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Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated I Am a Killer in TV

Apr 8, 2021  
I Am a Killer
I Am a Killer
2018 | Crime, Documentary
7.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Although the first season of this series is from August 2018, I came to it most recently when season 2 was advertised and released just 3 weeks ago. It is an interesting concept that sometimes works well and sometimes doesn’t. Basically, it is a talking heads documentary where inmates on death row get an opportunity to restate their standpoint of their case and what led them to a death sentence. Quite often that standpoint is either maintaining innocence completely or partially, or admitting full culpability with some caveat based on mitigating circumstances they feel were never fully explored. It covers such a varied range of personalities and detail that the main point of interest for me was how little each death row inmate had in common, except a past of deprivation and a series of smaller crimes that led to the big one – either committed by them or upon them as the victim.

Stories of drug abuse, sexual and physical abuse from parents, role models and influencing figures seems so common that almost all of the 20 inmates interviewed so far can pin some of the blame on their childhood in some way. But our sympathy also ranges from zero to quite a lot as each tale is told, depending on the personality we are now seeing. In many cases there is no contrition, only more blame or excuses and self pity. In some cases there is a lot of regret and sorrow. And in one or two cases, a definite sense of a massive injustice. In the main however, it is all just so sad – how easily lives were taken or ruined by a moment of impulsive behaviour. There is a lot to find of use in studying the criminal mind in this show, but on the whole I found it very depressing and hard going. Maybe one at a time and not a binge on this one!
Perfect Genesis: Adolescence
Perfect Genesis: Adolescence
Darla Hogan | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a book of many levels and many emotions. Superficially it is a far-future science fiction book where societies have been engineered by some planet-spanning intelligence to create stable and sustainable places for humans to live. Under this runs a strong current of philosophy and meta physics about exactly what this means for the individuals involved - and the news isn't good.

The plot follows Leonardo Khalid, a genetically engineered genius who has dedicated his life to improving life for mankind. However when he is taken critically ill he agrees to undergo a procedure to scan and record is brain. He is warned that during the process he will appear to inhabit a very real and long lasting dream as his brain is stimulated.

The dream is extremely vivid - so much so that we don't see it just from Leonardo's point of view. So is it a dream? Or a very real future world that he has somehow been projected into? Leonardo certainly believes he is in a dream, but does that condone some of his more morally questionable actions?

There are plenty of questions raised by this book. As Hogan says in a brief introduction, this book is supposed to stay with the reader long after they have read it, and it will certainly do that. At times it is an uncomfortable read - the dream societies place little value on human life and women in particular are treated very badly. Death, violence and sexual exploitation are daily hazards for the members of the societies described, but these are engineered places, not designed to benefit the individual human but to ensure the longevity of the society itself. They have been created with cold and clinical efficiency with no regard for the individual members of the citizenry.

This is a huge dichotomy and the heart of the book. The story itself - Leonardo exploring the land of his dream and overcoming the various obstacles that hinder him and his companions - skates along the top at a good pace, fizzing between plot points and twists, summoning the reader on to read just one more page. But underneath the dark heart will be throwing up awkward questions.

Exploitation of all sorts abounds, particularly sexual exploitation (not all of it men exploiting women). These sections can be an uncomfortable read but they are supposed to be - the questions around power and the abuse of power are valid and the reader is not supposed to be entirely sympathetic with any of the characters or their actions - even Leornardo. The civilisations are frequently brutal, either because of a dangerous environment or a ruthless ruler. People get hurt, people get abused, people die (sometimes horribly) but always the society lives on.

Read this book if you want to have a fantastic story exploring different places but at the same time have something to think about. By the end you will have seen what can happen if the concept of an ideal society is pursued to its limits. And it's not a utopia.

And yes this book will stay with me for a while. Definitely one of the best reads of 2014. Thoroughly recommended.

Rating: Sexual scenes, sexual violence and some torture.