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All the fiends of hell
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 220
all the fiends of hell
By Adam L.G. Nevill

The red night of bells heralds global catastrophe. Annihilation on a biblical scale.

Seeing the morning is no blessing. The handful of scattered survivors are confronted by blood-red skies and an infestation of predatory horrors that never originated on earth. An occupying force intent on erasing the remnants of animal life from the planet.

Across the deserted landscapes of England, bereft of infrastructure and society, the overlooked can either hide or try to outrun the infernal hunting terrors. Until a rumour emerges claiming that the sea may offer an escape.

Ordinary, unexceptional, directionless Karl, is one of the few who made it through the first night. In the company of two orphans, he flees south. But only into horrifying revelations and greater peril, where a transformed world and expanding race of ravening creatures await. Driven to the end of the country and himself, he must overcome alien and human malevolence and act in ways that were unthinkable mere days before.

I did not put this down! Another brilliant novel from the mind of Adam Nevill. I was on edge the whole time completely invested in the story and the characters. This brought about one of those situations I think we have all thought about and how we would survive. Your heart is fully pumping constantly at the thought of these creatures. Absolutely brilliant!!! I’ll certainly be concerned next time I see the sky red!
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen | 2018 | Children
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can also be found on my blog:

I grew up with Disney movies, and my favourite one was the one with the mermaid that has long red hair, and I loved her love story, and also enjoyed watching the rest of the movie series that followed years later.

And while loving Ariel for so long, I have never actually read the original story. So a few weeks ago, I decided to cherish it properly, as a true childhood love deserves to be cherished.

And I was left with my jaw dropped and my mouth open, unable to sleep. I can’t say this book crushed my childhood love, but it definitely shook me quite hard.

If you are expecting to read about the little mermaid, and her adventures in the water, and how she would give anything to see how people live on Earth, and fall in love with a prince – you will get all that. In fact – the book description is far better compared to the movie. Incomparable, actually. The book glows with bright colourful descriptions of the world under the sea, and it is so vividly enchantingly explained.

But if you are expecting to read about the adorable love story of Ariel and the prince, and their happily ever after – that is not happening. Because things go wrong. Horribly wrong. With a crushing, terrible end, that will torture you in your dreams.

It wasn’t my intention to make this review so dark. The story is still wonderful, and full of life. However, there is no happy ending, and that, for me, was crucial to not enjoy it.

And I am not usually upset with unhappy endings. It happens so often. But this one was so brutal and cruel, that it felt so disturbing. Maybe, because it is my favorite childhood movie. Maybe, because I knew this to be a happy story. Maybe, because I didn’t expect this at all.

Hans Christian Andersen is an amazing writer. I have read many of his stories, and enjoyed them greatly. I honestly don’t know what was going on in his life when he was writing this, but wow. Just wow.

Ross (3282 KP) Nov 16, 2018 (Updated Nov 16, 2018)

I was in Copenhagen recently, and saw her statue (meh), but also took the kids round the Hans Christian Andersen museum, with little dioramas of some of his most famous stories. They were all so dark! I was expecting fairy tales, but they were just all quite harrowing. I am tempted to read them, or see if someone has made horror adaptations of some of them as a writer could really go to town on them in the modern age.


Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) Nov 16, 2018

The interesting thing is, he is know for his "dark fairy tales", but a lot of his early works have happy endings that he then crossed over and wrote dark endings. I wonder what happened...

The Captain's Daughter
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I grew up with a deep (DEEP) appreciation for theatre. I have been in several productions personally. And musicals are my lifeblood (my hubby and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera in a couple weeks). So you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that not only is this book set in one of the most fascinating time periods, (Queen Victoria was pretty amazing! Check out the new Masterpiece Series from BBC
"Victoria" Yes, I know they over dramatized some aspects in this...But it is still AMAZING...and Jenna Coleman...'nough said.) but that we also get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the life of the theatre in 1873. An era where an occupation on the stage was heavily frowned upon. Not to mention that the operettas written by Gilbert & Sullivan are the productions we find in The Captain's Daughter. I had the opportunity to see Pirates of Penzance, oh my lands! I adore it! By the way, for all my love of the theatre, I had NO idea why it is called "the lime light". If you don't know either, you can find out more on Wikipedia.

Falsely accused, Rosalyn finds herself in London. Without a penny to her name she makes her way to the very theatre that Nate is working at(you will understand the significance of this when you read the book). Both Nate and Rosalyn must make peace with the past in order to move on. As Nate tries to earn forgiveness for his mistakes, he learns that forgiveness can not be earned. Our Heavenly Father gives it freely. All we have to do is ask.

Swept into the sea of romance, song, lights, costumes, and scandal...I found myself dancing through the pages (or at least swaying) as the anticipation builds for the ending that I was HOPING would play out a certain way. Forgiveness, true love, and living the life that God has called you to live are the main themes that struck my heart.

I received a complimentary copy of The Captain's Daughter from Bethany House Publishers through the Litfuse Tour. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Ali A (78 KP) rated The Meadows in Books

Sep 11, 2023  
The Meadows
The Meadows
Stephanie Oakes | 2023 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: conversion therapy, homophobia

Every youth hopes to get a letter to attend one of the places where only the best and brightest go to be even better and brighter: the Estuary, the Glades, the Meadows…

When Eleanor is accepted to go to the Meadows, it means her escape from the Cove and a hard life by the sea. But, though the Meadows is filled with beautiful and wonderful things, it hoards dark secrets: its purpose is to reform its students from their attractions, to show them that the way of life is only possible through their way. Maybe Eleanor starts to believe, but then she meets Rose, and everything changes.

A year after leaving the Meadows, Eleanor and her friends are on the outside, living back in society - but not everything is as they hoped. Eleanor is an adjudicator, someone who makes sure former students haven’t strayed from the lives they were trained to live. But the past isn’t letting go of Eleanor and as secrets unravel, Eleanor must fight against everything she has been taught to be, especially if she can find the girl that she lost.

I originally was interested in this title when I saw it on BookishFirst because it was being marketed as “a queer, YA Handmaid's Tale meets Never Let Me Go” and I was all about that. I also love a good dystopian novel so this was really right up my alley.

That being said, I absolutely loved and devoured this novel over the course of the weekend when I didn’t have the interruption of work. The world building is intriguing and the “perfect” society is everything but (aren’t they all). The characters were also complex and engrossing - even the ones I wasn’t the biggest fans of, I still wanted them to succeed.

I absolutely recommend this book to those not only those who love dystopian novels, but those who want a page turning science fiction with queer characters.

*Thank you Dial Books and BookishFirst for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
“Henry, this . . . fortune, this sudden wealth . . . I fear it will change our lives. And I don’t want my life to change.” After three years on a whaling voyage, Henry Macy returns to Nantucket to news that his grandmother has passed, bequeathing her vast fortune to him and his sister, Hitty. And it was truly vast. But Lillian Coffin was no fool. The inheritance comes with a steep cost, including when each should marry and whom—a Quaker in good standing, of course. But if they relinquish the inheritance, it all goes to Tristram Macy, their father’s thieving business partner. As Hitty and Henry seek a way to satisfy the will’s conditions, they’ll be faced with obstacles on every side—and it may be that Lillian Coffin will have the last word after all.

My Thoughts: This is the third book in the series and it doesn't disappoint! Suzanne Woods Fisher has done another incredible job with this series. In this book, it focuses on the twins Hitty and Henry and the inheritance left to them by their grandmother.

Historians will enjoy the fact that the novel is based on true events that occurred during 1837-1846. The author has done extensive history on Nantucket and the sea captains. This novel does deal with the controversy of integration ( the segregated schools).

I've enjoyed this series, especially reading Great Mary's journal and I believe readers will enjoy this book as well. The reader doesn't need to read the first two books to enjoy this novel, but it would help with some of the histories of the family.
The Neon Demon (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
2016 | Horror
A diamond in a sea of glass
Number 1 in my #top10 favourite films of all time is 'The Neon Demon'
Not only my #favourite film of all time #theneondemon is all my #passion, my #addiction & my #love for cinema as well as everything that #inspires me, excites me & drives me in life all crammed together into one cinematic masterpiece. In fact this film is so #perfect & such an #obsession of mine I think about it on a daily basis & even have my phone & alarm clock themed around it. Directed by #nicholaswindingrefn (the greatest director of all time) & just like #OnlyGodForgives #neondemon is visually immense, beautiful, intimidating, full of mystery & #emotion. Every scene is rich & stylish with clearly a lot of care/thought put into every single one wether it be the colours or placement of everything it contains. This film invokes & awakens so many emotions with me every single time I watch it & every time it ends I feel I've learnt something new about not only the film but about myself too. With next level acting & such an unnerving yet spellbinding soundtrack 'The Neon Demon' almost sends sends shivers down my spine & catapults me into a hypnotic state of immersion still to this day. I doubt any film will ever replace this film as my top spot & although its slated by pretty much everyone the sheer depth of it & the #horror, #inspiration, courage, enlightenment & joy I personally get from it makes me feel so alive that if I met #nwr I think I'd just burst into tears of gratitude.
#neon #drive #beauty #beautiful #arthouse #art #thursdaythoughts #ellefanning #ryangosling #modeling #model #fashion #filmcritic #glamourous
I remember when I read this at first, just before the Ioan Gruffudd led TV series, as part of a collection entitled 'The Young Hornblower', thinking that this would make a good TV series (although, when it cam e out, I also remember thinking that he was to old for the role as written here - he's meant to be all of about 14!).

I was also completely unaware at the time, and only found out within the last couple of weeks, that this is also (technically) a prequel - i.e. written later, but set earlier - to more than a few of Forester's other Hornblower works.

Set during the Napoleonic Wars, these are your typical 'boys own' adventures of naval derring-do, that quite obviously set the template for other authors to follow (think [a:Bernard Cornwell|12542|Bernard Cornwell|] 'Sharpe' Series, or [a:Patrick O'Brian|5600|Patrick O'Brian|] 'Master and Commander' series).

Based on real life events, these novels (according to Wikipedia!) were also written in such a way that Hornblower was always off elsewhere when great naval battles occured during those wars, hence the reason he is never caught up in Trafalgar!

This particular entry, however, follows Hornblower's early career from when he first came on board (as a sea-sick Midshipman at Spithead), up until he receives his promotion to Lieutenant whilst a prisoner of the Spanish authorities, taking in night-time raids, 'cutting-out' expeditions, a (failed) attempt to start a revolt in France and his first examination for Lietunancy.
The Mother Fault
The Mother Fault
Kate Mildenhall | 2021 | Dystopia
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dystopia is my catnip. I can’t resist it. But as I’ve said before, I have to be careful how much of it I read (overactive imagination alert!). And even more so with these dystopian novels that seem plausible and could actually happen sooner than you think!

The Mother Fault is one of these books. It’s set in the not too distant future in Australia - but a very different Australia. The country seems to be under the control of an organisation called BestLife. They even make sure that babies are implanted with a chip. The adults all have them, and life is made more difficult for those who opt out.

Mim’s husband goes missing whilst working in a mine in Indonesia. But instead of care and support, BestLife respond by asking for Mim’s and her children’s passports, offering to ‘take care’ of the children. It’s a barely veiled threat.

Mim responds by trying to drive away as far and as fast as she can. Everywhere she goes, she’s surveilled, and everyone she sees or visits is in danger.

The descriptions of an Australia ravaged by climate change are haunting. The decisions Mim makes can be questionable, but that just makes it more interesting!

It’s a really tense read, I continually felt that they would be caught, even when they were at sea (especially so really, because who would be there to witness whatever BestLife would do?!).
The part of the book that took place in the boat was so frustrating at times, and really helped to put the reader in Mim’s shoes.
This was a great read, and I’ve added another writer to my watch list!!
The Red Sea Diving Resort (2019)
The Red Sea Diving Resort (2019)
2019 | Drama, History, Thriller
Story: The Red Sea Diving Resort starts as Ari (Evans) an American Ari (Evans) working for the Israel Mossad agents rescues refugees from Ethiopia with his latest mission seeing Kabede (Williams) rescued. Ari does become grounded, but isn’t willing to let more innocent people murder, he comes up with an idea that could see thousands rescued.

Ari puts together a team including Rachel Reiter (Bennett), Jake (Huisman), Max (Hassell) and Sammy (Nivola) with the plan to lease a hotel known as the Red Sea Diving Resort to use it to get refugees out of Africa back to Israel. This is one of the riskiest rescue attempts tried and one that will bring history to life.

Thoughts on The Red Sea Diving Resort

Characters – Ari Levinson is leading an Israeli group of agent, who are trying to rescue Ethiopian refugees by taking them through Sudan, giving them their only hope to make it out alive. He is willing to risk everything to make it happen by taking a mission which will risk their own lives to lead them out to see, remaining calm through the operations which will see them become targets of the local generals. Rachel is one of the team, just by being a woman she is risking even more than the rest, though her language skills are key to the whole operation. Kabede Bimro is the connection with Ari that leads the refugees to him, he becomes one of the most wanted men because of his actions, but will risk everything for his own family. Ethan Levin is the one that tries to control Ari on his mission, he doesn’t agree with most of what he does, knowing if he was to get caught it could create an international incident.

Performances – Chris Evans takes his first major role since leaving the role as Captain America, he does show he can handle the serious side of acting even though his character does feel like branch of what Captain America stood for. Haley Bennett is strong throughout, in a world that her character shouldn’t feel safe in. Ben Kingsley does what you would expect in his authority role, while Michael Kenneth Williams is the most interesting character though we could have spent more time with his character.

Story – The story here follows an Israeli agent that risked everything to try and rescue as many Ethiopian refugees as he could using a Sudanese hotel as a cover to hide them and move them through to safety despite heavy pressure from the military forces in the country. This is another incredible story of how somebody and their team would do the right thing for the human race that would be left facing a future which would see them killed or forced into slavery if they couldn’t get free. It should be seen to highlight the continuing problems in the world along with the incredible work that was done. We are kept waiting to see how many will get rescued and how they will overcome the obstacles placed in their way, though it would be fair it wouldn’t be a story if they had failed.

History – This is a moment in history which showed a country reaching out to help in secret when another country would rather butcher their own people.

Settings – The film creates the realistic settings that only make this feel like we are part of the era it is set in, we see how much was being risked in what could be considered a calm location of a hotel.

Scene of the Movie – Runway.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The fact that his behaviour actually still happens in the world.

Final Thoughts – This is a highlight on just what was risked to save thousands of stranded refugees, it has top class acting and shows that we can achieve great things if we worked together.

Overall: Brilliant look at bravery.
Finding Dory (2016)
Finding Dory (2016)
2016 | Animation
The first time I saw Finding Nemo I was amazed. The beauty in every single tiny detail of the underwater sea life was absolutely stunning. From the largest fish to the tiniest krill just mesmerized me. When it was announced that the Pixar team was working on a sequel to the beloved tale, I was thrilled. I couldn’t wait to see the story about Dory and her new adventure.

   In this installment, it is Nemo and Marlin who help Dory locate her family. Though it has been thirteen years since the last film, we are transported right back to where the action left off. A year has gone by after Nemo (Hayden Rolence) and his father Marlin (Albert Brooks) were reunited with the help of a very loving yet very forgetful Dory (Ellen DeGeneres). She begins to dream of memories she once had with her parents. At first we get to see an extremely adorable tiny Dory. Her small voice but big loving and outgoing personality will make your heart melt. Dory’s parents helped guide her through life all while they also had to learn to cope with her impairment. When snippets of these memories begin rushing in, Dory sets out to try and reunite with her parents. With the help of some old friends, their path leads the trio to the Marine Life Institute of Morro Bay. This is where she and her parents once called her home. On the way the trio meet a bunch of new characters. My favorite of these newest members is Hank, a seven tentacled octopus who can camouflage and escape out of pretty much any situation, proving that he is probably the best sidekick for the task. The cutest new additions are a gang of cuddling otters that can stop traffic with their cuteness.

  The film in a whole was brilliantly thought out and well conceived. Little did we know that the comedic situation of Dory’s impairment in the first film would become the core of her story in the second film. Though I’m not a fan of Cars and or The Incredibles, I am still a fan of Pixar and the ideas they create. Especially that of the short film prior to the showing of the main film entitled “Piper”. Pixar certainly has a way with bringing up issues of disabilities, weaknesses and problems within our world today. This makes it easy for film goers to relate to the stories that they tell and find deep meaning in the overall outcome of the story. Finding Dory is filled with all the emotions that make up a fantastic film. Perfect for every age and is best seen with the 3D option. I adored this film and I think I just might have to see it again in theaters when it comes out. Also be sure to stay after the credits!