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Orange Is The New Black
Orange Is The New Black
2013 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
They fight so I dont have to (1 more)
They cuss more than me
My 6 month old has starting carving a shiv (0 more)
Get my bitchy out
As a stay at home mom with very few friends in the real world, I tend to find escape in Netflix original programming. Litchfield minimum security has made my nap time much more interesting since I can get involved in someone else's drama and not pick petty fights with the grocery store clerk. I hate all those women, but I seriously cant live without them now. This is the perfect show of your maturity is beyond high school and you've watched all the episodes of friends
Red Eye (2005)
Red Eye (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fight or Flight
Red Eye- is a decent thiller. Both Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murray are really good.

The plot: In the wake of her grandmother's funeral, hotel manager Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams) is waiting to fly back home when she meets charming Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy) at check-in. She thinks it luck that they're seated together on the plane, but soon learns otherwise. Jackson hopes to assassinate the head of Homeland Security, but to do so, he needs Lisa to reassign the official's room number at her hotel. As insurance, Jackson has kidnapped Lisa's father (Brian Cox).

Like i said its a decent movie.
Kaijumax, Season One
Kaijumax, Season One
Zander Cannon | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kaijumax is about huge monsters that are in prison. Humans round them up to contain them so that they don't destroy their cities. It's a funny, violent story about the monsters trying to survive inside of their maximum-security prison. Reading the words that they use for curse words took some getting used to, but they're repeated often enough that you remember fairly quickly. There is a lot of actual drama going on in the story from all angles. The illustrations are cute and brightly colored, so it's definitely fun to look at, but the story, itself, is funny, gory, and sometimes intense. It's definitely not a series for young children!
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relentless (Somerton Security #2) by Elizabeth Dyer
Relentless is the second book in the Somerton Security series, and this time we are dealing with the big boss man himself, Ethan Somerton. This book does follow on from book one, so I would definitely recommend you read them in order, just so you get the most enjoyment out of them!

Ethan has a hard job to do - he needs to go undercover for a cartel, which could (most likely) get him killed. However, he is prepared to do that if it means he is giving a friend he thinks of like a brother a chance at living. They may have a friend on the inside though, as someone has been leaving tips for the various security forces, trying to help. Parker's program says one person, but Ethan is convinced it is someone else. Someone who sets his blood on fire, but has more walls than he does, and with very good reason. With a little bit of stubbornness and luck, they may just have a way forward.

This book is raw and gritty, and makes no bones about it. Ethan and Natalia have a hard time of it, both of them needing to trust the other, when trust is the hardest commodity to come by. I loved catching up with Parker and Georgia, and seeing how they are making it work, even when they are so different. Ethan is a tough man, but he certainly has found his match in Natalia. She has gone through things no one should, and survived.

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this book was a brilliant read, and I certainly look forward to reading more in this series. I really need to know what happened at a certain time with a certain someone ;) If you like #Romance #Suspense, then I can pretty much guarantee you will love this series. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Belko Experiment (2017)
The Belko Experiment (2017)
2017 | Action, Horror, Mystery
A group of Americans and other foreign Nationals have been hired to work for a multi-national company in Columbia for a company named Belko. The Company offers housing, a car, company credit card and great benefits so people are more than willing to sign up even when company policy mandates that any foreign workers must get a microchip to help track them in the event of a kidnapping.

In the new film “The Belko Experiment” audiences are taken on a psychological thrill ride about what happens when corporate life takes a nightmare turn.

Michael Milch (John Gallagher Jr.), heads to work one morning and finds that the local employees are being sent home by a new and very stern faced and heavily armed security force.

One in their modern high rise office, he and his other workers guess it is some sort of security drill and nothing to worry about. His boss Barry Norris (Tony Goldwyn) claims to be unaware of any changes and what is behind them but promises to look into it.

When the building’s security shutters unexpectedly close and all communications go down, the staff thinks that it is simply another security drill or a test. However a voice over the communication system tells the workers that they must kill two of their group in thirty minutes or suffer the consequences. The group thinks this is all some kind of prank until four people drop dead from the implants in their head which also contain an explosive.

Factions soon form as people are unsure what to do next and whom to trust. In a nod to Lord of the Flies, we see what happens when conventions of society break down and how people often revert to a base and brutal nature for survival. When the mysterious voice then tells them that 30 of the group must die or 60 will be killed, the stakes and the action really kick into high gear.

The film is at times brutal but not as gratuitous as other films. What it does well is mix characters that many might be able to relate to so you can find yourself wondering how you would react in a situation like the one presented. As the body count and tensions rise, the characters do become a bit like cannon fodder as we are not given enough to care about their survival.

The film was written by James Gunn who said the idea came to him in a dream. Gunn is clearly busy with his work on the “Guardians of the Galaxy” series so Director Greg McLean directed the film and has created an interesting film that does borrow from other films, as it does bring to mind “The Hunger Games” and “Cube” but it does deliver a good dose of escapist entertainment.
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
1993 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
JURASSIC PARK (the good one)
Back in 1993 Steven Spielberg breathed life into everybody's childhood obsession with dinosaurs with ground breaking CGI during its release which still holds up today.

Jurassic park is story of a mans dream to bring back the Jurassic age on an (presumably) uninhabited island. After inviting his grandchildren, Dr alan Grant an archaeologist, ellie satler another archaeologist and ian malcolm who's just along for the ride to witness this ground-breaking creation,they quickly become endangered when the parks security parameters fail and they have to outrun and out smart their way to safety with a dinosaur at every turn, and a kitchen scene you'll never forget (that's right, kitchen!)
The Supernatural Enhancements
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard to describe this novel. On the one hand there is a pretty straightforward mystery at its center, full of clever puzzles and hints of conspiracy. On the other though is a possible haunting, a weird romance, and a very unusual narrative structure. The book is told in the form of journal entries, letters, notepad scribblings, security camera transcripts, and other means. This method can be very effective at slowly revealing answers, and may make this possibly the first "found footage" novel, but it also somehow removes the suspense in many scenes, and periodically makes things unnecessarily confusing. Still, I enjoyed reading this book, and would be interested in a sequel, so that should say something.
Zootopia (2016)
Zootopia (2016)
2016 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Known as Zootropolis in the UK, this Disney animation is set in a world where talking animals have evolved and live in peace and harmony, with the city of Zootroplis the New York (or London) of that world.

While they may have evolved, most animals still fall into several roles: the police (or security) forces, for instance, are nearly entirely composed of predators, with this film following the ZPD's first Bunny recruit as she attempts to solve a mystery around a missing person (animal) case, and ends up teaming up with a street smart, wise talking fox.

With an underlying theme of racism, the message, in short, is that anyone can be anything they want to be!
Unlawful Entry (1992)
Unlawful Entry (1992)
1992 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Kurt Russell (1 more)
Ray Liotta
One Man's Obsession
Unlawful Entry- is a really good suspense thriller. The suspense, the thrills, the drama, the mystery are all excellent.

The plot: Happily married Michael (Kurt Russell) and Karen Carr (Madeleine Stowe) call the police after a failed robbery. Officer Pete Davis (Ray Liotta) arrives and helps arrange the installation of a new security system. The grateful Carrs have Pete to dinner and strike up a friendship. Pete invites Michael to ride with him during a night's patrol and gives him the chance to beat up the burglar. Michael refuses and tells the disturbed cop to stay away, but Pete begins stalking the terrified couple.

Its a excellent film. Highly recordmend.

Darren (1599 KP) rated P2 (2007) in Movies

Jul 25, 2019  
P2 (2007)
P2 (2007)
2007 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: P2 starts as businesswoman Angela (Nichols) starts running late to her family’s Christmas party after her work party, gets trapped inside her work structure after her car fails to start, leaving her at the hands of security guard Thomas (Bentley).

As the night unfolds Thomas puts Angela through a string off tests, before she tries to figure out a way to escape this psychopath.


Thoughts on P2


Characters – Angela is a businesswoman that finds herself working late too often becoming more distant from her family, while not starting her own. When another late night finds her car breaking down and missing her taxi, she finds herself locked in the parking structure being chased down by the crazed security guard. Thomas is the security guard that has his own plan for Christmas, to keep Angela locked inside completing his twisted ideas.

Performances – A crazy Wes Bentley is always something we like to see, but even he doesn’t reach the levels we would like to see him get too. Rachel Nichols is fine in the leading role as the damsel in distress, trying to fight back.

Story – The story is very simple, crazed man prevents girl from escaping her parking lot only to want to get involved in a game to se how far he can push her. There isn’t much more to this story, we get glimpses into the idea that he is doing this to protect her against men that have done wrong, but otherwise, it is a cut and dry story with little in the way of twists along the way.

Crime/Horror – The crime comes from what Thomas does, which works for the film, the horror never reaches the levels he could do for where the film tries to go.

Settings – The film is set inside the parking lot which does make for a good setting with no escape once locked in.

Special Effects – The effects are used when needed, the film doesn’t rely on them, when it could easily do so.

Scene of the Movie – Merry Christmas Thomas.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – She would know how to drive a car.

Final Thoughts – This is a crime horror that grabs the basic ingredients and does nothing interesting with the story to make it a stand out.


Overall: Not worth the time it takes.