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ClareR (5681 KP) rated The Power in Books

Sep 29, 2018  
The Power
The Power
Naomi Alderman | 2018 | Dystopia, Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is no Handmaids Tale!!
This was so original - dystopia where the women take control. This isn't an angle that we see very often, and in the current climate of #MeToo, it's nice to read something where the women have the upper hand (or is it?! Because that's what you're left thinking).
Women develop a 'skein' that grows across their collar bone, and gives them the ability to control/ kill/ maim men and each other. Absolute power corrupts absolutely (who said that anyway?) after all.
This is the story of the genesis of the power, how it was triggered throughout a generation, who were then able to awaken it in older women. How women realised that they didn't have to be victims anymore, and began to take on many/ all of the attributes of their male counterparts (and not always the good ones). Men are viewed as the weaker sex, women as protectors and leaders.
I was fascinated by this whole idea. The characters showed us the different sides to the power - religion, organised crime, politics - and how it utterly changed the dynamic in society.
The museum pieces were very interesting, and the idea that this book was being written thousands of years in the future was very clever. And being written by a man. I liked how his editor (a woman) thought he would be taken more seriously if he were to write under a female pseudonym! Oh how times had changed!
I listened to this on audiobook, and read along to parts of it. The narration and voice actors were spot on - I couldn't stop listening until I had to, of course. Real life has a habit of interrupting reading and listening time!
Highly recommended.

Merissa (11953 KP) rated Bloodlines in Books

Oct 18, 2018  
Denise Carbo | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bloodlines by Denise Carbo
Bloodlines is a story about shifters from another planet. They live amongst the humans now, in their clans, with mostly keep separate from each other. When one of Malcolm's clan member's turns up dead, he has a mystery on his hands - one that could lead to war. Add to that, he has an off-the-scale attraction to the hotel's new manager, and Malcolm's life is about to get rather complicated.

This was an easy enough read, with no major plots twists or intrigue to deal with. The 'big bad' was pretty clear from the start, but weirdly, this did not detract from the story. The biggest detraction, for me, was the so-called relationship between Malcolm and Elsie. If you add up the time they spent together, they probably weren't in each others company for more than 24 hours throughout the book, and yet Elsie has completely fallen for him. Not only that, but she is a complete limp lettuce where he is concerned. He walks all over her, is rude to her, only shows up when he wants sex. She is NOT okay with this (we get the monologues that tell us so), but she still "wilts" whenever he is near. Sorry, but I just didn't get their relationship at all!

The rest of it flowed easily enough. I found the supporting characters all interesting, although some of them had reputations I wasn't sure were deserved, or even why they had them. Apart from the main relationship, I found this book to be nicely written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Ted 2 (2015)
Ted 2 (2015)
2015 | Comedy
The foul-mouthed but lovable Ted is back in a brand new adventure bigger and more outrageous than the first film. The new film opens with Ted (Seth MacFarlane), marrying Tami-Lynn and in the first five minutes floors the audience with drug, Gay, and sex jokes, with a Flash Gordon sighting and a musical number to boot.

When Ted attempts to adopt a baby, he triggers a chain of events into motion that cause him to be classified as property. As such he has no legal rights and cannot hold a job, have a bank account, adopt, and marry which causes everything Ted has worked for to vanish.

Thankfully for Ted his best friend John (Mark Wahlberg), is by his side no matter what and helps him find a new lawyer named Samantha (Amanda Seyfried), who decides to take on the case and resolves to get Ted recognized as a person.

Naturally things do not go as planned as Ted and John keep getting into trouble despite their best intentions and combined with a threat from Ted’s past emerging once again, things are looking bleak indeed.

Along the way there are more than a few celebrity cameos and tons of rude, crude, and often very funny jokes to go along with the constant drug humor. Ted is not for everyone but there is a softer side to the character, and Mac Farlane keeps things moving at a fast clip, which never lets the film drag on without unleashing a new barrage of comedic situations on the audience.

If you liked the first film, you will likely enjoy “Ted 2” as I found it a very pleasant and often funny film that actually improved on the first film.
Zombeavers (2015)
Zombeavers (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Horror
4.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cool Cameos (2 more)
John Mayer and Bill Burr... That's right I said John Fuckin Mayer
B Movie Hall of Fame candidate
Mostly everything... Honestly... It was bad... But humor did save a small portion of it (0 more)
Zom what???
Upon forst look, a title like Zombeavers, kind of makes you think of porn... Rob Rotten porn... But once you dive ( get it...dive) into Zombeavers you cant help bit want to stick around and see what these creatures look like.
And, in all cheesey movie goodness... The hand puppeted varments look like shit... They flop around aimlessly in an attempt to look like they are attacking with great vigor... Only to come across like a dying trout, flipping and slopping through the air on the ground.
Bill Burr and a nearly unrecognizable John Mayer open the movie as two good ol boy toxic waste drivers who "unknowingly" dump a barrel of some kind of hazardous chemicals off their truck as they're discussing prison sex and gettin blown by dudes... Comedic genius honestly... It's brilliant.
But overall, this cast of not a lot of anyones... Including some chick from American Soap Opera Days of our Lives... And some other girl from Death House can not save this trainwreck of a film. Its good in a way that is meant not to be good.
Over all cheese factor... Tostitos Con Queso Cheese Dip... That was left out of the fridge and had papers piled in top of it on your coffee table... So when you open it, it attacks your senses in all the wrong days.
While I'd love to give it a higher rating... I can not see giving it over a five.
The Happytime Murders (2017)
The Happytime Murders (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Funny (1 more)
Noir Humour (0 more)
Nearly But Not Quite
Contains spoilers, click to show
Starting with the introduction of a puppet private detective, this is intended to be a gritty, noir, detective story with the added twist of Jim Henson puppets as characters. While film technology has vastly improved since such films as Cool World, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, puppet technology hasn't really changed, so the puppets all have overtones of The Muppets and Sesame Street.
Despite the humour inherent in puppet characters, and the use of puppets as an analogue for minority populations (up to and including a puppet who has been 'humanised'), it's neither funny enough nor enough of a social commentary to fit into one of those two dichotomous genres.
Noir comedy, carpet-bombed with dick jokes, riddled with puppet humour, and boiling with 'social commentary', this film doesn't really land in a single genre, and the ones it tries to are too different to make a really good film. It turns out a bit like 'Muppets She Wrote' with added swearing and crudery.
Melissa Mccarthy plays the typical irreverent, foul-mouthed, stereotypical racist cop, and interacts really well with the puppets, but even all of her talent can't save this film.
It's funny (the puppet sex scene is just insane), carries some preachiness about racism (trying to decide how much 'puppet' makes someone a puppet based on a surgical implant), thoroughly irreverent (foul mouthed, 'drug' addled puppets), has an okay storyline (the twist is fairly well written), and concludes with the usual happy Muppets ending, but it feels like it's trying too hard to do too much. Perhaps, if it had tried to do less, it could have been a really good film.
All of that taken into account, it's not bad for something to watch for lighthearted fun, if you don't want to think too hard about it.
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Romance
Lovable & heartwarming rom-com
Out of all the rom-coms out there, Bridget Jones Diary is one of my favourites. For a start Bridget herself isn’t your usual perfect rom-com lead - she’s not stick thin and drinks and smokes far too much - for me that makes Bridget all the more endearing. I think most women can relate to Bridget in some way. She’s funny, loud mouthed and not very coherent at public speaking, and can’t help but make an idiot out of herself, and this is what makes this film all the more lovable.

It’s a heartwarming story of love, not only for Bridget but for her parents too. And it’s also funny and a little on the adult side with a great soundtrack, and yes the plot is predictable but this is one of those films where it doesn’t matter. Yes we can predict what the ending will be, but it’s the getting there that matters.

It has a great cast. I’ve never been a fan of Renee Zellweger but I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing Bridget. And to have both Colin Firth and Hugh Grant as the male leads was always going to be a winner - the fight the two have us hilarious. It’s an altogether lovely, funny rom-com that despite being 17 years old (which i find so hard to believe) is still so relatable today.

I’ll be honest, I’m virtually the same age as Bridget and I actually feel like so much like Bridget right now it’s scary, some of the scenes in this are exactly how I’ve been behaving these past few months! Albeit sadly without the Mark Darcy, or even a charming, sex-pest boss....
The Blake Mistake
The Blake Mistake
I. C. Camilleri | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ben Blake has a talent that can occasionaly help in his job as an intelligence operative. When he forsees a terrorist attack he asks his friend, brother in law and former bad boy Jake Snell to help him prevent it. However Jake is starting to behave oddly, including having periods where he is not aware of what he has done. Could the suppressed memories of his traumatic upbringing be the cause? Meanwhile his wife (and Ben's sister) Emma is delving into Jake's family history. Maybe the secrets of the past are best left alone.

Camilleri aims high with this book - and delivers. It is a complex mix of whodunnit, psychological thriller, paranormal thriller and romance. The plot moves forward dragging the reader with it, the threads and lives of the characters spiralling around the central theme of Jake's past and how it is impacting on the present. There are a number of twists and turns, some as surprising to the reader as to the characters.

The characters themselves are well drawn, benefitting from having developed over previous books (which don't need to have been read to enjoy this). The way the relationships between them change and develop as suspicions arise and certain events occur is excellent, although sometimes frustrating as the reader sees the story from all their viewpoints so can see that sometimes there has just been a misunderstanding or that if something was said everything would be different.

The first third of the book is a little slow as the characters are described and the situation is set up but this allows the rest to move under it's own terrible momentum towards the climax.

Overall a book worth reading and it certainly holds the attention once it gets going.

Caution: Some sex scenes
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one is Sin's - Sinead! - story, Lore(n)'s sister and the only female Seminus demon in existence.

We get to know her a lot more in this one and I feel sorry for a lot of the crap she went through. She tries to be this strong woman who can deal with everything but she doesn't want to be. So thank God for Con - who we met in Lore's book, Ecstasy Unveiled - and who Sin had sex with.

As a dhampire, a vampire/werewolf hybrid, Con is immune to the werewolf shifter virus which Sin unwittingly started in the last book and a great candidate to help start a vaccine against it by using his blood. The only downside to it is that as a dhampire, Con is susceptible to blood addiction if he drinks from the same donor too often yet he needs to keep drinking Sin's blood to fuel his resistance.

Feelings start to emerge beyond their physical attraction as the two are forced to spend so much time together and get to know each other. How he demands that she feel things instead of letting her body do it's physical pain release by bleeding. They'd both been through so much in their long lives and they deserved happiness.

They had a few ups and downs in this. Con had responsibilities within the shifter and dhampire communities and Sin was donating blood and trying to help those infected by the virus before they died and also to her assassin den.

And then let's not forget that last chapter! How cute was that with Lore? I've really fallen for this extended family. They all deserve happiness and I'm really glad they've all found it.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series.
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
E.L. James | 2017 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I far more enjoyed this novel than it's counterpart. Along the lines of my original review of its predecessor, I think that Christian is a far more interesting character than Ana. Ana's major character traits are that she's a virgin and kind of has mommy issues. I find his point of view, his thoughts, and his dreams, or nightmares rather, much more compelling than anything Ana really has to say. I think that he is a much stronger character and much more realistic than she is.

I originally rated this novel a 5/5 because I do truly love the story, I like the mystery, the thrill, the sex, I think it's great. I revised it, though, because as soon as I get into a good rhythm, reading 20 pages and feeling like it's been 5 minutes, I get pulled out of the story by something so small and seemingly irrelevant like a phrase or wording or the way they do something. It pulls me out of the story and forces me to remember that the writing isn't all that good. I've said previously about the dialogue and that always gets me - again, they sound English and they're not!!!! I'm not sure if E.L. James had an English editor either, but it seems like she could've because I think an American one would've caught those things.

Overall, I think that this is the best book of the 4 thus far - Fifty Shades of Grey, Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Darker. While I have enjoyed them all, somewhat of a guilty pleasure, I'm eager to read the final chapter of the trilogy and rage about how there isn't a Christian perspective. Stay tuned.

Veronica Pena (690 KP) rated Fifty Shades Darker (2017) in Movies

Jan 12, 2020 (Updated Jan 12, 2020)  
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
Contains spoilers, click to show
This trilogy is an odd one for me. I think that this is one of the stronger films of the three, maybe the strongest, then Fifty Shades Freed, then the first one. My biggest gripe with all of the films, though, is how much of the books they leave out. I understand that you can't get everything in a film that you can get in a novel, there's a lot of scenes that are important in the books but would just be dead screen time in a film. I think at times both Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson lack diversity. I know that Christian is meant to be this pensive, too tough for anybody, never lets anyone get close kind of man, but there are times where that doesn't come across. I love Jamie, I think he's great, I don't think anyone could've played Christian better, but I think that there are times in the film where it's obvious that the story wasn't as important as the sex. Or at least that's how it comes across. I find Dakota to be a very believable Ana, I think that she's who I would envision and I not seen the movies, but the scene where Christian is missing and he comes back and she's crying? She's not actually crying, it's obvious and it just feels forced.

Lastly, the strongest part of this film is the music, without a doubt. Actually, the strongest part of any of these films is the music. The soundtracks are so incredibly picked and each song fits exactly what's happening. Plus, there are a few that just really stuck with me and I listen to them pretty regularly.

Overall, it's strong, but not the greatest. Definitely a guilty pleasure though.