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Distrust ( The Hallowed Crows MC book 1)
Distrust ( The Hallowed Crows MC book 1)
G.N Wright | 2022
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
160 of 230
Distrust ( The Hallowed Crows MC book 1)
By G.N Wright

Dark. Depraved. Deadly.

That was the warning that everyone was given about The Hallowed Crows MC. That they were harsh, brutal, and completely unforgiving. And here I am, utterly at their mercy. Again.

My dad is dead and now the only people I have left are the boys who ripped out my heart. They loved me, then rejected me. Protected me, then abandoned me. Now they want to control me more than ever before. I thought I’d escaped the black mark placed on my soul, but I was wrong. They might think they own me, but someone else has already claimed me. I’m back, but I wasn’t given much of a choice. It was his cage or their club… Better the devil you know right?

But I’m not the same lost little girl they toyed with two years ago. I won’t go down without a fight. Not this time.

I’m a Crow and it’s time to call murder.

This was an ok wtf have I started! The author says at the beginning it got a hard and it’s spiced as hell. She was lying you are smacked in the face with it all the way through the book. A few time I actually thought I was going to DNF but the bugger kept reeling me back in. The start and a few bits were Jumpy but other that that it was good. Definitely don’t read if you have triggers for sexual abuse.
My Dark Vanessa
My Dark Vanessa
Kate Elizabeth Russell | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I started reading My Dark Vanessa, I questioned why I had chosen to read it. It’s a subject that I’d usually not even attempt to read as I find it too upsetting, but I’d heard such good things about it, and I was curious. And boy am I glad I read it. It’s an uncomfortable read though.

An insecure, lonely 15 year old is groomed by her much older teacher, Jacob Strane, and she is led to believe that it’s all on her own terms. She is in control. There are parts of this book that really distressed me, and I had to put the book down. However, I really felt for the main character, Vanessa. Even as a 35 year old woman, her life is still dictated by her relationship with Strane. These scenes where she is older, in a boring job, living in a tiny apartment and drinking too much, really made me see how Strane had ruined her life. She refuses to see it, however. Even when she is seeing a counsellor about the death of her father, she still sees no link between her feelings for Strane and how he affected her life before the death of her father. And when former female students blow the whistle on his abuse, Vanessa refuses to get involved. Strane tells her they’re lying, that they’re fantasists - and she believes him. He continues to control her for years after their sexual relationship ends.

I think the way that the narrative swapped between present day and the past, showing us how the ‘relationship’ developed, made it all the more stark. Everyone, including the reader, can see the abuse. Everyone except Vanessa. I don’t know what the laws about the age of consent are like in the USA, but I’m pretty certain that if he’d been found out in the UK, he would never have taught again. But of course I could be wrong.

For me, the end was a relief. I was glad I’d made it through - it was traumatic for me as a reader.

I’ve given this 5 stars, but I wouldn’t qualify this 5/5 with an “I loved it!” like I often do with my top marked books. I do think that this is an important book though, and to be perfectly honest, it’s beautifully written.

Many thanks to HarperCollins 4th Estate and NetGalley for my copy of this book to read and review.
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Roxane Gay | 2018 | Gender Studies, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an important book.
This is such an important book. Most of the contributions are from women who have experienced sexual assault, but there are contributions from men, and trans women as well. Some are terrible, life changing stories, some are stories of numerous occurrences that chip away at the writers self confidence and feelings of safety. Actually, the upshot is that a vast majority of women do not feel safe anymore.
As I began reading this, I thought that I was one of the lucky that had never experienced any of these things, but as I read on, I realised that I actually had. I think that the cat-calling, touching and looks are something that we don't so much expect as that we are just used to them. The fact that in my younger years I was very outspoken and told someone who touched me to keep their hands to themselves, or told a commenter to keep their mouths shut, probably meant that I was more lucky than effective when they backed down or apologised. And I also think that British culture was very different 20 years ago, as was I.
What saddens me, is that the people who should really read this probably won't. And if they do, they'll probably brush it off as women who exaggerate or are out to attack men, are men haters. But these are all genuine experiences. This isn't fiction. It's heart breaking, raw and something that shouldn't have any place in our modern world. I've never understood the need of some people to control, manipulate and hurt others, but I think I'm probably naive. Or hopeful, perhaps. Somehow, we need to stop this cycle of abuse and hurt, and until then, stories like this will continue.
I was a big fan of Shanti Hershenson's other poetry book You Won't Know Her Name. Even though the subject matter was heavy, the poems were written extremely well. When I saw that Hershenson had published a companion poetry book titled I Know Her Name, I knew it was something I had to read. Shanti Hershenson, again, blew me away with how talented she is with her poetry.

While I Know Her Name isn't as dark or as heavy as its first book, You Won't Know Her Name, there were still some heavy themes throughout. Hershenson admits in this book that the nameless girl in You Won't Know Her Name was actually her (which I already suspected when I read the first book) and that all the poems in You Won't Know Her Name and I Know Her Name were written about what was happening and what had happened in regards to the bullying and sexual assault done at the hands of a "friend" while she was in junior high and her school's lack of caring. While I Know Her Name isn't a very long book, it still packs a big punch. The poetry is still amazingly written, and to know that they were written by such a young girl makes it even more so.

I Know Her Name is an emotional read, and my heart really went out to Shanti Hershenson whilst reading this. Her hurt, anger, sadness, frustrations, and all over emotions are easily conveyed with each poem. It broke my heart that she (and many other children) have to face bullying and abuse while the school does nothing about it. I felt like I was right beside Hershenson as she further tells her story through poetry although I felt helpless since I could only read the words and not physically do anything.

Trigger warnings for I Know Her Name include mentions of sexual assault (but not in detail), some profanity (but not much), bullying, depression, mentions of suicide and telling someone to kill themself, and violence.

All in all, I Know Her Name is such an emotional read written by a very talented teenager. It will definitely hit you with many feels and leave you angry at how the school failed this girl. Although this book can be read as a standalone, I would still read You Won't Know Her Name first just for more background and because it's so good. I would most definitely recommend I Know Her Name by Shanti Hershenson to those aged 14+ who are being bullied, have been bullied, or are the bullies themselves. This is a poetry book that won't disappoint.
You Must Not Miss
You Must Not Miss
Katrina Leno | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters, development, life lssues delt with (0 more)
Near (0 more)
LBYRpartners and The Novl gave me this arc in exchange for an honest review what follows is my thoughts and opinions

"Everybody has a reason to want to change their lives" -Magpie Lewis

Magpie has some of the best. We love stories of broken people and Magpie is a dark, hurt, twisted broken at the core person. After finding her father sleeping with her aunt, her drunk mother who can't even fend for her own well being and especially not Magpie's, her sister has moved away to college changed her number and never looked back, and losing her best friend you feel bad for Magpie very, very sad for her. Like any other teenager dealing with a host of big issues Magpie is dying to escape and one day she does, creating a world she controls. As the story continues you realize maybe you shouldn't have felt as bad for her as you originally had. Magpie starts to deal with her issues by shoving them into this new world and destroying them. She begins to do all the terrible and twisted things that have been done to her, much like a typical teenager may act out. This novel kept me interested and reading. Although, I felt a little bizarre about the new world it made sense that's how she chose to control things that were otherwise uncontrollable. I love how the novel ended feeling complete and tied up. I liked Magpie as a character and her new group of outcast friends after the terrible incident that lead her to lose her best friend. I was blown away by the topics covered in this novel and the way they were talked about from transgendered characters to sexual abuse were elegantly addressed. I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves a little sci-fi and contemporary mashups while dealing with grand scale issues.
Servant: The Acceptance (Servant, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second of the series and much better than the first though I can't bring myself to give it a higher rate. The book is filled with repetitive themes such as Gaby's inner dialogue and thoughts as well as her interaction with Luther.

What I like about this book is the character development that is extended past the last chapter of the <i>Servant: The Awakening</i>. Though Mort barely makes a few appearances in this novel, it is clear that he is a completely different person. We also see Gaby and Luther change in their behavior with each other. Some of the dialogue can get old and predictable, but I still loved the couple and wanted them to get together. Since the beginning, Foster has teased us with the sexual tension between the two but in this novel, she gives a little scene that keeps the weary holding out for when they finally will get together. It's short, it's spicy yet predictable, and it keeps you frustrated.

What I don't like is that there was a sheer drop off of paranormalcy from the first novel. In the first novel, we are given grotesque images of twisted evil beings. <i>The Awakening</i> didn't touch on that. Instead, we get a psychotic woman trying to be a boy, her deranged uncle and aunt who take pleasure in torture people, and men who like to abuse prostitutes. Honestly, I would have kept the twisted beings that morph into monsters only Gaby could see to keep with the theme of the first novel. However, Foster did put a lot more about auras, which I greatly enjoyed. I also loved how she gave another character besides Gaby any form of superhuman abilities.

Again, not a great book and not one to take as a series fantasy novel, but I liked it all the same and I will be reading the next in the series which is also the last.