Iā€™m trying to read more YA, and it was a quick read, itā€™s just definitely not something Iā€™ll want to read again and Iā€™m not sure itā€™s something Iā€™d recommend unless youā€™re a really big fan of YA.
How to be a Perfect Christian
How to be a Perfect Christian
The Babylon Bee | 2018 | Humor & Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Perfection is Within Your Reach
This book does just what the title says. In ten chapters, it tells you exactly how to live like a perfect Christian. Oh, we arenā€™t worried about the fruit of the spirit or holiness or anything hard like that. We are talking about finding the perfect church (one that is focused on you), ā€œdoing life together,ā€ serving without ever lifting a finger, looking spiritual online (Iā€™m sure they left out reviewing this book in that chapter), and quarantining your home from non-Christian culture.

And if you arenā€™t familiar with The Babylon Bee, it is a fantastic satire site that looks at Christian culture and the world from a Christian perspective. Iā€™ve become addicted to their articles, so when I saw this book was coming out, I had to get it. Iā€™m not kidding when I saw there is a laugh on every page as the book mercilessly mocks what many Christians in modern day America focus on. And there were times that the book convicted me since I live a little too much like the person they are mocking. At least some portions of this book have appeared in shorter form on the site, but everything here blends together perfectly for a comprehensive and very funny whole.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
After seeing the trailer for this I was very skeptical. I wondered how Hitler during Nazi Germany times could possibly be funny, even in satire. Truth be told, the only reason I got past that stage was because the movie stars Sam Rockwell, and I'm a sucker for him.

I stand corrected on my initial assessment.

Jojo Rabbit is a hilarious take on the life of a child during Nazi reign in Germany. Adolf Hitler is represented as an imaginary friend of a young man who is coming into his own. I know, this seems wicked dark and awful at the same time. But the way that it's approached by the film makers creates an environment that educates and enlightens to the times that were lived by the people of Germany while making it a bit lighter so that it doesn't weigh down all of your emotions to the point of not being able to carry them.

There are some very serious moments and I wouldn't recommend watching with young children (that should be a given if you watched the trailer). However, it is well worth a watch, or even a second. The acting alone is worth a second look.
Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)
Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Unwanted and underwhelming third outing for Rowan Atkinson's credit-card-advert-character from long ago. When a cyber-attack on the British government exposes the identity of every active agent, retired spy/moron Johnny English is brought back to find those responsible. Much obvious slapstick and many painfully telegraphed punchlines ensue; I did laugh a bit, but possibly out of sympathy.

This time around it seems obvious that the film is being pitched towards a very young audience, which explains its general silliness and reluctance to engage in anything resembling actual satire - as it is, the film's capacity to get real-world issues utterly wrong is almost uncanny (Britain and the Russians team up to stop cyber-terrorists). On the other hand, some of it feels aimed at older viewers who are generally suspicious and resentful of the modern world (the internet is bad, smartphones are bad, the Health and Safety Act is silly, etc). Maybe it's meant to be a film for right-wing grandparents to take their kids' kids to.

On the other hand, it's Rowan Atkinson, who is a superbly gifted clown, and there are inevitably a few amusing bits along the way - but not nearly enough, given his talent. Hopefully this is as close to actually not being funny as he will ever get.

David Zellner recommended Robocop (1987) in Movies (curated)

Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi

"I was thirteen when I saw this on opening weekend, and I remember leaving the theater walking on air. This had everything Iā€™d wanted in a film. I was expecting just another fun action movie, and it was so much more. I was blown away by Verhoevenā€™s skillful hand with bleak absurdist satire, action, and genuine pathos. Somehow the filmā€™s ludicrous extremes were able to make a perfect in-the-moment statement about the Regan-era eighties without the benefit of hindsight. Amazing script, amazing cast, and Peter Weller shouldā€™ve gotten an Oscar. So many memorable lines. Rob Bottinā€™s iconic designs of Robocop and the nuclear waste victim. Phil Tippetā€™s brilliant stop-motion wonder ED-209, so hilariously anthropomorphized through its beastly sound design and hurky movementā€”and Iā€™ve yet to see something like that executed as perfectly with CGI. Some truly great, subversive physical comedy. When this was first released on Criterion I was so excited it was getting the reverence it deserved among the other classics. I believe itā€™s on the commentary track where Verhoeven talks about the sequel he pitched that was inevitably turned down. Instead of simply repeating himself, he proposed a love story with RoboCop falling for a cyborg that was little more than a floating brain in a jar. I would love to see that."

I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
1997 | Horror
I Know What You Did Last Summer opens with the Type O Negative cover of Summer Breeze, which is always going to be a winner in my book.

This film is rightly considered a bit of a classic these days, and there's really not a whole bunch to complain about. It has well written characters, a decent cast, a visually creepy villain, an engaging whodunit plot, one of the best chase scenes in slasher movie history (that's right), and still manages to stand on its own two feet in a world where it's constantly compared to Scream.
I find this to be an unfair comparison. Beyond the 90s setting, teen characters, slasher tropes, and shared writer in Kevin Williamson, there's not much else that ties them together. Scream is of course a fantastic horror, but relishes in being satire, whereas IKWYDLS is a straight shooting horror. Its the exact kind of film that Scream takes aim at, but it still manages to be a decent slasher without feeling silly, and delivers some well earned jump scares for good measure. I also really enjoy it's fishing town setting and the hole movie is accompanied by a hilariously epic score courtesy of John Debney. It's great.

I will always have a lot of time for IKWYDLS, overshadowed by some of its contemporaries, but a hugely satisfying and entertaing horror in its own right.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
Jojo Rabbit- alot of people told me that their liked this movie. From the trailer it looked reallly good. So when i watched it yesterday, i didnt love it, i liked it kinda. Let me explain...

The subject of Nazis and Hitler is a touchy one to say the least, but it's also a subject that is ripe for satire, and one of the many aspects that stands out here, is how Taika Waititi has managed to craft a film that is absolutely hilarious, but never undermines how horrible this part of history was. So the fact that Taika made Hitler funny was kinda weird, strange and also didnt feel right. But at the same time Taika did a excellent job playing Hitler. Its just strange and out of chacter to see hitler funny. Other than that the movie is good.

The plot: Jojo is a lonely German boy who discovers that his single mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their attic. Aided only by his imaginary friend -- Adolf Hitler -- Jojo must confront his blind nationalism as World War II continues to rage on.

The cast is good, the plot is good, like i said its just strange, wired, out of charcter to see hitler funny. The film never shows the darkside of WWII. So thats good. Jojo Rabbit is a good dark comedy film.